private void ContentPage_Appearing(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Chart befüllen:
            var entries = new[]
                new Microcharts.Entry(55)
                    Label      = "January",
                    ValueLabel = "55",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#266489")
                new Microcharts.Entry(145)
                    Label      = "February",
                    ValueLabel = "145",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#68B9C0")
                new Microcharts.Entry(-32)
                    Label      = "March",
                    ValueLabel = "-32",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#90D585")

            var chart = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = entries

            //chart.PointMode = PointMode.Square;
            //chart.PointSize = 5;

            chartView.Chart = chart;
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar toolbar = FindViewById <Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);

            FloatingActionButton fab = FindViewById <FloatingActionButton>(Resource.Id.fab);

            fab.Click += FabOnClick;

            var ent = new[]
                new Entry(100)
                    Color = Color.White.ToSKColor()
                new Entry(50)
                    Color = SKColor.Parse("#00c427")

            var chart = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = ent
            var chartView = FindViewById <ChartView>(Resource.Id.chartView);

            chartView.Chart = chart;
Beispiel #3
        protected override void OnAppearing()

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <string>(this, "CalcularGrafica", (parametro) =>
                if (this.BindingContext != null)
                    var vm      = this.BindingContext as TramiteDetallePageViewModel;
                    var entries = new[]
                        new Microcharts.Entry(vm.Model.porcentajeavance)
                            Label      = "Completado",
                            ValueLabel = $"{vm.Model.porcentajeavance.ToString()} %",
                            TextColor  = vm.Model.porcentajeavance == 100 ? SKColor.Parse("#000000") : SKColor.Parse("ff0000"),
                            Color      = vm.Model.porcentajeavance == 100 ? SKColor.Parse("#73cf44") : SKColor.Parse("ff0000")

                    var chart = new RadialGaugeChart()
                        Entries       = entries,
                        MinValue      = 0,
                        MaxValue      = 100,
                        LabelTextSize = 47f,
                        Margin        = 0f
                    this.chartView.Chart = chart;
Beispiel #4
        private void ShowCharts()
            Chart chart = null;

            foreach (var item in Dashboards)
                switch (item.Type)
                case EChartType.BarChart:
                    chart = new BarChart {
                        Entries = GetEntries(item)

                case EChartType.PointChart:
                    chart = new PointChart {
                        Entries = GetEntries(item)

                case EChartType.LineChart:
                    chart = new LineChart {
                        Entries = GetEntries(item)

                case EChartType.DonutChart:
                    chart = new DonutChart {
                        Entries = GetEntries(item)

                case EChartType.RadialGaugeChart:
                    chart = new RadialGaugeChart {
                        Entries = GetEntries(item)

                case EChartType.RadarChart:
                    chart = new RadarChart {
                        Entries = GetEntries(item)


                if (chart == null)

                var chartView = new Microcharts.Forms.ChartView {
                    HeightRequest = 140, BackgroundColor = Color.White
                chartView.Chart = chart;
        public MainPageViewModel(INavigationService navigationService, IEventAggregator ea)
            : base(navigationService)
            Title = AppResources.MainPageTitle;
            _ea   = ea;

            SettingVals = new SettingVals();

            AddWeightToListCommand = new DelegateCommand(AddWeightToList);

            ButtonEnabled     = true;
            NewWaistSizeEntry = Settings.WaistSize;
            WeightLeftChart   = new RadialGaugeChart
                BackgroundColor = SKColors.Transparent,
                MinValue        = 0,
                MaxValue        = 100,
                Margin          = 0,
            DaysLeftChart = new RadialGaugeChart
                BackgroundColor = SKColors.Transparent,
                MinValue        = 0,
                MaxValue        = 100,
                Margin          = 0,

            _ea.GetEvent <UpdateSetupInfoEvent>().Subscribe(HandleUpdateSetupInfo);
            ea.GetEvent <AddWeightEvent>().Subscribe(HandleNewWeightEntry);
        private void UpDateTimer(int nb, int max)
            // set chart entries
            var entries = new[] {
                new Entry(max)
                    Label      = "total",
                    ValueLabel = max.ToString(),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#3498db")
                new Entry(nb)
                    Label      = "done",
                    ValueLabel = nb.ToString(),
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#2c3e50")

