Beispiel #1
		void UpdateReflectionTexture( ReflectionTextureItem item )
			//changing during update
			bool saveDrawDecorativeObjects = false;
			Dictionary<HeightmapTerrain, bool> saveHeightmapTerrainsSimpleRenderingState =
				new Dictionary<HeightmapTerrain, bool>();

			//configure camera and entities
				Camera camera = item.reflectionCamera;
				Camera mainCamera = item.mainCamera;

				camera.NearClipDistance = mainCamera.NearClipDistance;
				camera.FarClipDistance = mainCamera.FarClipDistance;
				camera.AspectRatio = mainCamera.AspectRatio;
				camera.Fov = mainCamera.Fov;
				camera.Position = mainCamera.Position;
				camera.FixedUp = mainCamera.FixedUp;
				camera.Direction = mainCamera.Direction;

				Plane reflectionPlane = new Plane( Vec3.ZAxis, Position.Z );
				camera.EnableReflection( reflectionPlane );

				//set clip planes
					Plane clipPlane = new Plane( Vec3.ZAxis, Position.Z );
					Plane[] clipPlanes = new Plane[ 5 ];
					clipPlanes[ 0 ] = clipPlane;

					Vec3 reflectedCameraPosition = camera.GetReflectionMatrix() * camera.Position;

					Bounds bounds = new Bounds( Position );
					bounds.Expand( new Vec3( Size.X, Size.Y, 0 ) * .5f );
					Vec3 p0 = new Vec3( bounds.Minimum.X, bounds.Minimum.Y, Position.Z );
					Vec3 p1 = new Vec3( bounds.Maximum.X, bounds.Minimum.Y, Position.Z );
					Vec3 p2 = new Vec3( bounds.Maximum.X, bounds.Maximum.Y, Position.Z );
					Vec3 p3 = new Vec3( bounds.Minimum.X, bounds.Maximum.Y, Position.Z );
					clipPlanes[ 1 ] = Plane.FromPoints( reflectedCameraPosition, p0, p1 );
					clipPlanes[ 2 ] = Plane.FromPoints( reflectedCameraPosition, p1, p2 );
					clipPlanes[ 3 ] = Plane.FromPoints( reflectedCameraPosition, p2, p3 );
					clipPlanes[ 4 ] = Plane.FromPoints( reflectedCameraPosition, p3, p0 );

					camera.SetClipPlanesForAllGeometry( clipPlanes );

				//set reflection level settings
				if( DecorativeObjectManager.Instance != null )
					saveDrawDecorativeObjects = DecorativeObjectManager.Instance.Visible;

				camera.DrawStaticGeometry = true;
				camera.DrawModels = true;
				camera.DrawEffects = true;

				if( (int)ReflectionLevel < (int)ReflectionLevels.OnlyStaticGeometry )
					camera.DrawStaticGeometry = false;
				if( (int)ReflectionLevel < (int)ReflectionLevels.OnlyModels )
					camera.DrawModels = false;
				if( (int)ReflectionLevel < (int)ReflectionLevels.ReflectAll )
					camera.DrawEffects = false;
					if( DecorativeObjectManager.Instance != null )
						DecorativeObjectManager.Instance.Visible = false;

				//activate simple rendering mode for terrains
				foreach( HeightmapTerrain terrain in HeightmapTerrain.Instances )
					saveHeightmapTerrainsSimpleRenderingState.Add( terrain, terrain.SimpleRendering );
					terrain.SimpleRendering = true;

			//get clip volumes
			List<Box> clipVolumes = new List<Box>();
			foreach( WaterPlaneClipVolume volume in WaterPlaneClipVolume.Instances )
				if( volume.Editor_IsExcludedFromWorld() )
				clipVolumes.Add( volume.GetBox() );

			//bind clip volumes
			if( clipVolumes.Count != 0 )
				RenderingLowLevelMethodsImpl.PushClipVolumes( clipVolumes.ToArray() );

			item.reflectionRenderTexture.Update( false );

			//unbind clip volumes
			if( clipVolumes.Count != 0 )

			//restore entity settings

				//restore simple rendering mode state for terrains
				foreach( HeightmapTerrain terrain in HeightmapTerrain.Instances )
					bool simpleRendering;
					if( saveHeightmapTerrainsSimpleRenderingState.TryGetValue( terrain, out simpleRendering ) )
						terrain.SimpleRendering = simpleRendering;

				//restore draw settings
				if( DecorativeObjectManager.Instance != null )
					DecorativeObjectManager.Instance.Visible = saveDrawDecorativeObjects;
Beispiel #2
		ReflectionTextureItem CreateReflectionTextureItem( Viewport viewport )
			ReflectionTextureItem item = new ReflectionTextureItem();
			item.viewport = viewport;
			item.mainCamera = viewport.ViewportCamera;

			Vec2I textureSize = GetRequiredReflectionTextureSize( viewport );

			//Log.Info( "CreateReflectionTextureItem: " + textureSize.ToString() );

			//create render texture

			string textureName = TextureManager.Instance.GetUniqueName( "WaterPlaneReflection" );
			PixelFormat format = UseHDRTexture ? PixelFormat.Float16RGB : PixelFormat.R8G8B8;

			item.reflectionTexture = TextureManager.Instance.Create( textureName, Texture.Type.Type2D,
				textureSize, 1, 0, format, Texture.Usage.RenderTarget );
			if( item.reflectionTexture == null )
				Log.Warning( "WaterPlane: CreateReflectionTextureItem: Unable to create texture." );
				return null;
			item.hdrTexture = UseHDRTexture;

			item.reflectionRenderTexture = item.reflectionTexture.GetBuffer().GetRenderTarget();
			item.reflectionRenderTexture.AutoUpdate = false;
			//uncomment it when need Soft-Particles for reflections
			//item.reflectionRenderTexture.AllowAdditionalMRTs = true;

			//create camera
			item.reflectionCamera = SceneManager.Instance.CreateCamera(
				SceneManager.Instance.GetUniqueCameraName( "WaterPlane" ) );
			item.reflectionCamera.Purpose = Camera.Purposes.Special;
			item.reflectionCamera.AllowMapCompositorManager = false;
			item.reflectionCamera.AllowFrustumTestMode = true;

			//add viewport
			item.reflectionViewport = item.reflectionRenderTexture.AddViewport( item.reflectionCamera );
			item.reflectionViewport.ShadowsEnabled = false;
			item.reflectionViewport.MaterialScheme = MaterialSchemes.Low.ToString();

			//add to list
			reflectionTextureItems.Add( item );

			return item;
Beispiel #3
		void DestroyReflectionTextureItem( ReflectionTextureItem item )
			//Log.Info( "DestroyReflectionTextureItem: " + item.reflectionTexture.Size.ToString() );

			//remove reflection texture from material
			if( material != null )


			reflectionTextureItems.Remove( item );