public virtual enHelperActivityType Process(ref Socket soUDP,
                                                    ref IPEndPoint remoteIpEndPoint, string sessionID, Encoding enc)
            ProcessCommand(ref soUDP, ref remoteIpEndPoint, sessionID, enc);

            // handle 555 BANNED and 598 - UNKNOWN COMMAND
            if (ResponseCode == 598)
            if (ResponseCode == 555)

            if (errorOccurred)

            //BaseConfig.MyAnimeLog.Write("AniDBCommand_GetCreatorInfo.Process: Response: {0}", socketResponse);

            // Process Response
            string sMsgType = socketResponse.Substring(0, 3);

            switch (sMsgType)
            case "245":
                // 245 CREATOR
                // the first 11 characters should be "245 CREATOR"
                // the rest of the information should be the data list

                creatorInfo = new Raw_AniDB_Creator(socketResponse);

                // 245 CREATOR 200|?????|Suwabe Jun`ichi|1|17015.jpg|||Junichi_Suwabe|%E8%AB%8F%E8%A8%AA%E9%83%A8%E9%A0%86%E4%B8%80|1236300570

            case "345":

            case "501":

		public virtual enHelperActivityType Process(ref Socket soUDP,
			ref IPEndPoint remoteIpEndPoint, string sessionID, Encoding enc)
			ProcessCommand(ref soUDP, ref remoteIpEndPoint, sessionID, enc);

			// handle 555 BANNED and 598 - UNKNOWN COMMAND
			if (ResponseCode == 598) return enHelperActivityType.UnknownCommand_598;
			if (ResponseCode == 555) return enHelperActivityType.Banned_555;

			if (errorOccurred) return enHelperActivityType.NoSuchCreator;

			//BaseConfig.MyAnimeLog.Write("AniDBCommand_GetCreatorInfo.Process: Response: {0}", socketResponse);

			// Process Response
			string sMsgType = socketResponse.Substring(0, 3);

			switch (sMsgType)
				case "245":
						// 245 CREATOR
						// the first 11 characters should be "245 CREATOR"
						// the rest of the information should be the data list

						creatorInfo = new Raw_AniDB_Creator(socketResponse);
						return enHelperActivityType.GotCreatorInfo;

						// 245 CREATOR 200|?????|Suwabe Jun`ichi|1|17015.jpg|||Junichi_Suwabe|%E8%AB%8F%E8%A8%AA%E9%83%A8%E9%A0%86%E4%B8%80|1236300570

				case "345":
						return enHelperActivityType.NoSuchCreator;
				case "501":
						return enHelperActivityType.LoginRequired;

			return enHelperActivityType.NoSuchCreator;
