Beispiel #1
        public WallsMPWRequest(UIApplication uiApp, String text)
            MainUI      uiForm = BARevitTools.Application.thisApp.newMainUi;
            RVTDocument doc    = uiApp.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
            //Collect all the levels
            FilteredElementCollector levelsCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);
            ICollection <Element>    existingLevels  = levelsCollector.OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Levels).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements();
            //Collect the wall types
            FilteredElementCollector wallTypesCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);
            ICollection <Element>    existingWallTypes  = wallTypesCollector.OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Walls).WhereElementIsElementType().ToElements();

            List <Line>    wallLines        = new List <Line>();
            List <Wall>    newWalls         = new List <Wall>();
            List <Element> selectedElements = new List <Element>();
            //Get the wall type name from the MainUI combobox
            string   selectedWallTypeName = uiForm.wallsMPWComboBoxWall.Text.ToString();
            WallType wallTypeInput        = null;
            double   wallHeightInput      = 0;

            //Ensure the active view is a plan view
            if (doc.ActiveView.GetType().ToString() != "Autodesk.Revit.DB.ViewPlan")
                MessageBox.Show("Please run from a plan view");
                    //Get the height of the walls to create from the MainUI, converted to a Double value in decimal feet
                    wallHeightInput = (Convert.ToDouble(uiForm.wallsMPWNumericUpDownWallHeightFt.Value + (uiForm.wallsMPWNumericUpDownWallHeightIn.Value / 12)));
                    //If the wall height input is invalid, let the user know
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid wall height");

                double offsetDistance = 0;
                    //To get the distance to offset the wall, get the wall type's thickness, then divide it in half because walls are placed along the centerline
                    foreach (WallType wallType in existingWallTypes)
                        if (wallType.Name == selectedWallTypeName)
                            wallTypeInput  = wallType;
                            offsetDistance = (wallTypeInput.Width) / 2;
                    new System.ArgumentException("No wall type was selected");

                //Get the active view and its associated level
                ViewPlan activeView = doc.ActiveView as ViewPlan;
                Level    levelInput = activeView.GenLevel;

                //If the user selected a wall type, the level was obtained from the view, and the wall height is valid, continue
                if (wallTypeInput != null && levelInput != null && wallHeightInput != 0)
                    //Invoke selection of the rooms and get them from either the rooms or room tags selected
                    List <Room> selectedRoomElements = RVTOperations.SelectRoomElements(uiApp);

                    //Cycle through the room elements
                    foreach (Room roomElem in selectedRoomElements)
                            //Get the location of the room as a point
                            Location      roomLocation = roomElem.Location;
                            LocationPoint rlp          = roomLocation as LocationPoint;

                            //Get the room geometry
                            Options geomOptions = new Options();
                            geomOptions.IncludeNonVisibleObjects = true;
                            GeometryElement geomElements = roomElem.get_Geometry(geomOptions);
                            foreach (GeometryObject geomObject in geomElements)
                                if (geomObject.GetType().ToString() == "Autodesk.Revit.DB.Solid")
                                    //Grab the solid form of the room geometry
                                    Solid     roomSolid      = geomObject as Solid;
                                    FaceArray roomSolidFaces = roomSolid.Faces;
                                    foreach (PlanarFace roomSolidFace in roomSolidFaces)
                                        //Get the bottom face of the room which is the face that has a -Z vector
                                        XYZ faceNormal = roomSolidFace.FaceNormal;
                                        if (faceNormal.Z == -1)
                                            //Get the CurveLoops for the bottom face
                                            IList <CurveLoop> faceCurveLoops = roomSolidFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();
                                            foreach (CurveLoop curveLoop in faceCurveLoops)
                                                //Offset the CurveLoop by the half thickness of the wall
                                                CurveLoop offsetCurveLoops = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(curveLoop, offsetDistance, XYZ.BasisZ);
                                                foreach (Line line in offsetCurveLoops)
                                                    //Collect the lines to draw walls along
                        catch { continue; }

                    //Start a transaction
                    using (Transaction t1 = new Transaction(doc, "MakeWalls"))
                        foreach (Line wallLine in wallLines)
                            //Draw a line along each of the lines and add them to a list of walls created
                            Wall newWall = Wall.Create(doc, wallLine, wallTypeInput.Id, levelInput.Id, wallHeightInput, 0, true, false);

