Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Nastaví dané souřadnice do Owner prvku. Pokud to prvek umožňuje, předá i další informace.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="boundsTarget"></param>
        private void _DragOwnerCall(GDragActionArgs e, Rectangle boundsTarget)
            if (!this._DragOwnerBoundsOriginal.HasValue)

            Rectangle      boundsOriginal = this._DragOwnerBoundsOriginal.Value; // Souřadnice výchozí, před začátkem procesu Resize
            Rectangle      boundsCurrent  = this._InteractiveOwner.Bounds;       // Souřadnice nynější, před jejich změnou aktuálním krokem Resize
            DragActionType action         = e.DragAction;

            if (this._IResizeObject != null)
            {   // a) varianta přes interface IResizeObject a jeho metodu SetBoundsResized():
                RectangleSide side = RectangleSide.None;
                // Najdeme reálné strany, kde došlo ke změně souřadnice proti původní souřadnici:
                //  (ono při pohybu myši NAHORU na LEVÉ straně sice máme pohyb, ale nemáme změnu Bounds)
                //  (a dále při povolení UpsideDown můžeme sice pohybovat PRAVÝM resizerem doleva, ale nakonec měníme LEFT i RIGHT souřadnici)
                side = (boundsOriginal.Left != boundsTarget.Left   ? RectangleSide.Left   : RectangleSide.None)
                       | (boundsOriginal.Top != boundsTarget.Top    ? RectangleSide.Top    : RectangleSide.None)
                       | (boundsOriginal.Right != boundsTarget.Right  ? RectangleSide.Right  : RectangleSide.None)
                       | (boundsOriginal.Bottom != boundsTarget.Bottom ? RectangleSide.Bottom : RectangleSide.None);

                if (side != RectangleSide.None || action == DragActionType.DragThisCancel)
                    ResizeObjectArgs args = new ResizeObjectArgs(e, boundsOriginal, boundsCurrent, boundsTarget, side);
            else if (boundsTarget != boundsCurrent || action == DragActionType.DragThisCancel)
            {   // b) varianta s prostým setováním Bounds do prvku (tehdy, když prvek nemá interface IResizeObject):
                this._InteractiveOwner.Bounds = boundsTarget;
Beispiel #2
        private static Rectangle MergeRectangles(Rectangle first, Rectangle second, RectangleSide side)
            Rectangle mergedRectangle;

            switch (side)
            case RectangleSide.Left:
                mergedRectangle = new Rectangle(first.width + second.width, first.height, second.x, first.y);

            case RectangleSide.Right:
                mergedRectangle = new Rectangle(first.width + second.width, first.height, first.x, first.y);

            case RectangleSide.Top:
                mergedRectangle = new Rectangle(first.width, first.height + second.height, first.x, first.y);

            case RectangleSide.Bottom:
                mergedRectangle = new Rectangle(first.width, first.height + second.height, first.x, second.y);

                throw new InternalRuntimeException("A rectangle can only be joined on the sides left, right, top or bottom, not " + side.ToString());

            Rectangle[] oldRectangles = new Rectangle[]
            Rectangle.ReplaceRectangles(oldRectangles, mergedRectangle);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the closest projected <see cref="Point"/> perpendicular to the middle of the specified edge of the rectangle
        /// for a given target <see cref="Point"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetPoint">The target <see cref="Point"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="rectangleEdge">
        /// A <see cref="RectangleSide"/> value describing the edge of the rectangle to project perpendicularly.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The closest projected <see cref="Point"/> perpendicular to the middle of the <paramref name="rectangleEdge"/> for the <paramref name="targetPoint"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public Point ClosestPerpendicularPointToEdgeMidPoint(Point targetPoint, RectangleSide rectangleEdge)
            Line edge = GetEdge(rectangleEdge);
            Ray  ray  = new Ray(Center, edge.PerpendicularDirection);

Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Konstruktor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="resizeControl">Kontroler Resize</param>
 /// <param name="side">Strana</param>
 public ResizeItem(ResizeControl resizeControl, RectangleSide side)
     : base()
     this._ResizeControl = resizeControl;
     this._Side          = side;
     this._Orientation   = (((side & RectangleSide.Horizontal) != 0) ? System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Horizontal : System.Windows.Forms.Orientation.Vertical);
     this.Parent         = this.InteractiveOwner;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Metoda vrací okraje pro <see cref="InteractiveObject.InteractivePadding"/> pro dané aktivní strany
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sides"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Padding _GetOwnerPadding(RectangleSide sides)
            Padding padding = new Padding(
                (sides.HasFlag(RectangleSide.Left) ? 3 : 0),
                (sides.HasFlag(RectangleSide.Top) ? 3 : 0),
                (sides.HasFlag(RectangleSide.Right) ? 3 : 0),
                (sides.HasFlag(RectangleSide.Bottom) ? 3 : 0)

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Metoda vrací počet pixelů distance mezi danou hranou Rectangle a daným bodem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bounds"></param>
        /// <param name="side"></param>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int?_DragItemGetDistance(Rectangle bounds, RectangleSide side, Point point)
            switch (side)
            case RectangleSide.Left: return(point.X - bounds.X);

            case RectangleSide.Top: return(point.Y - bounds.Y);

            case RectangleSide.Right: return(point.X - bounds.Right);

            case RectangleSide.Bottom: return(point.Y - bounds.Bottom);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Konstruktor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="interactiveOwner"></param>
        /// <param name="resizeSides"></param>
        public ResizeControl(InteractiveObject interactiveOwner, RectangleSide resizeSides)
            this._InteractiveOwner   = interactiveOwner;
            this._IResizeObject      = interactiveOwner as IResizeObject;
            this._ShowResizeAllways  = false;
            this._CanUpsideDown      = false;
            this._ChildList          = new List <ResizeItem>();
            this._InactiveColor      = Skin.Splitter.InactiveColor;
            this._MouseOnParentColor = Skin.Splitter.MouseOnParentColor;
            this._MouseOverColor     = Skin.Splitter.MouseOverColor;
            this._MouseDownColor     = Skin.Splitter.MouseDownColor;

            this.ResizeSides = resizeSides;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Metoda vrací okraje pro <see cref="InteractiveObject.InteractivePadding"/> pro danou stranu <see cref="ResizeItem.Side"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sides"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Padding?_GetResizeItemPadding(RectangleSide sides)
            switch (sides)
            case RectangleSide.Left: return(new Padding(3, 0, 2, 0));

            case RectangleSide.Top: return(new Padding(0, 3, 0, 2));

            case RectangleSide.Right: return(new Padding(2, 0, 3, 0));

            case RectangleSide.Bottom: return(new Padding(0, 2, 0, 3));
        public override void LoadFromXML(XElement xml)

            String portDefString = XmlUtilits.GetFieldValue(xml, "PortDefenitionGuid", Guid.Empty.ToString());

            if (!Guid.TryParse(portDefString, out PortDefenitionGuid))
                PortDefenitionGuid = Guid.Empty;
            String side = XmlUtilits.GetFieldValue(xml, "ConnectionPortLocation", RectangleSide.Left.ToString());

            ConnectionPortLocation = (RectangleSide)Enum.Parse(typeof(RectangleSide), side, true);
Beispiel #10
        public void SetSize(Vector3 bottom, float height, RectangleSide direction, float floorThickness,
                            float ceilingThickness, Vector3 tileScale)
            var smallerScale = tileScale.x < tileScale.z ? tileScale.x : tileScale.z;

            topPart.localScale =
                new Vector3(smallerScale / 4, topPart.localScale.y * (tileScale.y / 2), smallerScale / 4);
            bottomPart.localScale =
                new Vector3(smallerScale / 4, bottomPart.localScale.y * (tileScale.y / 2), smallerScale / 4);
            pillar.localScale = new Vector3(smallerScale / 8, height - ceilingThickness, smallerScale / 8);

