public async Task <ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel> > RegisterAsync(
            [FromBody] RegisterCredentialsApiModel registerCredentials)
            // TODO: Localize all strings
            // The message when we fail to login
            var invalidErrorMessage    = "Prosze wypełnić wszystkie pola do zarejestrowania się";
            var invalidConfirmPassword = "******";
            // The error response for a failed login

            var errorResponse = new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                // Set error message
                ErrorMessage = invalidErrorMessage

            var errorResponse2 = new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                // Set error message
                ErrorMessage = invalidConfirmPassword

            // If we have no credentials...
            if (registerCredentials == null)
                // Return failed response

            // Make sure we have a user name
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registerCredentials.Username) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registerCredentials.FirstName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registerCredentials.LastName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registerCredentials.Password) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registerCredentials.Email))
                // Return error message to user

            if (registerCredentials.Password != registerCredentials.ConfirmPassword)
            SendMail(registerCredentials.Email, registerCredentials.FirstName);
            // Create the desired user from the given details
            var user = new ApplicationUser
                UserName  = registerCredentials.Username,
                FirstName = registerCredentials.FirstName,
                LastName  = registerCredentials.LastName,
                Email     = registerCredentials.Email

            // Try and create a user
            var result = await mUserManager.CreateAsync(user, registerCredentials.Password);

            //var userRoles = await mUserManager.GetRolesAsync(user);

            // If the registration was successful...
            if (result.Succeeded)
                // Get the user details
                var userIdentity = await mUserManager.FindByNameAsync(user.UserName);

                await mUserManager.AddToRoleAsync(userIdentity, "User");

                // Send email verification
                //await SendUserEmailVerificationAsync(user);
                var roles = await mUserManager.GetRolesAsync(user);

                string role = "";
                foreach (var r in roles)
                    role = r;
                // Return valid response containing all users details

                return(new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                    Response = new RegisterResultApiModel
                        Id = userIdentity.Id,
                        FirstName = userIdentity.FirstName,
                        LastName = userIdentity.LastName,
                        Email = userIdentity.Email,
                        Username = userIdentity.UserName,
                        Token = userIdentity.GenerateJwtToken(role),
            // Otherwise if it failed...
            {   // Return the failed response
                return(new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                    // Aggregate all errors into a single error string
                    ErrorMessage = result.Errors.AggregateErrors()
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel> > RegisterAsync([FromBody] RegisterCredentialsApiModel registerCredentials)
            // TODO: Localize all strings
            // The message when we fail to login
            var invalidErrorMessage = "Please provide all required details to register for an account";

            // The error response for a failed login
            var errorResponse = new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                // Set error message
                ErrorMessage = invalidErrorMessage

            // If we have no credentials...
            if (registerCredentials == null)
                // Return failed response

            // Make sure we have a user name
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registerCredentials.Username))
                // Return error message to user

            // Create the desired user from the given details
            var user = new ApplicationUser
                UserName  = registerCredentials.Username,
                FirstName = registerCredentials.FirstName,
                LastName  = registerCredentials.LastName,
                Email     = registerCredentials.Email

            // Try and create a user
            var result = await mUserManager.CreateAsync(user, registerCredentials.Password);

            // If the registration was successful...
            if (result.Succeeded)
                // Get the user details
                var userIdentity = await mUserManager.FindByNameAsync(user.UserName);

                // Send email verification
                await SendUserEmailVerificationAsync(user);

                // Return valid response containing all users details
                return(new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                    Response = new RegisterResultApiModel
                        FirstName = userIdentity.FirstName,
                        LastName = userIdentity.LastName,
                        Email = userIdentity.Email,
                        Username = userIdentity.UserName,
                        Token = userIdentity.GenerateJwtToken()
            // Otherwise if it failed...
                // Return the failed response
                return new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                           // Aggregate all errors into a single error string
                           ErrorMessage = result.Errors.AggregateErrors()
        public async Task <ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel> > PersonalDataAsync(
            [FromBody] RegisterCredentialsApiModel registerCredentials)
            // TODO: Localize all strings
            // The message when we fail to login
            var invalidErrorMessage = "Prosze wypełnić wszystkie pola do zarejestrowania się";
            // The error response for a failed login
            var errorResponse = new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                // Set error message
                ErrorMessage = invalidErrorMessage

            var exist = await mUserManager.FindByEmailAsync(registerCredentials.Email);

            if (exist != null)
                exist.LastName  = registerCredentials.LastName;
                exist.FirstName = registerCredentials.FirstName;
                await mUserManager.UpdateAsync(exist);

                return(new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                    ErrorMessage = "Sukces"
                // If we have no credentials...
                if (registerCredentials == null)
                    // Return failed response

                // Make sure we have a user name
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registerCredentials.FirstName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registerCredentials.LastName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registerCredentials.Email))
                    // Return error message to user

