Beispiel #1
        public void RegexIsValid_WithValidRegex_ReturnsTrue()
            const string input     = @"\d+";
            var          converter = new RegexConverter();

 /// <summary>
 /// Extracts season and episode number by using some regexes from config file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ie">Candidate which should be processed</param>
 public static void ExtractSeasonAndEpisode(MediaFile ie)
     string[] patterns = Helper.ReadProperties(AppProperties.EPISODE_IDENTIFIER_PATTERNS_KEY);
     for (int i = 0; i < patterns.Length; i++)
         patterns[i] = RegexConverter.toRegex(patterns[i]);
     ExtractSeasonAndEpisode(ie, patterns);
Beispiel #3
        private string GetXml(Regex reg)
            var     rc      = new RegexConverter(reg);
            XmlMode xmlMode = cbWithSchema.Checked
                                  ? XmlMode.XmlWithEmbeddedSchema
                                  : XmlMode.XmlOnly;

        public void ConvertFrom()
            RegexConverter rc    = new RegexConverter();
            object         regex = rc.ConvertFrom("[a-z]");

            Assert.IsTrue(regex is Regex);
Beispiel #5
 static Converters()
     IPAddress = new IPAddressConverter ();
     Regex = new RegexConverter ();
     ZeroOneBoolean = new ZeroOneBooleanConverter ();
     TextualZeroOneBoolean = new ZeroOneBooleanConverter (true);
     Uri = new UriConverter ();
     Version = new VersionConverter ();
     XmlNode = new XmlNodeConverter ();
Beispiel #6
        public void ConvertRegex_WithRegularExpressionInput_ParsesRegex()
            var          expected = new Regex(@"\d+").ToString();
            const string input    = @"\d+";

            var converter = new RegexConverter();
            var actual    = converter.ConvertFromInvariantString(input).ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Beispiel #7
        public void WriteJsonNull()
            StringWriter   sw         = new StringWriter();
            JsonTextWriter jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(sw);

            RegexConverter converter = new RegexConverter();

            converter.WriteJson(jsonWriter, null, null);

            StringAssert.AreEqual(@"null", sw.ToString());
Beispiel #8
 static Converters()
     IPAddress             = new IPAddressConverter();
     Regex                 = new RegexConverter();
     TextualZeroOneBoolean = new ZeroOneBooleanConverter(true);
     Type           = new ReflectedTypeConverter();
     Uri            = new UriConverter();
     Version        = new VersionConverter();
     XmlNode        = new XmlNodeConverter();
     ZeroOneBoolean = new ZeroOneBooleanConverter();
Beispiel #9
        public static void ConvertWithRegex()
            var converter = new RegexConverter();
            var rx        = (Regex)converter.ConvertFromInvariantString("th.s");
            var match     = rx.Match("send this home");

            Console.WriteLine("Matched regex case sensitive: {0}", match.Value);
            match = rx.Match("send thus home");
            Console.WriteLine("Matched regex case sensitive: {0}", match.Value);
            match = rx.Match("SEND THIS HOME");
            Console.WriteLine("Matched regex case sensitive: {0}", match.Value);
Beispiel #10
        private void Matches(RegexGrammar g, string regex, string s)
            var converter = new RegexConverter();
            var c         = converter.Convert(g.ParseExpression(regex));

            var runner = PatternCompiler.Default.Compile(new Pattern()
                Data = c
            var result = runner.Run(s);

            Assert.IsTrue(result.IsSuccessful && result.InputPosition >= s.Length, $"PEG from regex {regex} must match {s}. Matched {result.InputPosition} characters. Success: {result.IsSuccessful}");
Beispiel #11
        public void ConvertStringToRegex()
            var rString = ".+";

            var converter = new RegexConverter();

            var result = converter.ConvertFrom(rString);

            var rResult = result as Regex;

            Assert.Equal(rString, rResult.ToString());
Beispiel #12
        public void ConvertRegexToString()
            var rString = ".+";
            var regex   = new Regex(rString);

            var converter = new RegexConverter();

            var result  = converter.ConvertTo(regex, typeof(string));
            var sResult = result as string;

