Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new grid, which is an adaptive refinement (cell by cell) of this grid.
        /// </summary>
        public GridCommons Adapt(IEnumerable <int> CellsToRefine, IEnumerable <int[]> CellsToCoarsen, out GridCorrelation Old2New)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                GridCommons oldGrid = this.m_Grid;
                GridCommons newGrid = new GridCommons(oldGrid.RefElements, oldGrid.EdgeRefElements);

                Old2New = new GridCorrelation();

                int J = this.Cells.NoOfLocalUpdatedCells;

                BitArray CellsToRefineBitmask  = new BitArray(J);
                BitArray CellsToCoarseBitmask  = new BitArray(J);
                BitArray AdaptNeighborsBitmask = new BitArray(J);

                // templates for subdivision
                // =========================

                RefElement[] KrefS = oldGrid.RefElements;                                                                   // all ref elements used
                RefElement.SubdivisionTreeNode[]   KrefS_SubDiv       = new RefElement.SubdivisionTreeNode[KrefS.Length];   // subdivision tree for each ref element
                RefElement.SubdivisionTreeNode[][] KrefS_SubdivLeaves = new RefElement.SubdivisionTreeNode[KrefS.Length][]; // actual subdivision elements
                Tuple <int, int>[][,] KrefS_SubdivConnections = new Tuple <int, int> [KrefS.Length][, ];                    // connections between elements; 1st idx: ref elem; 2nd idx: subdiv elm; 3rd idx: face of subdiv elm; content: [idx of subdiv elm,idx of face]
                int[][][] KrefS_Faces2Subdiv = new int[KrefS.Length][][];                                                   // mapping: [ref elm, face of ref elm] -> Subdivision elements which bound to this face.
                Old2New.GeometricMapping = new AffineTrafo[KrefS.Length][];
                //List<AffineTrafo> InterCellTrafos = new List<AffineTrafo>();
                //int[][] RefinementIctIdx = new int[KrefS.Length][];
                //int[][] CoarseningIctIdx = new int[KrefS.Length][];

                for (int iKref = 0; iKref < KrefS.Length; iKref++)
                    RefElement Kref = KrefS[iKref];
                    KrefS_SubDiv[iKref]       = Kref.GetSubdivisionTree(1);
                    KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref] = KrefS_SubDiv[0].GetLeaves();
                    Debug.Assert(ArrayTools.ListEquals(KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref], KrefS_SubDiv[iKref].Children[0].GetLevel(), (a, b) => object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)));
                    KrefS_Faces2Subdiv[iKref] = new int[Kref.NoOfFaces][];

                    KrefS_SubdivConnections[iKref] = new Tuple <int, int> [KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref].Length, KrefS[iKref].NoOfFaces];
                    for (int iSubdiv = 0; iSubdiv < KrefS_SubdivConnections[iKref].GetLength(0); iSubdiv++) // loop over subdivision elements
                        for (int iFace = 0; iFace < KrefS_SubdivConnections[iKref].GetLength(1); iFace++)   // loop over faces of subdivision elements
                            var t = KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref][iSubdiv].GetNeighbor(iFace);
                            if (t.Item1 < 0)
                                // at the boundary of the subdivision
                                ArrayTools.AddToArray(iSubdiv, ref KrefS_Faces2Subdiv[iKref][t.Item2]);
                            KrefS_SubdivConnections[iKref][iSubdiv, iFace] = t;

                    //RefinementIctIdx[iKref] = new int[KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref].Length];
                    //CoarseningIctIdx[iKref] = new int[KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref].Length];
                    Old2New.GeometricMapping[iKref] = new AffineTrafo[KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref].Length];
                    for (int iSubDiv = 0; iSubDiv < KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref].Length; iSubDiv++)
                        Old2New.GeometricMapping[iKref][iSubDiv] = KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref][iSubDiv].TrafoFromRoot;
                        //RefinementIctIdx[iKref][iSubDiv] = InterCellTrafos.Count - 1;
                        //CoarseningIctIdx[iKref][iSubDiv] = InterCellTrafos.Count - 1;

                Old2New.KrefS_SubdivLeaves = KrefS_SubdivLeaves;

                // Check Input, set Bitmasks
                // =========================

                if (CellsToRefine != null)
                    foreach (int jCell in CellsToRefine)
                        if (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell] == true)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Double entry.", "CellsToRefine");

                        CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell] = true;

                        int[] Neighs, dummy;
                        this.GetCellNeighbours(jCell, GetCellNeighbours_Mode.ViaEdges, out Neighs, out dummy);

                        foreach (int jNeigh in Neighs)
                            AdaptNeighborsBitmask[jNeigh] = true;

                if (CellsToCoarsen != null)
                    foreach (int[] jCellS in CellsToCoarsen)  // loop over all coarsening clusters...

