Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 以同步的方式更新Entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityList"></param>
        public static bool SendSync(IEnumerable <AbstractEntity> entityList)
            var keyList   = new List <byte[]>();
            var valueList = new List <byte[]>();

            foreach (var entity in entityList)
                if (entity == null)
                entity.TempTimeModify = MathUtils.Now;
                string key       = GetQueueFormatKey(entity);
                var    keyValues = key.Split('_', '|');
                int    id        = AbstractEntity.DecodeKeyCode(keyValues[1]).ToInt();
                string keyCode   = keyValues[2];
                string redisKey  = string.Format("{0}_{1}", keyValues[0], keyCode);
                byte[] idBytes   = BufferUtils.GetBytes(id);
                var    keyBytes  = RedisConnectionPool.ToByteKey(redisKey);
                byte[] entityBytes;
                bool   isDelete = entity.IsDelete;
                entityBytes = _serializer.Serialize(entity);
                //modify resean: set unchange status.

                byte[] stateBytes = BufferUtils.GetBytes(isDelete ? 1 : 0);
                byte[] values     = BufferUtils.MergeBytes(BufferUtils.GetBytes(idBytes.Length + stateBytes.Length), idBytes, stateBytes, entityBytes);
            return(ProcessRedisSyncQueue(string.Empty, keyList.ToArray(), valueList.ToArray()));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 从Redis内存移除,并保存到数据库,
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="match">实体类型, 实体Key列表</param>
        public static void RemoveToDatabase(params KeyValuePair <Type, IList <string> >[] match)
            var removeEntityKeys = new List <KeyValuePair <string, byte[][]> >();
            var entityList       = new List <EntityHistory>();

            RedisConnectionPool.ProcessReadOnly(client =>
                foreach (var express in match)
                        string hashtId    = RedisConnectionPool.GetRedisEntityKeyName(express.Key);
                        byte[][] keyBytes = express.Value.Select(t => RedisConnectionPool.ToByteKey(t)).ToArray();
                        if (keyBytes.Length == 0)
                        removeEntityKeys.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, byte[][]>(hashtId, keyBytes));
                        byte[][] valueBytes = client.HMGet(hashtId, keyBytes);
                        for (int i = 0; i < keyBytes.Length; i++)
                            entityList.Add(new EntityHistory()
                                Key   = string.Format("{0}_{1}", hashtId, RedisConnectionPool.ToStringKey(keyBytes[i])),
                                Value = valueBytes[i]
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        TraceLog.WriteError("Redis cache remove key:{0} to Database error:{1}", express, ex);

            if (entityList.Count > 0)
                DataSyncManager.SendSql <EntityHistory>(entityList, false, true);
                RedisConnectionPool.ProcessReadOnly(client =>
                    foreach (var pair in removeEntityKeys)
                        client.HDel(pair.Key, pair.Value);
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Send to queue pool
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityList"></param>
        public static void Send(AbstractEntity[] entityList)
            string key = "";

                if (entityList == null || entityList.Length == 0)
                var groupList = entityList.GroupBy(t => t.GetIdentityId());
                foreach (var g in groupList)
                    var      valueList  = g.ToList();
                    byte[][] keyBytes   = new byte[valueList.Count][];
                    byte[][] valueBytes = new byte[valueList.Count][];
                    string   queueKey   = GetRedisSyncQueueKey(g.Key);
                    byte[]   idBytes    = BufferUtils.GetBytes(g.Key);