            Assert.Equal(rString, sResult);
Beispiel #13
        private static int GetNumCaptures(string regex, string strData)
            var data = strData.ToCharArray();
            var g    = new RegexGrammar(PatternCompiler.Default);

            var converter = new RegexConverter();
            var c         = converter.Convert(g.ParseExpression(regex));

            var matchPattern = new ZeroOrMore(new PrioritizedChoice(new CaptureGroup(0, c), new Any()));

            var p = new Pattern(null)
                Data = matchPattern

            var runner   = PatternCompiler.Default.Compile(p);
            var captures = new List <Capture>();
            var result   = runner.Run(data, 0, data.Length, captures);

            return(result.IsSuccessful ? captures.Count : -1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts all downloaded archives and moves subtitles to the movie files with proper naming
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i">Index of the temporary directory in which subtitles are stored. Temp Directory PROVIDER_NAME_KEY is "TEMP"+i</param>
        public void ProcessSubtitles(int i)
            string        folder     = Helper.ReadProperty(ConfigKeyConstants.LAST_DIRECTORY_KEY) + "TEMP" + i.ToString();
            List <string> extensions = new List <string>(Helper.ReadProperties(ConfigKeyConstants.SUBTITLE_FILE_EXTENSIONS_KEY, true));

            if (extensions == null)
                Logger.Instance.LogMessage("No Subtitle Extensions found!", LogLevel.WARNING);

            if (Directory.Exists(folder))
                extractArchives(folder, extensions);
                //now that everything is extracted, try to assign subtitles to episodes
                //first, figure out episode and season numbers from filenames

                //scan for subtitle files in temp folder
                List <FileSystemInfo> Files = new List <FileSystemInfo>();
                int count = 0;
                foreach (string ex in extensions)
                    List <FileSystemInfo> fsi = Helper.GetAllFilesRecursively(folder, "*." + ex, ref count, null);
                string[] patterns = Helper.ReadProperties(ConfigKeyConstants.EPISODE_IDENTIFIER_PATTERNS_KEY);
                foreach (FileSystemInfo file in Files)
                    int Season  = -1;
                    int Episode = -1;
                    foreach (string str in patterns)
                        //replace %S and %E by proper regexps
                        string pattern = RegexConverter.toRegex(str);
                        Match  m       = Regex.Match(file.Name, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.RightToLeft);
                        if (m.Success)
                            try {
                                Season = Int32.Parse(m.Groups["Season"].Value);
                            catch (FormatException) {
                                Logger.Instance.LogMessage("Cannot parse " + m.Groups["Season"].Value + " to an integer", LogLevel.WARNING);
                            try {
                                Episode = Int32.Parse(m.Groups["Episode"].Value);
                            catch (FormatException) {
                                Logger.Instance.LogMessage("Cannot parse " + m.Groups["Episode"].Value + " to an integer", LogLevel.WARNING);

                    //now that season and episode are known, assign the configurationFilePath to a SubtitleFile object
                    bool contains = false;
                    foreach (SubtitleFile s in this.subtitles)
                        if (Season != -1 && Episode != -1 && s.Episode == Episode && s.Season == Season)
                            contains = true;
                    if (!contains)
                        SubtitleFile sf = new SubtitleFile();
                        sf.Episode = Episode;
                        sf.Season  = Season;
                int MatchedSubtitles = 0;
                //Move subtitle files to their video files
                foreach (MediaFile ie in MediaFileManager.Instance)
                    List <string> ext = new List <string>(Helper.ReadProperties(ConfigKeyConstants.VIDEO_FILE_EXTENSIONS_KEY));
                    for (int b = 0; b < ext.Count; b++)
                        ext[b] = ext[b].ToLower();
                    if (ext.Contains(Path.GetExtension(ie.Filename).Substring(1).ToLower()) && ie.ProcessingRequested && ie.EpisodeNr != -1 && ie.SeasonNr != -1)
                        foreach (SubtitleFile sf in this.subtitles)
                            if (sf.Season == ie.SeasonNr && sf.Episode == ie.EpisodeNr)
                                bool   move   = false;
                                string source = "";
                                string target = ie.FilePath.Path + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ie.Filename) + Path.GetExtension(sf.Filenames[0]);
                                if (sf.Filenames.Count == 1)
                                    move   = true;
                                    source = folder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + sf.Filenames[0];
                                    FileSelector fs = new FileSelector(sf.Filenames);
                                    if (fs.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                                        move   = true;
                                        source = folder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + sf.Filenames[fs.selection];