                // Create the desired user from the given details
                var user = new ApplicationUser
                    FirstName = registerCredentials.FirstName,
                    LastName  = registerCredentials.LastName,
                    Email     = registerCredentials.Email
                user.UserName = user.Id;
                // Try and create a user
                var result = await mUserManager.CreateAsync(user, "Password");

                // If the registration was successful...
                if (result.Succeeded)
                    // Get the user details
                    var userIdentity = await mUserManager.FindByNameAsync(user.UserName);

                    // Send email verification
                    //await SendUserEmailVerificationAsync(user);

                    // Return valid response containing all users details
                    return(new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                        ErrorMessage = "Sukces"
                // Otherwise if it failed...
                    // Return the failed response
                    return new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                               // Aggregate all errors into a single error string
                               ErrorMessage = result.Errors.AggregateErrors()
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <ActionResult <ApiResponse <RegisterCredentialsResultApiModel> > > Register([FromBody] RegisterCredentialsApiModel userCredentials)
            var user = new ApplicationUser
                Email    = userCredentials?.Email,
                UserName = userCredentials.Email

            var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, userCredentials.Password);

            if (result.Succeeded)
                // Get the user details
                var userIdentity = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(user.Email);

                // Send verification code
                var emailVerificationCode = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

                var confirmationUrl = $"http://{Request.Host.Value}/api/verify/email/?userId={HttpUtility.UrlEncode(userIdentity.Id)}&emailToken={HttpUtility.UrlEncode(emailVerificationCode)}";

                // Send email

                // Read token parameters from the configuration file
                var jwtParameters = new JwtParameters
                    SecretKey = _configuration["Jwt:Key"],
                    Audience  = _configuration["Jwt:Audience"],
                    Issuer    = _configuration["Jwt:Issuer"]

                return(Ok(new ApiResponse <RegisterCredentialsResultApiModel>
                    Response = new RegisterCredentialsResultApiModel
                        FirstName = userIdentity.FirstName,
                        LastName = userIdentity.LastName,
                        Email = userIdentity.Email,
                        Token = userIdentity.GenerateJwtToken(jwtParameters)
                return(BadRequest(new ApiResponse <RegisterCredentialsResultApiModel>
                    Errors = result.Errors.ParseErrors()
        public async Task <ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel> > RegisterAsync([FromBody] RegisterCredentialsApiModel registerCredentials)
            var errorResponse = new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                ErrorMessage = UserMessages.UserNotFound
            //TODO: Allow registration of username only

            var userId = GenerateNewGuid();
            // Create the desired user from the given details
            var user = new ApplicationUser
                UserName    = registerCredentials.Username,
                Email       = registerCredentials.Email,
                PhoneNumber = registerCredentials.PhoneNumber,
                Employee    = new Employee
                    Id         = userId,
                    Gender     = (Gender)registerCredentials.Gender,
                    FirstName  = registerCredentials.FirstName,
                    LastName   = registerCredentials.LastName,
                    CreatedBy  = userId,
                    ModifiedBy = userId,

            //Check if email is unique
            var isNotUnique = await mContext.Users.Where(x => x.NormalizedEmail == registerCredentials.Email.NormalizedUpper()).Select(x => true).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

            if (isNotUnique)
                errorResponse.ErrorMessage = UserMessages.EmailHasBeenTakenAlready;

            using var transaction = await mContext.Database.BeginTransactionAsync();

                // Try and create a user
                var result = await mUserManager.CreateAsync(user, registerCredentials.Password);

                // If the registration was successful...
                if (result.Succeeded)
                    // Get the user details
                    var userIdentity = await mUserManager.Users.Include(x => x.Employee).Select(x => x).FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.UserName == registerCredentials.Username);

                    //Add Employee Role to the user
                    await mUserManager.AddToRoleAsync(userIdentity, AspNetRolesDefaults.Employee);

                    //Send email verification
                    //await SendUserEmailVerificationAsync(userIdentity);

                    //Commit the whole transaction
                    await transaction.CommitAsync();

                    // Return valid response containing necessary users details
                    return(new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                        Response = new RegisterResultApiModel
                            FirstName = userIdentity.Employee.FirstName,
                            LastName = userIdentity.Employee.LastName,
                            Token = userIdentity.GenerateJwtToken(),
                // Otherwise if it failed...
                    throw new Exception(result.Errors.AggregateErrors());
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Rollback the whole transaction
                await transaction.RollbackAsync();

                // Return the failed response
                return(new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                    ErrorMessage = ex.Message
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel> > RegisterAsync([FromBody] RegisterCredentialsApiModel registerCredentials)
            // TODO: Localize all strings
            // The message when we fail to login
            var invalidErrorMessage = "Please provide all required details to register for an account";

            // The error response for a failed login
            var errorResponse = new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                // Set error message
                ErrorMessage = invalidErrorMessage

            // If we have no credentials...
            if (registerCredentials == null)
                // Return failed response

            // Make sure we have a user name
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registerCredentials.Username))
                // Return error message to user