                    // cluster of cells to coarsen
                        Cell[] CellS = jCellS.Select(j => this.Cells.GetCell(j)).ToArray();

                        int CoarseningClusterID = CellS[0].CoarseningClusterID;
                        int iKref           = this.Cells.GetRefElementIndex(jCellS[0]);
                        int RefinementLevel = CellS[0].RefinementLevel;

                        if (jCellS.Length != KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref].Length)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Number of elements in coarsening cluster does not match refinement template for respective element type.");
                        if (RefinementLevel <= 0 || CoarseningClusterID <= 0)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Coarsening not available for respective cell.");

                        if (CellS.Where(cl => cl.ParentCell != null).Count() != 1)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Coarsening cluster seems wrong, or internal data may be corrupted.");

                        for (int z = 0; z < CellS.Length; z++)
                            int j = jCellS[z];

                            if (CellsToRefineBitmask[j] == true)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot refine and coarsen the same cell.");
                            if (CellsToCoarseBitmask[j] == true)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Double entry.", "CellsToCoarsen");
                            CellsToCoarseBitmask[j] = true;

                            Cell Cj = this.Cells.GetCell(j);
                            //if(Cj.CoarseningPeers == null)
                            //    throw new ArgumentException("Coarsening not available for respective cell.");
                            //if(Cj.CoarseningPeers.Length != jCellS.Length - 1)
                            //    throw new ArgumentException("Coarsening cluster seems incomplete.");
                            //if(Cj.CoarseningPeers.Length != jCellS.Length - 1)
                            //    throw new ArgumentException("Coarsening cluster seems incomplete.");
                            //foreach(long gid in jCellS) {
                            //    if(CellS.Where(cl => cl.GlobalID == gid).Count() != 1)
                            //        throw new ArgumentException("Coarsening cluster seems incomplete.");
                            if (CoarseningClusterID != Cj.CoarseningClusterID)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Mismatch of 'CoarseningClusterID' within cluster.");

                            int[] Neighs, dummy;
                            this.GetCellNeighbours(j, GetCellNeighbours_Mode.ViaVertices, out Neighs, out dummy);

                            foreach (int jNeigh in Neighs)
                                if (Array.IndexOf(jCellS, jNeigh) < 0)
                                    AdaptNeighborsBitmask[jNeigh] = true;

                int InsertCounter = J;

                // create new cells
                // ================

                Debug.Assert(this.MpiSize == 1, "still need to adjust the following lines.");

                long GlobalIdCounter = oldGrid.NumberOfCells_l;
                //int PtrNewCells = oldGrid.NoOfUpdateCells;
                //newGrid.Cells = new Cell[NewNoOfCells];
                List <Cell> newCells         = new List <Cell>();
                int         newVertexCounter = oldGrid.Cells.Max(cl => cl.NodeIndices.Max()) + 1;
                Cell[][]    adaptedCells     = new Cell[J][];

                Old2New.OldGlobalId  = this.CurrentGlobalIdPermutation.Values.CloneAs();
                Old2New.MappingIndex = new int[J][];
                Old2New.DestGlobalId = new long[J][];

                // clone neighbors of refined/coarsened cells
                // ------------------------------------------
                for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                    Debug.Assert(Old2New.OldGlobalId[j] == this.Cells.GetCell(j).GlobalID);
                    Debug.Assert(Old2New.OldGlobalId[j] == oldGrid.Cells[j].GlobalID);
                    Debug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(this.Cells.GetCell(j), oldGrid.Cells[j]));

