public void RecipeTagsToString_ShouldReturnCorrectValue() { // Test ToString var tags = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.GlutenFree, RecipeTag.NoAnimals, RecipeTag.NoMeat, RecipeTag.NoPork); Assert.AreEqual("GlutenFree, NoAnimals, NoMeat, NoPork", tags.ToString()); }
public MockModelerDBLoader(string filename) { var doc = XDocument.Load(filename); _dsRecipes = (from r in doc.Descendants("Recipe") select new RecipeBinding() { Id = new Guid(r.Attribute("Id").Value), Rating = Convert.ToByte(r.Attribute("Rating").Value), Tags = RecipeTags.Parse(r.Attribute("Tags").Value) }).ToArray(); _dsIngredients = (from u in doc.Descendants("Usage") select new IngredientBinding() { RecipeId = new Guid(u.Attribute("RecipeId").Value), IngredientId = new Guid(u.Attribute("IngredientId").Value), Qty = Convert.ToSingle(u.Attribute("Qty").Value), Unit = Unit.Parse <Units>(u.Attribute("Unit").Value) }).ToArray(); _dsRatings = (from r in doc.Descendants("Rating") select new RatingBinding() { UserId = new Guid(r.Attribute("UserId").Value), RecipeId = new Guid(r.Attribute("RecipeId").Value), Rating = Convert.ToByte(r.Attribute("Rating").Value) }).ToArray(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Create(Recipe recipe) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var userId = this.User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier); var loggedInCook = await _repo.Cook.FindByCondition(e => e.IdentityUserId == userId).SingleOrDefaultAsync(); var loggedInCookID = loggedInCook.CookId; recipe.CookID = loggedInCookID; recipe.CookName = loggedInCook.UserName; _repo.Recipe.Create(recipe); _repo.Save(); //This is where the tags are bound to the recipe by the cook. var selectedRecipe = await _repo.Recipe.FindByCondition(r => r.RecipeId == recipe.RecipeId).SingleOrDefaultAsync(); var selectedRecipeId = selectedRecipe.RecipeId; foreach (string tags in recipe.SelectedTags) { var selectedTags = await _repo.Tags.FindByCondition(r => r.Name == tags).SingleOrDefaultAsync(); RecipeTags recipeTags = new RecipeTags(); recipeTags.RecipeId = selectedRecipeId; recipeTags.TagsId = selectedTags.TagsId; _repo.RecipeTags.Create(recipeTags); _repo.Save(); } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } return(View(recipe)); }
public void TestParsing() { var tags = RecipeTags.Parse("No Red Meat, Dinner, Lunch"); Assert.AreEqual(3, tags.Length); Assert.AreEqual("NoRedMeat, Dinner, Lunch", tags.ToString()); }
public void RecipeTags_WithCorrectIndex_ShouldReturnCorrectElement() { var tags1 = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.GlutenFree, RecipeTag.NoAnimals, RecipeTag.NoMeat, RecipeTag.NoPork); // Test indexing Assert.IsTrue(tags1[0] == RecipeTag.GlutenFree); Assert.IsTrue(tags1[2] == RecipeTag.NoMeat); }
public Recipe(Guid id, RecipeTags tags, IngredientUsage[] ingredients) { this.ingredients = new IngredientUsageCollection(); this.Id = id; this.Tags = tags; this.Ingredients = ingredients; }
public void TestRecipeTags() { var tags1 = RecipeTag.GlutenFree | RecipeTag.NoAnimals | RecipeTag.NoMeat | RecipeTag.NoPork; var tags2 = RecipeTag.LowCalorie | RecipeTag.LowFat; var tags3 = RecipeTag.Lunch | RecipeTag.GlutenFree | RecipeTag.Dinner; RecipeTags tags4 = 15; //Same as tags1 RecipeTags tags5 = null; RecipeTags tags6 = null; //TODO TI SI GOLQM GEI BE //Test counts Assert.AreEqual(4, tags1.Length); Assert.AreEqual(2, tags2.Length); Assert.AreEqual(4, tags4.Length); //Test Bitwise operators Assert.IsTrue((tags1 & RecipeTag.GlutenFree) > 0); //Has GlutenFree tag Assert.IsTrue((tags1 & RecipeTag.NoAnimals) > 0); //Has NoAnimals tag Assert.IsTrue((tags1 & RecipeTag.NoMeat) > 0); //Has NoMeat tag Assert.IsTrue((tags1 & RecipeTag.NoPork) > 0); //Has NoPork tag Assert.IsTrue((tags1 & RecipeTag.LowSugar) == 0); //Does NOT have LowSugar tag Assert.IsTrue((tags1 & RecipeTag.LowCarb) == 0); //Does NOT have LowCarb tag Assert.IsFalse((tags1 & tags2) > 0); //No overlap Assert.IsTrue((tags1 & tags3) > 0); //Both share GlutenFree tag //Test comparison operators Assert.IsFalse(tags1 == tags2); Assert.IsTrue(tags1 == tags4); Assert.IsFalse(tags1 == null); Assert.IsFalse(tags1 == tags5); Assert.IsTrue(tags1 != null); Assert.IsTrue(tags5 == null); Assert.IsTrue(tags5 == tags6); //Test indexing Assert.IsTrue(tags1[0] == RecipeTag.GlutenFree); Assert.IsTrue(tags1[1] != RecipeTag.GlutenFree); //Test Iteration var tags = new List <RecipeTag>(2); tags.AddRange(tags2); Assert.AreEqual(2, tags.Count); Assert.AreEqual(tags[0], RecipeTag.LowCalorie); Assert.AreEqual(tags[1], RecipeTag.LowFat); //Test ToString Assert.AreEqual("Gluten Free, No Animals, No Meat, No Pork", tags1.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("Gluten Free No Animals No Meat No Pork", tags1.ToString(" ")); //Test From Assert.AreEqual("No Pork", RecipeTags.From(RecipeTag.NoPork).ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("No Pork, Lunch", RecipeTags.From(RecipeTag.NoPork, RecipeTag.Lunch).ToString()); }
