private static float GetDistance(PlayerDistanceTracker tracker)
            // If the object is null, ship hasn't exploded yet or radius is too small
            if (!RadiationUtils.isSurfaceRadiationActive())

            // How deep the player is
            float playerDepth    = Math.Max(0, -Player.main.transform.position.y);
            float radiationDepth = RadiationUtils.getRadiationDepth();

            // If they are deeper than the radiation, return
            if (playerDepth > radiationDepth)

            // When radiation is fixed, avoid a "long tail-off" near the surface
            if (RadiationUtils.isRadiationFixed())
                if (radiationDepth <= 15)

            // A % of how close they are to getting out of radiation
            float playerRadiationStrength = playerDepth / radiationDepth;

            //ErrorMessage.AddMessage("Player: " + playerDepth + "   RadDepth: " + radiationDepth + "   RadStr: " + playerRadiationStrength + "   Dist: " + Math.Min(tracker.distanceToPlayer, tracker.maxDistance * playerRadiationStrength));

            return(Math.Min(tracker.distanceToPlayer, tracker.maxDistance * playerRadiationStrength));
        public static bool GetProvidesOxygen(PipeSurfaceFloater __instance, ref bool __result)
            if (Config.FILTER_ANYWHERE.Equals(DeathRun.config.filterPumpRules))

            if (Config.FILTER_RADIATION.Equals(DeathRun.config.filterPumpRules))
                if (!RadiationUtils.isInShipsRadiation(__instance.floater.transform))
                    // Not in ship's hotzone radius (fairly big -- where radiation would normally be in vanilla game)
                // Not physically inside the Aurora
                string LDBiome = RadiationUtils.getPlayerBiome();
                if (!LDBiome.Contains("CrashedShip"))

            // Don't let it provide oxygen
            __result = false;
Beispiel #3
         * Checks if player is currently prevented from picking up food items on the island.
        private static bool GetPreventPickup(Transform transform)
            // If we're always allowed island food, no need to trouble ourselves
            if (Config.ALWAYS.Equals(DeathRun.config.islandFood))

            // If player is underwater, or is in a base or escape pod. Return false
            if (transform.position.y <= -1 || Player.main.IsInsideWalkable())

            // If we're never allowed island food, then we're just never allowed it!
            if (Config.NEVER.Equals(DeathRun.config.islandFood))

            // If the radiation can't be checked, or the ship hasn't exploded
            if (LeakingRadiation.main == null || !CrashedShipExploder.main.IsExploded())
                // Then it's before the ship exploded

            // If radiation is still active
Beispiel #4
  * @return true if Transform is currently in radiation
 private static bool isTransformInRadiation(Transform transform)
     if (transform == null)
        private static void ConsumeEnergy(UnityEngine.Transform transform, ref float amount)
            if (!RadiationUtils.GetInAnyRadiation(transform))

            amount *= EntryPoint.config.radiativePowerConsumptionMultiplier;
        private static void AddEnergy(UnityEngine.Transform transform, ref float amount)
            if (!RadiationUtils.GetInAnyRadiation(transform))

            amount *= Qpatch.config.radiativePowerAddMultiplier;
        /// <summary>
        /// Prevent PipeSurfaceFloater from providing oxygen when in close range
        /// </summary>
        public static bool GetProvidesOxygen(PipeSurfaceFloater __instance, ref bool __result)
            if (!RadiationUtils.GetInShipsRadiation(__instance.floater.transform))
                // Not in a radiative hotzone

            // Don't let it provide oxygen
            __result = false;
 public static bool isSurfaceAirPoisoned()
     if (Config.BREATHABLE.Equals(DeathRun.config.surfaceAir))
     if (Config.POISONED.Equals(DeathRun.config.surfaceAir))
         Inventory main2 = Inventory.main;
         if (main2 != null && != null && > 0)
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// If the player is in the outside air and there is radiation active
        /// </summary>
        private static bool GetPreventPickup(UnityEngine.Transform transform)
            // If player is underwater, or is in a base or escape pod. Return false
            if (transform.position.y <= -1 || Player.main.IsInsideWalkable())
            // If the radiation can't be checked, or the ship hasn't exploded
            if (LeakingRadiation.main == null || !CrashedShipExploder.main.IsExploded())
                // Then it's before the ship exploded
            else if (!EntryPoint.config.preventRadiativeFoodPickup) // If they can pickup after ship has exploded, return early

            // If radiation is still active
        private static float GetDistance(PlayerDistanceTracker tracker)
            // If the object is null, ship hasn't exploded yet or radius is too small
            if (!RadiationUtils.GetSurfaceRadiationActive())