                    Debug.Assert((CellsToRefineBitmask[j] && CellsToCoarseBitmask[j]) == false, "Cannot refine and coarsen the same cell.");

                    if ((CellsToRefineBitmask[j] || CellsToCoarseBitmask[j]) == false)
                        if (AdaptNeighborsBitmask[j])
                            // neighbor information needs to be updated

                            var oldCell = oldGrid.Cells[j];
                            var newCell = oldCell.CloneAs(); // data
                            adaptedCells[j] = new Cell[] { newCell };

                            // remove out-dated neighborship info
                            if (newCell.CellFaceTags != null && newCell.CellFaceTags.Length > 0)
                                int[] oldNeighs = this.Cells.CellNeighbours[j];
                                foreach (int jNeigh in oldNeighs)
                                    if (CellsToRefineBitmask[jNeigh] || CellsToCoarseBitmask[jNeigh])
                                        // one of the neighbors has changed, so _potentially_ the cell face tags have to be updated
                                        long gId_Neigh = this.Cells.GetGlobalID(jNeigh);

                                        for (int i = 0; i < newCell.CellFaceTags.Length; i++)
                                            if (newCell.CellFaceTags[i].NeighCell_GlobalID == gId_Neigh)
                                                Debug.Assert(newCell.CellFaceTags[i].EdgeTag == 0 || newCell.CellFaceTags[i].EdgeTag >= GridCommons.FIRST_PERIODIC_BC_TAG);
                                                ArrayTools.RemoveAt(ref newCell.CellFaceTags, i);
                            // cell and neighbors remain unchanged

                        Debug.Assert(Old2New.MappingIndex[j] == null);
                        Debug.Assert(Old2New.DestGlobalId[j] == null);
                        Old2New.MappingIndex[j] = null;
                        Old2New.DestGlobalId[j] = new long[] { newCells[newCells.Count - 1].GlobalID };
                        Debug.Assert(CellsToRefineBitmask[j] || CellsToCoarseBitmask[j]);

                // coarsening
                // ----------
                int bCoarsened = 0;
                if (CellsToCoarsen != null)
                    foreach (int[] jCellS in CellsToCoarsen)
                        bCoarsened = 0xFFFF;

                        // cluster of cells to coarsen
                        Cell[] CellS = jCellS.Select(j => this.Cells.GetCell(j)).ToArray();
                        Debug.Assert(jCellS.Length == CellS.Length);

                        int RefinementLevel = CellS[0].RefinementLevel - 1;
                        if (RefinementLevel < 0)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Refinement level out of range - corrupted data structure.");
                        foreach (var cl in CellS)
                            if (cl.RefinementLevel != RefinementLevel + 1)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Refinement varies within refinement cluster - corrupted data structure.");

                        Cell Cell0  = CellS.Single(cl => cl.ParentCell != null);
                        Cell Mother = Cell0.ParentCell;
                        //Debug.Assert(CellS.Where(cl => cl.GlobalID == Mother.GlobalID).Count() == 1);
                        Debug.Assert(Mother.RefinementLevel == RefinementLevel);

                        Cell restoredCell = new Cell();
                        restoredCell.Type = Mother.Type;
                        Debug.Assert(Mother.Type == Cell0.Type);
                        restoredCell.NodeIndices           = Mother.NodeIndices;
                        restoredCell.CoarseningClusterID   = Mother.CoarseningClusterID;
                        restoredCell.ParentCell            = Mother.ParentCell;
                        restoredCell.GlobalID              = Cell0.GlobalID;
                        restoredCell.TransformationParams  = Mother.TransformationParams;
                        restoredCell.RefinementLevel       = RefinementLevel;
                        restoredCell.CoarseningClusterSize = Mother.CoarseningClusterSize;
                        restoredCell.CoarseningLeafIndex   = Mother.CoarseningLeafIndex;

                        // boundary conditions by cell face tags
                        if (Mother.CellFaceTags != null)
                            restoredCell.CellFaceTags = Mother.CellFaceTags.Where(cftag => cftag.EdgeTag > 0 && cftag.EdgeTag < GridCommons.FIRST_PERIODIC_BC_TAG).ToArray();

                        for (int iSubDiv = 0; iSubDiv < jCellS.Length; iSubDiv++)
                            int  j  = jCellS[iSubDiv];
                            Cell Cj = CellS[iSubDiv];
                            Debug.Assert(adaptedCells[j] == null);
                            adaptedCells[j] = new[] { restoredCell };

