public int GetLikedfriendsComment(int commentID)
            RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

            Comments aComment = new Comments(commentID);

            string memberId = Context.Session["memberID"].ToString();
            Member aMember  = new Member(memberId);

            dal.DeleteCommentLike(aMember, aComment);

            //like count
            int numberofCommentLikes = newsFeedDAL.CountCommentsLikes(aComment);

        public int LikeAComment(int commentID)
            NotificationDAL notificationDAL = new NotificationDAL();

            //LIKE A COMMENT

            RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

            Comments aComment = new Comments(commentID);

            List <Member> MemberList = new List <Member>();

            MemberList = notificationDAL.GetCommentOwner(aComment);
            Member aFriend = new Member(MemberList[0].MemberId);

            string memberId = Context.Session["memberID"].ToString();
            Member aMember  = new Member(memberId);

            //checking if u have already rated the comment
            if (dal.CommentRatingExists(aMember, aComment) == 0)
                //proceed and rate if u havnt commented
                dal.RateComment(aMember, aComment);

                List <Rating> RatingList = new List <Rating>();
                RatingList = notificationDAL.GetCommentRatingID(aComment, aMember);

                Rating aRating = new Rating(RatingList[0].RatingId);

                if (RatingList.Count > 0)
                    notificationDAL.InsertCommentRatingNotification(aRating, aMember, aFriend, aComment);
                //you have already rated the comment
                //MessageBox.Show("already rated by u");

            //like count
            int numberofCommentLikes = newsFeedDAL.CountCommentsLikes(aComment);

        public int UnlikeAPost(int postID)
            //like method here
            RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

            Post aPost = new Post(postID);

            string memberId = Context.Session["memberID"].ToString();
            Member aMember  = new Member(memberId);

            dal.DeletePostLike(aMember, aPost);

            aPost.PostId = postID;

            int numberofPostLikes = newsFeedDAL.CountPostLikes(aPost);

        public int LikeAPost(int postID)
            NotificationDAL notificationDAL = new NotificationDAL();

            RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

            Post aPost = new Post(postID);

            List <Member> MemberList = new List <Member>();

            MemberList = notificationDAL.GetPostOwner(aPost);
            Member aFriend = new Member(MemberList[0].MemberId);

            string memberId = Context.Session["memberID"].ToString();
            Member aMember  = new Member(memberId);

            //Check if like exists
            if (dal.PostRatingExists(aMember, aPost) == 0)
                dal.RatePost(aMember, aPost);

                List <Rating> RatingList = new List <Rating>();
                RatingList = notificationDAL.GetPostRatingID(aPost, aMember);

                Rating aRating = new Rating(RatingList[0].RatingId);

                if (RatingList.Count > 0)
                    notificationDAL.InsertPostRatingNotification(aRating, aMember, aFriend, aPost);
                //MessageBox.Show("already rated by u");

            aPost.PostId = postID;

            int numberofPostLikes = newsFeedDAL.CountPostLikes(aPost);

Beispiel #5
        public string GetPeopleLikedPost(int postID)
            StringBuilder concatinater = new StringBuilder();

            if (Session["memberID"] == null)
                Member aMember = new Member(Context.Session["memberID"].ToString());

                Post aPost = new Post(postID);
                aPost.PostId = postID;

                RateAndTagDAL rateAndTagDAL = new RateAndTagDAL();

                List <Member> GetPeopleLikedPost = new List <Member>();
                GetPeopleLikedPost = rateAndTagDAL.GetPeopleLikedPost(aPost);

                concatinater.Append("<div class='postinfo width50% floatLeft tip'> <a title='");
                for (int i = 0; i < GetPeopleLikedPost.Count; ++i)
                    concatinater.Append("<br />");

            //Details Left

            //foreach (var Member in AllLikedMembers)

            //    concatinater.Append(Member.DisplayName);
            //    concatinater.Append("<br />");
        public int UnlikeAPost(int postID)
            //like method here
            RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

            Post aPost = new Post(postID);

            string memberId = Context.Session["memberID"].ToString();
            Member aMember = new Member(memberId);

            dal.DeletePostLike(aMember, aPost);

            aPost.PostId = postID;

            int numberofPostLikes = newsFeedDAL.CountPostLikes(aPost);
            return numberofPostLikes;
        public int UnlikeAComment(int commentID)
            RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

            Comments aComment = new Comments(commentID);

            string memberId = Context.Session["memberID"].ToString();
            Member aMember = new Member(memberId);

            dal.DeleteCommentLike(aMember, aComment);