            RadialGaugeChart c = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = entries

            c.LabelTextSize  = 0;
            cha_chrono.Chart = c;
Beispiel #7
        protected override void OnAppearing()

            var entries = new[]
                new Microcharts.Entry(20)
                    Label      = "January",
                    ValueLabel = "20",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#266489")
                new Microcharts.Entry(15)
                    Label      = "February",
                    ValueLabel = "15",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#68B9C0")
                new Microcharts.Entry(33)
                    Label      = "March",
                    ValueLabel = "33",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#90D585")
                new Microcharts.Entry(12)
                    Label      = "April",
                    ValueLabel = "12",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#90B585")
                new Microcharts.Entry(40)
                    Label      = "May",
                    ValueLabel = "40",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#91D585")

            var chart4 = new PointChart()
                Entries = entries, LabelTextSize = 35

            var chart5 = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = entries, LabelTextSize = 35
            var chart6 = new RadarChart()
                Entries = entries, LabelTextSize = 35

            this.chart4.Chart = chart4;
            this.chart5.Chart = chart5;
            this.chart6.Chart = chart6;

Beispiel #8
        private void Generate()
            List <Microcharts.Entry> entries = new List <Microcharts.Entry>();

            for (int i = 0; i < rand.Next(3, 8); i++)
                var res = rand.Next(10, 401);
                entries.Add(new Microcharts.Entry(res)
                    Label      = i.ToString(),
                    ValueLabel = res.ToString(),
                    Color      = SkiaSharp.SKColor.Parse(GetRandomColour())
            int choice = rand.Next(5);

            switch (choice)
            case 0:
                ChartView = new PointChart()
                    Entries = entries

            case 1:
                ChartView = new BarChart()
                    Entries = entries

            case 2:
                ChartView = new DonutChart()
                    Entries = entries

            case 3:
                ChartView = new RadialGaugeChart()
                    Entries = entries

            case 4:
                ChartView = new LineChart()
                    Entries = entries
            MessagingCenter.Send(ChartView, "NewChartAvaliable");
        public async void ChartAbsByStatusMarital()
            ApiService apiService = new ApiService();
            var        StatusM    = await apiService.GetAbsByStatusMaritalAsync(1);

            var StatusM1 = await apiService.GetAbsByStatusMaritalAsync(2);

            var StatusM2 = await apiService.GetAbsByStatusMaritalAsync(3);

            var StatusM3 = await apiService.GetAbsByStatusMaritalAsync(4);

            var StatusM4 = await apiService.GetAbsByStatusMaritalAsync(5);

            var entries2 = new[]
                new Entry(StatusM.Taux)
                    Label      = StatusM.Status,
                    ValueLabel = $"{StatusM.Taux.ToString()} %",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#2c3e50")
                new Entry(StatusM1.Taux)
                    Label      = StatusM1.Status,
                    ValueLabel = $"{StatusM1.Taux.ToString()} %",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#77d065")
                new Entry(StatusM2.Taux)
                    Label      = StatusM2.Status,
                    ValueLabel = $"{StatusM2.Taux.ToString()} %",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#b455b6")
                new Entry(StatusM3.Taux)
                    Label      = StatusM3.Status,
                    ValueLabel = $"{StatusM3.Taux.ToString()} %",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#003F87")
                new Entry(StatusM4.Taux)
                    Label      = StatusM4.Status,
                    ValueLabel = $"{StatusM4.Taux.ToString()} %",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#5B0091")
            var chart2 = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = entries2, LabelTextSize = 35

            chartView2.Chart = chart2;
Beispiel #10
 private void SetRadialGaugeChart()
     Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
         ChartData = new RadialGaugeChart()
             Entries           = Entries,
             AnimationDuration = AnimationTime,
             IsAnimated        = true,
             BackgroundColor   = ChartBackgroundColor
Beispiel #11
        private void CreateChart(Budget budget)
            List <Entry> entries = new List <Entry>
                new Entry((float)budget.CurrentBalance)
                    Color = SkiaSharp.SKColor.Parse("#DB8918")

            Chart = new RadialGaugeChart {
                Entries = entries, MaxValue = (float)budget.Amount, BackgroundColor = SkiaSharp.SKColor.Parse("#00FFFFFF")
Beispiel #12
        public Datachart()
            var entries = new[]
                new Entry(212)
                    Label      = "Azzouz",
                    ValueLabel = "212",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#2c3e50")
                new Entry(248)
                    Label      = "Achraf",
                    ValueLabel = "248",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#77d065")

                new Entry(514)
                    Label      = "Daly",
                    ValueLabel = "514",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#3498db")
            var chart1 = new BarChart()
                Entries = entries

            this.chart.Chart = chart1;

