// Internal for testing only
        internal static bool TryGetMinimalCSharpRange(RazorCodeDocument codeDocument, Range razorRange, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Range?csharpRange)
            SourceSpan?minGeneratedSpan = null;
            SourceSpan?maxGeneratedSpan = null;

            var sourceText = codeDocument.GetSourceText();
            var textSpan   = razorRange.AsTextSpan(sourceText);
            var csharpDoc  = codeDocument.GetCSharpDocument();

            // We want to find the min and max C# source mapping that corresponds with our Razor range.
            foreach (var mapping in csharpDoc.SourceMappings)
                var mappedTextSpan = mapping.OriginalSpan.AsTextSpan();

                if (textSpan.OverlapsWith(mappedTextSpan))
                    if (minGeneratedSpan is null || mapping.GeneratedSpan.AbsoluteIndex < minGeneratedSpan.Value.AbsoluteIndex)
                        minGeneratedSpan = mapping.GeneratedSpan;

                    var mappingEndIndex = mapping.GeneratedSpan.AbsoluteIndex + mapping.GeneratedSpan.Length;
                    if (maxGeneratedSpan is null || mappingEndIndex > maxGeneratedSpan.Value.AbsoluteIndex + maxGeneratedSpan.Value.Length)
                        maxGeneratedSpan = mapping.GeneratedSpan;

            // Create a new projected range based on our calculated min/max source spans.
            if (minGeneratedSpan is not null && maxGeneratedSpan is not null)
                var csharpSourceText = codeDocument.GetCSharpSourceText();
                var startRange       = minGeneratedSpan.Value.AsTextSpan().AsRange(csharpSourceText);
                var endRange         = maxGeneratedSpan.Value.AsTextSpan().AsRange(csharpSourceText);

                csharpRange = new Range {
                    Start = startRange.Start, End = endRange.End
                Debug.Assert(csharpRange.Start <= csharpRange.End, "Range.Start should not be larger than Range.End");


            csharpRange = null;
Beispiel #2
        private static void CleanupSourceMappingEnd(FormattingContext context, Range sourceMappingRange, List <TextChange> changes)
            // We look through every source mapping that intersects with the affected range and
            // bring the content after the last line to its own line and adjust its indentation,
            // E.g,
            // @{
            //     if (true)
            //     {  <div></div>
            //     }
            // }
            // becomes,
            // @{
            //    if (true)
            //    {
            //        </div></div>
            //    }
            // }

            var text = context.SourceText;
            var sourceMappingSpan   = sourceMappingRange.AsTextSpan(text);
            var mappingEndLineIndex = sourceMappingRange.End.Line;

            if (!context.Indentations[mappingEndLineIndex].StartsInCSharpContext)
                // For corner cases like (Position marked with |),
                // It is already in a separate line. It doesn't need cleaning up.
                // @{
                //     if (true}
                //     {
                //         |<div></div>
                //     }
                // }

            var endSpan = TextSpan.FromBounds(sourceMappingSpan.End, sourceMappingSpan.End);

            if (!ShouldFormat(context, endSpan, allowImplicitStatements: false))
                // We don't want to run cleanup on this range.

            var contentStartOffset = text.Lines[mappingEndLineIndex].GetFirstNonWhitespaceOffset(sourceMappingRange.End.Character);

            if (contentStartOffset == null)
                // There is no content after the end of this source mapping. No need to clean up.

            var spanToReplace = new TextSpan(sourceMappingSpan.End, 0);

            if (!context.TryGetIndentationLevel(spanToReplace.End, out var contentIndentLevel))
                // Can't find the correct indentation for this content. Leave it alone.

            // At this point, `contentIndentLevel` should contain the correct indentation level for `}` in the above example.
            var replacement = context.NewLineString + context.GetIndentationLevelString(contentIndentLevel);

            // After the below change the above example should look like,
            // @{
            //     if (true)
            //     {
            //         <div></div>
            //     }
            // }
            var change = new TextChange(spanToReplace, replacement);

Beispiel #3
        private static void CleanupSourceMappingStart(FormattingContext context, Range sourceMappingRange, List <TextChange> changes)
            // We look through every source mapping that intersects with the affected range and
            // bring the first line to its own line and adjust its indentation,
            // E.g,
            // @{   public int x = 0;
            // }
            // becomes,
            // @{
            //    public int x  = 0;
            // }

            var text = context.SourceText;
            var sourceMappingSpan = sourceMappingRange.AsTextSpan(text);

            if (!ShouldFormat(context, sourceMappingSpan, allowImplicitStatements: false))
                // We don't want to run cleanup on this range.

            if (sourceMappingRange.Start.Character == 0)
                // It already starts on a fresh new line which doesn't need cleanup.
                // E.g, (The mapping starts at | in the below case)
                // @{
                //     @: Some html
                // |   var x = 123;
                // }


            // @{
            //     if (true)
            //     {
            //         <div></div>|
            //              |}
            // }
            // We want to return the length of the range marked by |...|
            var whitespaceLength = text.GetFirstNonWhitespaceOffset(sourceMappingSpan, out var newLineCount);

            if (whitespaceLength == null)
                // There was no content after the start of this mapping. Meaning it already is clean.
                // E.g,
                // @{|
                //    ...
                // }


            var spanToReplace = new TextSpan(sourceMappingSpan.Start, whitespaceLength.Value);

            if (!context.TryGetIndentationLevel(spanToReplace.End, out var contentIndentLevel))
                // Can't find the correct indentation for this content. Leave it alone.

            // At this point, `contentIndentLevel` should contain the correct indentation level for `}` in the above example.
            // Make sure to preserve the same number of blank lines as the original string had
            var replacement = PrependLines(context.GetIndentationLevelString(contentIndentLevel), context.NewLineString, Math.Max(newLineCount, 1));

            // After the below change the above example should look like,
            // @{
            //     if (true)
            //     {
            //         <div></div>
            //     }
            // }
            var change = new TextChange(spanToReplace, replacement);

        private void CleanupSourceMappingStart(FormattingContext context, Range sourceMappingRange, List <TextChange> changes)
            // We look through every source mapping that intersects with the affected range and
            // bring the first line to its own line and adjust its indentation,
            // E.g,
            // @{   public int x = 0;
            // }
            // becomes,
            // @{
            //    public int x  = 0;
            // }

            if (!ShouldFormat(context, sourceMappingRange.Start, allowImplicitStatements: false))
                // We don't want to run cleanup on this range.

            // @{
            //     if (true)
            //     {
            //         <div></div>|
            //              |}
            // }
            // We want to return the length of the range marked by |...|
            var text = context.SourceText;
            var sourceMappingSpan = sourceMappingRange.AsTextSpan(text);
            var whitespaceLength  = text.GetFirstNonWhitespaceOffset(sourceMappingSpan);

            if (whitespaceLength == null)
                // There was no content here. Skip.

            var spanToReplace = new TextSpan(sourceMappingSpan.Start, whitespaceLength.Value);

            if (!context.TryGetIndentationLevel(spanToReplace.End, out var contentIndentLevel))
                // Can't find the correct indentation for this content. Leave it alone.

            // At this point, `contentIndentLevel` should contain the correct indentation level for `}` in the above example.
            var replacement = context.NewLineString + context.GetIndentationLevelString(contentIndentLevel);

            // After the below change the above example should look like,
            // @{
            //     if (true)
            //     {
            //         <div></div>
            //     }
            // }
            var change = new TextChange(spanToReplace, replacement);
