public MyVector(Reconciler rec, DataKind kind, int min, int?max)
     : base(rec, null)
     _kind = kind;
     _min  = min;
     _max  = max;
Beispiel #2
 // Contstuct a representation for a key-typed column loaded from a text file. Key values are assumed to be contiguous.
 public MyKey(Reconciler rec, DataKind kind, int oridinal, ulong minKeyValue, ulong?maxKeyValue = null)
     : base(rec, null)
     _kind        = kind;
     _oridinal    = oridinal;
     _minKeyValue = minKeyValue;
     _maxKeyValue = maxKeyValue;
        public async Task GivenSequencesWithAPreviousAndTargetSequenceThenTheReconcilerIsInvokedOnceForEachAggregateAboveThePreviousAndBelowTheTargetSequenceAsync()
            const int ExpectedInvocations = 1;
            int       eventsReconciling   = 0;
            int       eventsReconciled    = 0;

            SequencedEvents[] sequences = new[]
                new SequencedEvents(1, CreateEvents()),
                new SequencedEvents(2, CreateEvents()),
                new SequencedEvents(3, CreateEvents()),
                new SequencedEvents(4, CreateEvents()),
                new SequencedEvents(5, CreateEvents()),

            ulong previous = 1;
            ulong target   = 4;

            SequencedEvents[] expected = sequences
                                         .Where(aggregate => aggregate.Sequence > previous && aggregate.Sequence <= target)

            var aggregates = expected.ToDictionary(sequence => sequence.Aggregate, sequence => 0);

            _ = EventStore
                .Setup(store => store.ReadAsync(
                           It.Is <ulong>(value => value == previous),
                           It.IsAny <CancellationToken?>(),
                           It.IsAny <ushort>()))

            _ = EventStore
                .Setup(store => store.ReadAsync(
                           It.Is <ulong>(value => value > previous),
                           It.IsAny <CancellationToken?>(),
                           It.IsAny <ushort>()))
                .ReturnsAsync(Enumerable.Empty <SequencedEvents>());

            _ = Reconciler
                .Setup(reconciler => reconciler.ReconcileAsync(
                           It.IsAny <IEnumerable <DomainEvent> >(),
                           It.IsAny <CancellationToken?>()))
                .Callback <IEnumerable <DomainEvent>, CancellationToken?>((value, _) => aggregates[value.First().Aggregate]++);

            instance.EventsReconciling += (sender, e) => Task.FromResult(eventsReconciling++);
            instance.EventsReconciled  += (sender, e) => Task.FromResult(eventsReconciled++);

            _ = await instance.ReconcileAsync(previous : previous, target : target);

            int invocations = expected.Length;
            int skips       = sequences.Length - invocations;

            Assert.Equal(invocations, eventsReconciling);
            Assert.Equal(invocations, eventsReconciled);
            Assert.All(aggregates.Values, value => Assert.Equal(ExpectedInvocations, value));
        public async Task GivenSequencesThenTheReconcilerIsInvokedOnceForEachAggregate()
            const int ExpectedInvocations = 1;
            int       eventsReconciling   = 0;
            int       eventsReconciled    = 0;

            SequencedEvents[] sequences = new[]
                new SequencedEvents(1, CreateEvents()),
                new SequencedEvents(2, CreateEvents()),
                new SequencedEvents(3, CreateEvents()),

            var aggregates = sequences.ToDictionary(sequence => sequence.Aggregate, sequence => 0);

            _ = EventStore
                .Setup(store => store.ReadAsync(
                           It.Is <ulong>(value => value == ulong.MinValue),
                           It.IsAny <CancellationToken?>(),
                           It.IsAny <ushort>()))

            _ = EventStore
                .Setup(store => store.ReadAsync(
                           It.Is <ulong>(value => value > ulong.MinValue),
                           It.IsAny <CancellationToken?>(),
                           It.IsAny <ushort>()))
                .ReturnsAsync(Enumerable.Empty <SequencedEvents>());

            _ = Reconciler
                .Setup(reconciler => reconciler.ReconcileAsync(
                           It.IsAny <IEnumerable <DomainEvent> >(),
                           It.IsAny <CancellationToken?>()))
                .Callback <IEnumerable <DomainEvent>, CancellationToken?>((value, _) => aggregates[value.First().Aggregate]++);

            instance.EventsReconciling += (sender, e) => Task.FromResult(eventsReconciling++);
            instance.EventsReconciled  += (sender, e) => Task.FromResult(eventsReconciled++);