public void RecipeTagsHasTag_ShouldReturnCorrectResult() { var tags1 = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.EasyToMake, RecipeTag.CommonIngredients); Assert.IsTrue(tags1.Contains(RecipeTag.EasyToMake)); Assert.IsTrue(tags1.Contains(RecipeTag.CommonIngredients)); Assert.IsFalse(tags1.Contains(RecipeTag.Breakfast)); Assert.IsFalse(tags1.Contains(RecipeTag.LowCalorie)); }
public void RecipeTagsLength_ShouldReturnCorrectLengthOfTheCollection() { var tags1 = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.GlutenFree, RecipeTag.NoAnimals, RecipeTag.NoMeat, RecipeTag.NoPork); var tags2 = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.Lunch, RecipeTag.GlutenFree); // Test counts Assert.AreEqual(4, tags1.Length); Assert.AreEqual(2, tags2.Length); }
public void RecipeCreatorSetTags_ShouldSetRecipeTags() { var recipeCreator = new RecipeCreator(this.Context); var tags = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.CommonIngredients); recipeCreator.SetTags(tags); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(tags, recipeCreator.Recipe.Tags); }
public void RecipeTagsAddMethod_ShouldIncreseLengthPropertyCorrectly() { var tags1 = new RecipeTags(); Assert.AreEqual(tags1.Length, 0); tags1.Add(RecipeTag.Breakfast); tags1.Add(RecipeTag.Dessert); Assert.AreEqual(2, tags1.Length); }
public void RecipeTagsAddMethod_ShouldAddACorrectElementToTheCollection() { var tags1 = new RecipeTags(); tags1.Add(RecipeTag.Breakfast); tags1.Add(RecipeTag.Dessert); Assert.AreEqual(tags1[0], RecipeTag.Breakfast); Assert.AreEqual(tags1[1], RecipeTag.Dessert); }
public void RecipeTagsIterator_ShouldIterateTheCollectionCorrectly() { // Test Iteration var tags = new List<RecipeTag>(); var tags2 = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.Breakfast, RecipeTag.Dessert, RecipeTag.LowCalorie); tags.AddRange(tags2); Assert.AreEqual(3, tags.Count); Assert.AreEqual(tags[0], RecipeTag.Breakfast); Assert.AreEqual(tags[1], RecipeTag.Dessert); Assert.AreEqual(tags[2], RecipeTag.LowCalorie); }
public static Recipe MockRecipe(string title, string desc, RecipeTags tags = null) { var ret = new Recipe(Guid.NewGuid(), title, desc, null); ret.Method = "This is a mock recipe."; ret.OwnerAlias = "Fake Owner"; ret.OwnerId = Guid.NewGuid(); ret.Permalink = ""; ret.ServingSize = 5; ret.Tags = tags; return(ret); }
public static Recipe MockRecipe(string title, string desc, RecipeTags tags = null) { var ret = new Recipe(Guid.NewGuid(), title, desc, null); ret.Method = "This is a mock recipe."; ret.OwnerAlias = "Fake Owner"; ret.OwnerId = Guid.NewGuid(); ret.PermanentLink = ""; ret.ServingSize = 5; ret.Tags = tags; return ret; }
public void RecipeTagsIterator_ShouldIterateTheCollectionCorrectly() { // Test Iteration var tags = new List <RecipeTag>(); var tags2 = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.Breakfast, RecipeTag.Dessert, RecipeTag.LowCalorie); tags.AddRange(tags2); Assert.AreEqual(3, tags.Count); Assert.AreEqual(tags[0], RecipeTag.Breakfast); Assert.AreEqual(tags[1], RecipeTag.Dessert); Assert.AreEqual(tags[2], RecipeTag.LowCalorie); }
public void RecipeTags_ComparisonOperatorsShouldReturnCorrectResult() { var tags1 = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.GlutenFree, RecipeTag.NoAnimals, RecipeTag.NoMeat, RecipeTag.NoPork); var tags2 = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.Lunch, RecipeTag.GlutenFree); var tags3 = tags1; var tags4 = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.Lunch, RecipeTag.GlutenFree); //Test comparison operators Assert.IsTrue(tags1 == tags3); Assert.IsFalse(tags1 == tags2); Assert.IsFalse(tags2 == tags4); Assert.IsFalse(tags1 != tags3); Assert.IsTrue(tags1 != tags2); Assert.IsTrue(tags2 != tags4); }