            //like count
            int numberofCommentLikes = newsFeedDAL.CountCommentsLikes(aComment);
            return numberofCommentLikes;
        public int LikeAPost(int postID)
            NotificationDAL notificationDAL = new NotificationDAL();

            RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

            Post aPost = new Post(postID);

            List<Member> MemberList = new List<Member>();
            MemberList = notificationDAL.GetPostOwner(aPost);
            Member aFriend = new Member(MemberList[0].MemberId);

            string memberId = Context.Session["memberID"].ToString();
            Member aMember = new Member(memberId);

            //Check if like exists
            if (dal.PostRatingExists(aMember, aPost) == 0)
                dal.RatePost(aMember, aPost);

                List<Rating> RatingList = new List<Rating>();
                RatingList = notificationDAL.GetPostRatingID(aPost, aMember);

                Rating aRating = new Rating(RatingList[0].RatingId);

                if (RatingList.Count > 0)
                    notificationDAL.InsertPostRatingNotification(aRating, aMember, aFriend, aPost);
                //MessageBox.Show("already rated by u");

            aPost.PostId = postID;

            int numberofPostLikes = newsFeedDAL.CountPostLikes(aPost);
            return numberofPostLikes;
        public int LikeAComment(int commentID)
            NotificationDAL notificationDAL = new NotificationDAL();

            //LIKE A COMMENT

            RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

            Comments aComment = new Comments(commentID);

            List<Member> MemberList = new List<Member>();
            MemberList = notificationDAL.GetCommentOwner(aComment);
            Member aFriend = new Member(MemberList[0].MemberId);

            string memberId = Context.Session["memberID"].ToString();
            Member aMember = new Member(memberId);

            //checking if u have already rated the comment
            if (dal.CommentRatingExists(aMember, aComment) == 0)
                //proceed and rate if u havnt commented
                dal.RateComment(aMember, aComment);

                List<Rating> RatingList = new List<Rating>();
                RatingList = notificationDAL.GetCommentRatingID(aComment, aMember);

                Rating aRating = new Rating(RatingList[0].RatingId);

                if (RatingList.Count > 0)
                    notificationDAL.InsertCommentRatingNotification(aRating, aMember, aFriend, aComment);
                //you have already rated the comment
                //MessageBox.Show("already rated by u");

            //like count
            int numberofCommentLikes = newsFeedDAL.CountCommentsLikes(aComment);
            return numberofCommentLikes;
        public string GetAllComments(int postID)
            Post post = new Post();
            Comments comment = new Comments();
            MessagesDAL m = new MessagesDAL();
            string date = "";

            post.PostId = postID;
            StringBuilder comnt = new StringBuilder();
            DataTable comments = m.GetAllComments(post);

            foreach (DataRow row in comments.Rows)

                Reusable_Methods reusable_Methods = new Reusable_Methods();

                date = reusable_Methods.FormatDateTime(Convert.ToDateTime(row["CreateDate"]));

                //Building single message view box
                comnt.Append("<div id='");
                comnt.Append("' class='aComment'><div class='deleteComment floatright'>");

                comment.Commentid = int.Parse(row["CommentID"].ToString());

                if ((row["MemberID"]).ToString() == Session["memberID"].ToString())

                    comnt.Append("<a class='btnDleteComment ui-icon ui-icon-close tip floatLeft' title='Delete this comment' ></a>");
                    //comnt.Append("<a class='btnOpenMenuComment ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-s tip' title='More options..' ></a>");
                     comnt.Append("<a class='button left big floatLeft likeComment '");

                      RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

                            string memberId = Context.Session["memberID"].ToString();
                            Member amember = new Member(memberId);

                            //Check if member not liked
                            if (dal.CommentRatingExists(amember, comment) ==0)
                                //if member not liked
                                //concatinater.Append(" homeLikeBtn");
                                comnt.Append("' title='");
                                comnt.Append("Like this comment");
                                comnt.Append("'  >");
                                //if member is liked
                              //  concatinater.Append(" homeUnlikeBtn");
                                comnt.Append("' title='");
                                comnt.Append("Unlike this comment");
                                comnt.Append("'  >");


                     comnt.Append("<a class='button right big floatLeft reportComment' title='Report this comment'>Report </a>");

                comnt.Append("</div><h5><a style='font-weight:normal;' ");
                comnt.Append("id='" + (row["MemberID"]).ToString() + "'> ");
                comnt.Append("</a><span class='DateWithTime ui-corner-all floatright'>");
                //End Building


            return comnt.ToString();
            //End Refresh
Beispiel #11
        private void CloseWrapper()
            #region CLOSING WRAPPER

            int numberofPostLikes = bl.CountPostLikes(aPost);
            int numberofPostTags = bl.CountPostTags(aPost);

