Beispiel #1
    // V 1.0.0
    public List <HisRegistrationData> get_HisNwRegistration(string academic_year, string semester, string nation_id, string passport_id, string degree_char)
        string                     tableName = getHisRegistrationTable(degree_char);
        RegisType_Variable         reg_type  = new RegisType_Variable();
        List <HisRegistrationData> HisData   = new List <HisRegistrationData>();

        ConnectDB     db        = new ConnectDB();
        SqlDataSource oracleObj = db.ConnectionOracle();

        // oracleObj.SelectCommand = "Select * From " + tableName + " Where ACADEMIC_YEAR='" + academic_year + "' And SEMESTER='" + semester + "' And  NATION_ID='" + nation_id + "' And PASSPORT_ID='" + nation_id + "' And REG_TYPE='" + reg_type.New_StudentRegistration + "' ";

        oracleObj.SelectCommand = "Select * From " + tableName + " Where ACADEMIC_YEAR='" + academic_year + "' And SEMESTER='" + semester + "' And  NATION_ID='" + nation_id + "' And PASSPORT_ID='" + passport_id + "' And REG_TYPE='" + reg_type.New_StudentRegistration + "'";

        DataView allData = (DataView)oracleObj.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty);

        foreach (DataRowView rowData in allData)
            HisRegistrationData his_data = new HisRegistrationData();
            his_data.date_time     = rowData["DATE_TIME"].ToString();
            his_data.academic_year = rowData["ACADEMIC_YEAR"].ToString();
            his_data.semester      = rowData["SEMESTER"].ToString();
            his_data.student_id    = rowData["STUDENT_ID"].ToString();
            his_data.nation_id     = rowData["NATION_ID"].ToString();
            his_data.passport_id   = rowData["PASSPORT_ID"].ToString();
            his_data.reg_type      = rowData["REG_TYPE"].ToString();
            his_data.course_code   = rowData["COURSE_CODE"].ToString();
            his_data.course_type   = rowData["COURSE_TYPE"].ToString();
            his_data.sec           = Convert.ToInt16(rowData["SEC"].ToString());
            his_data.subsec        = Convert.ToInt16(rowData["SUBSEC"].ToString());
          = Convert.ToInt16(rowData["CREDIT"].ToString());
            his_data.fee           = Convert.ToInt16(rowData["FEE"].ToString());
            his_data.payment_id    = rowData["PAYMENT_ID"].ToString();

Beispiel #2
    // V 1.0.0
    public string update_HisRegistrationStudentID(string academic_year, string semester, string nation_id, string passport_id, string student_id, string degree_char)
        string             TableName = getHisRegistrationTable(degree_char);
        string             response  = "";
        RegisType_Variable reg_type  = new RegisType_Variable();
        ConnectDB          db        = new ConnectDB();
        SqlDataSource      oracleObj = db.ConnectionOracle();

        oracleObj.UpdateCommand = "Update " + TableName + " SET STUDENT_ID='" + student_id + "' Where ACADEMIC_YEAR='" + academic_year + "' And SEMESTER='" + semester + "' And NATION_ID='" + nation_id + "' And PASSPORT_ID='" + passport_id + "' And REG_TYPE='" + reg_type.New_StudentRegistration + "' AND STUDENT_ID IS NULL";

            if (oracleObj.Update() == 1)
                response = "OK";
        catch (Exception e)
            response = e.Message.ToString();
