static Object PartA() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); LinkedList <int> circularBuffer = new LinkedList <int>(input[0].Select(x => (int)x - '0')); int n = circularBuffer.Count; var valueToCup = new List <LinkedListNode <int> >(n + 1); for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { valueToCup.Add(null); } var pos = circularBuffer.First; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { valueToCup[pos.Value] = pos; pos = pos.Next; } StepCrabCups(circularBuffer, valueToCup, 100); pos = circularBuffer.Find(1); var pp = pos.NextOrFirst(); string ans = ""; while (pp != pos) { ans += pp.Value.ToString(); pp = pp.NextOrFirst(); } Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { var input = ReadIndata.Ints(inputPath); input.Add(0); input.Add(input.Max() + 3); input.Sort(); long ans = 1; int i = 0; int z = input.Count; var combs = new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 7 }; while (i < z - 1) { int n = 1; while ((i + n < z) && (input[i + n] - input[i + n - 1] == 1)) { n++; } ans *= combs[n]; i += n; } Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartA() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); Position pos = new Position(); int dirIdx = 1; foreach (var s in input) { char c = s[0]; int n = int.Parse(s.Substring(1)); if (c == 'F') { pos += CoordsXY.directions4[Utils.Modulo(dirIdx, 4)] * n; } else if (c == 'L') { dirIdx -= n / 90; } else if (c == 'R') { dirIdx += n / 90; } else { pos += CoordsXY.directions4[cardinals.IndexOf(c)] * n; } } int ans = pos.ManhattanDistance(); Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); LinkedList <int> circularBuffer = new LinkedList <int>(input[0].Select(x => (int)x - '0')); int n = 1_000_000; for (int i = 10; i <= n; i++) { circularBuffer.AddLast(i); } var valueToCup = new List <LinkedListNode <int> >(n + 1); for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { valueToCup.Add(null); } var pos = circularBuffer.First; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { valueToCup[pos.Value] = pos; pos = pos.Next; } StepCrabCups(circularBuffer, valueToCup, 10_000_000); pos = circularBuffer.Find(1); var p = pos.NextOrFirst(); var pp = p.NextOrFirst(); long ans = p.Value * (long)pp.Value; Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartA() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); Regex re = new Regex(@"(e|se|sw|w|nw|ne)"); foreach (var s in input) { var pos = new Position(); foreach (Match match in re.Matches(s)) { pos += CoordsHex.directionsWide[match.Value]; } if (black.Contains(pos)) { black.Remove(pos); } else { black.Add(pos); } } int ans = black.Count(); Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); Position wpos = new Position(10, 1); Position spos = new Position(); foreach (var s in input) { char c = s[0]; int n = int.Parse(s.Substring(1)); if (c == 'F') { spos += wpos * n; } else if (c == 'L') { wpos = Position.Rotate4Steps(wpos, -n / 90); } else if (c == 'R') { wpos = Position.Rotate4Steps(wpos, n / 90); } else { wpos += CoordsXY.directions4[cardinals.IndexOf(c)] * n; } } int ans = spos.ManhattanDistance(); Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartA() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); string mask = ""; var mem = new Dictionary <int, long>(); foreach (var s in input) { var t = s.Split("[] =".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (t.Contains("mask")) { mask = t[1]; } else { var a = Convert.ToString(long.Parse(t[2]), 2).PadLeft(bits, '0'); var b = ""; for (int i = 0; i < bits; i++) { b += mask[i] == 'X' ? a[i] : mask[i]; } mem[int.Parse(t[1])] = Convert.ToInt64(b, 2); } } long ans = mem.Select(x => x.Value).Sum(); Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartA() { var input = ReadIndata.Longs(inputPath); long ans = 0; bool found = true; const int n = 25; int t = n; while (found) { found = false; ans = input[t]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { if ((i != j) && (input[t - n + i] + input[t - n + j] == ans)) { found = true; } } } t++; } Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { List <long> input = ReadIndata.Longs(inputPath); input.Sort(); long ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < input.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < input.Count; j++) { if (j != i) { long a = input[i]; long b = input[j]; long c = 2020 - a - b; if (input.Contains(c)) { ans = a * b * c; break; } } } } Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { var input = ReadIndata.Longs(inputPath); long ans = 0; const long tgt = 167829540; int t = 0; while (ans <= 0) { long sum = 0; int n = 0; for (n = 0; n < 2 || sum < tgt; n++) { sum += input[t + n]; } if (sum == tgt) { var r = input.Skip(t).Take(n).ToList(); ans = r.Min() + r.Max(); } t++; } Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { List <string> input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); int ans = 0; Dictionary <char, int> dict = new Dictionary <char, int>(); int n = 0; foreach (string s in input) { if (s == "") { ans += dict.Where(x => x.Value == n).Count(); dict = new Dictionary <char, int>(); n = 0; } else { foreach (char c in s) { if (!dict.ContainsKey(c)) { dict[c] = 0; } dict[c]++; } n++; } } Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); var computer = new Computer(input); computer.Run(); int ans = 0; foreach (int offs in computer.orderVisited) { var c = new Computer(computer.source); var i = c.program[offs]; var n =; if (n != "acc") { i.opCode = c.instructionSet[n == "jmp" ? "nop" : "jmp"]; c.program[offs] = i; if (c.Run()) { ans = c.acc; break; } } } Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { var input = ReadIndata.Ints(inputPath); int ans = MemoryGame(input, 30000000); Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartA() { var input = ReadIndata.Ints(inputPath); int ans = 0; Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartA() { List <string> input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); HashSet <int> ids = GetIds(input); int ans = ids.Max(); Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { List <string> input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); HashSet <int> ids = GetIds(input); int ans = ids.Where(x => !ids.Contains(x + 1) && ids.Contains(x + 2)).Min() + 1; Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartA() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); var c = new Computer(input); c.Run(); var ans = c.acc; Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { List <string> input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); long ans = CalcTrees(input, 1, 1); ans *= CalcTrees(input, 1, 3); ans *= CalcTrees(input, 1, 5); ans *= CalcTrees(input, 1, 7); ans *= CalcTrees(input, 2, 1); Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartA() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); int cardPk = int.Parse(input[0]); int doorPk = int.Parse(input[1]); int cardLoopSize = CalcLoopSize(7, cardPk); //int doorLoopSize = CalcLoopSize(7, doorPk); long ans = Calc(doorPk, cardLoopSize); Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); long ans = 0; foreach (string s in input) { ans += Calc(s, true); } //foreach (string s in input) // ans += Calc(s, EvaluateB); Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
// Day 22: Crab Combat - Play card game, first simple, then with recursion and more static List <int> ReadInput(string path) { var strs = ReadIndata.Strings(path); var list = new List <int>(); foreach (var line in strs) { if (line.Length > 0 && char.IsDigit(line[0])) { list.Add(int.Parse(line)); } } return(list); }
static void ReadInput(string path) { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(path); void AddFoodToItem(Dictionary <string, HashSet <int> > col, string key, int f) { if (!col.ContainsKey(key)) { col[key] = new HashSet <int>(); } col[key].Add(f); } void AddItemToFood(Dictionary <int, HashSet <string> > col, int f, string item) { if (!col.ContainsKey(f)) { col[f] = new HashSet <string>(); } col[f].Add(item); } int food = 0; foreach (string s in input) { var v = s.Split("(contains"); var iv = v[0].Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var av = v[1].Split(" ,)".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); { foreach (string ingr in iv) { ingredients.Add(ingr); AddItemToFood(foodIngredients, food, ingr); AddFoodToItem(foodsWithIngredient, ingr, food); } } { foreach (string aller in av) { allergenes.Add(aller); AddItemToFood(foodAllergenes, food, aller); AddFoodToItem(foodsWithAllergen, aller, food); } } food++; } }
// Day 03: Toboggan Trajectory - Check occurrences in 2D character map static Object PartA() { List <string> input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); int ans = 0; int c = 0; for (int r = 0; r < input.Count; r++) { if (input[r][c % input[0].Count()] == '#') { ans++; } c += 3; } Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartA() { var input = ReadIndata.Ints(inputPath); input.Add(0); input.Add(input.Max() + 3); input.Sort(); var d = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for (int i = 1; i < input.Count; i++) { d[input[i] - input[i - 1]]++; } int ans = d[1] * d[3]; Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); Map m = Map.Build(input); Map m2 = new Map(m); int n = 0; do { m = m2; m2 = StepMapB(m); n++; }while (m != m2); int ans = <char>().Where(x => x == '#').Count(); Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartA() { List <int> input = ReadIndata.Ints(inputPath); input.Sort(); int ans = 0; foreach (int a in input) { int b = 2020 - a; if (input.Contains(b)) { ans = a * b; break; } } Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); string mask = ""; var mem = new Dictionary <long, long>(); foreach (var s in input) { var t = s.Split("[] =".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (t.Contains("mask")) { mask = t[1]; } else { var a = Convert.ToString(long.Parse(t[1]), 2).PadLeft(bits, '0'); var b = ""; var offs = new List <long>() { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < bits; i++) { var m = mask[i]; if (m == 'X') { offs.Add(1L << bits - 1 - i); } b += m == 'X' ? '0' : (m == '1' ? '1' : a[i]); } var membase = Convert.ToInt64(b, 2); var value = long.Parse(t[2]); foreach (var z in Algorithms.GetCombinations(offs)) { mem[membase + z.Sum()] = value; } } } long ans = mem.Select(x => x.Value).Sum(); Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
// Day 13: Shuttle Search - Modular arithmetic & The Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) static Object PartA() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); List <int> ids = input[1].Split(',').Where(x => x != "x").Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToList(); int minutes = int.Parse(input[0]); int min = int.MaxValue; int ans = 0; foreach (int i in ids) { int a = i - (minutes % i); if (a < min) { min = a; ans = a * i; } } Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
static Object PartB() { var input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); List <int> ids = new List <int>(); List <int> offs = new List <int>(); int i = 0; foreach (string s in input[1].Split(',')) { if (s != "x") { int id = int.Parse(s); ids.Add(id); offs.Add(id - i); } i++; } long ans = Utils.CRT(ids, offs); Console.WriteLine("Part B: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }
// Day 06: Custom Customs - Parse groups and questions, perform some and/or logic static Object PartA() { List <string> input = ReadIndata.Strings(inputPath); int ans = 0; HashSet <char> set = new HashSet <char>(); foreach (string s in input) { if (s == "") { ans += set.Count; set = new HashSet <char>(); } else { set.UnionWith(s.ToHashSet()); } } ans += set.Count; Console.WriteLine("Part A: Result is {0}", ans); return(ans); }