public void TestParsing() { RecipeTag dinner = "Dinner"; RecipeTag lunch = "Lunch"; Assert.AreEqual(RecipeTag.Dinner, dinner); Assert.AreEqual(RecipeTag.Lunch, lunch); string strDinner = RecipeTag.Dinner; string strLunch = RecipeTag.Lunch; Assert.AreEqual("Dinner", strDinner); Assert.AreEqual("Lunch", strLunch); var tags = RecipeTags.Parse("No Red Meat, Dinner, Lunch"); Assert.AreEqual(3, tags.Length); Assert.AreEqual("No Red Meat, Dinner, Lunch", tags.ToString()); }
public void Dispose() { var timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); ratingGraph = null; //Free up memory/increase index accessing speed by converting List<> objects to arrays foreach (var r in snapshot.recipeMap.Values) { r.Ingredients = r.Ingredients.ToArray(); } foreach (var i in snapshot.ingredientMap.Values) { var temp = new List <RecipeNode[]>(); var usedTags = new RecipeTags(); for (var c = 0; c < Enum.GetNames(typeof(RecipeTag)).Length; c++) { RecipeNode[] nodes = null; if (i.RecipesByTag[c] != null) { nodes = i.RecipesByTag[c].ToArray(); usedTags.Add((RecipeTag)c); } temp.Add(nodes); } i.RecipesByTag = temp.ToArray(); i.AvailableTags = usedTags; } GC.Collect(); //Force garbage collection now, since there might be several hundred megs of unreachable allocations timer.Stop(); ModelingSession.Log.InfoFormat("Cleaning up Indexer took {0}ms.", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
public void Dispose() { var timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); ratingGraph = null; //Free up memory/increase index accessing speed by converting List<> objects to arrays foreach (var r in snapshot.recipeMap.Values) { r.Ingredients = r.Ingredients.ToArray(); } foreach (var i in snapshot.ingredientMap.Values) { var temp = new List<RecipeNode[]>(); var usedTags = new RecipeTags(); for (var c = 0; c < Enum.GetNames(typeof(RecipeTag)).Length; c++) { RecipeNode[] nodes = null; if (i.RecipesByTag[c] != null) { nodes = i.RecipesByTag[c].ToArray(); usedTags.Add((RecipeTag)c); } temp.Add(nodes); } i.RecipesByTag = temp.ToArray(); i.AvailableTags = usedTags; } GC.Collect(); //Force garbage collection now, since there might be several hundred megs of unreachable allocations timer.Stop(); ModelingSession.Log.InfoFormat("Cleaning up Indexer took {0}ms.", timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
public RecipeCreator WithTags(RecipeTags tags) { recipe.Tags = tags; return(this); }
public void RecipeTagsConstructor_WithMultipleParameters_ShouldConstructACorrectRecipeTagsObject() { var tags = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.GlutenFree, RecipeTag.NoAnimals, RecipeTag.NoMeat, RecipeTag.NoPork); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(tags, new RecipeTag[] { RecipeTag.GlutenFree, RecipeTag.NoAnimals, RecipeTag.NoMeat, RecipeTag.NoPork }); }
public IEnumerable<RecipeBinding> LoadRecipeGraph() { using (var session = this.GetStatelessSession()) { RecipeMetadata metadata = null; var recipes = session.QueryOver<Models.Recipes>() .JoinAlias(r => r.RecipeMetadata, () => metadata) .Select( p => p.RecipeId, p => p.Rating, p => metadata.DietGlutenFree, p => metadata.DietNoAnimals, p => metadata.DietNomeat, p => metadata.DietNoPork, p => metadata.DietNoRedMeat, p => metadata.MealBreakfast, p => metadata.MealDessert, p => metadata.MealDinner, p => metadata.MealLunch, p => metadata.NutritionLowCalorie, p => metadata.NutritionLowCarb, p => metadata.NutritionLowFat, p => metadata.NutritionLowSodium, p => metadata.NutritionLowSugar, p => metadata.SkillCommon, p => metadata.SkillEasy, p => metadata.SkillQuick) .List<object[]>(); List<RecipeBinding> recipeBindings = new List<RecipeBinding>(); foreach (var recipe in recipes) { RecipeTags tags = new RecipeTags(); if ((bool)recipe[2]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.GlutenFree); } if ((bool)recipe[3]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.NoAnimals); } if ((bool)recipe[4]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.NoMeat); } if ((bool)recipe[5]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.NoPork); } if ((bool)recipe[6]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.NoRedMeat); } if ((bool)recipe[7]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Breakfast); } if ((bool)recipe[8]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Dessert); } if ((bool)recipe[9]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Dinner); } if ((bool)recipe[10]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Lunch); } if ((bool)recipe[11]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowCalorie); } if ((bool)recipe[12]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowCarb); } if ((bool)recipe[13]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowFat); } if ((bool)recipe[14]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowSodium); } if ((bool)recipe[15]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowSugar); } if ((bool)recipe[16]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.CommonIngredients); } if ((bool)recipe[17]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.EasyToMake); } if ((bool)recipe[18]) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Quick); } RecipeBinding recipeBinding = new RecipeBinding() { Id = (Guid)recipe[0], Rating = Convert.ToByte(recipe[1]), Tags = tags }; recipeBindings.Add(recipeBinding); } return recipeBindings; } }
public RecipeCreator WithTags(RecipeTags tags) { this.recipe.Tags = tags; return this; }
Dictionary<IngredientNode, IngredientUsage> totals; //Hold totals for each scoring round so we don't have to reallocate map every time #endregion Fields #region Constructors /// <summary> /// Create a ModelingSession instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">KitchenPC context used for this modeling session.</param> /// <param name="db">Object containing all available recipes, ratings, and trend information.</param> /// <param name="profile">Object containing user specific information, such as pantry and user ratings.</param> public ModelingSession(IKPCContext context, DBSnapshot db, IUserProfile profile) { this.db = db; this.context = context; this.profile = profile; this.favTags = new bool[RecipeTag.NUM_TAGS]; this.favIngs = new int[profile.FavoriteIngredients.Length]; if (profile.Pantry != null && profile.Pantry.Length == 0) //Empty pantries must be null, not zero items { throw new EmptyPantryException(); } if (profile.AllowedTags != null) { AllowedTags = profile.AllowedTags; } if (profile.Pantry != null) { pantryAmounts = new Dictionary<IngredientNode, float?>(); foreach (var item in profile.Pantry) { var node = this.db.FindIngredient(item.IngredientId); //If an ingredient isn't used by any recipe, there's no reason for it to be in the pantry. if (node == null) { continue; } //If an ingredient exists, but doesn't have any link to any allowed tags, there's no reason for it to be in the pantry. if (AllowedTags != null && (node.AvailableTags & AllowedTags) == 0) { continue; } if (pantryAmounts.ContainsKey(node)) { throw new DuplicatePantryItemException(); } pantryAmounts.Add(node, item.Amt); } if (pantryAmounts.Keys.Count == 0) { throw new ImpossibleQueryException(); } pantryIngredients = pantryAmounts.Keys.ToArray(); } if (profile.FavoriteIngredients != null) { var i = 0; foreach (var ing in profile.FavoriteIngredients) { var node = this.db.FindIngredient(ing); favIngs[i] = node.Key; } } if (profile.FavoriteTags != null) { foreach (var tag in profile.FavoriteTags) { this.favTags[tag.Value] = true; } } if (profile.BlacklistedIngredients != null) { ingBlacklist = new List<IngredientNode>(); foreach (var ing in profile.BlacklistedIngredients) { var node = this.db.FindIngredient(ing); ingBlacklist.Add(node); } } if (profile.Ratings != null) { ratings = new Dictionary<RecipeNode, byte>(profile.Ratings.Length); foreach (var r in profile.Ratings) { var n = this.db.FindRecipe(r.RecipeId); ratings.Add(n, r.Rating); } } else { ratings = new Dictionary<RecipeNode, byte>(0); } }
public ProfileCreator AllowedTags(RecipeTags tags) { allowedTags = tags; return this; }
public void RecipeTags_WithIncorrectIndex_ShouldThrowAnIndexOutOfRangeException() { var tags1 = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.GlutenFree, RecipeTag.NoAnimals, RecipeTag.NoMeat, RecipeTag.NoPork); var tag = tags1[-1]; }