            pillar.localPosition     = new Vector3(0, height / 2, 0);
            topPart.localPosition    = new Vector3(0, height - (ceilingThickness * 0.75f), 0);
            bottomPart.localPosition = new Vector3(0, floorThickness * 0.75f, 0);

            switch (direction)
            case RectangleSide.TopLeft:
                transform.localPosition = new Vector3(
                    bottom.x - (bottomPart.localScale.x / 2),
                    bottom.z - (topPart.localScale.z / 2));

            case RectangleSide.TopRight:
                transform.localPosition = new Vector3(
                    bottom.x - (bottomPart.localScale.x / 2),
                    bottom.z + (topPart.localScale.z / 2));

            case RectangleSide.BottomLeft:
                transform.localPosition = new Vector3(
                    bottom.x + (bottomPart.localScale.x / 2),
                    bottom.z - (topPart.localScale.z / 2));

            case RectangleSide.BottomRight:
                transform.localPosition = new Vector3(
                    bottom.x + (bottomPart.localScale.x / 2),
                    bottom.z + (topPart.localScale.z / 2));
Beispiel #11
        private static bool IsLSplitWorthIt(Rectangle first, Rectangle second, RectangleSide side)
            int  horizontalSegment;
            int  verticalSegment;
            bool isAlreadyOptimallySplit;

            //Check if splitting even improves the rectangles
            if (side.IsVertical())
                if (first.width < second.width)
                    horizontalSegment = first.width;
                    verticalSegment   = second.height;
                    horizontalSegment = second.width;
                    verticalSegment   = first.height;
                isAlreadyOptimallySplit = Rectangle.ShouldSplitAtHorizontalLineSegment(verticalSegment, horizontalSegment);
            else if (side.IsHorizontal())
                if (first.height < second.height)
                    horizontalSegment = second.width;
                    verticalSegment   = first.height;
                    horizontalSegment = first.width;
                    verticalSegment   = second.height;
                isAlreadyOptimallySplit = !Rectangle.ShouldSplitAtHorizontalLineSegment(verticalSegment, horizontalSegment);
                throw new InternalRuntimeException("Logic error.");

            bool doesSplitMatter = verticalSegment != horizontalSegment;

            return(doesSplitMatter && !isAlreadyOptimallySplit);
Beispiel #12
        public static Rectangle TryMergeOptimization(Board board, Rectangle rectangle)
            Rectangle     bestMerge     = null;
            int           bestScore     = 0;
            RectangleSide bestMergeSide = RectangleSide.None;

            //First find the best pair of rectangles to merge if there is any
            foreach (Rectangle candidate in rectangle.AdjacentRectangles)
                //Can only merge two empty rectangles
                if (!board.EmptyRectangles.ContainsKey(candidate))

                RectangleSide mergeSide = GetMergeSideIfAny(rectangle, candidate);
                if (mergeSide != RectangleSide.None)
                    int score = rectangle.GetArea() + candidate.GetArea();
                    if (score > bestScore)
                        bestMerge     = candidate;
                        bestScore     = score;
                        bestMergeSide = mergeSide;

            //If a pair was found then merge them
            if (bestMerge != null)
                Rectangle mergedRectangle = MergeRectangles(rectangle, bestMerge, bestMergeSide);

                //Remove old rectangles and add the new rectangle to the board
                board.EmptyRectangles.Add(mergedRectangle, mergedRectangle);


Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Nastaví viditelné strany, aktualizuje soupis Child prvků
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resizeSides"></param>
        private void _SetResizeSides(RectangleSide resizeSides)
            RectangleSide sides = RectangleSide.None;