                            Debug.Assert(Old2New.MappingIndex[j] == null);
                            Debug.Assert(Old2New.DestGlobalId[j] == null);
                            Old2New.MappingIndex[j] = new int[] { Cj.CoarseningLeafIndex };
                            Old2New.DestGlobalId[j] = new long[] { restoredCell.GlobalID };


                // refinement
                // ----------
                if (CellsToRefine != null)
                    int NewCoarseningClusterId;
                        int[] locData = new int[] {
                            (this.m_Grid.Cells.Max(cl => cl.CoarseningClusterID)),
                            (CellsToRefine.Count() + 1)
                        int[] glbData = locData.MPIMax();

                        NewCoarseningClusterId = glbData[0] + 1 + glbData[1] * this.MpiRank;

                    foreach (int j in CellsToRefine)
                        var oldCell = oldGrid.Cells[j];
                        int iKref   = this.Cells.GetRefElementIndex(j);
                        var Kref    = KrefS[iKref];
                        var Leaves  = KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref];
                        Tuple <int, int>[,] Connections = KrefS_SubdivConnections[iKref];

                        NodeSet RefNodes = Kref.GetInterpolationNodes(oldCell.Type);

                        Debug.Assert(adaptedCells[j] == null);
                        Cell[] refinedCells = new Cell[Leaves.Length];
                        adaptedCells[j] = refinedCells;

                        Debug.Assert(Old2New.MappingIndex[j] == null);
                        Old2New.MappingIndex[j] = new int[Leaves.Length];
                        for (int iSubDiv = 0; iSubDiv < Leaves.Length; iSubDiv++)  // pass 1: create new cells

                        // create new cell
                            Cell newCell = new Cell();
                            newCell.Type = oldCell.Type;
                            if (iSubDiv == 0)
                                newCell.GlobalID   = oldCell.GlobalID;
                                newCell.ParentCell = oldCell.CloneAs();
                                newCell.GlobalID = GlobalIdCounter;
                            newCell.RefinementLevel       = oldCell.RefinementLevel + 1;
                            newCell.CoarseningClusterSize = Leaves.Length;
                            newCell.CoarseningClusterID   = NewCoarseningClusterId;
                            newCell.CoarseningLeafIndex   = iSubDiv;
                            refinedCells[iSubDiv]         = newCell;

                            // Vertices
                            var RefNodesRoot = Leaves[iSubDiv].Trafo2Root.Transform(RefNodes);
                            newCell.TransformationParams = MultidimensionalArray.Create(RefNodes.Lengths);
                            this.TransformLocal2Global(RefNodesRoot, newCell.TransformationParams, j);

                            // node indices
                            newCell.NodeIndices = new int[Kref.NoOfVertices];
                            for (int i = 0; i < Kref.NoOfVertices; i++)
                                newCell.NodeIndices[i] = newVertexCounter;

                            // correlation
                            Old2New.MappingIndex[j][iSubDiv] = iSubDiv;

                        for (int iSubDiv = 0; iSubDiv < Leaves.Length; iSubDiv++)  // pass 2: do other things
                        //// record information for (later) coarsening
                        //refinedCells[iSubDiv].CoarseningPeers = refinedCells
                        //    .Where(cell => cell.GlobalID != refinedCells[iSubDiv].GlobalID)
                        //    .Select(cell => cell.GlobalID)
                        //    .ToArray();

                        // neighbors within
                            for (int iFace = 0; iFace < Kref.NoOfFaces; iFace++)
                                int iSubDiv_Neigh = Connections[iSubDiv, iFace].Item1;
                                if (iSubDiv_Neigh >= 0)
                                    ArrayTools.AddToArray(new CellFaceTag()
                                        ConformalNeighborship = true,
                                        NeighCell_GlobalID    = refinedCells[Connections[iSubDiv, iFace].Item1].GlobalID,
                                        FaceIndex             = iFace
                                    }, ref refinedCells[iSubDiv].CellFaceTags);


                        Debug.Assert(Old2New.DestGlobalId[j] == null);
                        Old2New.DestGlobalId[j] = refinedCells.Select(Cl => Cl.GlobalID).ToArray();

                newGrid.Cells = newCells.ToArray();

