Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // MalApi uses the Common.Logging logging abstraction.
            // You can hook it up to any logging library that has a Common.Logging adapter.
            // See App.config for an example of hooking up MalApi to NLog.
            // Note that you will also need the appropriate NLog and Common.Logging.NLogXX packages installed.
            // Hooking up logging is not necessary but can be useful.
            // With the configuration in this example and with this example program, you will see lines like:

            // Logged from MalApi: Getting anime list for MAL user LordHighCaptain using URI
            // Logged from MalApi: Successfully retrieved anime list for user LordHighCaptain

            using (MyAnimeListApi api = new MyAnimeListApi())
                api.UserAgent   = "MalApiExample";
                api.TimeoutInMs = 15000;

                var animeUpdateInfo = new AnimeUpdate()
                    Episode = 26,
                    Status  = AnimeCompletionStatus.Completed,
                    Score   = 9,
                string userUpdateAnime = api.UpdateAnimeForUser(1, animeUpdateInfo, "user", "password");

                var mangaUpdateInfo = new MangaUpdate()
                    Chapter = 20,
                    Volume  = 3,
                    Score   = 8,
                    Status  = MangaCompletionStatus.Completed
                string userUpdateManga = api.UpdateMangaForUser(952, mangaUpdateInfo, "user", "password");

                MalUserLookupResults userLookup = api.GetAnimeListForUser("user");
                foreach (MyAnimeListEntry listEntry in userLookup.AnimeList)
                    Console.WriteLine("Rating for {0}: {1}", listEntry.AnimeInfo.Title, listEntry.Score);


                RecentUsersResults recentUsersResults = api.GetRecentOnlineUsers();
                foreach (string user in recentUsersResults.RecentUsers)
                    Console.WriteLine("Recent user: {0}", user);


                int eurekaSevenID = 237;
                AnimeDetailsResults eurekaSeven = api.GetAnimeDetails(eurekaSevenID);
                Console.WriteLine("Eureka Seven genres: {0}", string.Join(", ", eurekaSeven.Genres));