/// <summary> /// Create a ModelingSession instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">KitchenPC context used for this modeling session.</param> /// <param name="db">Object containing all available recipes, ratings, and trend information.</param> /// <param name="profile">Object containing user specific information, such as pantry and user ratings.</param> public ModelingSession(IKPCContext context, DBSnapshot db, IUserProfile profile) { this.db = db; this.context = context; this.profile = profile; this.favTags = new bool[RecipeTag.NUM_TAGS]; this.favIngs = new int[profile.FavoriteIngredients.Length]; if (profile.Pantry != null && profile.Pantry.Length == 0) //Empty pantries must be null, not zero items { throw new EmptyPantryException(); } if (profile.AllowedTags != null) { AllowedTags = profile.AllowedTags; } if (profile.Pantry != null) { pantryAmounts = new Dictionary <IngredientNode, float?>(); foreach (var item in profile.Pantry) { var node = this.db.FindIngredient(item.IngredientId); //If an ingredient isn't used by any recipe, there's no reason for it to be in the pantry. if (node == null) { continue; } //If an ingredient exists, but doesn't have any link to any allowed tags, there's no reason for it to be in the pantry. if (AllowedTags != null && (node.AvailableTags & AllowedTags) == 0) { continue; } if (pantryAmounts.ContainsKey(node)) { throw new DuplicatePantryItemException(); } pantryAmounts.Add(node, item.Amt); } if (pantryAmounts.Keys.Count == 0) { throw new ImpossibleQueryException(); } pantryIngredients = pantryAmounts.Keys.ToArray(); } if (profile.FavoriteIngredients != null) { var i = 0; foreach (var ing in profile.FavoriteIngredients) { var node = this.db.FindIngredient(ing); favIngs[i] = node.Key; } } if (profile.FavoriteTags != null) { foreach (var tag in profile.FavoriteTags) { this.favTags[tag.Value] = true; } } if (profile.BlacklistedIngredients != null) { ingBlacklist = new List <IngredientNode>(); foreach (var ing in profile.BlacklistedIngredients) { var node = this.db.FindIngredient(ing); ingBlacklist.Add(node); } } if (profile.Ratings != null) { ratings = new Dictionary <RecipeNode, byte>(profile.Ratings.Length); foreach (var r in profile.Ratings) { var n = this.db.FindRecipe(r.RecipeId); ratings.Add(n, r.Rating); } } else { ratings = new Dictionary <RecipeNode, byte>(0); } }
public ProfileCreator FavoriteTags(RecipeTags tags) { this.favTags = tags; return(this); }
public static RecipeTags ToRecipeTags(RecipeMetadata metadata) { var tags = new RecipeTags(); if (metadata.DietGlutenFree) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.GlutenFree); } if (metadata.DietNoAnimals) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.NoAnimals); } if (metadata.DietNomeat) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.NoMeat); } if (metadata.DietNoPork) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.NoPork); } if (metadata.DietNoRedMeat) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.NoRedMeat); } if (metadata.MealBreakfast) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Breakfast); } if (metadata.MealDessert) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Dessert); } if (metadata.MealDinner) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Dinner); } if (metadata.MealLunch) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Lunch); } if (metadata.NutritionLowCalorie) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowCalorie); } if (metadata.NutritionLowCarb) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowCarb); } if (metadata.NutritionLowFat) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowFat); } if (metadata.NutritionLowSodium) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowSodium); } if (metadata.NutritionLowSugar) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowSugar); } if (metadata.SkillCommon) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.CommonIngredients); } if (metadata.SkillEasy) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.EasyToMake); } if (metadata.SkillQuick) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Quick); } return(tags); }
