// GET api/Sync
        public int Get()
            IList<RaveDetails> uncachedEvents = new List<RaveDetails>();
              using (RaveRadarContext _db = new RaveRadarContext())
            List<Owner> owners = GetTrustedOwners(_db).ToList();
            IDictionary<Int64, DateTime> cachedEventsDictionary = _db.Raves.Where(r => r.StartTime >= DateTime.Now).ToDictionary(r => r.RaveID, r => r.UpdateTime);
            IDictionary<Int64, DateTime> fbActiveEvents = FQLToObjectsHelper.GetActiveEventIDsByOwner(owners); // Add submitted events to this collection

            // Decide which of the active events need to be cached
            IList<Int64> uncachedIds = new List<Int64>();
            IList<Int64> cachedIds = new List<Int64>();
            foreach (Int64 Id in fbActiveEvents.Keys)
              if (!cachedEventsDictionary.ContainsKey(Id) || (fbActiveEvents[Id] > cachedEventsDictionary[Id]))
            // TODO: Don't forget to eventually integrate events without trusted owners
            //  - Query DB raves for all submitted raves

            // Get uncached events
            uncachedEvents = FQLToObjectsHelper.GetRaveDetailsFromEventIDs(uncachedIds);

            // Cache the events
            _db.UpsertRaveDetails(uncachedEvents, _db);

              return uncachedEvents.Count;