            // How deep the player is
            float playerDepth    = Math.Max(0, -Player.main.transform.position.y);
            float radiationDepth = RadiationUtils.GetRadiationDepth();

            // If they are deeper than the radiation, return
            if (playerDepth > radiationDepth)

            // A % of how close they are to getting out of radiation
            float playerRadiationStrength = playerDepth / radiationDepth;

            return(Math.Min(tracker.distanceToPlayer, tracker.maxDistance * playerRadiationStrength));
         * True if player can't breathe the current air, because on the surface.
        private static bool isAirPoisoned(Player player)
            if (!isSurfaceAirPoisoned())
            if (player.IsInside() || player.precursorOutOfWater)
            float depth = Ocean.main.GetDepthOf(player.gameObject);

            if (depth > 5)

            // After repairing radiation leaks, when inside the Aurora.
            if (LeakingRadiation.main != null)
                if (LeakingRadiation.main.GetNumLeaks() == 0)
                    if (Config.IRRADIATED.Equals(DeathRun.config.surfaceAir))
                    string LDBiome = RadiationUtils.getPlayerBiome();
                    if (LDBiome.Contains("CrashedShip_Interior"))

        private static bool Update(RadiationsScreenFXController __instance)
            if ((Player.main == null) || (LeakingRadiation.main == null) || Config.FX_NORMAL.Equals(DeathRun.config.radiationFX))
                DeathRun.saveData.playerSave.backgroundRads = 0;

            Vector3 reactorRoom = new Vector3(873.7f, 2.9f, -1.7f);
            float   distance    = (Player.main.transform.position - reactorRoom).magnitude; //LeakingRadiation.main.transform.position
            float   backgroundRads;

            //ErrorMessage.AddMessage("LDBiome=" + LDBiome + "  PlayerBiome=" + PlayerBiome);

            if (RadiationUtils.isInShipsRadiation(Player.main.transform))
                backgroundRads = MINIMUM_AMOUNT_SHIP;
            else if (RadiationUtils.isInAnyRadiation(Player.main.transform))
                backgroundRads = MINIMUM_AMOUNT_NORMAL;
                backgroundRads = 0;
            DeathRun.saveData.playerSave.backgroundRads = backgroundRads;

            if (Player.main == null)

            string LDBiome     = RadiationUtils.getPlayerBiome();
            string PlayerBiome = Player.main.GetBiomeString();

            // In the moments right after we fix the leaks, the visible radiation fades back a bit.
            float fixFactor = 1.0f;

            if (LeakingRadiation.main.GetNumLeaks() == 0)
                if (DeathRun.saveData.playerSave.fixedRadiation == 0)
                    DeathRun.saveData.playerSave.fixedRadiation = DayNightCycle.main.timePassedAsFloat;
                else if (DayNightCycle.main.timePassedAsFloat > DeathRun.saveData.playerSave.fixedRadiation + FIX_PERIOD)
                    fixFactor = 0.0f;
                    fixFactor = 1 - ((DayNightCycle.main.timePassedAsFloat - DeathRun.saveData.playerSave.fixedRadiation) / FIX_PERIOD);

            // If we're inside the ship (or near it), and radiation leaks aren't fixed yet, we show quite a bit more radiation effects
            if (fixFactor > 0)
                if (Config.FX_CHERNOBYL.Equals(DeathRun.config.radiationFX))
                    if (LDBiome.Contains("CrashedShip"))
                        if (LDBiome.Contains("Interior_Power") && !LDBiome.Contains("Corridor"))
                            if (Player.main.IsSwimming())
                                backgroundRads = 2.0f;
                                backgroundRads = 1.6f;
                        else if (LDBiome.Contains("PowerCorridor"))
                            if (distance <= 32)
                                backgroundRads = 1.4f;
                                backgroundRads = 1.2f;
                        else if (LDBiome.Contains("Elevator") || LDBiome.Contains("Locker") || LDBiome.Contains("Seamoth"))
                            backgroundRads = 1.0f;
                        else if (LDBiome.Contains("Exo") || LDBiome.Contains("Living") || LDBiome.Contains("Cargo"))
                            backgroundRads = 0.8f;
                        else if (LDBiome.Contains("Entrance_03") || LDBiome.Contains("Entrance_01_01"))
                            backgroundRads = 0.7f;
                        else if (LDBiome.Contains("THallway_Lower") || LDBiome.Contains("Entrance_01"))
                            backgroundRads = 0.6f;
                        else if (LDBiome.Contains("THallway") || LDBiome.Contains("Entrance"))
                            backgroundRads = 0.5f;
                        else if (PlayerBiome.Contains("crashedShip") || PlayerBiome.Contains("generatorRoom"))
                            backgroundRads = 0.4f;
                        else if (PlayerBiome.Contains("CrashZone") || PlayerBiome.Contains("crashZone"))
                            backgroundRads = 0.3f;

