Beispiel #1
 private void DecodeUncompressed(ImageBinaryReader input, uint width, uint height, long size, Endianness endian)
      *   RawDecompressor.Decode12BitRawWithControl(s, w, h, rawImage);
      * else if ((hints.ContainsKey("jpeg32_bitorder")))
      * {
      *   Point2D dim = new Point2D(w, h), pos = new Point2D(0, 0);
      *   RawDecompressor.ReadUncompressedRaw(s, dim, pos, w * 12 / 8, 12, BitOrder.Jpeg32, rawImage);
      * }
      * else*/
     if (size >= width * height * 2)
     { // We're in an unpacked raw
         if (endian == Endianness.Little)
             RawDecompressor.Decode12BitRawUnpacked(input, new Point2D(width, height), new Point2D(), rawImage);
             RawDecompressor.Decode12BitRawBEunpackedLeftAligned(input, new Point2D(width, height), new Point2D(), rawImage);
     else if (size >= width * height * 3 / 2)
     { // We're in one of those weird interlaced packed raws
         RawDecompressor.Decode12BitRawBEInterlaced(input, new Point2D(width, height), new Point2D(), rawImage);
         throw new RawDecoderException("ORF Decoder: Don't know how to handle the encoding in this file\n");
Beispiel #2
        private void DecodeCryptedUncompressed()
            var data = ifd.GetIFDsWithTag(TagType.IMAGEWIDTH);

            if (data.Count == 0)
                throw new RawDecoderException("ARW: SRF format, couldn't find width/height");
            var raw = data[0];

            var  size = new Point2D(raw.GetEntry(TagType.IMAGEWIDTH).GetUInt(0), raw.GetEntry(TagType.IMAGELENGTH).GetUInt(0));
            uint len  = (size.Area * 2);

            // Constants taken from dcraw
            uint offtemp  = 862144;
            uint key_off  = 200896;
            uint head_off = 164600;

            // Replicate the dcraw contortions to get the "decryption" key
            base.reader.Position = key_off;;
            int offset = base.reader.ReadByte() * 4;

            base.reader.Position = key_off + offset;
            byte[] d   = base.reader.ReadBytes(4);
            uint   key = (((uint)(d[0]) << 24) | ((uint)(d[1]) << 16) | ((uint)(d[2]) << 8) | d[3]);

            base.reader.Position = head_off;
            byte[] head = base.reader.ReadBytes(40);

            SonyDecrypt(head, 10, key);

            for (int i = 26; i-- > 22;)
                key = key << 8 | head[i];

            // "Decrypt" the whole image buffer in place
            base.reader.Position = offtemp;
            byte[] imageData = base.reader.ReadBytes((int)len);

            SonyDecrypt(imageData, len / 4, key);

            // And now decode as a normal 16bit raw
            rawImage.fullSize.dim = new Point2D(size);
            using (ImageBinaryReader reader = new ImageBinaryReader(imageData, len))
                RawDecompressor.Decode16BitRawUnpacked(reader, size, new Point2D(), rawImage);
Beispiel #3
        void DecodeUncompressed(IFD raw)
            uint width  = raw.GetEntry(TagType.IMAGEWIDTH).GetUInt(0);
            uint height = raw.GetEntry(TagType.IMAGELENGTH).GetUInt(0);
            uint off    = raw.GetEntry(TagType.STRIPOFFSETS).GetUInt(0);

            rawImage.fullSize.dim = new Point2D(width, height);
            ImageBinaryReader input = new ImageBinaryReader(reader.BaseStream, off);

