public async Task LoadData(int _userId)
            userId   = _userId;
            _webview = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.WebView();
            _webview.Settings.IsJavaScriptEnabled = true;
            _webview.NavigationStarting          += WebView_NavigationStarting;
            _webview.NavigationFailed            += Webview_NavigationFailed;
            _webview.NavigationCompleted         += WebView_NavigationCompleted;
            _webview.ScriptNotify += WebView_ScriptNotify;

            using (var db = new PrototypingContext())
                User user = db.Users.Single(u => u.UserId == userId);
                db.Entry(user).Reference(u => u.Prototype).Load();
                recordSettings = db.RecordSettings.Last();

                WebView.Navigate(new Uri(user.Prototype.Url));

            if (!recordSettings.Touches && !recordSettings.FrontCamera)
                StartIconVisibility = false;
            if (!recordSettings.FrontCamera)
                VideoIconVisibility = false;
                await MediaCaptureInitialization();
Beispiel #2
 public TenantMappingService(
     RecordSettings recordSettings,
     IRepository <TenantMapping> tenantMappingRepository,
     IStaticCacheManager cacheManager,
     ITenantContext tenantContext)
     _recordSettings          = recordSettings;
     _tenantMappingRepository = tenantMappingRepository;
     _cacheManager            = cacheManager;
     _tenantContext           = tenantContext;
 public StoreMappingService(
     RecordSettings recordSettings,
     IRepository <StoreMapping> storeMappingRepository,
     IStaticCacheManager cacheManager,
     IWorkContext workContext)
     _recordSettings         = recordSettings;
     _storeMappingRepository = storeMappingRepository;
     _cacheManager           = cacheManager;
     _workContext            = workContext;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Settings"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public InstanceSettings(GlobalSettings globalSettings)
            Global = globalSettings;

            Away = new AwaySettings();
            BadNickname = new BadNicknameSettings();
            Control = new ControlSettings();
            Event = new EventSettings();
            Idle = new IdleSettings();
            Message = new MessageSettings();
            Record = new RecordSettings();
            Sticky = new StickySettings();
            TeamSpeak = new TeamSpeakServerSettings();
            Vote = new VoteSettings();
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Settings"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public InstanceSettings(GlobalSettings globalSettings)
            Global = globalSettings;

            Away        = new AwaySettings();
            BadNickname = new BadNicknameSettings();
            Control     = new ControlSettings();
            Event       = new EventSettings();
            Idle        = new IdleSettings();
            Message     = new MessageSettings();
            Record      = new RecordSettings();
            Sticky      = new StickySettings();
            TeamSpeak   = new TeamSpeakServerSettings();
            Vote        = new VoteSettings();
Beispiel #6
 public CommonModelFactory(
     CommonSettings commonSettings,
     UserSettings userSettings,
     RecordSettings recordSettings,
     IGenericAttributeService genericAttributeService,
     IStaticCacheManager cacheManager,
     IFileProviderHelper fileProvider,
     IDateTimeHelper dateTimeHelper,
     IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor,
     IPageHeadBuilder pageHeadBuilder,
     IPermissionService permissionService,
     IPictureService pictureService,
     IUserService userService,
     IStoreService storeService,
     IWebHelper webHelper,
     IWorkContext workContext,
     ITenantContext tenantContext,
     IPluginService pluginService)
     _commonSettings          = commonSettings;
     _userSettings            = userSettings;
     _recordSettings          = recordSettings;
     _genericAttributeService = genericAttributeService;
     _cacheManager            = cacheManager;
     _fileProvider            = fileProvider;
     _dateTimeHelper          = dateTimeHelper;
     _httpContextAccessor     = httpContextAccessor;
     _pageHeadBuilder         = pageHeadBuilder;
     _permissionService       = permissionService;
     _pictureService          = pictureService;
     _userService             = userService;
     _storeService            = storeService;
     _webHelper     = webHelper;
     _workContext   = workContext;
     _tenantContext = tenantContext;
     _pluginService = pluginService;
Beispiel #7
 public RecordFile(byte i, RecordSettings s, DesfireRecord[] records) : base(i, s, new byte[] { })
     files = records;