                    if (backgroundRads > 0.8f)
                        backgroundRads = backgroundRads * LeakingRadiation.main.GetNumLeaks() / 11;
                        if (backgroundRads < 0.8f)
                            backgroundRads = 0.8f;
                    if (LDBiome.Contains("Interior_Power") && !LDBiome.Contains("Corridor"))
                        if (Player.main.IsSwimming())
                            backgroundRads = 0.5f;
                            backgroundRads = 0.4f;
                    else if (PlayerBiome.Contains("CrashZone") || PlayerBiome.Contains("crashZone") || PlayerBiome.Contains("crashedShip") || PlayerBiome.Contains("generatorRoom"))
                        backgroundRads = 0.3f;

                backgroundRads = backgroundRads * fixFactor;
                if (backgroundRads > DeathRun.saveData.playerSave.backgroundRads)
                    DeathRun.saveData.playerSave.backgroundRads = backgroundRads;

            //ErrorMessage.AddMessage("Dist=" + distance + "  Rads=" + backgroundRads + "  Leaks="+ LeakingRadiation.main.GetNumLeaks());

            //CattleLogger.Message("start = " + LeakingRadiation.main.kStartRadius);
            //CattleLogger.Message("max = " + LeakingRadiation.main.kMaxRadius);

            float rads = Mathf.Max(Player.main.radiationAmount, backgroundRads);

            // If Player is naturally in at least our minimum display amount, just run normal method.
            if (Player.main.radiationAmount >= rads)

            if (rads >= __instance.prevRadiationAmount && rads > 0f)
                __instance.animTime += Time.deltaTime / __instance.fadeDuration;
                __instance.animTime -= Time.deltaTime / __instance.fadeDuration;
            __instance.animTime       = Mathf.Clamp01(__instance.animTime);
            __instance.fx.noiseFactor = rads * __instance.radiationMultiplier + __instance.minRadiation * __instance.animTime;
            if (__instance.fx.noiseFactor > 0f && !__instance.fx.enabled)
                __instance.fx.enabled = true;
            __instance.prevRadiationAmount = rads;

        public static void Postfix(ref uGUI_SunbeamCountdown __instance)
            if (DayNightCycle.main == null)
            if (CrashedShipExploder.main == null)

            // These are the internal parameters for the Aurora story events (see AuroraWarnings for time thresholds)
            float timeToStartWarning   = CrashedShipExploder.main.GetTimeToStartWarning();
            float timeToStartCountdown = CrashedShipExploder.main.GetTimeToStartCountdown();
            float timeNow = DayNightCycle.main.timePassedAsFloat;


            int deep;

            if (Config.EXPLOSION_DEATHRUN.Equals(DeathRun.config.explodeDepth))
                deep = 100;
            else if (Config.EXPLOSION_HARD.Equals(DeathRun.config.explodeDepth))
                deep = 50;
                deep = 0;

            if (deep > 0)
                // At time of second Aurora warning
                if (DeathRun.countdownMonitor.JustWentAbove(Mathf.Lerp(timeToStartWarning, timeToStartCountdown, 0.5f)))
                    DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("Explosion Shockwave Will Be", MESSAGE_TIME);
                    DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("Over " + deep + "m Deep!", MESSAGE_TIME, 1);

                if (DeathRun.countdownMonitor.JustWentAbove(Mathf.Lerp(timeToStartWarning, timeToStartCountdown, 0.5f) + MESSAGE_TIME))
                    ErrorMessage.AddMessage("WARNING: Explosion will produce shockwave over " + deep + "m deep!");

                // At time of third Aurora warning
                if (DeathRun.countdownMonitor.JustWentAbove(Mathf.Lerp(timeToStartWarning, timeToStartCountdown, 0.8f)))
                    DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("Prepare To Evacuate At Least", MESSAGE_TIME);
                    DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("" + deep + "m Deep. Preferably Inside.", MESSAGE_TIME, 1);

                if (DeathRun.countdownMonitor.JustWentAbove(Mathf.Lerp(timeToStartWarning, timeToStartCountdown, 0.8f) + MESSAGE_TIME))
                    ErrorMessage.AddMessage("Prepare to evacuate at least " + deep + "m deep, preferably inside!");