            //this.chartView.Chart = chart;

            var chart12 = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = entries

            this.chart1.Chart = chart12;

            var chart13 = new DonutChart()
                Entries = entries

            this.chart2.Chart = chart13;
Beispiel #13
 public AnalysisPage()
     this.navigationHelper            = new NavigationHelper(this);
     this.navigationHelper.LoadState += navigationHelper_LoadState;
     this.navigationHelper.SaveState += navigationHelper_SaveState;
     sexGraph       = AnalysisSexGraph;
     marriedGraph   = AnalysisMarriedGraph;
     cityGraph      = AnalysisCityGraph;
     bloodGraph     = AnalysisBloodGraph;
     diseaseGraph   = AnalysisDiseaseGraph;
     addictionGraph = AnalysisAddictionGraph;
     allergyGraph   = AnalysisAllergyGraph;
     operationGraph = AnalysisOperationGraph;
     vaccineGraph   = AnalysisVaccineGraph;
     settings       = new SettingsFlyout1();
        private async Task PollValuesAsync()
            await Task.Delay(500);

            List <Consume> cosumes = cosumeService.GetConsumes();
            var            entries = cosumes.Select(x => new Microcharts.Entry((float)x.Amount)
                Label = ChartHelper.ToWord(x.DataType), ValueLabel = x.Amount.ToString(), Color = ChartHelper.GetRandomColor()

            var _chart = new RadialGaugeChart();

            _chart.Entries       = entries;
            _chart.LabelTextSize = 40;
            this.Chart           = _chart;

Beispiel #15
        private void CreateCharts()
            var entries = new List <McEntry>()
                new McEntry(17)
                    Label = "MH: World Small Monsters",
                    Color = SKColor.Parse("#008e34"),
                new McEntry(34)
                    Label = "MH: World Large Monsters",
                    Color = SKColor.Parse("#003489"),
                new McEntry(34)
                    Label = "MH: Generations Small Monsters",
                    Color = SKColor.Parse("#e004a5"),
                new McEntry(74)
                    Label = "MH: Generations Large Monsters",
                    Color = SKColor.Parse("#04e0b4"),

            var barChart = new BarChart()
                Entries = entries
            var donutChart = new DonutChart()
                Entries = entries
            var radialChart = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = entries

            BarChart.Chart    = barChart;
            DonutChart.Chart  = donutChart;
            RadialChart.Chart = radialChart;
Beispiel #16
        private void TypeOutlay_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            switch (TypeOutlay.SelectedIndex)
            case 0:
                var chart0 = new DonutChart()
                    Entries = entries
                chart0.LabelTextSize = diagramTextSize;
                chart0.HoleRadius    = 0.3f;
                this.chartView.Chart = chart0;

            case 1:
                var chart1 = new RadialGaugeChart()
                    Entries = entries
                chart1.LabelTextSize = diagramTextSize;
                this.chartView.Chart = chart1;

            case 2:
                var chart2 = new PointChart()
                    Entries = entries
                chart2.LabelTextSize = diagramTextSize;
                this.chartView.Chart = chart2;

            case 3:
                var chart3 = new BarChart()
                    Entries = entries
                chart3.LabelTextSize = diagramTextSize;
                this.chartView.Chart = chart3;
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for drawing the charts
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawCharts()
            // Initialize the charts
            var barChart = new BarChart()
                Entries = mEntries

            mBarChart.Chart = barChart;
            var pointChart = new PointChart()
                Entries = mEntries

            mPointChart.Chart = pointChart;
            var lineChart = new LineChart()
                Entries = mEntries

            mLineChart.Chart = lineChart;
            var donutChart = new DonutChart()
                Entries = mEntries

            mDonutChart.Chart = donutChart;
            var radialGaugeChart = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = mEntries

            mRadialGaugeChart.Chart = radialGaugeChart;
            var radarChart = new RadarChart()
                Entries = mEntries

            mRadarChart.Chart = radarChart;
Beispiel #18
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            var entries = new []
                new Entry(600)
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#FF0000"),
                    ValueLabel = "600",
                    Label      = "January",
                new Entry(400)
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#0000FF"),
                    ValueLabel = "400",
                    Label      = "Février",

            var chart = new RadialGaugeChart()
                MaxValue = 1000,
                Entries  = entries,

            var chartView = new ChartView()
                Chart            = chart,
                Frame            = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, 0, this.View.Bounds.Width, 150),
                AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleDimensions,