                    //Start a new transaction to join the walls to adjacent walls
                    using (Transaction t2 = new Transaction(doc, "JoinWalls"))
                        foreach (Wall newWall in newWalls)
                            //Collect the walls in the project
                            FilteredElementCollector existingWallsCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, doc.ActiveView.Id);
                            //Get the bounding box of each wall
                            BoundingBoxXYZ wallBBox = newWall.get_BoundingBox(doc.ActiveView);
                            //Get the outline of the bounding box using the minimum and maximum points
                            Outline wallBBoxOutline = new Outline(wallBBox.Min, wallBBox.Max);
                            //Generate a new BoundingBoxIntersectsFilter to find the other bounding boxes that intersect the outline
                            BoundingBoxIntersectsFilter bBoxFilter = new BoundingBoxIntersectsFilter(wallBBoxOutline);
                            //Get all walls that pass the filter (they intersect the evaluated new wall's outline)
                            foreach (Wall existingWall in existingWallsCollector)
                                    //Try to joing the new wall to the existing walls so they are cut by the hosted elements
                                    JoinGeometryUtils.JoinGeometry(doc, newWall, existingWall);
                                catch { continue; }
                else if (levelInput == null)
                    //Let the user know if the level could not be obtained
                    MessageBox.Show("No level set");
                else if (wallTypeInput == null)
                    //Let the user know if they didn't select a wall type
                    MessageBox.Show("No wall type set");
                else if (wallHeightInput <= 0)
                    //Let the user know if they specified a 0 or negative wall height
                    MessageBox.Show("Wall height must be set to greater than 0'");
                    //If for some reason the script fails, report that one of the following settings could not be used. This is highly unlikely though
                    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("One of the following settings could not be used: Wall Type = '{0}'; " +
                                                  "Level = '{1}'; " +
                                                  "Wall Height = '{2}'",
                                                  (wallHeightInput / 12d).ToString()));
Beispiel #2
        public ViewsCEPRRequest(UIApplication uiApp, String text)
            MainUI     uiForm = BARevitTools.Application.thisApp.newMainUi;
            UIDocument uidoc  = uiApp.ActiveUIDocument;

            //Collect the ViewTypes in the project
            FilteredElementCollector viewTypesCollector = new FilteredElementCollector(uidoc.Document);
            ICollection <Element>    viewTypes          = viewTypesCollector.OfClass(typeof(ViewFamilyType)).ToElements();
            ElementId viewTypeId = null;

            //Cycle through the ViewType elements to find the one with a type name equal to the one selected in the MainUI's combobox
            foreach (ViewFamilyType viewType in viewTypes)
                if (viewType.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ALL_MODEL_TYPE_NAME).AsString() == uiForm.viewsCEPRElevationComboBox.Text)
                    viewTypeId = viewType.Id;

            //If the ViewType was found, and the active view is a plan view, continue
            if (viewTypeId != null && uidoc.ActiveView.GetType().ToString() == "Autodesk.Revit.DB.ViewPlan")
                //Invoke a room selection
                List <Room> selectedRoomElements = RVTOperations.SelectRoomElements(uiApp);

                //If the user selected rooms, continue
                if (selectedRoomElements != null)
                        //Cycle through each selected room
                        foreach (Room room in selectedRoomElements)
                            //First, get the room number for use in generating the elevation view names
                            string roomNumber = room.Number;
                            string roomName   = room.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.ROOM_NAME).AsString().ToUpper();
                            //Get the geometry of the room
                            Options geomOptions = new Options();
                            geomOptions.IncludeNonVisibleObjects = true;
                            GeometryElement geomElements = room.get_Geometry(geomOptions);
                            //Get the location point of the room as a point for where to place the elevation marker
                            LocationPoint roomLocation = room.Location as LocationPoint;
                            XYZ           point        = roomLocation.Point;

                            //Start a transaction
                            Transaction t1 = new Transaction(uidoc.Document, "Create Elevations Per Room");
                                //Make a new ElevationMarker that uses the ViewType earlier, the location point of the room, and has a view scale of 1/8"
                                ElevationMarker newMarker = ElevationMarker.CreateElevationMarker(uidoc.Document, viewTypeId, point, 96);
                                //Start making views going around the elevation marker where the indexes start on the west side and go clockwise
                                ViewSection view0 = newMarker.CreateElevation(uidoc.Document, uidoc.ActiveView.Id, 0);
                                //Set the view name equal to the room number + room name + plus orientation
                                view0.Name          = roomNumber + " " + roomName + " WEST";
                                view0.CropBoxActive = true;
                                //Repeat for the other view directions at their appropriate index
                                ViewSection view1 = newMarker.CreateElevation(uidoc.Document, uidoc.ActiveView.Id, 1);
                                view1.Name          = roomNumber + " " + roomName + " NORTH";
                                view1.CropBoxActive = true;
                                ViewSection view2 = newMarker.CreateElevation(uidoc.Document, uidoc.ActiveView.Id, 2);
                                view2.Name          = roomNumber + " " + roomName + " EAST";
                                view2.CropBoxActive = true;
                                ViewSection view3 = newMarker.CreateElevation(uidoc.Document, uidoc.ActiveView.Id, 3);
                                view3.Name          = roomNumber + " " + roomName + " SOUTH";
                                view3.CropBoxActive = true;