                // At time of final countdown
                if (DeathRun.countdownMonitor.JustWentAbove(timeToStartCountdown))
                    DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("Seek Safe Depth Immediately!", MESSAGE_TIME);
                    DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("Preferably Inside!", MESSAGE_TIME, 1);

                if (DeathRun.countdownMonitor.JustWentAbove(timeToStartCountdown + MESSAGE_TIME))
                    ErrorMessage.AddMessage("Seek safe depth immediately! Preferably inside!");

            deep = (int)RadiationUtils.getRadiationMaxDepth();
            if (deep > 0)
                if (DeathRun.countdownMonitor.JustWentAbove(timeToStartCountdown + 100f))
                    DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("Radiation Will Gradually Permeate", MESSAGE_TIME);
                    DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("Ocean As Deep As " + deep + "m.", MESSAGE_TIME, 1);
                if (DeathRun.countdownMonitor.JustWentAbove(timeToStartCountdown + 100f + MESSAGE_TIME))
                    ErrorMessage.AddMessage("Radiation will gradually permeate the sea, as deep as " + deep + "m.");

                if (DeathRun.countdownMonitor.JustWentAbove(timeToStartCountdown + 100f + MESSAGE_TIME * 2))
                    DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("All devices will consume power more rapidly", MESSAGE_TIME);
                    DeathRunUtils.CenterMessage("while exposed to RADIATION, and recharge slowly.", MESSAGE_TIME, 1);

                if (DeathRun.countdownMonitor.JustWentAbove(timeToStartCountdown + 100f + MESSAGE_TIME * 3))
                    ErrorMessage.AddMessage("All devices will consume power more rapidly while exposed to RADIATION and recharge slowly.");

            // If the Sunbeam rescue timer is showing, give that precedence over our countdown timer.
            if (isSunbeamShowing(__instance))
                showingShip = false;

            // This is the time of the very first warning about the Aurora
            if (timeNow >= Mathf.Lerp(timeToStartWarning, timeToStartCountdown, 0.2f) && // Time of first Aurora warning
                (timeNow < timeToStartCountdown + 24f))                                  // Actual explosion time (24 sec after countdown)
                float timeLeft = (timeToStartCountdown + 24f) - timeNow;
                if (timeLeft < 0)
                    timeLeft *= -1;
                showShip(ref __instance);
                updateShip(ref __instance, timeLeft);
                hideShip(ref __instance);
 /// <summary>
 /// If the player is in a radiative zone outside a vehicle/base/escape pod
 /// </summary>
 private static bool IsRadiativeAir(Player player)
     return(RadiationUtils.GetInAnyRadiation(player.transform) && player.transform.position.y >= -1 && !player.IsInside());
        public static void Postfix()
            // Check if we've repaired the pod
            if (!EscapePod.main.damageEffectsShowing && !DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepaired)
                if (EscapePod.main.liveMixin.GetHealthFraction() > 0.99f)
                    DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepaired   = true;
                    DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepairTime = DayNightCycle.main.timePassedAsFloat;

            // This just fixes a situation that 1.7.1 screwed up for some people
            if (EscapePod.main.damageEffectsShowing && DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepaired)
                DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepaired   = false;
                DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepairTime = 0;

            // If we've repaired the pod but it hasn't right itself yet, let it off the kinematic leash to turn itself upright
            if (EscapePod_FixedUpdate_Patch.isRighting())
                if (Vector3.Distance(EscapePod.main.transform.position, Player.main.transform.position) < 15)
                    if (DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRightingTime <= 0)
                        DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRightingTime = DayNightCycle.main.timePassedAsFloat;
                    EscapePod.main.rigidbodyComponent.isKinematic = false;
                    WorldForces wf = EscapePod.main.GetComponent <WorldForces>();
                    wf.underwaterGravity = 0.0f;

            if (damaged != EscapePod.main.damageEffectsShowing)
                if (!EscapePod.main.damageEffectsShowing)
                    // At repair, give a one-time "full recharge"
                    RegeneratePowerSource[] cells = EscapePod.main.gameObject.GetAllComponentsInChildren <RegeneratePowerSource>();
                    if (cells != null)
                        foreach (RegeneratePowerSource cell in cells)
                            float chargeable = cell.powerSource.GetMaxPower() - cell.powerSource.GetPower();