            // Pořadí: v pořadí tchto řádků budou prvky vykreslovány (odspodu nahoru) a interaktivní (odshora dolů):
            this._SetResizeSide(resizeSides, RectangleSide.Top, ref sides, ref this._ItemTop);
            this._SetResizeSide(resizeSides, RectangleSide.Bottom, ref sides, ref this._ItemBottom);
            this._SetResizeSide(resizeSides, RectangleSide.Left, ref sides, ref this._ItemLeft);
            this._SetResizeSide(resizeSides, RectangleSide.Right, ref sides, ref this._ItemRight);
            bool isChange = (this._ResizeSides != sides);

            this._ResizeSides = sides;
            this._InteractiveOwner.InteractivePadding = _GetOwnerPadding(sides);    // Owner objekt musí mít o něco větší interaktivní prostor, aby bylo možno aktivovat patřičné ResizeItem
            // Po změně překreslit:
            if (isChange)
Beispiel #14
        public int RenderBound(ScreenInfo.DisplayInfoCollection DI, RectangleSide Side, int Offset, int Dimension)
            var display = DI[Value];

            switch (Side)
            case RectangleSide.Left:

            case RectangleSide.Top:

            case RectangleSide.Right:

            case RectangleSide.Bottom:
Beispiel #15
        public static RectangleSide OppositeDirection(this RectangleSide side)
            switch (side)
            case RectangleSide.Left:

            case RectangleSide.Right:

            case RectangleSide.Top:

            case RectangleSide.Bottom:

                throw new InternalRuntimeException($"Can't take the opposite direction of the direction: {side.ToString()}");
Beispiel #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Vrátí požadovaný bod, nacházející se na daném místě absolutní souřadnice daného prvku.
        /// Pokud je prvek neviditelný (on, nebo kterýkoli z jeho Parentů), může vrátit null pokud je požadavek "onlyVisible" = true.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="side"></param>
        /// <param name="onlyVisible">true = vracet bod pouze pro objekt, který může být viditelný (z hlediska Is.Visible jeho a všech jeho Parentů)</param>
        /// <param name="shiftInner">Posunout výsledný bod mírně směrem doprostřed objektu</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected static Point?GetPoint(InteractiveObject item, RectangleSide side, bool onlyVisible, bool shiftInner)
            if (item == null)
            BoundsInfo boundsInfo = item.BoundsInfo;

            if (onlyVisible && !boundsInfo.CurrentItemIsVisible)
            Rectangle absBounds = boundsInfo.CurrentItemAbsoluteBounds;

            if (shiftInner)
                absBounds = GetInnerBounds(absBounds);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Připraví jeden prvek <see cref="ResizeItem"/> pro jednu stranu "currentSide"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestSides">Požadované strany</param>
        /// <param name="currentSide">Strana tohoto konkrétního prvku</param>
        /// <param name="realSides">Souhrn viditelných stran</param>
        /// <param name="item">Vizuální prvek</param>
        private void _SetResizeSide(RectangleSide requestSides, RectangleSide currentSide, ref RectangleSide realSides, ref ResizeItem item)
            bool isVisible = ((requestSides & currentSide) != 0);

            if (!isVisible)
            {   // Nemá být vidět:
                if (item != null)
                    item.Is.Visible = false;
            {   // Má být vidět:
                if (item == null)
                    item = new ResizeItem(this, currentSide);
                item.Is.Visible = true;
                realSides      |= currentSide;
Beispiel #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Konstruktor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 /// <param name="boundsSource"></param>
 /// <param name="boundsCurrent"></param>
 /// <param name="boundsTarget"></param>
 /// <param name="side"></param>
 public ResizeObjectArgs(GDragActionArgs e, Rectangle boundsSource, Rectangle boundsCurrent, Rectangle boundsTarget, RectangleSide side)
     this.DragArgs       = e;
     this.BoundsOriginal = boundsSource;
     this.BoundsCurrent  = boundsCurrent;
     this.BoundsTarget   = boundsTarget;
     this.ChangedSide    = side;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the distance to the specified rectangle edge from a <see cref="Point"/> perpendicular to the middle of the specified rectangle edge.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="perpendicularPoint">A <see cref="Point"/> perpendicular to the <paramref name="rectangleEdge"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="rectangleEdge">
        /// A <see cref="RectangleSide"/> value describing the edge of the rectangle perpendicular to the <paramref name="perpendicularPoint"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>The distance from the <paramref name="perpendicularPoint"/> to the <paramref name="rectangleEdge"/>.</returns>
        public double DistanceFromPerpendicularPointToEdgeMidPoint(Point perpendicularPoint, RectangleSide rectangleEdge)
            Line   edge     = GetEdge(rectangleEdge);
            double distance = edge.MidPoint.DistanceTo(perpendicularPoint);
            Point  center   = Center;

