internal void MergeDictionaries <K, V, NV>(Reducer <K, V, NV> reducer, IDictionary from)
            if (from.GetType() != ReduceResult.GetType())

            IDictionary <K, NV> fromtyped = ((IDictionary <K, NV>)from);

            foreach (var kv in fromtyped)
                if (kv.Value is IEnumerable)
                    foreach (var subitem in kv.Value as IEnumerable)
                        int pos      = ((CustomDictionary <K, NV>)ReduceResult).InitOrGetPosition((K)kv.Key);
                        NV  value    = ((CustomDictionary <K, NV>)ReduceResult).GetAtPosition(pos);
                        NV  newvalue = reducer.Reduce((K)kv.Key, (V)subitem, value);
                        ((CustomDictionary <K, NV>)ReduceResult).StoreAtPosition(pos, newvalue);
                    int pos      = ((CustomDictionary <K, NV>)ReduceResult).InitOrGetPosition((K)kv.Key);
                    NV  value    = ((CustomDictionary <K, NV>)ReduceResult).GetAtPosition(pos);
                    NV  newvalue = reducer.Reduce(kv.Key, (V)(object)kv.Value, value);
                    ((CustomDictionary <K, NV>)ReduceResult).StoreAtPosition(pos, newvalue);

Beispiel #2
        internal void MergeDictionaries <TK, TV, TNv>(Reducer <TK, TV, TNv> reducer, IDictionary from)
            if (from.GetType() != ReduceResult.GetType())

            var fromtyped = ((IDictionary <TK, TNv>)from);

            foreach (var kv in fromtyped)
                if (kv.Value is IEnumerable)
                    foreach (var subitem in kv.Value as IEnumerable)
                        var pos      = ((CustomDictionary <TK, TNv>)ReduceResult).InitOrGetPosition((TK)kv.Key);
                        var value    = ((CustomDictionary <TK, TNv>)ReduceResult).GetAtPosition(pos);
                        var newvalue = reducer.Reduce((TK)kv.Key, (TV)subitem, value);
                        ((CustomDictionary <TK, TNv>)ReduceResult).StoreAtPosition(pos, newvalue);
                    var pos      = ((CustomDictionary <TK, TNv>)ReduceResult).InitOrGetPosition((TK)kv.Key);
                    var value    = ((CustomDictionary <TK, TNv>)ReduceResult).GetAtPosition(pos);
                    var newvalue = reducer.Reduce(kv.Key, (TV)(object)kv.Value, value);
                    ((CustomDictionary <TK, TNv>)ReduceResult).StoreAtPosition(pos, newvalue);

Beispiel #3
 public JpegReduceResult(ReduceResult baseResult)
     inputPath          = baseResult.inputPath;
     outputPath         = baseResult.outputPath;
     isErrorEncountered = baseResult.isErrorEncountered;
     remarks            = baseResult.remarks;
     jpegQualityFactor  = _jpegQualityFactor;
     transformMode      = _transformMode;
        private void Aggregate(ReduceResult result)
            foreach (var key in result.Result.Keys)
                if (totalResult.Result.ContainsKey(key))
                    totalResult.Result[key] += result.Result[key];
                    totalResult.Result[key] = result.Result[key];

            Console.WriteLine("Aggregator: {0}", totalResult);

            // simulate some runtime...
            // Thread.Sleep(50);

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>Reduces hidden singles.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Very frequently, there is only one candidate for a given row, column or
        /// sub square, but it is hidden among other candidates.
        /// </remarks>
        private ReduceResult ReduceHiddenSingles(ReduceResult result, SudokuState state)
            if (SkipMethod(SudokuSolverMethods.HiddenSingles, result)) { return result; }

            foreach (var region in Puzzle.Regions)
                foreach (var singleValue in Puzzle.SingleValues)
                    var cnt = 0;
                    var found = -1;
                    foreach (var index in region)
                        var val = state[index];
                        if ((val & singleValue) != SudokuPuzzle.Invalid)
                            unchecked { cnt++; }
                            if (state.IsKnown(index))
                                found = -1;
                            else if (cnt == 1)
                                found = index;
                    if (cnt == 1 && found != -1)
                        result |= state.AndMask(found, singleValue);
                    else if (cnt == 0)
                        return ReduceResult.Inconsistend;
            return result;
        private void Reduce(MapResult mapResult)
            var reduceResult = new ReduceResult();

            foreach (var count in mapResult.Counts)
                if (reduceResult.Result.ContainsKey(count.Key))
                    reduceResult.Result[count.Key] += count.Count;
                    reduceResult.Result[count.Key] = count.Count;

            Console.WriteLine("Reducer [{0}/{1}]: {2}",
                              Self.Path.Name, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, reduceResult);

            // simulate some runtime...

