
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">The current project</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">The current configuration element</param>
        public AdditionalReferenceLinksConfigDlg(SandcastleProject project, XElement configuration)

            cboHtmlSdkLinkType.ItemsSource = cboWebsiteSdkLinkType.ItemsSource = (new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { HtmlSdkLinkType.Msdn.ToString(), "Links to online help topics" },
                { HtmlSdkLinkType.None.ToString(), "No SDK links" }
            cboMSHelpViewerSdkLinkType.ItemsSource = (new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { MSHelpViewerSdkLinkType.Msdn.ToString(), "Links to online help topics" },
                { MSHelpViewerSdkLinkType.Id.ToString(), "ID links within the collection" },
                { MSHelpViewerSdkLinkType.None.ToString(), "No SDK links" }

            this.project       = project ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(project));
            this.configuration = configuration ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration));

            if (!configuration.IsEmpty)
                // Load the current settings
                foreach (var reference in configuration.Descendants("target"))
                    lbReferences.Items.Add(ReferenceLinkSettings.FromXml(project, reference));

            btnDeleteReferenceProject.IsEnabled = grpReferenceProps.IsEnabled = lbReferences.Items.Count != 0;

            if (lbReferences.Items.Count != 0)
                lbReferences.SelectedIndex = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new reference links project
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender of the event</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event arguments</param>
        private void btnAddReferenceProject_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            using (var dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog())
                dlg.Title  = "Select the help file builder project(s)";
                dlg.Filter = "Sandcastle Help File Builder Project Files " +
                             "(*.shfbproj)|*.shfbproj|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
                dlg.InitialDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                dlg.DefaultExt       = "shfbproj";
                dlg.Multiselect      = true;

                // If selected, add the file(s)
                if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                    foreach (string file in dlg.FileNames)
                        var newItem = new ReferenceLinkSettings(project)
                            HelpFileProject = new FilePath(file, project)

                        // It will end up on the last one added
                        lbReferences.SelectedIndex = lbReferences.Items.Add(newItem);

                    btnDeleteReferenceProject.IsEnabled = grpReferenceProps.IsEnabled = true;