                    int index = 0;
                    foreach (var entity in valueList)
                        key             = string.Format("{0}_{1}", entity.GetType().FullName, entity.GetKeyCode());
                        keyBytes[index] = RedisConnectionPool.ToByteKey(key);
                        byte[] stateBytes = BufferUtils.GetBytes(entity.IsDelete ? 1 : 0);
                        valueBytes[index] = BufferUtils.MergeBytes(
                            BufferUtils.GetBytes(idBytes.Length + stateBytes.Length),
                    RedisConnectionPool.Process(client => client.HMSet(queueKey, keyBytes, valueBytes));
            catch (Exception ex)
                TraceLog.WriteError("Post changed key:{0} error:{1}", key, ex);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 通过Redis键获取实体对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="isRemove"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="serializer"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static dynamic GetEntityFromRedis(string key, bool isRemove, Type type, ICacheSerializer serializer)
            string  typeName;
            string  asmName;
            bool    isEntityType;
            string  redisKey;
            string  entityKey = GetEntityTypeFromKey(key, out typeName, ref type, out asmName, out isEntityType, out redisKey);
            dynamic entity    = null;

            RedisConnectionPool.Process(client =>
                if (isEntityType)
                    var data = client.Get <byte[]>(redisKey);
                    if (data != null && type != null)
                        entity = serializer.Deserialize(data, type);
                    var data = client.Get <byte[]>(redisKey);
                    if (data != null && type != null)
                        var dict = (IDictionary)serializer.Deserialize(data, type);
                        entity   = dict[entityKey];
                if (entity == null)
                    var data = client.HGet(typeName, RedisConnectionPool.ToByteKey(entityKey));
                    if (data != null && type != null)
                        entity = serializer.Deserialize(data, type);

                if (isRemove && entity == null && type != null)
                    string setId     = (isEntityType ? RedisConnectionPool.EncodeTypeName(typeName) : redisKey) + ":remove";
                    IDictionary dict = null;
                    RedisConnectionPool.ProcessTrans(client, new string[] { setId }, () =>
                        var data = client.Get <byte[]>(setId);
                        if (data == null)
                        dict   = (IDictionary)serializer.Deserialize(data, type);
                        entity = dict[entityKey];

                    }, trans =>
                        if (dict != null && dict.Count > 0)
                            trans.QueueCommand(c => c.Set(setId, serializer.Serialize(dict)));
                            trans.QueueCommand(c => c.Remove(setId));
                    }, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// 从历史库中加载数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="redisKey"></param>
        /// <param name="dataList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool TryLoadHistory <T>(string redisKey, out List <T> dataList) where T : ISqlEntity
            string[] entityAndKeys = (redisKey ?? "").Split('_');
            var      entityKey     = entityAndKeys.Length > 1 ? entityAndKeys[1] : null;
            string   entityNameKey = RedisConnectionPool.GetRedisEntityKeyName(entityAndKeys[0]);

            bool result = false;

            dataList = null;
            SchemaTable schemaTable;

            if (EntitySchemaSet.TryGet <EntityHistory>(out schemaTable))
                    var provider = DbConnectionProvider.CreateDbProvider(schemaTable);
                    if (provider == null)
                        //DB is optional and can no DB configuration
                        dataList = new List <T>();
                    TransReceiveParam receiveParam = new TransReceiveParam(entityNameKey);
                    receiveParam.Schema = schemaTable;
                    int    maxCount     = receiveParam.Schema.Capacity;
                    var    filter       = new DbDataFilter(maxCount);
                    string key          = schemaTable.Keys[0];
                    var    entitySchema = EntitySchemaSet.Get(entityAndKeys[0]);

                    if (entitySchema != null && entitySchema.Keys.Length == 1)
                        filter.Condition = provider.FormatFilterParam(key);
                        filter.Parameters.Add(key, string.Format("{0}_{1}", entityNameKey, entityKey));
                        filter.Condition = provider.FormatFilterParam(key, "LIKE");
                        filter.Parameters.Add(key, string.Format("{0}_%{1}%", entityNameKey, entityKey));
                    receiveParam.DbFilter = filter;