            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
Beispiel #19
        private void CreateCharts()
            var entryList = new List <Entry>()
                new Entry(100)
                    Label = "Goes to College",
                    Color = SKColor.Parse("#FF2918"),
                new Entry(36)
                    Label = "Gets Bachelors degree in 4 years",
                    Color = SKColor.Parse("#2FF234"),
                new Entry(70)
                    Label = "Graduate from college",
                    Color = SKColor.Parse("#23CCC2"),
            var barChart = new BarChart()
                Entries = entryList
            var donutChart = new DonutChart()
                Entries = entryList
            var someChart = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = entryList

            Chart1.Chart = barChart;
            Chart2.Chart = donutChart;
            Chart3.Chart = someChart;
Beispiel #20
        protected override void OnAppearing()

            var entries = new[]
                new Microcharts.Entry(212)
                    Label      = "UWP",
                    ValueLabel = "212",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#2c3e50")
                new Microcharts.Entry(248)
                    Label      = "Android",
                    ValueLabel = "248",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#77d065")
                new Microcharts.Entry(128)
                    Label      = "iOS",
                    ValueLabel = "128",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#b455b6")
                new Microcharts.Entry(514)
                    Label      = "Shared",
                    ValueLabel = "514",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#3498db")

            var chart1 = new BarChart()
                Entries = entries
            var chart2 = new LineChart()
                Entries = entries
            var chart3 = new PointChart()
                Entries = entries
            var chart4 = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = entries
            var chart5 = new DonutChart()
                Entries = entries
            var chart6 = new RadarChart()
                Entries = entries

            charView.Chart  = chart1;
            charView1.Chart = chart2;
            charView2.Chart = chart3;
            charView3.Chart = chart4;
            charView4.Chart = chart5;
            charView5.Chart = chart6;
Beispiel #21
        protected override void OnAppearing()

            List <Entry> entries = new List <Entry>
                new Entry(500)
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#FF1943"),
                    Label      = "January",
                    ValueLabel = "500",
                new Entry(400)
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("00BFFF"),
                    Label      = "March",
                    ValueLabel = "400"
                new Entry(-100)
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#00CED1"),
                    Label      = "October",
                    ValueLabel = "-100"

            var Chart1 = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = entries, BackgroundColor = SKColors.Transparent, IsAnimated = true, AnimationDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
            var Chart2 = new LineChart()
                Entries = entries, BackgroundColor = SKColors.Transparent, IsAnimated = true, AnimationDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
            var Chart3 = new DonutChart()
                Entries = entries, BackgroundColor = SKColors.Transparent, IsAnimated = true, AnimationDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
            var Chart4 = new BarChart()
                Entries = entries, BackgroundColor = SKColors.Transparent, IsAnimated = true, AnimationDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
            var Chart5 = new PointChart()
                Entries = entries, BackgroundColor = SKColors.Transparent, IsAnimated = true, AnimationDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)
            var Chart6 = new RadarChart()
                Entries = entries, BackgroundColor = SKColors.Transparent, IsAnimated = true, AnimationDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)

            ObservableCollection <ChartView> MyItemSource = new ObservableCollection <ChartView>
                new ChartView()
                    Chart = Chart1
                new ChartView()
                    Chart = Chart2
                new ChartView()
                    Chart = Chart3
                new ChartView()
                    Chart = Chart4
                new ChartView()
                    Chart = Chart5
                new ChartView()
                    Chart = Chart6

            chartcarousel.ItemsSource = MyItemSource;
Beispiel #22
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)


            Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar toolbar = FindViewById <Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);

