private void LogTelemetryData(string region, RegionSource regionSource, RequestContext requestContext)
            requestContext.ApiEvent.RegionDiscovered = region;

            if (requestContext.ApiEvent.RegionSource == 0)
                requestContext.ApiEvent.RegionSource = (int)regionSource;
Beispiel #2
        private void LogTelemetryData(string region, RegionSource regionSource, RequestContext requestContext)
            requestContext.ApiEvent.RegionDiscovered = region;

            if (requestContext.ApiEvent.RegionSource == (int)RegionSource.None)
                requestContext.ApiEvent.RegionSource = (int)regionSource;

            requestContext.ApiEvent.UserProvidedRegion = requestContext.ServiceBundle.Config.AuthorityInfo.RegionToUse;
Beispiel #3
        private static bool TryLoad(
            string name,
            string profileLocation,
            ref RegionEndpoint region,
            ref RegionSource source)
            if (SettingsStore.TryGetProfile(name, profileLocation, out var profile) && profile.Region != null)
                region = profile.Region;
                source = RegionSource.Saved;

        /// <summary>
        /// Translates enum into a friendlier 'from xxx' display string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static string FormatRegionSourceForDisplay(RegionSource source)
            switch (source)
            case RegionSource.RegionObject:
                return("supplied region object");

            case RegionSource.Saved:
                return("stored region");

            case RegionSource.Session:
                return("shell variable $" + SessionKeys.AWSRegionVariableName);

            case RegionSource.String:
                return("region parameter");

            // fallback
            return(Enum.GetName(typeof(RegionSource), source));
Beispiel #5
        public static bool TryGetRegion(
            this IAWSRegionArguments self,
            bool useInstanceMetadata,
            out RegionEndpoint region,
            out RegionSource source,
            SessionState sessionState)
            if (self == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("self");

            region = null;
            source = RegionSource.Unknown;

            // user gave a command-level region parameter override?
            if (self.Region != null)
                var regionSysName = string.Empty;
                if (self.Region is PSObject)
                    var paramObject = self.Region as PSObject;
                    if (paramObject.BaseObject is AWSRegion)
                        regionSysName = (paramObject.BaseObject as AWSRegion).Region.SystemName;
                        regionSysName = paramObject.BaseObject as string;
                else if (self.Region is string)
                    regionSysName = self.Region as string;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(regionSysName))
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                              "Unsupported parameter type; Region must be a string containing the system name for a region, or an AWSRegion instance");

                    region = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(regionSysName);
                    source = RegionSource.String;
                catch (Exception)
                    // be nice and informative :-)
                    var sb      = new StringBuilder("Unsupported Region value. Supported values: ");
                    var regions = RegionEndpoint.EnumerableAllRegions;
                    for (var i = 0; i < regions.Count(); i++)
                        if (i > 0)

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(sb.ToString());

            // user pushed default shell variable? (this allows override of machine-wide environment setting)
            if (region == null && sessionState != null)
                var variableValue = sessionState.PSVariable.GetValue(SessionKeys.AWSRegionVariableName);
                if (variableValue is string)
                    region = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(variableValue as string);
                    source = RegionSource.Session;

            // region set in profile store (including legacy key name)?
            if (region == null)
                if (!TryLoad(SettingsStore.PSDefaultSettingName, self.ProfileLocation, ref region, ref source))
                    TryLoad(SettingsStore.PSLegacyDefaultSettingName, self.ProfileLocation, ref region, ref source);

            // region set in environment variables?
            if (region == null)
                    var environmentRegion = new EnvironmentVariableAWSRegion();
                    region = environmentRegion.Region;
                    source = RegionSource.Environment;

            // last chance, attempt load from EC2 instance metadata if allowed
            if (region == null && useInstanceMetadata)
                    region = EC2InstanceMetadata.Region;
                    if (region != null)
                        source = RegionSource.InstanceMetadata;

            return(region != null && source != RegionSource.Unknown);
 /// <summary>
 /// Emit a diagnostic message indicating where the credentials we are about to use
 /// originated from.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="regionSource"></param>
 /// <param name="regionValue"></param>
 protected void WriteRegionSourceDiagnostic(RegionSource regionSource, string regionValue = null)
     WriteRegionSourceDiagnostic(FormatRegionSourceForDisplay(regionSource), regionValue);
Beispiel #7
 public RegionInfo(string region, RegionSource regionSource)
     Region       = region;
     RegionSource = regionSource;