                // fix neighborship
                // ================

                byte[,] Edge2Face = this.Edges.FaceIndices;
                //int[][] Cells2Edges = this.Cells.Cells2Edges;
                int[,] Edge2Cell = this.Edges.CellIndices;
                //byte[] EdgeTags = this.Edges.EdgeTags;
                MultidimensionalArray[] VerticesFor_KrefEdge = this.Edges.EdgeRefElements.Select(KrefEdge => KrefEdge.Vertices).ToArray();

                int[] ONE_NULL = new int[] { 0 };

                int NoOfEdges = this.Edges.Count;
                Debug.Assert(Edge2Face.GetLength(0) == NoOfEdges);
                Debug.Assert(Edge2Cell.GetLength(0) == NoOfEdges);

                for (int iEdge = 0; iEdge < NoOfEdges; iEdge++)
                    int jCell1 = Edge2Cell[iEdge, 0];
                    int jCell2 = Edge2Cell[iEdge, 1];
                    if (jCell2 < 0)

                    Debug.Assert((CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell1] && CellsToCoarseBitmask[jCell1]) == false);
                    Debug.Assert((CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell2] && CellsToCoarseBitmask[jCell2]) == false);

                    bool C1changed = CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell1] || CellsToCoarseBitmask[jCell1];
                    bool C2changed = CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell2] || CellsToCoarseBitmask[jCell2];

                    if ((C1changed || C2changed) == false)
                        // edge between two un-changed cells -- this neighborship remains the same.

                    Cell[] adaptedCells1 = adaptedCells[jCell1];
                    Cell[] adaptedCells2 = adaptedCells[jCell2];

                    if (CellsToCoarseBitmask[jCell1] && CellsToCoarseBitmask[jCell2])
                        Debug.Assert(adaptedCells1.Length == 1);
                        Debug.Assert(adaptedCells2.Length == 1);
                        if (adaptedCells1[0].GlobalID == adaptedCells2[0].GlobalID)
                            // these two cells will be joint into one cell -> no new neighborship
                            Debug.Assert(ReferenceEquals(adaptedCells1[0], adaptedCells2[0]));

                    Debug.Assert(adaptedCells1 != null);
                    Debug.Assert(adaptedCells2 != null);

                    int iFace1 = Edge2Face[iEdge, 0];
                    int iFace2 = Edge2Face[iEdge, 1];

                    Debug.Assert((adaptedCells1.Length > 1) == (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell1]));
                    Debug.Assert((adaptedCells2.Length > 1) == (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell2]));

                    int iKref1 = this.Cells.GetRefElementIndex(jCell1);
                    int iKref2 = this.Cells.GetRefElementIndex(jCell2);
                    var Kref1  = this.Cells.GetRefElement(jCell1);
                    var Kref2  = this.Cells.GetRefElement(jCell2);

                    int[] idx1, idx2;
                    if (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell1])
                        idx1 = KrefS_Faces2Subdiv[iKref1][iFace1];
                        Debug.Assert(adaptedCells1.Length == 1);
                        idx1 = ONE_NULL;

                    if (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell2])
                        idx2 = KrefS_Faces2Subdiv[iKref2][iFace2];
                        Debug.Assert(adaptedCells2.Length == 1);
                        idx2 = ONE_NULL;

                    foreach (int i1 in idx1)
                        MultidimensionalArray VtxFace1;
                        if (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell1])
                            VtxFace1 = KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref1][i1].GetFaceVertices(iFace1);
                            VtxFace1 = Kref1.GetFaceVertices(iFace1);

                        Cell Cl1 = adaptedCells1[i1];

                        foreach (int i2 in idx2)
                            Cell Cl2 = adaptedCells2[i2];
                            Debug.Assert(Cl1.GlobalID != Cl2.GlobalID);

                            int conCount1;
                            if (Cl1.CellFaceTags == null)
                                conCount1 = 0;
                                conCount1 = Cl1.CellFaceTags.Where(cfTag => cfTag.NeighCell_GlobalID == Cl2.GlobalID).Count();
                            Debug.Assert(conCount1 <= 1);
                            int conCount2;
                            if (Cl2.CellFaceTags == null)
                                conCount2 = 0;
                                conCount2 = Cl2.CellFaceTags.Where(cfTag => cfTag.NeighCell_GlobalID == Cl1.GlobalID).Count();
                            Debug.Assert(conCount1 == conCount2);
                            if (conCount1 > 0)