            return((center.DistanceTo(edge.MidPoint) > center.DistanceTo(perpendicularPoint)) ? -distance : distance);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a <see cref="Line"/> representing the edge of the rectangle
 /// corresponding to the specified <see cref="RectangleSide"/> value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rectangleEdge">
 /// A <see cref="RectangleSide"/> value describing the edge of the rectangle.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="Line"/> representing an edge of the rectangle.</returns>
 private Line GetEdge(RectangleSide rectangleEdge) => rectangleEdge switch
Beispiel #21
 public static bool IsHorizontal(this RectangleSide side)
     return(side == RectangleSide.Left || side == RectangleSide.Right);
Beispiel #22
 public static void RenderEntrails(RenderContext context, RectanglePainter rectangle, RectangleSide side)
     if (side == RectangleSide.Right)
         context.DrawEllipseCentered(rectangle.Left + 4, rectangle.Top + 4, rectangle.Right - 4, rectangle.Bottom - 4, Colors.Blue, 2);
         context.DrawFillRectangle((rectangle.Left + rectangle.Right) / 2, rectangle.Top + 1, rectangle.Right - 1, rectangle.Bottom - 1, Colors.White);
     else if (side == RectangleSide.Left)
         context.DrawEllipseCentered(rectangle.Left + 4, rectangle.Top + 4, rectangle.Right - 4, rectangle.Bottom - 4, Colors.Blue, 2);
         context.DrawFillRectangle(rectangle.Left + 1, rectangle.Bottom - 1, (rectangle.Left + rectangle.Right) / 2, rectangle.Top + 1, Colors.White);
     else if (side == RectangleSide.Bottom)
         context.DrawEllipseCentered(rectangle.Left + 4, rectangle.Top + 4, rectangle.Right - 4, rectangle.Bottom - 4, Colors.Blue, 2);
         context.DrawFillRectangle(rectangle.Left + 1, rectangle.Bottom - 1, rectangle.Right - 1, (rectangle.Top + rectangle.Bottom) / 2, Colors.White);
     else if (side == RectangleSide.Top)
         context.DrawEllipseCentered(rectangle.Left + 4, rectangle.Top + 4, rectangle.Right - 4, rectangle.Bottom - 4, Colors.Blue, 2);
         context.DrawFillRectangle(rectangle.Left + 1, rectangle.Top + 1, rectangle.Right - 1, (rectangle.Top + rectangle.Bottom) / 2, Colors.White);
Beispiel #23
        private static Rectangle[] GetLShapeInformation(Rectangle first, Rectangle second, RectangleSide side, RectangleSide extendDirection)
            Rectangle smaller;
            Rectangle bigger;

            if (side.IsVertical() && first.width < second.width ||
                side.IsHorizontal() && first.height < second.height)
                smaller = first;
                bigger  = second;
                smaller = second;
                bigger  = first;
                side    = side.OppositeDirection();

            if (side.IsVertical())
                int       movedXPos  = extendDirection == RectangleSide.Right ? smaller.width : 0;
                int       movedYPos  = side == RectangleSide.Bottom ? bigger.height : 0;
                Rectangle newSmaller = new Rectangle(smaller.width, smaller.height + bigger.height, smaller.x, smaller.y - movedYPos);
                Rectangle newBigger  = new Rectangle(bigger.width - smaller.width, bigger.height, bigger.x + movedXPos, bigger.y);
                return(new Rectangle[] { newSmaller, newBigger });
                int       movedXPos  = side == RectangleSide.Left ? bigger.width : 0;
                int       movedYPos  = extendDirection == RectangleSide.Top ? smaller.height : 0;
                Rectangle newSmaller = new Rectangle(smaller.width + bigger.width, smaller.height, smaller.x - movedXPos, smaller.y);
                Rectangle newBigger  = new Rectangle(bigger.width, bigger.height - smaller.height, bigger.x, bigger.y + movedYPos);
                return(new Rectangle[] { newSmaller, newBigger });
Beispiel #24
 public int RenderBound(ScreenInfo.DisplayInfoCollection DI, RectangleSide Side, int Offset, int Dimension)
     return((int)(Dimension * Decimal) + Offset);
        public static Point getNearestPointInPerimeter(double left, double top, double width, double height, double x, double y, out RectangleSide side)
            double right  = left + width;
            double bottom = top + height;

