/// <summary>
    /// Loads the thumbnail and display info for the file
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="inputStream">The file data stream</param>
    /// <param name="fileExtension">The file extension</param>
    /// <param name="width">The thumbnail width</param>
    /// <param name="manager">The manager</param>
    /// <returns>The thumbnail data</returns>
    public ArchiveFileThumbnailData LoadThumbnail(ArchiveFileStream inputStream, FileExtension fileExtension, int width, IArchiveDataManager manager)
        // Load the file
        GF file = GetFileContent(inputStream, manager);

        // Load the raw bitmap data
        RawBitmapData rawBmp = file.GetRawBitmapData(width, (int)(file.Height / ((double)file.Width / width)));

        var format = rawBmp.PixelFormat == PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb ? PixelFormats.Bgra32 : PixelFormats.Bgr24;

        // Get a thumbnail source
        BitmapSource thumbnailSource = BitmapSource.Create(rawBmp.Width, rawBmp.Height, 96, 96, format, null, rawBmp.PixelData, (rawBmp.Width * format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8);

        // Get the thumbnail with the specified size
        return(new ArchiveFileThumbnailData(thumbnailSource, new DuoGridItemViewModel[]
            new DuoGridItemViewModel(
                header: new ResourceLocString(nameof(Resources.Archive_FileInfo_Img_Size)),
                text: $"{file.Width}x{file.Height}"),
            new DuoGridItemViewModel(
                header: new ResourceLocString(nameof(Resources.Archive_FileInfo_Img_HasAlpha)),
                text: new GeneratedLocString(() => $"{file.PixelFormat.SupportsTransparency()}")),
            new DuoGridItemViewModel(
                header: new ResourceLocString(nameof(Resources.Archive_FileInfo_Img_Mipmaps)),
                text: $"{file.ExclusiveMipmapCount}"),
            new DuoGridItemViewModel(
                header: new ResourceLocString(nameof(Resources.Archive_FileInfo_Format)),
                text: $"{file.PixelFormat.ToString().Replace("Format_", "")}",
                minUserLevel: UserLevel.Technical),
    /// <summary>
    /// Converts the file data from the specified format
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="inputFormat">The format to convert from</param>
    /// <param name="outputFormat">The format to convert to</param>
    /// <param name="currentFileStream">The current file stream</param>
    /// <param name="inputStream">The input file data stream to convert from</param>
    /// <param name="outputStream">The output stream for the converted data</param>
    /// <param name="manager">The manager</param>
    public void ConvertFrom(FileExtension inputFormat, FileExtension outputFormat, ArchiveFileStream currentFileStream, ArchiveFileStream inputStream, ArchiveFileStream outputStream, IArchiveDataManager manager)
        // Load the bitmap
        using Bitmap bmp = new(inputStream.Stream);

        // Load the current file
        GF gf = GetFileContent(currentFileStream, manager);

        // IDEA: If bmp is not in supported format, then convert it?

        RawBitmapData rawBitmapData;

        // Get the bitmap lock
        using (BitmapLock bmpLock = new(bmp))
            // Get the raw bitmap data
            rawBitmapData = new RawBitmapData(bmp.Width, bmp.Height, bmpLock.Pixels, bmp.PixelFormat);

            // Force the new pixel format to be 888 or 8888 if set to do so
            if (Services.Data.Archive_GF_ForceGF8888Import)
                gf.PixelFormat = gf.PixelFormat.SupportsTransparency() ? GF_Format.Format_32bpp_BGRA_8888 : GF_Format.Format_24bpp_BGR_888;

            // Check if the format should be updated for transparency
            if (Services.Data.Archive_GF_UpdateTransparency != UserData_Archive_GF_TransparencyMode.PreserveFormat)
                // NOTE: Only 24 and 32 bpp bitmaps are supported
                // Check if the imported file is transparent
                bool?isTransparent = bmp.PixelFormat switch
                    PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb => (Services.Data.Archive_GF_UpdateTransparency == UserData_Archive_GF_TransparencyMode.UpdateBasedOnPixelFormat ||
                    PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb => false,
                    _ => null

                // NOTE: Currently only supported for formats with 3 or 4 channels
                // Check if the format should be updated for transparency
                if (gf.Channels >= 3 && isTransparent != null)
                    // Update the format
                    gf.PixelFormat = isTransparent.Value ? GF_Format.Format_32bpp_BGRA_8888 : GF_Format.Format_24bpp_BGR_888;

        byte oldRepeatByte = gf.RepeatByte;

        OpenSpaceSettings settings = manager.Context !.GetSettings <OpenSpaceSettings>();

        // Import the bitmap
        gf.ImportFromBitmap(settings, rawBitmapData, Services.Data.Archive_GF_GenerateMipmaps);

        Logger.Debug("The repeat byte has been updated for a .gf file from {0} to {1}", oldRepeatByte, gf.RepeatByte);

        // Serialize the data to get the bytes
        manager.Context.WriteStreamData(outputStream.Stream, gf, name: outputStream.Name, leaveOpen: true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the import file data from the input stream to the output stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileBytes">The file bytes</param>
        /// <param name="inputStream">The input stream to import from</param>
        /// <param name="outputStream">The destination stream</param>
        /// <param name="format">The file format to use</param>
        public void ConvertImportData(byte[] fileBytes, Stream inputStream, Stream outputStream, FileExtension format)
            // Load the bitmap
            using var bmp = new Bitmap(inputStream);

            // Load the current file
            OpenSpaceGFFile gf = GetFileContent(fileBytes);

            // IDEA: If bmp is not in supported format, then convert it?