Beispiel #7
 /// <summary>Returns true if the result is inconsistent.</summary>
 public static bool IsInconsistent(this ReduceResult result) => (result & ReduceResult.Inconsistent) != 0;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        ///		<para>从指定的表标识对应的实体开始进行路径展开。</para>
        ///		<para>注:展开过程包括对父实体的属性集的搜索。</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">指定的进行展开的起点。</param>
        /// <param name="path">指定要展开的成员路径,支持多级导航属性路径。</param>
        /// <param name="step">指定路径中每个属性的展开回调函数。</param>
        /// <returns>返回找到的结果。</returns>
        public static ReduceResult Reduce(this TableIdentifier table, string path, Func <ReduceContext, ISource> step = null)
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(table));

            if (table.Entity == null)
                throw new DataException($"The '{table}' table cannot be expanded.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))

            ICollection <IEntityMetadata> ancestors = null;
            IEntityPropertyMetadata       property  = null;
            ISource token      = table;
            var     parts      = path.Split('.');
            var     properties = table.Entity.Properties;

            for (int i = 0; i < parts.Length; i++)
                if (properties == null)

                if (!properties.TryGet(parts[i], out property))
                    property = FindBaseProperty(ref properties, parts[i], ref ancestors);

                    if (property == null)

                if (step != null)
                    token = step(new ReduceContext(string.Join(".", parts, 0, i), token, property, ancestors));

                if (ancestors != null)

                if (property.IsSimplex)
                    properties = GetAssociatedProperties((IEntityComplexPropertyMetadata)property, ref ancestors);

            return(new ReduceResult(token, property));
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>Reduces options that should be in the intersection.</summary>
        private ReduceResult ReduceLockedCandidates(ReduceResult result, SudokuState state)
            if (SkipMethod(SudokuSolverMethods.LockedCandidates, result)) { return result; }

            foreach (var region in Puzzle.Regions)
                foreach (var other in region.Intersected)
                    ulong combined = 0;
                    foreach (var index in region)
                        if (!other.Contains(index))
                            combined |= state[index];
                    // There are options that should be in the intersection.
                    if (combined != Puzzle.Unknown)
                        foreach (var index in other)
                            if (!region.Contains(index))
                                var val = state[index];
                                var nw = val & combined;
                                result |= state.AndMask(index, nw);
            return result;
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>Reduces naked triples.</summary>
        private ReduceResult ReduceNakedTriples(ReduceResult result, SudokuState state)
            if (SkipMethod(SudokuSolverMethods.NakedTriples, result)) { return result; }

            foreach (var singleValue in Puzzle.SingleValues)
                foreach (var region in Puzzle.Regions)
                    var index0 = -1;
                    var index1 = -1;
                    var index2 = -1;

                    var match = singleValue;

                    foreach (var index in region)
                        var value = state[index];
                        if (!state.IsKnown(index) && (value & match) != SudokuPuzzle.Invalid)
                            match |= value;

                            /**/ if (index0 == -1) { index0 = index; }
                            else if (index1 == -1) { index1 = index; }
                            else if (index2 == -1) { index2 = index; }
                            else { index2 = -1; break; }
                    // We found 3 cells.
                    if (index2 != -1 && SudokuCell.Count(match) == 3)
                        foreach (var index in region)
                            if (index != index0 && index != index1 && index != index2)
                                result |= state.AndMask(index, ~match);
            return result;
Beispiel #11
        private void backgroundWorker_ProgressChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
            // Interpret results
            ReduceResult latestResult    = (ReduceResult)e.UserState;
            long         inputFileLength = 0;

            if (File.Exists(latestResult.inputPath))
                inputFileLength = new FileInfo(latestResult.inputPath).Length;
            long outputFileLength = 0;

            if (File.Exists(latestResult.outputPath))
                outputFileLength = new FileInfo(latestResult.outputPath).Length;
            long savingsBytes = 0;

            if (0 != inputFileLength && 0 != outputFileLength)
                savingsBytes = inputFileLength - outputFileLength;
            double savingsPercentage = 0;

            if (0 != inputFileLength)
                savingsPercentage = (double)savingsBytes / inputFileLength;
            String savingsPercentageString = String.Format("{1} ({0:0 %})", savingsPercentage, DisplayFileSize(savingsBytes));
            String outputFileLengthString  = DisplayFileSize(outputFileLength);