                    List <EntityHistory> historyList;
                    if (_dbTransponder.TryReceiveData(receiveParam, out historyList))
                        if (historyList.Count == 0)
                            dataList = new List <T>();
                        dataList = new List <T>();
                        var keyBytes   = new byte[historyList.Count][];
                        var valueBytes = new byte[historyList.Count][];
                        for (int i = 0; i < keyBytes.Length; i++)
                            var entityHistory = historyList[i];
                            keyBytes[i]   = RedisConnectionPool.ToByteKey(entityHistory.Key.Split('_')[1]);
                            valueBytes[i] = entityHistory.Value;
                            dataList.Add((T)_serializer.Deserialize(entityHistory.Value, typeof(T)));
                        //从DB备份中恢复到Redis, 多个Key时也要更新
                        var entitys = dataList.ToArray();
                        RedisConnectionPool.Process(client =>
                            client.HMSet(entityNameKey, keyBytes, valueBytes);
                            if (entitySchema.Keys.Length > 1)
                                RedisConnectionPool.UpdateFromMutilKeyMap <T>(client, entityKey, entitys);
                        result = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    TraceLog.WriteError("Try load Redis's history key:{0}\r\nerror:{1}", entityNameKey, ex);
                dataList = new List <T>();
                result   = true;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate Sql statements from the Keys-Values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="client"></param>
        /// <param name="keys"></param>
        /// <param name="values"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, KeyValuePair <byte[], long> > > GenerateSqlFrom(SqlDataSender sender, RedisClient client, byte[][] keys, byte[][] values)
            var typeKeyValuePairs = new List <KeyValuePair <string, byte[][]> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                byte[]   keyBytes       = keys[i];
                byte[]   headBytes      = values[i];
                string   entityTypeKey  = RedisConnectionPool.ToStringKey(keyBytes);
                string[] entityKeys     = entityTypeKey.Split(',')[0].Split('_');
                string   typeName       = entityKeys[0];
                byte[]   entityKeyBytes = RedisConnectionPool.ToByteKey(entityKeys[1]);
                typeKeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, byte[][]>(typeName, new[] { entityKeyBytes, keyBytes, headBytes })
            var sqlList   = new List <KeyValuePair <string, KeyValuePair <byte[], long> > >();
            var typeGroup = typeKeyValuePairs.GroupBy(p => p.Key);

            foreach (var g in typeGroup)
                var typeName = g.Key;
                    string entityParentKey = RedisConnectionPool.GetRedisEntityKeyName(typeName);
                    string asmName         = "";
                    var    enitityAsm      = EntitySchemaSet.EntityAssembly;
                    if (enitityAsm != null)
                        asmName = "," + enitityAsm.GetName().Name;

                    Type type = Type.GetType(string.Format("{0}{1}", RedisConnectionPool.DecodeTypeName(typeName), asmName), false, true);
                    if (type == null)
                        type = enitityAsm != null?enitityAsm.GetType(RedisConnectionPool.DecodeTypeName(typeName), false, true) : null;

                        if (type == null)
                            throw new ArgumentTypeException(string.Format("Get entity \"{0}\" type is null", entityParentKey));
                    var keyBuffers   = g.Select(p => p.Value[0]).ToArray();
                    var headBuffers  = g.Select(p => p.Value[2]).ToArray();
                    var valueBuffers = client.HMGet(entityParentKey, keyBuffers);

                    for (int i = 0; i < keyBuffers.Length; i++)
                        string keyCode   = RedisConnectionPool.ToStringKey(keyBuffers[i]);
                        var    buffer    = valueBuffers != null && valueBuffers.Length > i ? valueBuffers[i] : null;
                        var    headBytes = headBuffers[i];
                        int    identity;
                        int    state;
                        DecodeHeadBytes(headBytes, out identity, out state);