            RawBitmapData rawBitmapData;

            // Get the bitmap lock
            using (var bmpLock = new BitmapLock(bmp))
                // Get the raw bitmap data
                rawBitmapData = new RawBitmapData(bmp.Width, bmp.Height, bmpLock.Pixels, bmp.PixelFormat);

                // Force the new pixel format to be 888 or 8888 if set to do so
                if (RCPServices.Data.Archive_GF_ForceGF8888Import)
                    gf.GFPixelFormat = gf.GFPixelFormat.SupportsTransparency() ? OpenSpaceGFFormat.Format_32bpp_BGRA_8888 : OpenSpaceGFFormat.Format_24bpp_BGR_888;

                // Check if the format should be updated for transparency
                if (RCPServices.Data.Archive_GF_UpdateTransparency != Archive_GF_TransparencyMode.PreserveFormat)
                    // NOTE: Only 24 and 32 bpp bitmaps are supported
                    // Check if the imported file is transparent
                    var isTransparent = bmp.PixelFormat switch
                        PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb => (RCPServices.Data.Archive_GF_UpdateTransparency == Archive_GF_TransparencyMode.UpdateBasedOnPixelFormat ||
                        PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb => false,
                        _ => (bool?)null

                    // NOTE: Currently only supported for formats with 3 or 4 channels
                    // Check if the format should be updated for transparency
                    if (gf.Channels >= 3 && isTransparent != null)
                        // Update the format
                        gf.GFPixelFormat = isTransparent.Value ? OpenSpaceGFFormat.Format_32bpp_BGRA_8888 : OpenSpaceGFFormat.Format_24bpp_BGR_888;

            // Import the bitmap
            gf.ImportFromBitmap(Settings, rawBitmapData, RCPServices.Data.Archive_GF_GenerateMipmaps);

            // Serialize the data to get the bytes
            BinarySerializableHelpers.WriteToStream(gf, outputStream, Settings, RCPServices.App.GetBinarySerializerLogger());

    /// <summary>
    /// Imports a bitmap image into the file, keeping the structure based on the properties and generating mipmaps if needed. This will reset the mipmaps, requiring them to be generated again.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="gf">The GF file data</param>
    /// <param name="settings">The serializer settings</param>
    /// <param name="bmp">The bitmap data to import from</param>
    /// <param name="generateMipmaps">Indicates if mipmaps should be generated for the image</param>
    public static void ImportFromBitmap(this GF gf, OpenSpaceSettings settings, RawBitmapData bmp, bool generateMipmaps)
        // Helper method for writing the pixel data
        void WritePixelData(RawBitmapData bitmapData, long offset)
            // Make sure the pixel format is supported
            if (bitmapData.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb && bitmapData.PixelFormat != PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb)
                throw new Exception($"The bitmap pixel format {bitmapData.PixelFormat} is not supported for importing");

            // Get the number of bitmap channels
            int bmpChannels = Image.GetPixelFormatSize(bitmapData.PixelFormat) / 8;

            // Get the format
            GF_Format format = gf.PixelFormat;

            byte[] bmpColorData = new byte[4];

            for (uint y = 0; y < bitmapData.Height; y++)
                for (uint x = 0; x < bitmapData.Width; x++)
                    // Get the offsets for the pixel colors
                    var pixelOffset = (bitmapData.Width * y + x) * gf.Channels + offset;

                    // NOTE: We reverse the Y-axis here since the .gf images are always flipper vertically
                    var rawOffset = (bitmapData.Width * (bitmapData.Height - y - 1) + x) * bmpChannels;

                    // Get the bitmap color bytes for this pixel
                    bmpColorData[0] = bitmapData.PixelData[rawOffset + 0];
                    bmpColorData[1] = bitmapData.PixelData[rawOffset + 1];
                    bmpColorData[2] = bitmapData.PixelData[rawOffset + 2];
                    bmpColorData[3] = bmpChannels == 4 ? bitmapData.PixelData[rawOffset + 3] : (byte)255;

                    // Get the pixels
                    foreach (var b in gf.GetGfPixelBytes(format, bmpColorData))
                        gf.PixelData[pixelOffset] = b;

        // Set size
        gf.Width  = bmp.Width;
        gf.Height = bmp.Height;

        // Set the pixel count
        gf.PixelCount = gf.Width * gf.Height;

        // Update the mipmap count
        if (generateMipmaps && gf.SupportsMipmaps(settings))
            gf.MipmapsCount = gf.DeterminePreferredMipmapsCount();
            gf.MipmapsCount = 0;

        // Enumerate each mipmap size
        foreach ((int Width, int Height)size in gf.GetExclusiveMipmapSizes())
            // Get the mipmap pixel count
            var count = size.Width * size.Height;

            // Add to the total pixel count
            gf.PixelCount += count;

        // Create the data array
        gf.PixelData = new byte[gf.Channels * gf.PixelCount];

        // Set the main pixel data
        WritePixelData(bmp, 0);

        // Keep track of the offset
        long mipmapOffset = gf.Width * gf.Height * gf.Channels;

        // Generate mipmaps if available
        if (gf.ExclusiveMipmapCount > 0)
            // Get the bitmap
            using Bitmap bitmap = bmp.GetBitmap();

            // Generate every mipmap
            foreach ((int Width, int Height)size in gf.GetExclusiveMipmapSizes())
                // Resize the bitmap
                using Bitmap resizedBmp = bitmap.ResizeImage(size.Width, size.Height, false);

                // Write the mipmap
                WritePixelData(new RawBitmapData(resizedBmp), mipmapOffset);

                // Increase the index
                mipmapOffset += size.Height * size.Width * gf.Channels;

        // Update the repeat byte