            //ContentArea Closing AND Wrapper oppening+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

            concatinater.Append("<div class='clr' ></div> </div> </div><div class='commentWrapper'> ");

            //buttons  Right
            concatinater.Append("<div class='btnHomePost width50% floatright '><a class='button left big floatLeft homeLikeBtn");

            RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

            //aMember = new Member(memberId);

            //Check if member not liked
            if (dal.PostRatingExists(aMember, aPost) == 0)
                //if member not liked
                //concatinater.Append(" homeLikeBtn");
                concatinater.Append("' title='");
                concatinater.Append("Like this post");
                concatinater.Append("'  >");
                //if member is liked
                concatinater.Append("' title='");
                concatinater.Append("Unlike this post");
                concatinater.Append("'  >");

            //Post button
            concatinater.Append("</a><a class='button middle big floatLeft homeCommentBtn' title='Comment on this post' >Comment</a>");
            //report Button
            concatinater.Append("<a class='button middle big floatLeft reportPost' title='Report this post' >Report</a>");
            //tag button
            concatinater.Append("<a class='button right big floatLeft homeTagBtn open tag'  title='Tag a friend'  >Tag </a>");


            List<Member> AllLikedMembers = dal.GetPeopleLikedPost(aPost);
            //Details Left
            concatinater.Append("<div class='postinfo width50% floatLeft tip'> <a title='");

            foreach (var Member in AllLikedMembers)

                concatinater.Append("<br />");

            concatinater.Append("' href='#'>Likes</a>: <span class='likesCount'> " + numberofPostLikes);
            concatinater.Append("</span>, <a href='#'>Tags</a>: <span class='tagsCount'>" + numberofPostTags);

            concatinater.Append("</span>,   <a  class='btnViewComments' title='View all comments'>Comments</a>: <span class='commentCount'>" + bl.CountComments(aPost) + "</span> </div>");

            concatinater.Append("</div>" // Wrapper End

                                  //Buiding the  Comments section
                                 + "<div class='allComments'><h4>All Comments</h4></div>"
                //Buiding the  Comments section
                                 + "<div class='commentSection' style='display:none; padding: 7px;'><div>"
                                 + "<textarea title='Write a comment...'  placeholder='Write a comment...' class=' commentBox floatLeft input BorberRad3'"
                                 + " style='width: 100%; height: 30px; font-size: 0.85em; margin: 5px 0pt 7px;' rows='2' cols='20'></textarea>"
                                 + " <a class='button big floatLeft btnSendComment floatright '  style='font-size: 0.9em; margin-right: -10px; '  >Comment</a></div></div></div>");

Beispiel #12
        public void UnlikeAPost(string sessionMemberID, int postID)
            RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

             string memberId = sessionMemberID;
             Member aMember = new Member(memberId);
             aPost.PostId = postID;
             dal.DeletePostLike(aMember, aPost);

             int numberofPostLikes = newsFeedDAL.CountPostLikes(aPost);

             //Updating all Clients
             Clients.updatePostLikeCount(numberofPostLikes, postID);
        public string GetPeopleLikedPost(int postID)
            StringBuilder concatinater = new StringBuilder();
            if (Session["memberID"] == null)
                Member aMember = new Member(Context.Session["memberID"].ToString());

                Post aPost = new Post(postID);
                aPost.PostId = postID;

                RateAndTagDAL rateAndTagDAL = new RateAndTagDAL();

                List<Member> GetPeopleLikedPost = new List<Member>();
                GetPeopleLikedPost = rateAndTagDAL.GetPeopleLikedPost(aPost);

                concatinater.Append("<div class='postinfo width50% floatLeft tip'> <a title='");
                for (int i = 0; i < GetPeopleLikedPost.Count; ++i)
                    concatinater.Append("<br />");
            return concatinater.ToString();

            //Details Left

            //foreach (var Member in AllLikedMembers)

            //    concatinater.Append(Member.DisplayName);
            //    concatinater.Append("<br />");

        public string GetAllComments(int postID)
            Post        post    = new Post();
            Comments    comment = new Comments();
            MessagesDAL m       = new MessagesDAL();
            string      date    = "";

            post.PostId = postID;
            StringBuilder comnt    = new StringBuilder();
            DataTable     comments = m.GetAllComments(post);

            foreach (DataRow row in comments.Rows)
                Reusable_Methods reusable_Methods = new Reusable_Methods();

                date = reusable_Methods.FormatDateTime(Convert.ToDateTime(row["CreateDate"]));