            _ = await instance.ReconcileAsync();

            Assert.Equal(sequences.Length, eventsReconciling);
            Assert.Equal(sequences.Length, eventsReconciled);
            Assert.All(aggregates.Values, value => Assert.Equal(ExpectedInvocations, value));
        public void MultipleNestedCustomComponents_CreatesCorrectElementTree()
            var component1 = UIComponentDefinition.Create("Test1", converter.Convert(@"
            function render(props)
	            return (
                    <Button id={""level1""}> 
                        <Button id={""level2""}>

            this.index.Components.Add("Test1", component1);

            var component2 = UIComponentDefinition.Create("Test2", converter.Convert(@"
            function render(props)
	            return (

            var rootElement = Element.Create(component2, new PropCollection(new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "test", "some text" }


            Assert.AreEqual(1, rootElement.Children.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual("Test1", rootElement.Children.First().Component.Name);
 private sealed class AKey <T> : Key <T>, IDeps { public AKey(Reconciler rec, PipelineColumn[] dependencies) : base(rec, dependencies)
                                                      Deps = dependencies;
 private sealed class AVarVector <T> : VarVector <T>, IDeps { public AVarVector(Reconciler rec, PipelineColumn[] dependencies) : base(rec, dependencies)
                                                                  Deps = dependencies;
 public MyScalar(Reconciler rec, DataKind kind, int ordinal)
     : base(rec, null)
     _kind    = kind;
     _ordinal = ordinal;
 internal Context(Reconciler rec)
     _rec = rec;
        private async Task ProcessJobInfoAsync(Guid activityId, IPolicyAgentDocumentForTenant doc, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            TimeSpan completedTaskAgeThreshold = this.GetCompletedTaskAgeThreshold();

            // get the ones that are claimed by this service (which is the Repair Executor (RE))
            var repairTasks = await repairManager
                              .GetRepairTaskListAsync(activityId, null, RepairTaskStateFilter.Default, this.environment.ServiceName)

            // Count completed tasks that are going to be ignored because they are too old
            int oldCompletedTaskCount = repairTasks.Count(t => IsOldCompletedRepairTask(t, now, completedTaskAgeThreshold));

            // Keep all of the rest (active or recent)
            repairTasks = repairTasks.Where(t => !IsOldCompletedRepairTask(t, now, completedTaskAgeThreshold)).ToList();

            // get all the unclaimed repair tasks too... some may not match, we'll evaluate and ignore them later
            var unclaimedRepairTasks = await repairManager
                                       .GetRepairTaskListAsync(activityId, null, RepairTaskStateFilter.Created, null)

            foreach (var unclaimedRepairTask in unclaimedRepairTasks)

                "Processing repair tasks (count: {0}; ignored completed tasks older than {1}: {2})",

            // Dump each task separately to avoid exceeding the ETW event size limit
            for (int i = 0; i < repairTasks.Count; ++i)
                traceType.WriteInfo("Repair task {0} of {1}:{2}{3}", i + 1, repairTasks.Count, Environment.NewLine, repairTasks[i].ToJson());

            var coordinatorContext = new CoordinatorContext {
                Doc = doc

            ActionHelper.CreateMappedWorkItems(doc.Jobs, repairTasks, coordinatorContext);

            var reconciler = new Reconciler(

            await reconciler.ReconcileAsync(activityId, coordinatorContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            await ActionHelper.ApplyPoliciesAsync(activityId, actionPolicies, coordinatorContext).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Publish state after reconcile + policy phases have completed
            coordinatorCommandProcessor.CoordinatorContext = coordinatorContext;

            var blockingPolicy = await this.jobBlockingPolicyManager.GetPolicyAsync();

            if (blockingPolicy == JobBlockingPolicy.BlockAllJobs)
                traceType.WriteInfo("All actions are blocked by job blocking policy");
                var actionsToExecute = ActionHelper.GetActions(activityId, coordinatorContext);
                await ActionHelper.ExecuteActionsAsync(activityId, this.actionTraceType, actionsToExecute).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Send all job responses (if any) as a single batch response
                await policyAgentClient.SendJobResponseAsync(
                    "Automated response by Service Fabric Infrastructure Service",
Beispiel #11
 public static Reconciler ExcludeExtensions(this Reconciler recon, params string[] extensions)
     recon.AddFilter(new FileExtensionFilter(extensions));