Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MultiSetCollReferenceDataSidArgs{TItem, TSid}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnName">The column name for the reference data identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The action that will be invoked with the result of the set.</param>
        /// <param name="minRows">The minimum number of rows allowed.</param>
        /// <param name="maxRows">The maximum number of rows allowed.</param>
        /// <param name="stopOnNull">Indicates whether to stop further query result set processing where the current set has resulted in a null (i.e. no records).</param>
        public MultiSetCollReferenceDataSidArgs(string columnName, Action <IEnumerable <TItem> > result, int minRows = 0, int?maxRows = null, bool stopOnNull = false)
            : base(minRows, maxRows, stopOnNull)
            _columnName = Check.NotEmpty(columnName, nameof(columnName));
            _result     = Check.NotNull(result, nameof(result));

            _idTypeCode = ReferenceDataBase.GetIdTypeCode(typeof(TItem));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises a new instance of the <see cref="ReferenceDataInt32IdConverter{TSrceProperty}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public ReferenceDataInt32IdConverter()
            var tc = ReferenceDataBase.GetIdTypeCode(typeof(TSrceProperty));

            if (tc != ReferenceDataIdTypeCode.Int32)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"ReferenceData '{GetType().Name}.Id' has Type of '{tc.ToString()}'; must be Type 'Int32' to use this Converter.");
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the <see cref="ReferenceDataBase.IsValid"/> indicator and throws an exception accordingly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="refType">The <see cref="ReferenceDataBase"/> <see cref="Type"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="refData">The <see cref="ReferenceDataBase"/> value.</param>
        /// <returns>The <paramref name="refData"/>.</returns>
        public static ReferenceDataBase CheckIsValid(Type refType, ReferenceDataBase refData)
            if (refData == null || !refData.IsValid)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"The '{refType.Name}' ReferenceData instance is not valid and is unable to be converted.");

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MultiSetCollReferenceDataSidArgs{TItem, TSid}"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="columnName">The column name for the reference data identifier.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The action that will be invoked with the result of the set.</param>
        /// <param name="minRows">The minimum number of rows allowed.</param>
        /// <param name="maxRows">The maximum number of rows allowed.</param>
        /// <param name="stopOnNull">Indicates whether to stop further query result set processing where the current set has resulted in a null (i.e. no records).</param>
        public MultiSetCollReferenceDataSidArgs(string columnName, Action <IEnumerable <TItem> > result, int minRows = 0, int?maxRows = null, bool stopOnNull = false)
            _columnName = Check.NotEmpty(columnName, nameof(columnName));
            _result     = Check.NotNull(result, nameof(result));
            Check.IsTrue(!maxRows.HasValue || minRows <= maxRows.Value, nameof(maxRows), "Max Rows is less than Min Rows.");
            MinRows    = minRows;
            MaxRows    = maxRows;
            StopOnNull = stopOnNull;

            _idTypeCode = ReferenceDataBase.GetIdTypeCode(typeof(TItem));
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a <b>ReferenceData</b> query updating the <paramref name="coll"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TColl">The collection <see cref="Type"/>.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TItem">The item <see cref="ReferenceDataBase"/> <see cref="Type"/>.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="coll">The <see cref="ReferenceDataCollectionBase{TItem}"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="storedProcedure">The stored procedure name.</param>
        /// <param name="idColumnName">The <see cref="ReferenceDataBase.Id"/> column name override; defaults to <see cref="DatabaseRefDataColumns.IdColumnName"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="additionalProperties">The additional properties action that enables non-standard properties to be updated from the <see cref="DatabaseRecord"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="additionalDatasetRecords">The additional dataset record delegates where additional datasets are returned.</param>
        /// <param name="confirmItemIsToBeAdded">The action to confirm whether the item is to be added (defaults to <c>true</c>).</param>
        public async Task GetRefDataAsync <TColl, TItem>(TColl coll, string storedProcedure, string?idColumnName = null,
                                                         Action <DatabaseRecord, TItem, DatabaseRecordFieldCollection>?additionalProperties = null,
                                                         Action <DatabaseRecord>[]?additionalDatasetRecords        = null,
                                                         Func <DatabaseRecord, TItem, bool>?confirmItemIsToBeAdded = null)
            where TColl : ReferenceDataCollectionBase <TItem>
            where TItem : ReferenceDataBase, new()
            Check.NotNull(coll, nameof(coll));