                                if (File.Exists(target))
                                    if (MessageBox.Show(target + " already exists. Overwrite?", "Overwrite?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.Yes)
                                        move = false;
                                if (move)
                                    try {
                                        File.Copy(source, target);
                                    catch (Exception ex) {
                                        Logger.Instance.LogMessage(source + " --> " + target + ": " + ex.Message, LogLevel.ERROR);
                Logger.Instance.LogMessage("Downloaded " + Files.Count + " subtitles and matched " + MatchedSubtitles + " of them.", LogLevel.INFO);
                Directory.Delete(folder, true);
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Updatess list view and do lots of other connected stuff with it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="clear">if true, list is cleared first and unconnected subtitle files are scheduled to be renamed</param>
        public static void UpdateList(bool clear, BackgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            MediaFileManager infoManager = MediaFileManager.Instance;

            // Clear list if desired, remove deleted files otherwise
            if (clear)

            // read path from config && remove tailing slashes
            string path = Helper.ReadProperty(AppProperties.LAST_DIRECTORY_KEY);

            path = path.TrimEnd(new char[] { Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar });
            log.Debug("Opening folder " + path);
            bool CreateDirectoryStructure = Helper.ReadBool(AppProperties.CREATE_DIRECTORY_STRUCTURE_KEY);
            bool UseSeasonSubdirs         = Helper.ReadBool(AppProperties.CREATE_SEASON_SUBFOLDERS_KEY);

            if (Directory.Exists(path))
                //scan for new files
                List <string> extensions = new List <string>(Helper.ReadProperties(AppProperties.VIDEO_FILE_EXTENSIONS_KEY));

                //convert all extensions to lowercase
                for (int i = 0; i < extensions.Count; i++)
                    extensions[i] = extensions[i].ToLower();
                //read all files with matching extension
                List <FileSystemInfo> Files = new List <FileSystemInfo>();
                int count = 0;
                foreach (string ex in extensions)
                    Files.AddRange(Helper.getAllFilesRecursively(path, "*." + ex, ref count, worker));

                if (worker.CancellationPending)
                    e.Cancel = true;
                    log.Info("Cancelled opening folder.");

                if (MainForm.Instance.InvokeRequired)
                    MainForm.Instance.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate {
                        MainForm.Instance.lblFileListingProgress.Visible = false;
                        MainForm.Instance.taskProgressBar.Visible        = true;
                    MainForm.Instance.lblFileListingProgress.Visible = false;
                    MainForm.Instance.taskProgressBar.Visible        = true;

                //some declarations already for speed
                string[] patterns = Helper.ReadProperties(AppProperties.EPISODE_IDENTIFIER_PATTERNS_KEY);
                for (int i = 0; i < patterns.Length; i++)
                    patterns[i] = RegexConverter.toRegex(patterns[i]);
                int       DirectorySeason = -1;
                MediaFile ie       = null;
                bool      contains = false;
                DateTime  dt;
                string    currentpath    = "";
                string    MovieIndicator = String.Join("|", Helper.ReadProperties(AppProperties.MOVIE_INDICATOR_STRINGS_KEY));
                //Form1.Instance.taskProgressBar.Maximum = Files.Count;
                for (int f = 0; f < Files.Count; f++)
                    if (worker.CancellationPending)
                        e.Cancel = true;
                        log.Info("Cancelled opening folder.");
                    worker.ReportProgress((int)((double)f / ((double)Files.Count) * 100));
                    FileSystemInfo file = Files[f];
                    //showname and season recognized from path
                    DirectorySeason = -1;
                    //Check if there is already an entry on this file, and if not, create one
                    ie          = null;
                    currentpath = Path.GetDirectoryName(file.FullName);
                    foreach (MediaFile i in MediaFileManager.Instance)
                        if (i.Filename == file.Name && i.FilePath.Path == currentpath)
                            ie = i;

                    if (ie == null)
                        ie = new MediaFile();

                    //test for movie path so we can skip all series recognition code
                    if (Regex.Match(currentpath, MovieIndicator).Success)
                        ie.isMovie = true;
                    //Set basic values, by setting those values destination directory and configurationFilePath will be generated automagically
                    ie.FilePath.Path = currentpath;
                    ie.Filename      = file.Name;
                    ie.Extension     = Path.GetExtension(file.FullName).ToLower().Replace(".", "");

                    if (!ie.isMovie)
                        //Get season number and showname from directory
                        DirectorySeason = ExtractSeasonFromDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(file.FullName));
                        dt = DateTime.Now;

                        //try to recognize season and episode from configurationFilePath
                        ExtractSeasonAndEpisode(ie, patterns);

