public void ReaderWriterStateTest1()
            var world = RWS.Return <Env, string, App, int>(0);

            var rws = (from _ in world
                       from app in RWS.Get <Env, string, App>()
                       from env in RWS.Ask <Env, string, App>()
                       from x in Value(app.UsersLoggedIn, "Users logged in: " + app.UsersLoggedIn)
                       from y in Value(100, "System folder: " + env.SystemFolder)
                       from s in RWS.Put <Env, string, App>(new App {
                UsersLoggedIn = 35
                       from t in RWS.Tell <Env, string, App>("Process complete")
                       select x *y)
                      .Memo(new Env(), new App());

            var res = rws();

            Assert.True(res.Value == 3400);
            Assert.True(res.State.UsersLoggedIn == 35);
            Assert.True(res.Output.Count() == 3);
            Assert.True(res.Output.First() == "Users logged in: 34");
            Assert.True(res.Output.Skip(1).First() == "System folder: C:/Temp");
            Assert.True(res.Output.Skip(2).First() == "Process complete");
Beispiel #2
    // RWSMonad usage example 1 : Realize the contents performed in each Example 1 of WriterMonad, ReaderMonad, and StateMonad with one RWSMonad
    public void Example1()
        var checkCount = from currentState in RWS.Get <DateTime, string, SampleState>()
                         from date in RWS.Ask <DateTime, string, SampleState>()
                         from _ in RWS.Tell <DateTime, string, SampleState>(date.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"))
                         from greeting in RWS.Tell <DateTime, string, SampleState, string>(currentState.Count == 0 ? "Nice to meet you" : "Hello", string.Format("currentState.Count = {0}", currentState.Count))
                         from comment in RWS.Return <DateTime, string, SampleState, string>(greeting + ", Monad world!")
                         from __ in RWS.Tell <DateTime, string, SampleState>("Add count")
                         from putAddCount in RWS.Put <DateTime, string, SampleState>(new SampleState(currentState.Count + 1))
                         select comment;

        var result1State = checkCount.Execute(
            new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 10, 20, 30),
            value => Debug.Log(value),
            outPut => {
            foreach (var log in outPut)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Log[{0}]", log));

        var result2State = checkCount.Execute(
            value => Debug.Log(value),
            outPut => {
            foreach (var log in outPut)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Log[{0}]", log));

        Debug.Log(string.Format("It has been called {0} times", result2State.Count));
Beispiel #3
 public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, bool> Exists <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self, Func <A, bool> pred)
     where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W> => (env, state) =>
     var res = self(env, state);
             ? RWSResult <MonoidW, R, W, S, bool> .New(res.Output, state, false)
             : RWSResult <MonoidW, R, W, S, bool> .New(res.Output, res.State, pred(res.Value)));
Beispiel #4
 public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, R> Fold <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self, Func <R, A, R> f)
     where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W> => (env, state) =>
     var res = self(env, state);
             ? RWSResult <MonoidW, R, W, S, R> .New(res.Output, state, res.Error)
             : RWSResult <MonoidW, R, W, S, R> .New(res.Output, res.State, f(env, res.Value)));
Beispiel #5
 public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, int> Count <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self)
     where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W> => (env, state) =>
     var res = self(env, state);
             ? RWSResult <MonoidW, R, W, S, int> .New(res.Output, state, res.Error)
             : RWSResult <MonoidW, R, W, S, int> .New(res.Output, res.State, 1));
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Impure iteration of the bound value in the structure
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// Returns the original unmodified structure
 /// </returns>
 public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> Do <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> ma, Action <A> f) where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W> =>
 (env, state) =>
     var r = ma(env, state);
     if (!r.IsFaulted)
Beispiel #7
    public static Seq <A> ToSeq <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self, R env, S state)
        where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W>
        IEnumerable <A> Yield()
            var res = self(env, state);

            if (!res.IsFaulted)
                yield return(res.Value);

Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Runs the RWS monad and memoizes the result in a TryOption monad.  Use
 /// Match, IfSucc, IfNone, etc to extract.
 /// </summary>
 public static RWSResult <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> Run <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self, R env, S state)
     where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W>
     if (self == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(self));
     if (state == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(state));
         return(self(env, state));
     catch (Exception e)
         return(RWSResult <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> .New(state, Error.New(e)));
Beispiel #9
    public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> Strict <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> ma) where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W>
        Option <RWSResult <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> > cache = default;
        object sync = new object();

        return((env, state) =>
            if (cache.IsSome)
                return cache.Value;
            lock (sync)
                if (cache.IsSome)
                    return cache.Value;
                cache = ma(env, state);
                return cache.Value;
Beispiel #10
 public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, Unit> Modify <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self, Func <S, S> f)
     where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W> => (env, state) =>
 RWSResult <MonoidW, R, W, S, Unit> .New(default(MonoidW).Empty(), f(state), unit);
Beispiel #11
 public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, Seq <A> > AsEnumerable <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self)
     where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W> => ToSeq(self);
Beispiel #12
 public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, Seq <A> > ToSeq <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self)
     where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W> => self.Map(x => x.Cons());
Beispiel #13
 public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, int> Sum <MonoidW, R, W, S>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, int> self)
     where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W> => self;
Beispiel #14
 public override string ToString()
     return($"{Name.PadRight(8, ' ')}{Rating.ToString("0.00").PadLeft(6, ' ')}{RWS.ToString("0.00").PadLeft(7, ' ')}{KD.ToString("0.00").PadLeft(6, ' ')}{ADR.ToString("0.0").PadLeft(7, ' ')}");
Beispiel #15
 public MB Bind <MONADB, MB, B>(RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> ma, Func <A, MB> f) where MONADB : struct, Monad <(R Env, S State), RWSState <W, S>, MB, B> =>
 public static RWS <Env, string, App, int> Value(int val, string log)
     return((Env r, App s) => RWS.Tell <string, App, int>(val, log));
Beispiel #17
 public static Seq <A> AsEnumerable <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self, R env, S state)
     where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W> => ToSeq(self, env, state);
Beispiel #18
 public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, bool> ForAll <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self, Func <A, bool> pred)
     where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W> => Exists(self, pred);
Beispiel #19
 public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, B> Map <MonoidW, R, W, S, A, B>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self, Func <A, B> project)
     where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W> => self.Select(project);
Beispiel #20
 public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> Flatten <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> > ma)
     where MonoidW : struct, Monoid <W> =>
Beispiel #21
 public RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> Apply(Func <A, A, A> f, RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> fa, RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> fb) =>
 from a in fa
 from b in fb
 select f(a, b);
Beispiel #22
 public static RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> Pass <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, (A, Func <W, W>)> self)
Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Runs the RWS monad and memoizes the result in a TryOption monad.  Use
 /// Match, IfSucc, IfNone, etc to extract.
 /// </summary>
 public static (TryOption <A> Value, W Output, S State) Run <MonoidW, R, W, S, A>(this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self, R env, S state)
Beispiel #24
this RWS <MonoidW, R, W, S, A> self, R env, S state)