Beispiel #1
        internal static Device CalculateClosestMatch(List <Device> devices, Point3D[] vectors)
            Device currDev  = null;
            Double currDist = -1;

            if (vectors == null)

            // pointing ray goes from vectors[0] to vectors[1]
            Ray3D pointer = new Ray3D(vectors[0], vectors[1]);

            Double tempDist;

            foreach (Device dev in devices)
                foreach (Ball ball in dev.Form)
                    // check if Ball is in front of pointing ray
                    if (Vector3D.AngleBetween(pointer.direction, ball.Center - pointer.origin) < 90)
                        // check distance
                        tempDist = Point3D.Subtract(pointer.nearestPoint(ball.Center), ball.Center).Length;
                        if (currDist == -1 || tempDist < currDist)
                            currDev  = dev;
                            currDist = tempDist;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        ///    The Methode does the collision detection
        ///    First the pointing vector of the underarm is calculated.
        ///    This vector will be "extended" to a straight line. Following it will be calculated if this line hits a sphere of a device.
        ///    Hit devices will be saved in a list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="devices">Devices which are available in the system</param>
        /// <param name="vectors">The position vectors of the ellbows and wrists</param>
        /// <returns>Devicelist with hit devices</returns>
        internal static List <Device> Calculate(List <Device> devices, Point3D[] vectors)
            List <Device> found = new List <Device>();

            if (vectors == null)

            // pointing ray goes from vectors[0] to vectors[1]
            Ray3D pointer = new Ray3D(vectors[0], vectors[1]);

            foreach (Device dev in devices)
                foreach (Ball ball in dev.Form)
                    // check if Ball is in front of pointing ray
                    if (Vector3D.AngleBetween(pointer.direction, ball.Center - pointer.origin) < 90)
                        // check distance
                        if (Point3D.Subtract(pointer.nearestPoint(ball.Center), ball.Center).Length <= ball.Radius)
                            continue; // skip other balls of this dev