                        //Need to do this for filenames which only contain episode numbers (But might be moved in a season dirArgument already)
                        //if season number couldn't be extracted, try to get it from folder
                        if (ie.SeasonNr <= 0 && DirectorySeason != -1)
                            ie.SeasonNr = DirectorySeason;

                        //if season recognized from directory name doesn't match season recognized from configurationFilePath, the file might be located in a wrong directory
                        if (DirectorySeason != -1 && ie.SeasonNr != DirectorySeason)
                            log.Warn("File seems to be located inconsistently: " + ie.Filename + " was recognized as season " + ie.SeasonNr + ", but folder name indicates that it should be season " + DirectorySeason.ToString());

                    //if nothing could be recognized, assume that this is a movie
                    if ((ie.SeasonNr < 1 && ie.EpisodeNr < 1) || ie.isMovie)

                    //if not added yet, add it
                    if (!contains)

            //Recreate subtitle names so they can adjust to the video files they belong to
            foreach (MediaFile ie in MediaFileManager.Instance)
                if (ie.IsSubtitle)

            log.Info("Found " + MediaFileManager.Instance.CountMediaFiles + " Files");
            if (Helper.ReadBool(AppProperties.REPORT_MISSING_EPISODES_KEY))
Beispiel #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //    var jitter = new CustomJitter("Regex.dll");
            //    var rg = new RegexGrammar(new PatternCompiler(new Compiler(), new DefaultOptimizer(), jitter));
            //    jitter.Save();

            //    rg.ParseExpression("abc");

            var patternCompiler = new PatternCompiler(new Compiler(), null, new ILJitter());
            var regexGrammar    = new Lazy <RegexGrammar>(() => new RegexGrammar(patternCompiler));
            var converter       = new RegexConverter();
            var helper          = new PegHelper(patternCompiler);

            //CompileAndWritePatternToFile("PegExpression", helper.GetExpressionPattern());

            //var input = "AAA AAAas ntAar ".ToCharArray();
            var input = GenerateInputData(1 << 20);

            //var pattern = new PointerImplementation();
            //var patternStr = "([A-Za-z] 'awyer' [ \t] / [A-Za-z] 'inn' [ \t])";
            //var patternStr = "([A-Za-z] 'x')";
            //var patternStr = "([A-Za-z] 'awyer' [ \t] / [A-Za-z] 'inn' [ \t])";
            //var patternStr = "'Tom' / 'Finn' / 'Sawyer' / 'Huckleberry'";
            //var patternStr = "'Tom' / 'Sawyer' / 'Huckleberry' / 'Finn' ";
            //var patternStr = "[ -z][ -z]([ -z][ -z]('Tom' / 'Sawyer' / 'Huckleberry' / 'Finn') / [ -z]('Tom' / 'Sawyer' / 'Huckleberry' / 'Finn') / ('Tom' / 'Sawyer' / 'Huckleberry' / 'Finn'))";
            //var patternStr = "[ -z][ -z]([ -z][ -z]('T' / 'S') / [ -z]('T' / 'Sawye' / 'Huck') / 'Huckleberry')";
            //var patternStr = "[ -z][ -z]([ -z][ -z]('Tom' / 'Sawyer' / 'Huckleberry' / 'Finn') / [ -z]('Tom' / 'Sawyer' / 'Huckleberry' / 'Finn') / ('Tom' / 'Sawyer' / 'Huckleberry' / 'Finn'))";
            //var patternStr = "[ -z][ -z]([ -z][ -z]('T' / 'S' / 'H') / [ -z]('T' / 'S' / 'H') / ('T' / 'S'))";
            //var patternStr = $"[ -{char.MaxValue}][ -z]([ -z][ -z]('T' / 'S') / [ -z]('T'))";
            //var patternStr = ".. ('T' / 'SS' / 'HHH' / 'FFFF')";
            //var patternStr = "('T' / 'SS' / 'HHH' / 'FFFF')";
            //var patternStr = ".. ('TT' / 'FFF')";
            //var patternStr = "'Twain'";
            //var patternStr = "[a-z] 'shing'";
            //var patternStr = "[a-z]+";
            //var patternStr = "('Huck'[a-zA-Z]+) / ('Saw'[a-zA-Z]+)";
            //var m = $"[{char.MinValue}-uz-{char.MaxValue}]";
            //var patternStr = $"[a-q]{m}{m}{m}{m}{m}{m}{m}{m}{m}{m}{m}{m}{m} 'x'";
            //var pattern = CompileAndWritePatternToFile("SimpleMatch", new Pattern("SimpleMatch") { Data = helper.ParseExpression("[a-z]*") });