                        AbstractEntity entity = null;
                        if (state == 1 && buffer == null)
                            //entity remove ops
                            entity          = type.CreateInstance(new object[0]) as AbstractEntity;
                            entity.IsDelete = true;
                            entity.SetKeyValue(keyCode, typeName);
                        else if (buffer != null)
                            entity = _serializer.Deserialize(buffer, type) as AbstractEntity;
                        if (entity != null)
                            if (state == 1)
                                entity.IsDelete = true;
                            SqlStatement statement = sender.GenerateSqlQueue(entity);
                            if (statement == null)
                                throw new Exception(string.Format("Generate sql of \"{0}\" entity error", typeName));
                            var    sqlValueBytes = ProtoBufUtils.Serialize(statement);
                            string sqlQueueKey   = SqlStatementManager.GetSqlQueueKey(statement.IdentityID);
                            sqlList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, KeyValuePair <byte[], long> >(sqlQueueKey,
                                                                                                new KeyValuePair <byte[], long>(sqlValueBytes, DateTime.Now.Ticks)));
                            throw new Exception(string.Format("Get \"{0}\" entity is null, keycode:{1},buffer len:{2},state:{3}",
                                                              typeName, keyCode, buffer == null ? -1 : buffer.Length, state));
                catch (Exception er)
                    TraceLog.WriteError("FindEntityFromRedis {0} error:{1}", typeName, er);
                    var errorKeys   = g.Select(p => p.Value[1]).ToArray();
                    var errorValues = g.Select(p => p.Value[2]).ToArray();
                    client.HMSet(SqlSyncWaitErrirQueueKey, errorKeys, errorValues);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Process synchronized queue of redis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sysnWorkingQueueKey"></param>
        /// <param name="keys"></param>
        /// <param name="values"></param>
        private static void DoProcessRedisSyncQueue(string sysnWorkingQueueKey, byte[][] keys, byte[][] values)
                var redisSyncErrorQueue = new List <byte[][]>();
                var setList             = new List <KeyValuePair <string, byte[][]> >();
                var removeList          = new List <KeyValuePair <string, byte[]> >();
                var sqlWaitSyncQueue    = new List <KeyValuePair <string, byte[][]> >();

                for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                    byte[] keyBytes   = keys[i];
                    byte[] valueBytes = values[i];
                        string[] queueKey        = RedisConnectionPool.ToStringKey(keyBytes).Split('_');
                        string   entityTypeName  = RedisConnectionPool.DecodeTypeName(queueKey[0]);
                        string   entityParentKey = RedisConnectionPool.GetRedisEntityKeyName(queueKey[0]);
                        byte[]   entityKeyBytes  = RedisConnectionPool.ToByteKey(queueKey[1]);

                        byte[] headBytes;
                        byte[] entityValBytes;
                        int    state;
                        int    identity;
                        DecodeValueBytes(valueBytes, out headBytes, out entityValBytes, out state, out identity);

                        if (state == 1)
                            removeList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, byte[]>(entityParentKey, entityKeyBytes));
                            setList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, byte[][]>(entityParentKey, new[] { entityKeyBytes, entityValBytes }));

                        bool        isStoreInDb = true;
                        SchemaTable schema;
                        if (EntitySchemaSet.TryGet(entityTypeName, out schema))
                            isStoreInDb = schema.StorageType.HasFlag(StorageType.WriteOnlyDB) || schema.StorageType.HasFlag(StorageType.ReadWriteDB);
                        if (_enableWriteToDb && isStoreInDb)
                            string sqlWaitQueueKey = GetSqlWaitSyncQueueKey(identity);
                            sqlWaitSyncQueue.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, byte[][]>(sqlWaitQueueKey, new[] { keyBytes, headBytes }));
                        redisSyncErrorQueue.Add(new[] { keyBytes, valueBytes });
                var redisErrorKeys   = redisSyncErrorQueue.Select(p => p[0]).ToArray();
                var redisErrorValues = redisSyncErrorQueue.Select(p => p[1]).ToArray();
                var sqlWaitGroups    = sqlWaitSyncQueue.GroupBy(p => p.Key);
                var setGroups        = setList.GroupBy(p => p.Key);
                var removeGroups     = removeList.GroupBy(p => p.Key);