            double X = clamp(x, left, right);
            double Y = clamp(y, top, bottom);

            double dl = Math.Abs(X - left);
            double dr = Math.Abs(X - right);
            double dt = Math.Abs(Y - top);
            double db = Math.Abs(Y - bottom);

            double m = Math.Min(dl, dr);

            m = Math.Min(m, dt);
            m = Math.Min(m, db);

            if (m == dt)
                side = RectangleSide.Top;
                return(new Point(X, top));
            else if (m == db)
                side = RectangleSide.Bottom;
                return(new Point(X, bottom));
            else if (m == dl)
                side = RectangleSide.Left;
                return(new Point(left, Y));
                side = RectangleSide.Right;
                return(new Point(right, Y));
Beispiel #26
 public static void RenderEntrails(RenderContext context, RectanglePainter rectangle, RectangleSide side)
     if (side == RectangleSide.Left)
         double x1 = rectangle.Right - 4;
         double y1 = rectangle.Top + 4;
         double x2 = rectangle.Left + 4;
         double y2 = rectangle.Top + rectangle.Height / 2;
         double x3 = x1;
         double y3 = rectangle.BottomRight.Y - 4;
         context.DrawFillTriangle(x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, Colors.Black);
         context.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, Colors.Black);
         context.DrawLine(x3, y3, x2, y2, Colors.Black);
         context.DrawLine(x3, y3, x1, y1, Colors.Black);
     else if (side == RectangleSide.Right)
         double x1 = rectangle.Left + 4;
         double y1 = rectangle.Top + 4;
         double x2 = rectangle.Right - 4;
         double y2 = rectangle.Top + rectangle.Height / 2;
         double x3 = x1;
         double y3 = rectangle.BottomRight.Y - 4;
         context.DrawFillTriangle(x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, Colors.Black);
         context.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, Colors.Black);
         context.DrawLine(x3, y3, x2, y2, Colors.Black);
         context.DrawLine(x3, y3, x1, y1, Colors.Black);
     else if (side == RectangleSide.Top)
         double x1 = rectangle.Left + 4;
         double y1 = rectangle.Bottom - 4;
         double x2 = rectangle.Right - 4;
         double y2 = y1;
         double x3 = (x1 + x2) / 2.0;
         double y3 = rectangle.Top + 4;
         context.DrawFillTriangle(x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, Colors.Black);
         context.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, Colors.Black);
         context.DrawLine(x3, y3, x2, y2, Colors.Black);
         context.DrawLine(x3, y3, x1, y1, Colors.Black);
     else if (side == RectangleSide.Bottom)
         double x1 = rectangle.Left + 4;
         double y1 = rectangle.Top + 4;
         double x2 = rectangle.Right - 4;
         double y2 = y1;
         double x3 = (x1 + x2) / 2.0;
         double y3 = rectangle.BottomRight.Y - 4;
         context.DrawFillTriangle(x2, y2, x1, y1, x3, y3, Colors.Black);
         context.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, Colors.Black);
         context.DrawLine(x3, y3, x2, y2, Colors.Black);
         context.DrawLine(x3, y3, x1, y1, Colors.Black);
Beispiel #27
 public static bool IsVertical(this RectangleSide side)
     return(side == RectangleSide.Top || side == RectangleSide.Bottom);