             *  RawDecompressor.Decode14BitRawBEunpacked(input, width, height, rawImage);
            RawDecompressor.Decode16BitRawUnpacked(input, new Point2D(width, height), new Point2D(), rawImage);
Beispiel #4
        public override void DecodeRaw()
            List <IFD> data = ifd.GetIFDsWithTag(TagType.PANASONIC_STRIPOFFSET);

            bool isOldPanasonic = false;

            if (data.Count == 0)
                data = ifd.GetIFDsWithTag(TagType.STRIPOFFSETS);
                if (data == null)
                    throw new RawDecoderException("No image data found");
                isOldPanasonic = true;

            raw = data[0];
            uint height = raw.GetEntry((TagType)3).GetUInt(0);
            uint width  = raw.GetEntry((TagType)2).GetUInt(0);

            if (isOldPanasonic)
                Tag offsets = raw.GetEntry(TagType.STRIPOFFSETS);

                if (offsets.dataCount != 1)
                    throw new RawDecoderException("Multiple Strips found:" + offsets.dataCount);
                uint off = offsets.GetUInt(0);
                if (!reader.IsValid(off))
                    throw new RawDecoderException("Invalid image data offset, cannot decode.");

                rawImage.fullSize.dim = new Point2D(width, height);

                UInt32 size = (uint)(reader.BaseStream.Length - off);
                input_start = new ImageBinaryReader(stream, off);

                if (size >= width * height * 2)
                    // It's completely unpacked little-endian
                    RawDecompressor.Decode12BitRawUnpacked(input_start, new Point2D(width, height), new Point2D(), rawImage);
                    rawImage.fullSize.ColorDepth = 12;
                else if (size >= width * height * 3 / 2)
                    // It's a packed format
                    RawDecompressor.Decode12BitRawWithControl(input_start, new Point2D(width, height), new Point2D(), rawImage);
                    rawImage.fullSize.ColorDepth = 12;
                    var colorTag = raw.GetEntry((TagType)5);
                    if (colorTag != null)
                        rawImage.fullSize.ColorDepth = colorTag.GetUShort(0);
                        //try to load with 12bits colordepth
                    // It's using the new .RW2 decoding method
                    load_flags = 0;
                rawImage.fullSize.dim = new Point2D(width, height);
                Tag offsets = raw.GetEntry(TagType.PANASONIC_STRIPOFFSET);

                if (offsets.dataCount != 1)
                    throw new RawDecoderException("Multiple Strips found:" + offsets.dataCount);

                load_flags = 0x2008;
                uint off = offsets.GetUInt(0);

                if (!reader.IsValid(off))
                    throw new RawDecoderException("Invalid image data offset, cannot decode.");

                input_start = new ImageBinaryReader(stream, off);
Beispiel #5
        public override void DecodeRaw()
            List <IFD> data = ifd.GetIFDsWithTag(TagType.FUJI_STRIPOFFSETS);

            if (data.Count <= 0)
                throw new RawDecoderException("Fuji decoder: Unable to locate raw IFD");

            IFD  raw    = data[0];
            uint height = 0;
            uint width  = 0;

            var dim = raw.GetEntry(TagType.FUJI_RAWIMAGEFULLHEIGHT);

            if (dim != null)
                height = dim.GetUInt(0);
                width  = raw.GetEntry(TagType.FUJI_RAWIMAGEFULLWIDTH).GetUInt(0);
                Tag wtag = raw.GetEntryRecursive(TagType.IMAGEWIDTH);
                if (wtag != null)
                    if (wtag.dataCount < 2)
                        throw new RawDecoderException("Fuji decoder: Size array too small");
                    height = wtag.GetUShort(0);
                    width  = wtag.GetUShort(1);

            Tag e = raw.GetEntryRecursive(TagType.FUJI_LAYOUT);

            if (e != null)
                if (e.dataCount < 2)
                    throw new RawDecoderException("Fuji decoder: Layout array too small");
                byte[] layout = e.GetByteArray();
                //alt_layout = !(layout[0] >> 7);

            if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
                throw new RawDecoderException("RAF decoder: Unable to locate image size");