                            MultidimensionalArray VtxFace2;
                                MultidimensionalArray VtxFace2_L;
                                if (CellsToRefineBitmask[jCell2])
                                    VtxFace2_L = KrefS_SubdivLeaves[iKref2][i2].GetFaceVertices(iFace2);
                                    VtxFace2_L = Kref2.GetFaceVertices(iFace2);

                                MultidimensionalArray VtxFace2_G = MultidimensionalArray.Create(VtxFace2_L.GetLength(0), VtxFace2_L.GetLength(1));
                                VtxFace2 = MultidimensionalArray.Create(VtxFace2_L.GetLength(0), VtxFace2_L.GetLength(1));
                                this.TransformLocal2Global(VtxFace2_L, VtxFace2_G, jCell2);
                                bool[] Converged = new bool[VtxFace2_L.NoOfRows];
                                this.TransformGlobal2Local(VtxFace2_G, VtxFace2, jCell1, Converged);
                                if (Converged.Any(t => t == false))
                                    throw new ArithmeticException("Newton divergence");

                            bool bIntersect = GridData.EdgeData.FaceIntersect(VtxFace1, VtxFace2,
                                                                              Kref1.GetFaceTrafo(iFace1), Kref1.GetInverseFaceTrafo(iFace1),
                                                                              out bool conformal1, out bool conformal2, out AffineTrafo newTrafo, out int Edg_idx);

                            if (bIntersect)
                                ArrayTools.AddToArray(new CellFaceTag()
                                    ConformalNeighborship = false,
                                    NeighCell_GlobalID    = Cl2.GlobalID,
                                    FaceIndex             = iFace1
                                }, ref Cl1.CellFaceTags);

                                ArrayTools.AddToArray(new CellFaceTag()
                                    ConformalNeighborship = false,
                                    NeighCell_GlobalID    = Cl1.GlobalID,
                                    FaceIndex             = iFace2
                                }, ref Cl2.CellFaceTags);

                // finalize
                // ========
                int bCoarsenedGlobal = bCoarsened.MPIMax();
                if (bCoarsenedGlobal > 0)
                    if (this.MpiSize == 1)
                        List <int> allgids = new List <int>();
                        foreach (var cl in newGrid.Cells)
                        bool[] markers = new bool[allgids.Max() + 1];
                        for (int i = 0; i < allgids.Count; i++)
                            long gid = allgids[i];
                            Debug.Assert(markers[gid] == false, "Some GlobalID is used twice.");
                            markers[gid] = true;

                        foreach (var cl in newGrid.Cells)
                            if (cl.CellFaceTags != null)
                                for (int i = 0; i < cl.CellFaceTags.Length; i++)
                                    long ngid = cl.CellFaceTags[i].NeighCell_GlobalID;
                                    if (ngid >= 0)
                                        Debug.Assert(markers[ngid] == true);

                    List <long> old2NewGid = new List <long>();
                    Debug.Assert(Old2New.DestGlobalId.Length == J);
                    for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)


                    int c2 = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                        long[] o2nj = Old2New.DestGlobalId[j];
                        int    K    = o2nj.Length;
                        for (int k = 0; k < K; k++)
                            o2nj[k] = old2NewGid[c2];
                    Debug.Assert(c2 == old2NewGid.Count);

Beispiel #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Constructs a new PlotDriver
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="context">The omnipresent context</param>
            /// <param name="showJumps">
            /// If true, ghost cell values will be calculated and additional ghost
            /// zone information will be exported (i.e. ghost cells will be
            /// included in the plots)
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="showGhostCells">
            /// If true, the real DG data (including discontinuities) should be
            /// exported. Otherwise, the mean value of all values in one node
            /// should be calculated
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="superSampling">
            /// how often one computational cell should be subdivided;
            /// <see cref="superSampling"/>
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="__sgrd">
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="iKref">
            /// reference element index, <see cref="GridCommons.GetRefElement"/>;
            /// </param>
            protected ZoneDriver(GridData context, int iKref, bool showJumps, bool showGhostCells, uint superSampling, SubGrid __sgrd)
                using (new FuncTrace()) {
                    // record args
                    // ===========
                    this.context       = context;
                    this.showJumps     = showJumps;
                    this.ghostZone     = showGhostCells;
                    this.superSampling = superSampling;
                    if (__sgrd == null)
                        // safe some if's in subsequence
                        throw new ArgumentNullException();
                    this.sgrd         = __sgrd;
                    this.Zone_Element = context.Grid.GetRefElement(iKref);