                            cell.powerSource.ModifyPower(chargeable, out _);
                if ((lastBlink == 0) || (lastBlink > Time.time))
                    lastBlink = Time.time;
                else if (Time.time >= lastBlink + 0.5)
                    lastBlink = Time.time;
                    blinkOn   = !blinkOn;

                bool radioFound = false;
                bool radioWorks = false;
                if (EscapePod.main.radioSpawner != null && EscapePod.main.radioSpawner.spawnedObj != null)
                    LiveMixin component = EscapePod.main.radioSpawner.spawnedObj.GetComponent <LiveMixin>();
                    if (component)
                        radioFound = true;
                        if (component.IsFullHealth())
                            radioWorks = true;

                if (damaged)
                    string content = Language.main.Get("IntroEscapePod3Content");
                    string bonus;

                    if (DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podAnchored || Config.BASIC_GAME.Equals(DeathRun.config.startLocation))
                        if (!Config.BASIC_GAME.Equals(DeathRun.config.startLocation))
                            content = content.Replace("Flotation Devices: DEPLOYED", "Flotation Devices: FAILED");

                            if (DeathRun.config.podStayUpright || DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepaired)
                                content = content.Replace("Hull Integrity: OK", "Inertial Stabilizers: DEPLOYED");
                                content = content.Replace("Hull Integrity: OK", "Inertial Stabilizers: " + (blinkOn ? "FAILED" : ""));
                        content = content.Replace("Flotation Devices: DEPLOYED", "Flotation Devices: " + (blinkOn ? "FAILED" : ""));

                    if (radioWorks)
                        content = content.Replace("Radio: OFFLINE", "Radio: INCOMING ONLY");

                    if (!Config.NORMAL.Equals(DeathRun.config.creatureAggression))
                        content = content.Replace("Uncharted ocean planet 4546B", "Planet 4546B: HOSTILE FAUNA");

                    if (BreathingPatcher.isSurfaceAirPoisoned())
                        content = content.Replace("Oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere", "Atmosphere: requires filtration");

                    bonus = "";

                    if (BreathingPatcher.isSurfaceAirPoisoned())
                        bonus += "\n\n- Atmosphere: " + (blinkOn ? "NOT BREATHABLE" : "") + "\n- Recommend Air Pumps to Filter Oxygen";

                    if (DeathRunUtils.isExplosionClockRunning())
                        bonus += "\n\n" + (blinkOn ? "- QUANTUM EXPLOSION WARNING" : "");

                    if (RadiationUtils.isRadiationActive())
                        bonus += "\n\n" + (blinkOn ? "- EXTREME RADIATION HAZARD" : "");

                    uGUI_EscapePod.main.SetHeader(Language.main.Get("IntroEscapePod3Header"), new Color32(243, 201, 63, byte.MaxValue), 2f);
                    uGUI_EscapePod.main.SetContent(content + bonus, new Color32(233, 63, 27, byte.MaxValue));
                    string content = Language.main.Get("IntroEscapePod4Content");

                    if (radioFound && !radioWorks)
                        content = content.Replace("Incoming radio communication: ONLINE", "Incoming radio communication: OFFLINE");

                    if (!Config.NORMAL.Equals(DeathRun.config.creatureAggression))
                        content = content.Replace("Uncharted ocean planet 4546B", (blinkOn ? "Planet 4546B: HOSTILE FAUNA" : "Planet 4546B: "));

                    if (BreathingPatcher.isSurfaceAirPoisoned())
                        content = content.Replace("Oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere", "Atmosphere: requires filtration");

                    if (!Config.BASIC_GAME.Equals(DeathRun.config.startLocation))
                        content = content.Replace("Flotation Devices: DEPLOYED", "Flotation Devices: FAILED");

                        if (DeathRun.config.podStayUpright || DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepaired)
                            content = content.Replace("Hull Integrity: OK", "Inertial Stabilizers: DEPLOYED");
                            content = content.Replace("Hull Integrity: OK", "Inertial Stabilizers: FAILED");

                    if (BreathingPatcher.isSurfaceAirPoisoned())
                        content = content.Replace("Oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere", "Atmosphere: requires filtration");

                    string bonus = "";

                    if (DeathRunUtils.isExplosionClockRunning())
                        bonus += "\n    " + (blinkOn ? "- QUANTUM EXPLOSION WARNING" : "");

                    if (RadiationUtils.isRadiationActive())
                        if (Config.NORMAL.Equals(DeathRun.config.radiationDepth))
                            bonus += "\n    - Radiation Hazard: Aurora";
                            bonus += "\n    " + (blinkOn ? "- EXTREME RADIATION HAZARD" : "");

                    uGUI_EscapePod.main.SetHeader(Language.main.Get("IntroEscapePod4Header"), new Color32((byte)(blinkOn ? 243 : 223), (byte)(blinkOn ? 243 : 223), 63, byte.MaxValue)); //, 2f);
                    uGUI_EscapePod.main.SetContent(content + bonus, new Color32((byte)(blinkOn ? 243 : 223), (byte)(blinkOn ? 243 : 223), 63, byte.MaxValue));