            Tag offsets = raw.GetEntry(TagType.FUJI_STRIPOFFSETS);
            Tag counts  = raw.GetEntry(TagType.FUJI_STRIPBYTECOUNTS);

            if (offsets.dataCount != 1 || counts.dataCount != 1)
                throw new RawDecoderException("RAF Decoder: Multiple Strips found: " + offsets.dataCount + " " + counts.dataCount);

            int off   = offsets.GetInt(0);
            int count = counts.GetInt(0);

            ushort bps    = 12;
            var    bpsTag = raw.GetEntryRecursive(TagType.FUJI_BITSPERSAMPLE) ?? raw.GetEntryRecursive(TagType.BITSPERSAMPLE);

            if (bpsTag != null)
                bps = bpsTag.GetUShort(0);
                rawImage.errors.Add("BPS not found");
            rawImage.fullSize.ColorDepth = bps;

            // x-trans sensors report 14bpp, but data isn't packed so read as 16bpp
            if (bps == 14)
                bps = 16;

            // Some fuji SuperCCD cameras include a second raw image next to the first one
            // that is identical but darker to the first. The two combined can produce
            // a higher dynamic range image. Right now we're ignoring it.
            //bool double_width = hints.ContainsKey("double_width_unpacked");

            rawImage.fullSize.dim = new Point2D(width, height);
            ImageBinaryReader input = new ImageBinaryReader(stream, (uint)(off + raw.RelativeOffset));
            Point2D           pos   = new Point2D(0, 0);

            if (count * 8 / (width * height) < 10)
                throw new RawDecoderException("Don't know how to decode compressed images");
            else if (ifd.endian == Endianness.Big)
                RawDecompressor.Decode16BitRawUnpacked(input, new Point2D(width, height), pos, rawImage);
                //       RawDecompressor.ReadUncompressedRaw(input, rawImage.raw.dim, pos, width * bps / 8, bps, BitOrder.Jpeg32, rawImage);
                RawDecompressor.ReadUncompressedRaw(input, new Point2D(width, height), pos, width * bps / 8, bps, BitOrder.Plain, rawImage);
Beispiel #6
        protected void DecodeUncompressed(IFD rawIFD, BitOrder order)
            uint nslices = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.STRIPOFFSETS).dataCount;
            Tag  offsets = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.STRIPOFFSETS);
            Tag  counts  = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.STRIPBYTECOUNTS);

            if (counts.dataCount != offsets.dataCount)
                throw new RawDecoderException("Byte count number does not match strip size: count:" + counts.dataCount + ", strips:" + offsets.dataCount);

            uint   yPerSlice   = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.ROWSPERSTRIP).GetUInt(0);
            uint   width       = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.IMAGEWIDTH).GetUInt(0);
            uint   height      = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.IMAGELENGTH).GetUInt(0);
            ushort bitPerPixel = rawIFD.GetEntry(TagType.BITSPERSAMPLE).GetUShort(0);

            rawImage.fullSize.ColorDepth = bitPerPixel;
            uint            offY   = 0;
            List <RawSlice> slices = new List <RawSlice>();

            for (int s = 0; s < nslices; s++)
                RawSlice slice = new RawSlice()
                    offset  = offsets.GetUInt(s),
                    count   = counts.GetUInt(s),
                    offsetY = offY
                if (offY + yPerSlice > height)
                    slice.h = height - offY;
                    slice.h = yPerSlice;

                offY += yPerSlice;

                if (reader.IsValid(slice.offset, slice.count)) // Only decode if size is valid

            if (0 == slices.Count)
                throw new RawDecoderException("RAW Decoder: No valid slices found. File probably truncated.");

            rawImage.fullSize.dim = new Point2D(width, offY);
            rawImage.whitePoint   = (ushort)((1 << bitPerPixel) - 1);

            offY = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < slices.Count; i++)
                RawSlice slice = slices[i];
                reader.BaseStream.Position = slice.offset;
                bitPerPixel = (ushort)(slice.count * 8u / (slice.h * width));
                RawDecompressor.ReadUncompressedRaw(reader, new Point2D(width, slice.h), new Point2D(0, slice.offsetY), rawImage.fullSize.cpp * width * bitPerPixel / 8, bitPerPixel, order, rawImage);
                offY += slice.h;