public void RecipeTagsConstructor_WithASingleParameter_ShouldConstructACorrectRecipeTagsObject() { var tags = new RecipeTags(RecipeTag.LowCalorie); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(tags, new RecipeTag[] { RecipeTag.LowCalorie }); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ModelingSession"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">KitchenPC context used for this modeling session.</param> /// <param name="db">Object containing all available recipes, ratings, and trend information.</param> /// <param name="profile">Object containing user specific information, such as pantry and user ratings.</param> public ModelingSession(IKPCContext context, DBSnapshot db, IUserProfile profile) { Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(ModelingSession)); this.dataBase = db; this.context = context; this.profile = profile; this.favoriteTags = new bool[RecipeTag.NumberOfTags]; this.favoriteIngredients = new int[profile.FavoriteIngredients.Length]; // Empty pantries must be null, not zero items if (this.profile.Pantry != null && this.profile.Pantry.Length == 0) { throw new EmptyPantryException(); } if (this.profile.AllowedTags != null) { this.allowedTags = this.profile.AllowedTags; } if (this.profile.Pantry != null) { this.pantryAmounts = new Dictionary<IngredientNode, float?>(); foreach (var item in this.profile.Pantry) { var node = this.dataBase.FindIngredient(item.IngredientId); // If an ingredient isn't used by any recipe, there's no reason for it to be in the pantry. if (node == null) { continue; } // If an ingredient exists, but doesn't have any link to any allowed tags, there's no reason for it to be in the pantry. if (this.allowedTags != null && (node.AvailableTags & this.allowedTags) == 0) { continue; } if (this.pantryAmounts.ContainsKey(node)) { throw new DuplicatePantryItemException(); } this.pantryAmounts.Add(node, item.Amount); } if (this.pantryAmounts.Keys.Count == 0) { throw new ImpossibleQueryException(); } this.pantryIngredients = this.pantryAmounts.Keys.ToArray(); } if (this.profile.FavoriteIngredients != null) { var i = 0; foreach (var ingredient in this.profile.FavoriteIngredients) { var node = this.dataBase.FindIngredient(ingredient); this.favoriteIngredients[i] = node.Key; } } if (this.profile.FavoriteTags != null) { foreach (var tag in this.profile.FavoriteTags) { this.favoriteTags[tag.Value] = true; } } if (this.profile.BlacklistedIngredients != null) { this.ingredientBlacklist = new List<IngredientNode>(); foreach (var ingredient in this.profile.BlacklistedIngredients) { var node = this.dataBase.FindIngredient(ingredient); this.ingredientBlacklist.Add(node); } } if (this.profile.Ratings != null) { this.ratings = new Dictionary<RecipeNode, byte>(profile.Ratings.Length); foreach (var recipe in this.profile.Ratings) { var node = this.dataBase.FindRecipe(recipe.RecipeId); this.ratings.Add(node, recipe.Rating); } } else { this.ratings = new Dictionary<RecipeNode, byte>(0); } }
public static RecipeTags ToRecipeTags(RecipeMetadata metadata) { var tags = new RecipeTags(); if (metadata.DietGlutenFree) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.GlutenFree); } if (metadata.DietNoAnimals) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.NoAnimals); } if (metadata.DietNomeat) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.NoMeat); } if (metadata.DietNoPork) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.NoPork); } if (metadata.DietNoRedMeat) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.NoRedMeat); } if (metadata.MealBreakfast) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Breakfast); } if (metadata.MealDessert) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Dessert); } if (metadata.MealDinner) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Dinner); } if (metadata.MealLunch) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Lunch); } if (metadata.NutritionLowCalorie) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowCalorie); } if (metadata.NutritionLowCarb) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowCarb); } if (metadata.NutritionLowFat) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowFat); } if (metadata.NutritionLowSodium) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowSodium); } if (metadata.NutritionLowSugar) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.LowSugar); } if (metadata.SkillCommon) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.CommonIngredients); } if (metadata.SkillEasy) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.EasyToMake); } if (metadata.SkillQuick) { tags.Add(RecipeTag.Quick); } return tags; }
public RecipeCreator SetTags(RecipeTags tags) { this.recipe.Tags = tags; return(this); }
public ProfileCreator AllowedTags(RecipeTags tags) { this.allowedTags = tags; return(this); }
public ProfileCreator FavoriteTags(RecipeTags tags) { favTags = tags; return this; }