Beispiel #1
 protected override void AfterRead(RecordReader reader)
     // Pull localized string if needed and replace data
     if (Type == 's' && reader.PluginFlags.HasFlag(PluginFlags.Localized))
         uint   index     = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data.Bytes, 0);
         string localized = reader.GetLocalizedString(LocalizedStringGroups.Strings, index);
         Data.Bytes = GetStringZeroTerminatedBytes(localized);
Beispiel #2
 protected override void AfterRead(RecordReader reader)
     // Pull localized string if needed and replace data
     if (Type == 's' && reader.PluginFlags.HasFlag(PluginFlags.Localized))
         uint index = BitConverter.ToUInt32(Data.Bytes, 0);
         string localized = reader.GetLocalizedString(LocalizedStringGroups.Strings, index);
         Data.Bytes = GetStringZeroTerminatedBytes(localized);