            FloatingActionButton fab = FindViewById <FloatingActionButton>(Resource.Id.fab);

            fab.Click += FabOnClick;

            var entries = new[]
                new Entry(200)
                    Label      = "January",
                    ValueLabel = "200",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#266489")
                new Entry(400)
                    Label      = "February",
                    ValueLabel = "400",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#68B9C0")
                new Entry(-100)
                    Label      = "March",
                    ValueLabel = "-100",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#90D585")

            var chart = new BarChart()
                Entries = entries
            var chart1 = new PointChart()
                Entries = entries
            var chart2 = new LineChart()
                Entries = entries
            var chart3 = new DonutChart()
                Entries = entries
            var chart4 = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = entries
            var chart5 = new RadarChart()
                Entries = entries

            var chartView  = FindViewById <ChartView>(Resource.Id.chartView);
            var chartView1 = FindViewById <ChartView>(Resource.Id.chartView1);
            var chartView2 = FindViewById <ChartView>(Resource.Id.chartView2);
            var chartView3 = FindViewById <ChartView>(Resource.Id.chartView3);
            var chartView4 = FindViewById <ChartView>(Resource.Id.chartView4);
            var chartView5 = FindViewById <ChartView>(Resource.Id.chartView5);

            chartView.Chart  = chart;
            chartView1.Chart = chart1;
            chartView2.Chart = chart2;
            chartView3.Chart = chart3;
            chartView4.Chart = chart4;
            chartView5.Chart = chart5;
Beispiel #23
        //updates LIVE view chart (as new band readings are recieved)
        private void UpdateChart(int point)

                if (ChartQueue.Count != NumberOfSamplesPerEntry)

                List<int> local_queue = new List<int>();
                local_queue = ChartQueue.ToList<int>();
                PointChart chart = new PointChart()
                    Entries = local_queue.Select(v => new Entry(v)
                        Color = colorGraph(v),
                        ValueLabel = v.ToString().Equals(EmptyReading.ToString()) ? " " : v.ToString()
                chart.BackgroundColor = SkiaSharp.SKColors.Transparent;

                List<Entry> entries_radial = new List<Entry>
                    new Entry((float)avg)
                         Color = SkiaSharp.SKColors.Transparent
                    new Entry(point)
                        Color = colorGraph(point)

                RadialGaugeChart chart_radial = new RadialGaugeChart()
                    Entries = entries_radial
                chart_radial.MaxValue = (int)(avg + System.Math.Sqrt(variance)*2);
                chart_radial.MinValue = 0;
                chart_radial.LineAreaAlpha = 0;
                chart_radial.Margin = 10;

                chart_radial.BackgroundColor = SkiaSharp.SKColors.Transparent;
                if (liveUpdate) { 
                    RunOnUiThread(() =>
                        currentHB.Text = point.ToString();
                        txtStatus.Text = "";
                        chartView.Chart = chart;
                        chartViewPie.Chart = chart_radial;   
            catch (System.Exception e)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("UpdateChart() exception: "+e.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            var           Collection   = new ObservableCollection <ChartItem>();
            string        Title        = "";
            string        SubTitle     = "";
            List <double> listContents = new List <double>();
            List <string> names        = new List <string>();
            int           chartType    = 0;

            //get GH input data
            DA.GetDataList <double>("Data", listContents);
            DA.GetDataList <string>("Names", names);
            bool hasTitle    = DA.GetData <string>("Title", ref Title);
            bool hasSubTitle = DA.GetData <string>("SubTitle", ref SubTitle);

            DA.GetData <int>("Chart Type", ref chartType);
            ChartBase ChartElem = null;

            switch (chartType)
            case 0:
                var pieElem = new PieChart();
                ChartElem = pieElem;

            case 1:
                var barElem = new ClusteredBarChart();
                ChartElem = barElem;

            case 2:
                var columnElem = new ClusteredColumnChart();
                ChartElem = columnElem;

            case 3:
                var doughnutElem = new DoughnutChart();
                ChartElem = doughnutElem;

            case 4:
                var gaugeElem = new RadialGaugeChart();
                ChartElem = gaugeElem;


                var defaultElem = new PieChart();
                ChartElem = defaultElem;
            //Create the chart and give it a name

            ChartElem.ChartTitle           = Title;
            ChartElem.ChartTitleVisibility = hasTitle ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;
            ChartElem.ChartSubTitle        = SubTitle;

            //package the data into a custom chart model and series
            SeriesModel vm = new SeriesModel(names.ToList(), listContents.ToList());

            ChartElem.DataContext = vm;

            ChartSeries series = new ChartSeries();

            series.SeriesTitle   = " ";
            series.DisplayMember = "Category";
            series.ValueMember   = "Number";

