Beispiel #1
    //similar to RagdollDeath, this function spawns body parts and sends the OnLimbDeath() Event
    void SpawnBodyPart(int limbID, Transform bodyPart, Vector3 attackPosition, Vector3 attackDirection, GameObject hitObj)
        if (!usePooling)
            Transform    bodyPartClone = Instantiate(bodyPart, transform.position, transform.rotation) as Transform;
            GameObject   limbClone     = bodyPartClone.gameObject;
            RagdollLogic ragLogic      = limbClone.GetComponent <RagdollLogic>();
            ragLogic.parent = this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterSetup>();

            ExecuteEvents.Execute <IBloodyMessEventHandler>(target, null, (x, y) => x.OnLimbDeath(limbID, limbClone, hitObj, attackPosition, attackDirection));
            //same as above
            CopyOriginalTransforms(transform, bodyPart);
            //spawn limbs with pooling
            //ExecuteEvents.Execute<IBloodyMessEventHandler>(target, null, (x,y)=>x.OnLimbDeath(limbID, limbClone, hitObj, attackPosition, attackDirection));
            //same as above
            CopyOriginalTransforms(transform, bodyPart);
Beispiel #2
    //used to explode the entire body,  you must call from an outside script to activate
    public void ExplodeBody(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction)
        if (target == null)
            target = this.gameObject;
        Rigidbody charRigid = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        charRigid.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll;
        ExecuteEvents.Execute <IBloodyMessExplosionEventHandler>(target, null, (x, y) => x.OnExplosion(position, direction));
        headOff        = true;
        upperBodyOff   = true;
        rightUpperOff  = true;
        leftUpperOff   = true;
        rightForArmOff = true;
        leftForArmOff  = true;
        rightHandOff   = true;
        rightLegOff    = true;
        leftHandOff    = true;
        leftLegOff     = true;
        StartCoroutine(RagdollDeath(position, direction));
        foreach (Transform explosionPart in explosionParts)
            Transform    bodyPartClone = Instantiate(explosionPart, transform.position, transform.rotation) as Transform;
            GameObject   limbClone     = bodyPartClone.gameObject;
            RagdollLogic ragLogic      = limbClone.GetComponent <RagdollLogic>();
            ragLogic.parent = this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterSetup>();
            Rigidbody[] rigids = bodyPartClone.GetComponentsInChildren <Rigidbody>();
            foreach (Rigidbody rigid in rigids)
                rigid.AddForce(Vector3.up * 10.0f, ForceMode.Impulse);
                rigid.AddForce(direction * 10.0f, ForceMode.Impulse);
Beispiel #3
    //handles ragdoll spawning upon character death and sends the OnDeath event
    public IEnumerator RagdollDeath(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction)
        if (target == null)
            target = this.gameObject;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(ragdollWaitTime));

        //here we replace the character with a ragdoll copy

        if (!advancedRagdoll)
            if (!usePooling)
                if (ragdoll)
                    Rigidbody rigid = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                    Collider col = gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>();
                    col.enabled = false;
                    Transform    ragdollClone = Instantiate(ragdoll, transform.position, transform.rotation) as Transform;
                    RagdollLogic ragLogic     = ragdollClone.GetComponent <RagdollLogic>();
                    ragLogic.parent = this.gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterSetup>();
                    ExecuteEvents.Execute <IBloodyMessEventHandler>(target, null, (x, y) => x.OnDeath(ragdollClone));

                    CopyOriginalTransforms(transform, ragdoll);                     //this will make sure the ragodoll comes in at the same "pose" as the previous model
                //enter spawn scripting from your pooling asset

                CopyOriginalTransforms(transform, ragdoll);
            //effictively hide the character for now
            //if we are not using pooling then we need to destroy the main object after a few seconds
            Collider[] cols = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>();
            foreach (Collider col in cols)
                Rigidbody rigid = col.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                if (col.enabled == true)
                    col.isTrigger     = false;
                    rigid.isKinematic = false;
                    rigid.isKinematic = false;
                    rigid.useGravity  = false;
            Rigidbody _rigid = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            _rigid.isKinematic = true;
            Collider _col = gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>();
            _col.enabled = false;

            if (!usePooling)