            //var p = converter.Convert(regexGrammar.Value.ParseExpression("Twain"));
            //var p = converter.Convert(regexGrammar.Value.ParseExpression("river.{20,50}Tom|Tom.{20,50}river"));
            //var p = converter.Convert(regexGrammar.Value.ParseExpression("river.{10,25}Tom|Tom.{10,25}river"));
            //var a = new Pattern("A");
            //a.Data = new PrioritizedChoice(new Sequence(letters, a), new Empty());
            //var p = new Sequence(letters, a);
            //var p = new Sequence(new PrioritizedChoice('T', 'R'), "om");//Operator.EndingWithGreedy(capitalsAndNonCapitals, CharacterClass.String("ing"));
            //var ws = new Pattern { Data = new ZeroOrMore(new CharacterClass(' ')) };
            //var p1 = new Pattern { Data = new Sequence(ws, CharacterClass.String("abc")) };
            //var p2 = new Pattern { Data = new Sequence(ws, CharacterClass.String("xyz")) };
            //var p = new PrioritizedChoice(p1, p2);
            var p = new ZeroOrMore(new PrioritizedChoice(new CaptureGroup(0, converter.Convert(regexGrammar.Value.ParseExpression("([A-Za-z]awyer|[A-Za-z]inn)\\s"))), new Any()));

            var s2 = new Stopwatch();


            var peg = new Pattern("SimpleMatch")
                Data = p,
                //Data = new ZeroOrMore(new PrioritizedChoice(new CaptureGroup(0, p), new Any()))
            var pattern = CompileAndWritePatternToFile("SimpleMatch", peg);

            Console.WriteLine($"Saved ({s2.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms)");

            var text      = "Tom..Huckleberry  Finn         Tom  Tom  Huck\nFinn,";
            var capts     = new List <Capture>();
            var runResult = pattern.Run(text, capts);

            if (runResult.IsSuccessful && runResult.InputPosition == text.Length)
                Console.WriteLine($"Successful match on '{text}'");

            //for (var n = 0; n < 10; n++)
            //    for (var x = 0; x < 25; x++)
            //    {
            //        //var pegGrammar = new PegGrammar(new ILInterpreterFactory());
            //        //pegGrammar.EnsureExpressionBuilt();

            //        //var expression = pegGrammar.ParseExpression("'th' [a-z]+");
            //        //var compiler = (new ILCompilerFactory()).Create(new Pattern
            //        //{
            //        //    Data = new ZeroOrMore(new PrioritizedChoice(new CaptureGroup(0, expression), new Any()))
            //        //});

            //        Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();
            //        s.Start();
            //        var result = default(RunResult);
            //        var captures = new List<Capture>();

            //        for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            //        {
            //            captures = new List<Capture>();
            //            result = pattern.Run(input, 0, input.Length, captures);
            //            if (!result.IsSuccessful)
            //            {
            //                Console.WriteLine("Match fail");
            //            }
            //        }
            //        s.Stop();
            //        Console.WriteLine($"That took {s.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms ({captures.Count})");
            //    }

Beispiel #17
        private static Regex GetReg(string xml)
            Regex reg = RegexConverter.GetRegex(xml);

        public void ConvertFromNonSupportedOptionBails()
            RegexConverter rc = new RegexConverter();

        public void ConvertFromNullReference()
            RegexConverter rc = new RegexConverter();

Beispiel #20
        private static void BeginRequestHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var pluginHelper     = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance <IPluginHelper>();
            var installedPlugins = pluginHelper.GetInstalledPlugins();

            //find any http handlers registered in modules and check if request is qualified for any handler.)
            foreach (PluginHttpHandler handler in
                     installedPlugins.Where(plugin => plugin.PluginSetting.HttpHandlers != null).SelectMany(
                         plugin => plugin.PluginSetting.HttpHandlers))
                if (handler.Verb.Trim().Equals(AsterixExpression) || handler.Verb.ToLower().Contains(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestType.ToLower()))
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(ApplicationUtility.GetUrlPath(HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl), RegexConverter.FilterToRegex(handler.Path), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                        //get handler's type and check if this type inherited from IHttpHandler interface.
                        var handlerType = Type.GetType(handler.HandlerType);
                        if (handlerType.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IHttpHandler)))