                    // default values
                    // ==============

                    RefElement.SubdivisionTreeNode subdiv = this.Zone_Element.GetSubdivisionTree((int)superSampling);
                    subdivisionTreeLeaves = subdiv.GetLeaves();
                    verticesPerCell       = subdiv.GlobalVertice.GetLength(0);

                    int NoOfLocalCells = sgrd.LocalNoOfCells;
                    NoOfCells = NoOfLocalCells + sgrd.NoOfGhostCells;

                    subdivisionsPerCell = subdivisionTreeLeaves.Length;
                    NewNoOfLocalCells   = NoOfLocalCells * subdivisionsPerCell;
                    NewNoOfCells        = NoOfCells * subdivisionsPerCell;
                    dimension           = context.Grid.SpatialDimension;

                    // vertices per cell, local coordinates (from the leaves of the subdivision)
                    localVerticeCoordinates = new NodeSet(this.Zone_Element, subdiv.GlobalVertice);

                    // create vertices of the grid
                    // ===========================

                    parallelMode = NoOfCells != NoOfLocalCells;
                    if (parallelMode && !showJumps)
                        totalCells         = NewNoOfCells;
                        verticeCoordinates = MultidimensionalArray.Create(NoOfCells, verticesPerCell, dimension);
                        //context.GridDat.TransformLocal2Global(localVerticeCoordinates, verticeCoordinates, 0, NoOfCells, 0);
                        totalCells         = NewNoOfLocalCells;
                        NoOfCells          = NoOfLocalCells;
                        NewNoOfCells       = NewNoOfLocalCells;
                        verticeCoordinates = MultidimensionalArray.Create(context.Cells.NoOfCells, verticesPerCell, dimension);
                        //context.GridDat.TransformLocal2Global(localVerticeCoordinates, verticeCoordinates, 0, NoOfLocalCells, 0);

                    double[] hmin = new double[verticeCoordinates.GetLength(0)];
                    int      cnt  = 0;
                    foreach (var cnk in this.sgrd.VolumeMask.GetEnumerableWithExternal())
                        context.TransformLocal2Global(localVerticeCoordinates, cnk.i0, cnk.Len,
                                                      verticeCoordinates, cnt);

                        for (int j = cnk.i0; j < cnk.JE; j++)
                            hmin[cnt] = context.Cells.h_min[j];

                    innerCells = NewNoOfLocalCells;
                    ghostCells = NewNoOfCells - NewNoOfLocalCells;

                    //if (parallelMode || superSampling > 0) {
                    //    // eliminate duplicate vertices, build connectivity
                    //    // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                        out cellVertices,
                        out vertices,

                    //(GridData grdDat, out int[][] cellVertices, out MultidimensionalArray vertice, double[] h)
                    //} else {
                    //    // grid vertices and cell connectivity can be taken directly from BoSSS
                    //    // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                    //    cellVertices = context.GridDat.CellVertices;
                    //    vertices = context.GridDat.Vertice;

                    if (superSampling > 0)
                        connectivity = new int[totalCells, this.Zone_Element.NoOfVertices];
                        for (int i = 0; i < NoOfLocalCells; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < subdivisionsPerCell; j++)
                                int   cell    = i * subdivisionsPerCell + j;
                                int[] indices = subdivisionTreeLeaves[j].GlobalVerticeInd;

                                for (int k = 0; k < indices.Length; k++)
                                    connectivity[cell, k] = cellVertices[i, indices[k]];
                        connectivity = cellVertices;

                    innerVertices = totalVertices = vertices.GetLength(0);

                    if (showJumps && parallelMode)
                        bool[] outerBorderVertices = new bool[totalVertices];