                RedisConnectionPool.Process(client =>
                    foreach (var g in setGroups)
                        var entityKeys   = g.Select(p => p.Value[0]).ToArray();
                        var entityValues = g.Select(p => p.Value[1]).ToArray();
                        client.HMSet(g.Key, entityKeys, entityValues);
                    foreach (var g in removeGroups)
                        var keybytes = g.Select(p => p.Value).ToArray();
                        client.HDel(g.Key, keybytes);
                    if (redisErrorKeys.Length > 0)
                        client.HMSet(RedisSyncErrorQueueKey, redisErrorKeys, redisErrorValues);

                    foreach (var g in sqlWaitGroups)
                        var sqlWaitKeys   = g.Select(p => p.Value[0]).ToArray();
                        var sqlWaitValues = g.Select(p => p.Value[1]).ToArray();
                        client.HMSet(g.Key, sqlWaitKeys, sqlWaitValues);
            catch (Exception ex)
                TraceLog.WriteError("DoProcessRedisSyncQueue error:{0}", ex);
                    RedisConnectionPool.Process(client => client.HMSet(RedisSyncErrorQueueKey, keys, values));
                catch (Exception er)
                    TraceLog.WriteError("Put RedisSyncErrorQueue error:{0}", er);
Beispiel #8
        private static void OnEntitySyncQueue(object state)
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _entityQueueRunning, 1, 0) == 0)
                    var tempRemove = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _entityRemoteSet, new HashSet <string>());
                    var temp       = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _entitySet, new HashSet <string>());
                    if (temp.Count == 0 || _queueWatchTimers == null)
                    TraceLog.WriteWarn("OnEntitySyncQueue execute count:{0}, success:{1}/total {2}, fail:{3} start...", temp.Count, ExecuteSuccessCount, SendWaitCount, ExecuteFailCount);

                    RedisConnectionPool.Process(client =>
                        while (temp.Count > 0)
                            var dumpSet  = temp.Take(ExecuteCount).ToArray();
                            var pipeline = client.CreatePipeline();
                                bool hasPost = false;
                                foreach (var key in dumpSet)
                                    var keyValues = key.Split('_', '|');
                                    if (keyValues.Length != 3)
                                        TraceLog.WriteWarn("OnEntitySyncQueue:{0}", key);

                                    AbstractEntity entity = CacheFactory.GetPersonalEntity(key) as AbstractEntity;
                                    int id          = keyValues[1].ToInt();
                                    string keyCode  = keyValues[2];
                                    string redisKey = string.Format("{0}_{1}", keyValues[0], keyCode);
                                    string hashId   = GetRedisSyncQueueKey(id);
                                    byte[] idBytes  = BufferUtils.GetBytes(id);
                                    var keyBytes    = RedisConnectionPool.ToByteKey(redisKey);
                                    bool isDelete;
                                    byte[] entityBytes;
                                    if (entity != null)
                                        isDelete    = entity.IsDelete;
                                        entityBytes = _serializer.Serialize(entity);
                                        //modify resean: set unchange status.
                                    else if (tempRemove.Contains(key))
                                        entityBytes = new byte[0];
                                        isDelete    = true;
                                        TraceLog.WriteError("EntitySync queue key {0} faild object is null.", key);
                                    byte[] stateBytes = BufferUtils.GetBytes(isDelete ? 1 : 0);
                                    byte[] values     =
                                        BufferUtils.MergeBytes(BufferUtils.GetBytes(idBytes.Length + stateBytes.Length),
                                                               idBytes, stateBytes, entityBytes);
                                    pipeline.QueueCommand(c =>
                                        ((RedisClient)c).HSet(hashId, keyBytes, values);
                                    hasPost = true;
                                if (hasPost)
                                foreach (var key in dumpSet)
                            catch (Exception)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    TraceLog.WriteError("EntitySync queue {0}", ex);
                    Interlocked.Exchange(ref _entityQueueRunning, 0);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Process synchronized queue of redis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sysnWorkingQueueKey"></param>
        /// <param name="keys"></param>
        /// <param name="values"></param>
        private static bool ProcessRedisSyncQueue(string sysnWorkingQueueKey, byte[][] keys, byte[][] values)
            bool result = false;