            //set up the data binding for the series - this is useful so it can be reset later without redrawing the whole Chart
            Binding seriesBinding = new Binding();

            seriesBinding.Source = vm;
            seriesBinding.Path   = new PropertyPath("Chart");
            BindingOperations.SetBinding(series, ChartSeries.ItemsSourceProperty, seriesBinding);

            // series.ItemsSource = vm.Chart;

            //Pass data to the chart
            ChartElem.ToolTipFormat = "{}Caption: {0}, Value: '{1}', Series: '{2}', Percentage: {3:P2}";

            ChartElem.MinWidth  = 10;
            ChartElem.MinHeight = 10;

            DA.SetData("Chart", new UIElement_Goo(ChartElem, "Chart Elem", InstanceGuid, DA.Iteration));
Beispiel #25
        private void DrawChart(string type)
            var random = new Random();
            var color  = String.Format("#{0:X6}", random.Next(0x1000000));

            NBP          nbp  = new NBP();
            var          test = nbp.GetRates("");
            List <Entry> ent  = new List <Entry>();

            foreach (var item in test[0].rates)
                Entry e = new Entry((float)item.ask)
                    Label = item.code, ValueLabel = item.ask.ToString(), Color = SKColor.Parse(color = String.Format("#{0:X6}", random.Next(0x1000000)))
            var   entries = ent.ToArray();
            Chart chart;

            switch (type)
            //case "Bar":
                chart = new BarChart()
                    Entries = entries

            case "Bar":
                chart = new BarChart()
                    Entries = entries

            case "Point":
                chart = new PointChart()
                    Entries = entries

            case "Line":
                chart = new LineChart()
                    Entries = entries

            case "Donut":
                chart = new DonutChart()
                    Entries = entries

            case "Radial":
                chart = new RadialGaugeChart()
                    Entries = entries

            case "Radar":
                chart = new RadarChart()
                    Entries = entries
            var chartView = FindViewById <ChartView>(Resource.Id.chartView);

            chartView.Chart = chart;
Beispiel #26
        public InfoScreen1()
            var entries = new[]
                new Entry(25)
                    Label      = "2019-11-07 00:53:51",
                    ValueLabel = "25°C",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#2c3e50")
                new Entry(25)
                    Label      = "2019-11-07 00:57:51",
                    ValueLabel = "25°C",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#77d065")
                new Entry(23)
                    Label      = "2019-11-07 01:01:51",
                    ValueLabel = "23°C",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#b455b6")
                new Entry(24)
                    Label      = "2019-11-07 01:05:51",
                    ValueLabel = "24°C",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#3498db"), TextColor = SKColor.Parse("#b455b6")

            var entries2 = new[]
                new Entry(25)
                    Label      = "2019-11-07 00:53:51",
                    ValueLabel = "25%",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#2c3e50")
                new Entry(27)
                    Label      = "2019-11-07 00:57:51",
                    ValueLabel = "27%",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#77d065")
                new Entry(30)
                    Label      = "2019-11-07 01:01:51",
                    ValueLabel = "30%",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#b455b6")
                new Entry(28)
                    Label      = "2019-11-07 01:05:51",
                    ValueLabel = "28%",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#3498db"), TextColor = SKColor.Parse("#b455b6")

            var entries3 = new[]
                new Entry(950)
                    Label      = "2019-11-07 00:53:51",
                    ValueLabel = "950Lux",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#2c3e50")
                new Entry(800)
                    Label      = "2019-11-07 00:57:51",
                    ValueLabel = "800Lux",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#77d065")
                new Entry(1000)
                    Label      = "2019-11-07 01:01:51",
                    ValueLabel = "1000Lux",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#b455b6")
                new Entry(900)
                    Label      = "2019-11-07 01:05:51",
                    ValueLabel = "900Lux",
                    Color      = SKColor.Parse("#3498db"), TextColor = SKColor.Parse("#b455b6")

            var chart = new LineChart()
                Entries = entries, LabelTextSize = 25, LineMode = LineMode.Straight, LineSize = 8, PointMode = PointMode.Square, PointSize = 18

            this.chartView.Chart = chart;

            var chart1 = new BarChart()
                Entries = entries2, LabelTextSize = 25

            this.chartView1.Chart = chart1;

            var chart2 = new RadialGaugeChart()
                Entries = entries3, LabelTextSize = 25

            this.chartView2.Chart = chart2;