            DatabaseRecordFieldCollection?fields = null;
            var idCol = idColumnName ?? DatabaseRefDataColumns.IdColumnName;
            var isInt = ReferenceDataBase.GetIdTypeCode(typeof(TItem)) == ReferenceDataIdTypeCode.Int32;

            var list = new List <Action <DatabaseRecord> >
                (dr) =>
                    if (fields == null)
                        fields = dr.GetFields();
                        if (!fields.Contains(idCol) || !fields.Contains(DatabaseRefDataColumns.CodeColumnName))
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("The query must return as a minimum the Id and Code columns as per the configured names.");

                    TItem item = new TItem()
                        Id          = isInt ? (object)dr.GetValue <int>(fields[idCol].Index) : (object)dr.GetValue <Guid>(fields[idCol].Index),
                        Code        = dr.GetValue <string>(fields[DatabaseRefDataColumns.CodeColumnName].Index),
                        Text        = !fields.Contains(DatabaseRefDataColumns.TextColumnName) ? null : dr.GetValue <string>(fields[DatabaseRefDataColumns.TextColumnName].Index),
                        Description = !fields.Contains(DatabaseRefDataColumns.DescriptionColumnName) ? null : dr.GetValue <string>(fields[DatabaseRefDataColumns.DescriptionColumnName].Index),
                        SortOrder   = !fields.Contains(DatabaseRefDataColumns.SortOrderColumnName) ? 0 : dr.GetValue <int>(fields[DatabaseRefDataColumns.SortOrderColumnName].Index),
                        IsActive    = !fields.Contains(DatabaseRefDataColumns.IsActiveColumnName) ? true : dr.GetValue <bool>(fields[DatabaseRefDataColumns.IsActiveColumnName].Index),
                        StartDate   = !fields.Contains(DatabaseRefDataColumns.StartDateColumnName) ? null : dr.GetValue <DateTime?>(fields[DatabaseRefDataColumns.StartDateColumnName].Index),
                        EndDate     = !fields.Contains(DatabaseRefDataColumns.EndDateColumnName) ? null : dr.GetValue <DateTime?>(fields[DatabaseRefDataColumns.EndDateColumnName].Index),
                        ETag        = !fields.Contains(DatabaseRefDataColumns.ETagColumnName) ? null : dr.GetRowVersion(fields[DatabaseRefDataColumns.ETagColumnName].Index)

                    var cl = new Beef.Entities.ChangeLog
                        CreatedBy   = !fields.Contains(DatabaseColumns.CreatedByName) ? null : dr.GetValue <string>(fields[DatabaseColumns.CreatedByName].Index),
                        CreatedDate = !fields.Contains(DatabaseColumns.CreatedDateName) ? (DateTime?)null : dr.GetValue <DateTime>(fields[DatabaseColumns.CreatedDateName].Index),
                        UpdatedBy   = !fields.Contains(DatabaseColumns.UpdatedByName) ? null : dr.GetValue <string>(fields[DatabaseColumns.UpdatedByName].Index),
                        UpdatedDate = !fields.Contains(DatabaseColumns.UpdatedDateName) ? (DateTime?)null : dr.GetValue <DateTime>(fields[DatabaseColumns.UpdatedDateName].Index)

                    if (!cl.IsInitial)
                        item.ChangeLog = cl;

                    additionalProperties?.Invoke(dr, item, fields);

                    if (confirmItemIsToBeAdded == null || confirmItemIsToBeAdded(dr, item))

            if (additionalDatasetRecords != null && additionalDatasetRecords.Length > 0)

            await StoredProcedure(storedProcedure).SelectQueryMultiSetAsync(list.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false);
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the <see cref="ReferenceDataBase"/> is converted (i.e. is not <c>null</c>) and throws an exception accordingly.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="refType">The <see cref="ReferenceDataBase"/> <see cref="Type"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="refData">The <see cref="ReferenceDataBase"/> value.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value converting from.</param>
 /// <returns>The <paramref name="refData"/>.</returns>
 public static ReferenceDataBase CheckConverted(Type refType, ReferenceDataBase refData, IComparable value)
     return(refData ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"The value '{value}' is unable to be converted to a valid '{refType.Name}' ReferenceData instance."));