/// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
     if (parent is NotTestAST)
         if (IsExtended)
             sb.AppendFormat("\\P{{scx={0}}}", Script.Abbreviation());
             sb.AppendFormat("\\P{{sc={0}}}", Script.Abbreviation());
         if (IsExtended)
             sb.AppendFormat("\\p{{scx={0}}}", Script.Abbreviation());
             sb.AppendFormat("\\p{{sc={0}}}", Script.Abbreviation());
 /// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
     if (parent is NotTestAST)
 /// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
     sb.Append(Property.Abbreviation(!(parent is NotTestAST)));
 /// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
     Argument.Write(sb, this);
 /// <summary>Indicates whether the instruction is generated from a regex as part of a derivative.</summary>
 /// <param name="ast">A regex from which the instruction may have been generated.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if <paramref name="ast"/> is the origin of this instruction, otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
 public virtual bool ComesFrom(RegexAST ast)
     return false;
 /// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
        private static RegexAST Quantifier(string text, RegexOptions opts, ref int pos, RegexAST baseAst)
            bool greedy = true;
            int min = -1, max = -1;
            if (pos >= text.Length)
                return baseAst;
            else switch (text[pos])
                    case '?': pos++; min = 0; max = 1; break;
                    case '*': pos++; min = 0; break;
                    case '+': pos++; min = 1; break;

                    case '{':
                        if (pos >= text.Length)
                            throw new RegexParseException(text, pos, "unterminated quantifier");

                        min = ReadNumber(text, ref pos);
                        if (pos >= text.Length)
                            throw new RegexParseException(text, pos, "unterminated quantifier");
                        else if (text[pos] == '}')
                            max = min;
                        else if (text[pos] == ',')
                            if (pos >= text.Length)
                                throw new RegexParseException(text, pos, "unterminated quantifier");
                            else if (text[pos] != '}')
                                max = ReadNumber(text, ref pos);
                                if (pos >= text.Length || text[pos] != '}')
                                    throw new RegexParseException(text, pos, "unterminated quantifier");
                            throw new RegexParseException(text, pos, "unterminated quantifier");
            if (min != max)
                greedy = !(pos < text.Length && text[pos] == '?');
                if (!greedy) pos++;

            if (min < 0)
                return baseAst;
            else if (max >= 0 && max < min)
                throw new RegexParseException(text, pos, "max repeats less than min repeats");
                return Quantifier(text, opts, ref pos, QuantifierAST.Make(baseAst, min, max, greedy));
 /// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
     sb.AppendFormat("\\g{0:d}", Source.CaptureID);
 /// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
     if (FoldsCase)
     if (Name == null || CaptureID.ToString() == Name)
 /// <summary>Initializes and compiles a regular expression, with options that modify the pattern.</summary>
 /// <param name="regexRep">The pattern to be compiled.</param>
 /// <param name="opts">The options desired.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><paramref name="regexRep"/> is an ill-formed pattern.</exception>
 internal NFABuilder(string regexRep, RegexOptions opts)
     pending = new Queue<ASTTransition>();
     visited = new Dictionary<RegexAST, int>();
     instructIndex = ast =>
         return Instructions.Count - 1;
     instructIndex = instructIndex.Memoize();
     ParseInfo = new AnnotationVisitor(regexRep);
     SyntaxTree = Parser.Parse(regexRep, opts);
     IgnoreCase = (opts & RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) != 0;
        public override bool ComesFrom(RegexAST ast)
            StarAST starAST = ast as StarAST;
            if (starAST != null)
                return ComesFrom(starAST.Argument);

            QuantifierAST quantAST = ast as QuantifierAST;
            if (quantAST != null)
                return ComesFrom(quantAST.Argument);

            return Source.Equals(ast);
 /// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
     if (FoldsCase)
     string rangeName = String.Format("{0}-{1}", Parser.EscapeChar(Min, true), Parser.EscapeChar(Max, true));
     if (parent is NotTestAST)
         sb.AppendFormat("[^{0}]", rangeName);
     else if (parent is OrTestAST)
         sb.AppendFormat("[{0}]", rangeName);
 /// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
     if (FoldsCase)
     if (parent is NotTestAST)
         sb.AppendFormat("[^{0}]", Parser.EscapeChar(Character, true));
     else if (parent is OrTestAST)
         sb.Append(Parser.EscapeChar(Character, true));
         sb.Append(Parser.EscapeChar(Character, false));
 /// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
     sb.Append((parent is NotTestAST) ? "\\P{Any}" : "\\p{Any}");
 /// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
     bool parens = !(parent is OrTestAST || parent is AndTestAST);
     if (parens)
         if (parent is NotTestAST) sb.Append("^");
     Left.Write(sb, this);
     Right.Write(sb, this);
     if (parens) sb.Append("]");
 /// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
     if (Source.FoldsCase)
     sb.AppendFormat("\\g{0:d}", Source.CaptureID);
 /// <summary>Indicates whether the start of the instruction was generated from a regex as part of a derivative.</summary>
 /// <param name="ast">A regex from which <see cref="Left"/> may have been generated.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if <paramref name="ast"/> is the origin of <see cref="Left"/>, otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
 public override bool ComesFrom(RegexAST ast)
     return Left.ComesFrom(ast);
 /// <summary>Flattens the syntax tree into a representation of the source regex.</summary>
 /// <param name="sb">Buffer for the output string.</param>
 /// <param name="parent">The tree, if any, containing this syntax tree.</param>
 public override void Write(System.Text.StringBuilder sb, RegexAST parent)
     sb.Append((parent is NotTestAST) ? "\\C{" : "\\c{");