                //Building single message view box
                comnt.Append("<div id='");
                comnt.Append("' class='aComment'><div class='deleteComment floatright'>");

                comment.Commentid = int.Parse(row["CommentID"].ToString());

                if ((row["MemberID"]).ToString() == Session["memberID"].ToString())
                    comnt.Append("<a class='btnDleteComment ui-icon ui-icon-close tip floatLeft' title='Delete this comment' ></a>");
                    //comnt.Append("<a class='btnOpenMenuComment ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-s tip' title='More options..' ></a>");
                    comnt.Append("<a class='button left big floatLeft likeComment '");

                    RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

                    string memberId = Context.Session["memberID"].ToString();
                    Member amember  = new Member(memberId);

                    //Check if member not liked
                    if (dal.CommentRatingExists(amember, comment) == 0)
                        //if member not liked
                        //concatinater.Append(" homeLikeBtn");
                        comnt.Append("' title='");
                        comnt.Append("Like this comment");
                        comnt.Append("'  >");
                        //if member is liked
                        //  concatinater.Append(" homeUnlikeBtn");
                        comnt.Append("' title='");
                        comnt.Append("Unlike this comment");
                        comnt.Append("'  >");


                    comnt.Append("<a class='button right big floatLeft reportComment' title='Report this comment'>Report </a>");

                comnt.Append("</div><h5><a style='font-weight:normal;' ");
                comnt.Append("id='" + (row["MemberID"]).ToString() + "'> ");
                comnt.Append("</a><span class='DateWithTime ui-corner-all floatright'>");
                //End Building

            //End Refresh
Beispiel #15
        private void CloseWrapper()
            #region CLOSING WRAPPER

            int numberofPostLikes = bl.CountPostLikes(aPost);
            int numberofPostTags  = bl.CountPostTags(aPost);

            //ContentArea Closing AND Wrapper oppening+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
            if (aPost.PostType != "Article")
                concatinater.Append("<div class='clr' ></div> </div> </div><div class='commentWrapper'> ");

                //buttons  Right
                concatinater.Append("<div class='btnHomePost width50% floatright '><a class='button left big floatLeft homeLikeBtn");

                RateAndTagDAL dal = new RateAndTagDAL();

                    tempMemberID = Context.Session["memberID"].ToString();
                    tempMemberID = ClientUpdateMemberID;

                aMember = new Member(tempMemberID);

                //Check if member not liked
                if (dal.PostRatingExists(aMember, aPost) == 0)
                    //if member not liked
                    //concatinater.Append(" homeLikeBtn");
                    concatinater.Append("' title='");
                    concatinater.Append("Like this post");
                    concatinater.Append("'  >");
                    //if member is liked
                    concatinater.Append("' title='");
                    concatinater.Append("Unlike this post");
                    concatinater.Append("'  >");

                //Post button
                concatinater.Append("</a><a class='button middle big floatLeft homeCommentBtn' title='Comment on this post' >Comment</a>");
                //report Button
                concatinater.Append("<a class='button middle big floatLeft reportPost' title='Report this post' >Report</a>");
                //tag button
                concatinater.Append("<a class='button right big floatLeft homeTagBtn open tag'  title='Tag a friend'  >Tag </a>");


                List <Member> AllLikedMembers = dal.GetPeopleLikedPost(aPost);
                //Details Left
                concatinater.Append("<div class='postinfo width50% floatLeft tip'> <a title='");

                foreach (var Member in AllLikedMembers)
                    concatinater.Append("<br />");

                concatinater.Append("' href='#'>Likes</a>: <span class='likesCount'> " + numberofPostLikes);
                concatinater.Append("</span>, <a href='#'>Tags</a>: <span class='tagsCount'>" + numberofPostTags);

                concatinater.Append("</span>,   <a  class='btnViewComments' title='View all comments'>Comments</a>: <span class='commentCount'>" + bl.CountComments(aPost) + "</span> </div>");

                concatinater.Append("</div>" // Wrapper End

                                             //Buiding the  Comments section
                                    + "<div class='allComments'><h4>All Comments</h4></div>"
                                             //Buiding the  Comments section
                                    + "<div class='commentSection' style='display:none; padding: 7px;'><div>"
                                    + "<textarea title='Write a comment...'  placeholder='Write a comment...' class=' commentBox floatLeft input BorberRad3'"
                                    + " style='width: 100%; height: 30px; font-size: 0.85em; margin: 5px 0pt 7px;' rows='2' cols='20'></textarea>"
                                    + " <a class='button big floatLeft btnSendComment floatright '  style='font-size: 0.9em; margin-right: -10px; '  >Comment</a></div></div></div>");