                var redisSyncErrorQueue = new List <byte[][]>();
                var entityList          = new List <RedisEntityItem>();
                var entityRemList       = new List <RedisEntityItem>();
                var mutilKeyMapList     = new List <RedisEntityItem>();
                var mutilKeyMapRemList  = new List <RedisEntityItem>();
                var sqlWaitSyncQueue    = new List <KeyValuePair <string, byte[][]> >();

                for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                    byte[] keyBytes   = keys[i];
                    byte[] valueBytes = values[i];
                        string[]    queueKey        = RedisConnectionPool.ToStringKey(keyBytes).Split('_');
                        string      entityTypeName  = RedisConnectionPool.DecodeTypeName(queueKey[0]);
                        string      entityParentKey = RedisConnectionPool.GetRedisEntityKeyName(queueKey[0]);
                        byte[]      entityKeyBytes  = RedisConnectionPool.ToByteKey(queueKey[1]);
                        bool        hasMutilKey     = false;
                        bool        isStoreInDb     = true;
                        SchemaTable schema;
                        if (EntitySchemaSet.TryGet(entityTypeName, out schema))
                            hasMutilKey = RedisConnectionPool.CurrRedisInfo.ClientVersion >= RedisStorageVersion.HashMutilKeyMap &&
                                          schema.EntityType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseEntity)) &&
                                          schema.Keys.Length > 1;
                            isStoreInDb = schema.StorageType.HasFlag(StorageType.WriteOnlyDB) || schema.StorageType.HasFlag(StorageType.ReadWriteDB);

                        byte[] headBytes;
                        byte[] entityValBytes;
                        int    state;
                        int    identity;
                        DecodeValueBytes(valueBytes, out headBytes, out entityValBytes, out state, out identity);

                        var entityItem = new RedisEntityItem()
                            HashId      = entityParentKey,
                            UserId      = identity,
                            KeyBytes    = entityKeyBytes,
                            ValueBytes  = entityValBytes,
                            State       = state,
                            HasMutilKey = hasMutilKey
                        if (entityItem.State == 1)
                            if (hasMutilKey)
                            if (hasMutilKey)
                        if (_enableWriteToDb && isStoreInDb)
                            string sqlWaitQueueKey = GetSqlWaitSyncQueueKey(identity);
                            sqlWaitSyncQueue.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, byte[][]>(sqlWaitQueueKey, new[] { keyBytes, headBytes }));
                        redisSyncErrorQueue.Add(new[] { keyBytes, valueBytes });
                var redisErrorKeys       = redisSyncErrorQueue.Select(p => p[0]).ToArray();
                var redisErrorValues     = redisSyncErrorQueue.Select(p => p[1]).ToArray();
                var sqlWaitGroups        = sqlWaitSyncQueue.GroupBy(p => p.Key);
                var setGroups            = entityList.GroupBy(p => p.HashId);
                var removeGroups         = entityRemList.GroupBy(p => p.HashId);
                var mutilKeyMapGroups    = mutilKeyMapList.GroupBy(p => p.HashId);
                var mutilKeyMapRemGroups = mutilKeyMapRemList.GroupBy(p => p.HashId);

                RedisConnectionPool.ProcessPipeline(pipeline =>
                    bool hasPost = false;