            Color reductionColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 232, 0);
            Color growthColor    = Color.Red;


                foreach (ListViewItem item in listView.Items.Find(latestResult.inputPath, true))
                    // Update list view details
                    // Note: For convenience, the path to the reduced image will be carried
                    //      in the Tag property of the file name column.
                    item.SubItems[COLUMN_FILENAME].Tag     = latestResult.outputPath;
                    item.SubItems[COLUMN_REDUCEDSIZE].Text = outputFileLengthString;
                    item.SubItems[COLUMN_SAVINGSSIZE].Text = savingsPercentageString;
                    item.SubItems[COLUMN_REMARKS].Text     = latestResult.remarks;
                    if (savingsPercentage > 0)
                        item.SubItems[COLUMN_SAVINGSSIZE].BackColor = reductionColor;
                    else if (savingsPercentage < 0)
                        item.SubItems[COLUMN_SAVINGSSIZE].BackColor = growthColor;

                    // Refresh previously selected row
                    if (item.Selected)

            // Report Progress to user
            Text = String.Format("{0}% - {1}", new object[] { e.ProgressPercentage, TITLE });
Beispiel #12
        private void backgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
            List <ReduceOptions> optionsList = (List <ReduceOptions>)e.Argument;
            Int32 remaining = optionsList.Count;

            foreach (ReduceOptions options in optionsList)
                if (backgroundWorker.CancellationPending)

                // Prepare to save reduced image:
                // - Delete the target file if it already exists
                // - Ensure the host directory exists.

                JpegReduceOptions jpegReduceOptions = new JpegReduceOptions();
                JpegReduceResult  jpegLatestResult  = new JpegReduceResult();

                ReduceResult latestResult = new ReduceResult();

                // Perform reduction and prepare to report results
                latestResult.inputPath          = options.inputPath;
                latestResult.outputPath         = options.outputPath;
                latestResult.isErrorEncountered = false;
                latestResult.remarks            = String.Empty;

                bool areOptionsForJpeg = (options is JpegReduceOptions) ? true : false;

                if (areOptionsForJpeg)
                    jpegReduceOptions = options as JpegReduceOptions;
                    jpegLatestResult  = new JpegReduceResult(latestResult);
                    jpegLatestResult.jpegQualityFactor = jpegReduceOptions.jpegQualityFactor;
                    jpegLatestResult.transformMode     = jpegReduceOptions.transformMode;

                    if (areOptionsForJpeg)
                        Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ImageReduce.JpegReduce(imagXpress1, jpegReduceOptions.inputPath, jpegReduceOptions.outputPath, jpegReduceOptions.jpegQualityFactor);
                        Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ImageReduce.PngReduce(imagXpress1, options.inputPath, options.outputPath);
                catch (ImagXpressException ex)
                    latestResult.isErrorEncountered = true;
                    latestResult.remarks            = ex.Message;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    latestResult.isErrorEncountered = true;
                    latestResult.remarks            = ex.ToString();

                // Notify UI of a progress update
                int percentComplete = (int)((float)(optionsList.Count - remaining) / optionsList.Count * 100);
                if (areOptionsForJpeg)
                    backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percentComplete, jpegLatestResult);
                    backgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percentComplete, latestResult);
Beispiel #13
 public static bool FoundValue(this ReduceResult result) => (result & ReduceResult.Found) != 0;
Beispiel #14
 public static bool HasBeenReduced(this ReduceResult result) => (result & ReduceResult.Reduced) != 0;
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>Returns true if the result is final.</summary>
 public static bool IsFinal(this ReduceResult result) => (result & ReduceResult.Final) != 0;
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>Returns false if the result is solved or the method is disabled.</summary>
 private bool SkipMethod(SudokuSolverMethods method, ReduceResult result)
         (Methods & method) == SudokuSolverMethods.None ||
         (result & (ReduceResult.Solved | ReduceResult.Inconsistend)) != ReduceResult.None;
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>Reduces singles.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Any cells which have only one candidate can safely be assigned that value.
        /// It is very important whenever a value is assigned to a cell, that this
        /// value is also excluded as a candidate from all other blank cells sharing
        /// the same row, column and sub square.
        /// </remarks>
        private ReduceResult ReduceSingles(ReduceResult result, SudokuState state)
            if (SkipMethod(SudokuSolverMethods.Singles, result)) { return result; }

            result = ReduceResult.Reduced;
            while (result == ReduceResult.Reduced)
                result = ReduceResult.None;

                for (var index1 = 0; index1 <= Puzzle.MaximumIndex; index1++)
                    if (state.IsKnown(index1))
                        foreach (var group in Puzzle.Lookup[index1])
                            foreach (var index0 in group)
                                if (index0 != index1)
                                    result |= state.Exclude(index0, index1);
            return result;