public override void SetValue(object component, object value)
            string typeName = value as String;

            if (typeName != null && typeName.Length > 0)
                ITypeProvider typeProvider = (ITypeProvider)this.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(ITypeProvider));
                if (typeProvider == null)
                    throw new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.General_MissingService, typeof(ITypeProvider).FullName));

                Type type = typeProvider.GetType(value as string);
                if (type == null)
                    throw new Exception(SR.GetString(SR.Error_TypeNotResolved, value));

                TypeFilterProviderAttribute filterProviderAttribute = this.Attributes[typeof(TypeFilterProviderAttribute)] as TypeFilterProviderAttribute;
                if (filterProviderAttribute != null)
                    ITypeFilterProvider typeFilterProvider = null;
                    Type typeFilterProviderType            = Type.GetType(filterProviderAttribute.TypeFilterProviderTypeName);
                    if (typeFilterProviderType != null)
                        typeFilterProvider = Activator.CreateInstance(typeFilterProviderType, new object[] { this.ServiceProvider }) as ITypeFilterProvider;
                    if (typeFilterProvider != null)
                        typeFilterProvider.CanFilterType(type, true);
                // we always store assembly qualified name of the type
                value = type.AssemblyQualifiedName;

            RealPropertyDescriptor.SetValue(component, value);
        public override void SetValue(object component, object value)
            object oldValue = GetValue(component);

            ActivityBind activityBind = value as ActivityBind;

            DependencyObject   dependencyObj      = component as DependencyObject;
            DependencyProperty dependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.FromName(Name, ComponentType);

            if (dependencyObj != null && dependencyProperty != null && activityBind != null)
                ComponentChangeDispatcher componentChangeDispatcher = new ComponentChangeDispatcher(ServiceProvider, dependencyObj, this);
                    if (dependencyProperty.IsEvent && ServiceProvider != null)
                        IEventBindingService eventBindingService = ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IEventBindingService)) as IEventBindingService;
                        if (eventBindingService != null)
                            EventDescriptor eventDescriptor = eventBindingService.GetEvent(RealPropertyDescriptor);
                            if (eventDescriptor != null)
                                RealPropertyDescriptor.SetValue(component, null);

                    dependencyObj.SetBinding(dependencyProperty, activityBind);
                    base.OnValueChanged(dependencyObj, EventArgs.Empty);
                if (dependencyObj != null && dependencyProperty != null && dependencyObj.IsBindingSet(dependencyProperty))
                    ComponentChangeDispatcher componentChangeDispatcher = new ComponentChangeDispatcher(ServiceProvider, dependencyObj, this);
                        // Need to fire component changed event because this means we're clearing
                        // out a previously set Bind value.  If the new value matches the old value stored in the user data,
                        // base.SetValue will do nothing but return.  When that happens, if we don't fire a change
                        // event here, we'll still have the activity bind in the code or xoml file.
                        base.OnValueChanged(dependencyObj, EventArgs.Empty);

                base.SetValue(component, value);

            //Following code is for making sure that when we change the value from activity bind to actual value
            //and from actual value to activity bind; we need to change the UITypeEditor associated with property
            //from data binding editor to the editor specified by the user
            if (oldValue != value &&
                ((oldValue is ActivityBind && !(value is ActivityBind)) ||
                 (!(oldValue is ActivityBind) && value is ActivityBind)))