                    foreach (var g in setGroups)
                        var entityKeys   = g.Select(p => p.KeyBytes).ToArray();
                        var entityValues = g.Select(p => p.ValueBytes).ToArray();
                        pipeline.QueueCommand(client => ((RedisClient)client).HMSet(g.Key, entityKeys, entityValues));
                        hasPost = true;
                    foreach (var g in removeGroups)
                        var keybytes = g.Select(p => p.KeyBytes).ToArray();
                        pipeline.QueueCommand(client => ((RedisClient)client).HDel(g.Key, keybytes));
                        hasPost = true;
                    foreach (var g in mutilKeyMapGroups)
                        string hashId = g.Key;
                        var subGroup  = g.GroupBy(t => t.UserId);
                        foreach (var @group in subGroup)
                            string firstKey = AbstractEntity.EncodeKeyCode(@group.Key.ToString());
                            var keybytes    = @group.Select(p => p.KeyBytes).ToArray();
                            pipeline.QueueCommand(client => RedisConnectionPool.SetMutilKeyMap((RedisClient)client, hashId, firstKey, keybytes));
                            hasPost = true;
                    foreach (var g in mutilKeyMapRemGroups)
                        string hashId = g.Key;
                        var subGroup  = g.GroupBy(t => t.UserId);
                        foreach (var @group in subGroup)
                            string firstKey = AbstractEntity.EncodeKeyCode(@group.Key.ToString());
                            var keybytes    = @group.Select(p => p.KeyBytes).ToArray();
                            pipeline.QueueCommand(client => RedisConnectionPool.RemoveMutilKeyMap((RedisClient)client, hashId, firstKey, keybytes));
                            hasPost = true;

                    if (redisErrorKeys.Length > 0)
                        pipeline.QueueCommand(client => ((RedisClient)client).HMSet(RedisSyncErrorQueueKey, redisErrorKeys, redisErrorValues));
                        hasPost = true;
                    foreach (var g in sqlWaitGroups)
                        var sqlWaitKeys   = g.Select(p => p.Value[0]).ToArray();
                        var sqlWaitValues = g.Select(p => p.Value[1]).ToArray();
                        pipeline.QueueCommand(client => ((RedisClient)client).HMSet(g.Key, sqlWaitKeys, sqlWaitValues));
                        hasPost = true;
                    if (hasPost)
                    result = redisErrorKeys.Length == 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                TraceLog.WriteError("DoProcessRedisSyncQueue error:{0}", ex);
                    RedisConnectionPool.Process(client => client.HMSet(RedisSyncErrorQueueKey, keys, values));
                catch (Exception er)
                    TraceLog.WriteError("Put RedisSyncErrorQueue error:{0}", er);
Beispiel #10
        private static void OnEntitySyncQueue(object state)
            if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _entityQueueRunning, 1, 0) == 0)
                    var tempRemove = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _entityRemoteSet, new HashSet <string>());
                    var temp       = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _entitySet, new HashSet <string>());
                    if (temp.Count == 0)
                    using (var client = RedisConnectionPool.GetClient())
                        var pipeline = client.CreatePipeline();
                            bool hasPost = false;
                            foreach (var key in temp)
                                var keyValues = key.Split('_', '|');
                                if (keyValues.Length != 3)

                                AbstractEntity entity   = CacheFactory.GetPersonalEntity(key) as AbstractEntity;
                                int            id       = keyValues[1].ToInt();
                                string         keyCode  = keyValues[2];
                                string         redisKey = string.Format("{0}_{1}", keyValues[0], keyCode);
                                string         hashId   = GetRedisSyncQueueKey(id);
                                byte[]         idBytes  = BufferUtils.GetBytes(id);
                                var            keyBytes = RedisConnectionPool.ToByteKey(redisKey);
                                bool           isDelete;
                                byte[]         entityBytes;
                                if (entity != null)
                                    isDelete    = entity.IsDelete;
                                    entityBytes = _serializer.Serialize(entity);
                                else if (tempRemove.Contains(key))
                                    entityBytes = new byte[0];
                                    isDelete    = true;
                                    TraceLog.WriteError("EntitySync queue key {0} faild object is null.", key);
                                byte[] stateBytes = BufferUtils.GetBytes(isDelete ? 1 : 0);
                                byte[] values     =
                                    BufferUtils.MergeBytes(BufferUtils.GetBytes(idBytes.Length + stateBytes.Length),
                                                           idBytes, stateBytes, entityBytes);
                                pipeline.QueueCommand(c => ((RedisClient)c).HSet(hashId, keyBytes, values));
                                hasPost = true;
                            if (hasPost)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    TraceLog.WriteError("EntitySync queue {0}", ex);
                    Interlocked.Exchange(ref _entityQueueRunning, 0);