            // Create the desired user from the given details
            var user = new ApplicationUser
                UserName  = registerCredentials.Username,
                FirstName = registerCredentials.FirstName,
                LastName  = registerCredentials.LastName,
                Email     = registerCredentials.Email

            // Try and create a user
            var result = await mUserManager.CreateAsync(user, registerCredentials.Password);

            // If the registration was successful...
            if (result.Succeeded)
                // Get the user details
                var userIdentity = await mUserManager.FindByNameAsync(registerCredentials.Username);

                // Generate an email verification code
                var emailVerificationCode = await mUserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

                // TODO: Replace with APIRoutes that will contain the static routes to use
                var confirmationUrl = $"http://{Request.Host.Value}/api/verify/email/{HttpUtility.UrlEncode(userIdentity.Id)}/{HttpUtility.UrlEncode(emailVerificationCode)}";

                // Email the user the verification code
                await FasettoEmailSender.SendUserVerificationEmailAsync(user.UserName, userIdentity.Email, confirmationUrl);

                // Return valid response containing all users details
                return(new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                    Response = new RegisterResultApiModel
                        FirstName = userIdentity.FirstName,
                        LastName = userIdentity.LastName,
                        Email = userIdentity.Email,
                        Username = userIdentity.UserName,
                        Token = userIdentity.GenerateJwtToken()
            // Otherwise if it failed...
                // Return the failed response
                return new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                           // Aggregate all errors into a single error string
                           ErrorMessage = result.Errors?.ToList()
                                          .Select(f => f.Description)
                                          .Aggregate((a, b) => $"{a}{Environment.NewLine}{b}")
Beispiel #7
        public async Task <ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel> > RegisterAsync([FromBody] RegisterCredentialsApiModel registerCredentials)
            var invalidErrorMessage = "Please provide all required details to register for an account";

            var errorResponse = new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                ErrorMessage = invalidErrorMessage

            if (registerCredentials == null)

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registerCredentials.Username))

            var user = new ApplicationUser
                UserName  = registerCredentials.Username,
                FirstName = registerCredentials.FirstName,
                LastName  = registerCredentials.LastName,
                Email     = registerCredentials.Email

            // Try and create a user
            var result = await mUserManager.CreateAsync(user, registerCredentials.Password);

            if (result.Succeeded)
                var userIdentity = await mUserManager.FindByNameAsync(registerCredentials.Username);

                var emailVerificationCode = await mUserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

                var confirmationUrl = $"http://{Request.Host.Value}/api/verify/email/{HttpUtility.UrlEncode(userIdentity.Id)}/{HttpUtility.UrlEncode(emailVerificationCode)}";

                await MessengerEmailSender.SendUserVerificationEmailAsync(user.UserName, userIdentity.Email, confirmationUrl);

                return(new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                    Response = new RegisterResultApiModel
                        FirstName = userIdentity.FirstName,
                        LastName = userIdentity.LastName,
                        Email = userIdentity.Email,
                        Username = userIdentity.UserName,
                        Token = userIdentity.GenerateJwtToken()
                return new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                           ErrorMessage = result.Errors?.ToList()
                                          .Select(f => f.Description)
                                          .Aggregate((a, b) => $"{a}{Environment.NewLine}{b}")
Beispiel #8
        public async Task <ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel> > RegisterAsync([FromBody] RegisterCredentialsApiModel registerCredentials)
            // TODO: Localize all strings
            // The message when we failed to login
            var invalidErrorMessage = "Please provide all required details to register for an account";

            // The error response for a failed login
            var errorResponse = new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                // Set error message
                ErrorMessage = invalidErrorMessage,

            // Make sure we have a register credentials
            if (registerCredentials == null)
                // Return error message to user

            // Make sure we have a user name
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registerCredentials.Username))
                // Return error message to user

            // Create the desired user from the given details
            var user = new ApplicationUser
                UserName  = registerCredentials?.Username,
                FirstName = registerCredentials?.FirstName,
                LastName  = registerCredentials?.LastName,
                Email     = registerCredentials?.Email,

            // Try and create a user
            var result = await mUserManager.CreateAsync(user, registerCredentials.Password);

            // If the registration was successful...
            if (result.Succeeded)
                // Get the user details
                var userIdentity = await mUserManager.FindByNameAsync(registerCredentials.Username);

                // Generate an email verification code
                var emailVerificationCode = await mUserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

                // TODO: Email the user the verfication code

                // Returns valid response containing all users details
                return(new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                    Response = new RegisterResultApiModel
                        FirstName = userIdentity.FirstName,
                        LastName = userIdentity.LastName,
                        Email = userIdentity.Email,
                        Username = userIdentity.UserName,
                        Token = userIdentity.GenerateJwtToken(),
            // Otherwise if it failed...
                // Return the failed response
                return new ApiResponse <RegisterResultApiModel>
                           // Aggregate all errors into a single error string
                           ErrorMessage = result.Errors?.ToList()
                                          .Select(f => f.Description)
                                          .Aggregate((a, b) => $"{a}{Environment.NewLine}{b}"),