                        for (int cell = NoOfLocalCells; cell < NoOfCells; cell++)
                            for (int vertexInCell = 0; vertexInCell < verticesPerCell; vertexInCell++)
                                int vertex = cellVertices[cell, vertexInCell];

                                if (!outerBorderVertices[vertex])
                                    outerBorderVertices[vertex] = true;
                        ghostVertices = borderVertices.ToArray().Length;
                        innerVertices = totalVertices - ghostVertices;

                    if (!showJumps)
                        // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                        // average at cell boundaries
                        // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                        multiplicity = new byte[totalVertices];

                        bool[] outerBorderVertices = new bool[totalVertices];

                        for (int cell = 0; cell < NoOfCells; cell++)
                            for (int vertexInCell = 0; vertexInCell < verticesPerCell; vertexInCell++)
                                int vertex = cellVertices[cell, vertexInCell];

                                if (cell >= NoOfLocalCells && !outerBorderVertices[vertex])
                                    outerBorderVertices[vertex] = true;

                        ghostVertices = borderVertices.ToArray().Length;
                        innerVertices = totalVertices - ghostVertices;

                        if (!parallelMode || !showGhostCells && parallelMode)
                            if (!showGhostCells)
                                totalCells = innerCells;

                        verticesAlreadyProcessed = new bool[totalVertices];

                        noOfExternalCells    = new int[1];
                        noOfExternalCells[0] = NoOfCells - NoOfLocalCells;

                        int[] result = new int[context.MpiSize];

                        noOfExternalCells = GatherGlobalNumberOfGhostCells(noOfExternalCells, result);

                        maxLocalNoOfExternalCells = -1;

                        for (int i = 0; i < noOfExternalCells.Length; i++)
                            if (maxLocalNoOfExternalCells < noOfExternalCells[i])
                                maxLocalNoOfExternalCells = noOfExternalCells[i];

                        long[] globalIndicesExternals = context.Parallel.GlobalIndicesExternalCells;
                        long[] indices = new long[maxLocalNoOfExternalCells * context.MpiSize];

                        for (int i = 0; i < indices.Length; i++)
                            indices[i] = -1;

                        long[] mySharedCellIndices = new long[maxLocalNoOfExternalCells];

                        for (int i = NoOfLocalCells; i < NoOfCells; i++)
                            int cellIndex = i - NoOfLocalCells;

                            mySharedCellIndices[cellIndex] = globalIndicesExternals[cellIndex];

                        sharedCellIndices = GatherGlobalSharedCellIndices(mySharedCellIndices, indices);

                        globalNoOfExternalCells = sharedCellIndices.Length;

                        byte[,] mySharedVerticesMultiplicity = new byte[maxLocalNoOfExternalCells, verticesPerCell];

                        for (int i = NoOfLocalCells; i < NoOfCells; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < verticesPerCell; j++)
                                mySharedVerticesMultiplicity[i - NoOfLocalCells, j] = multiplicity[cellVertices[i, j]];

                        byte[,] verticesMultiplicity = new byte[globalNoOfExternalCells, verticesPerCell];

                        sharedVerticesMultiplicity = GatherGlobalSharedVerticesMultiplicity(mySharedVerticesMultiplicity, verticesMultiplicity);

                        for (int proc = 0; proc < noOfExternalCells.Length; proc++)
                            int start = maxLocalNoOfExternalCells * proc;
                            int end   = maxLocalNoOfExternalCells * proc + noOfExternalCells[proc];

                            for (int i = 0; i < totalVertices; i++)
                                verticesAlreadyProcessed[i] = false;

                            for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
                                long localCell = sharedCellIndices[i] - context.Grid.CellPartitioning.i0;

                                if (localCell < 0 || localCell > NoOfLocalCells)
                                for (int j = 0; j < verticesPerCell; j++)
                                    int localVertex = cellVertices[localCell, j];

                                    if (verticesAlreadyProcessed[localVertex])

                                    verticesAlreadyProcessed[localVertex] = true;

                                    if (borderVertices.Contains(localVertex))
                                        if (multiplicity[localVertex] < sharedVerticesMultiplicity[i, j])
                                            multiplicity[localVertex] = sharedVerticesMultiplicity[i, j];