                                //Make a Solid object for assignment
                                Solid roomSolid = null;
                                //The following section is dedicated to cropping the elevation views to the cross-section of the room geometry
                                if (uiForm.viewsCEPRCropCheckBox.Checked == true)
                                    //Cycle through the geometry elements associated with the room geometry until the solid is found
                                    foreach (GeometryObject geom in geomElements)
                                        if (geom.GetType().ToString() == "Autodesk.Revit.DB.Solid")
                                            roomSolid = geom as Solid;

                                    //Generate 4 planes at the room point that will correspond to each elevation view's cross section of the room geometry
                                    // Each plane's normal vector is in the direction their view is facing
                                    Plane westPlane  = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(-1, 0, 0), point); //-X vector for West
                                    Plane northPlane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(0, 1, 0), point);  //+Y vector for North
                                    Plane eastPlane  = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(1, 0, 0), point);  //+X vector for East
                                    Plane southPlane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(new XYZ(0, -1, 0), point); //-Y vector for South

                                    //Use the room section's perimeter as the crop boundary if the first index of the MainUI combobox is selected
                                    if (uiForm.viewsCEPRCropMethodComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0)
                                            //Generate some CurveLoop lists for use later
                                            IList <CurveLoop> westCurveLoopsFitted  = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> northCurveLoopsFitted = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> southCurveLoopsFitted = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> eastCurveLoopsFitted  = null;

                                            //Slice the room solid with the westPlane object made earlier. This will result in a solid boolean result to the west of the plane because the positive side of the plane faces west
                                            Solid westBooleanSolid = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolid, westPlane);
                                            //Grab the faces of the solid that resulted from the boolean
                                            FaceArray westBoolSolidFaces = westBooleanSolid.Faces;
                                            //Cycle through each face and get the normal vector
                                            foreach (PlanarFace westFace in westBoolSolidFaces)
                                                //For the west elevation face to use as the crop boundary, we need the face that has a vector going east, or the +X vector
                                                XYZ westFaceNormal = westFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (westFaceNormal.X == 1)
                                                    //Get the edges as a CurveLoops once the face is found, then jump out of the loop thorugh the faces
                                                    westCurveLoopsFitted = westFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the north elevation
                                            Solid     northBooleanSolid   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolid, northPlane);
                                            FaceArray northBoolSolidFaces = northBooleanSolid.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace northFace in northBoolSolidFaces)
                                                XYZ northFaceNormal = northFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (northFaceNormal.Y == -1)
                                                    northCurveLoopsFitted = northFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the east elevation
                                            Solid     eastBooleanSolid   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolid, eastPlane);
                                            FaceArray eastBoolSolidFaces = eastBooleanSolid.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace eastFace in eastBoolSolidFaces)
                                                XYZ eastFaceNormal = eastFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (eastFaceNormal.X == -1)
                                                    eastCurveLoopsFitted = eastFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the south elevation
                                            Solid     southBooleanSolid   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolid, southPlane);
                                            FaceArray southBoolSolidFaces = southBooleanSolid.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace southFace in southBoolSolidFaces)
                                                XYZ southFaceNormal = southFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (southFaceNormal.Y == 1)
                                                    southCurveLoopsFitted = southFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //To get the CurveLoop fitted 0.5" offset to the boundary of the face retrieved, create a CurveLoop via an offset
                                            //Now, the original curve loop was drawn on a plane with a +X axis vector normal, so the offset must be made in the positive X axis plane as well
                                            CurveLoop offsetWestCurveLoopFitted = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(westCurveLoopsFitted[0], (0.5d / 12), XYZ.BasisX);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager westCropRegionShapeManager = view0.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            //Repeat for the north CurveLoop
                                            //Note that because the plane has a -Y vector, the offset needs to be negative too
                                            CurveLoop offsetNorthCurveLoopFitted = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(northCurveLoopsFitted[0], -(0.5d / 12), XYZ.BasisY);;
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager northCropRegionShapeManager = view1.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            //Repeat for the east CurveLoop
                                            CurveLoop offsetEastCurveLoopFitted = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(eastCurveLoopsFitted[0], -(0.5d / 12), XYZ.BasisX);;
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager eastCropRegionShapeManager = view2.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            //Repeat for the south CurveLoop
                                            CurveLoop offsetSouthCurveLoopFitted = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(southCurveLoopsFitted[0], (0.5d / 12), XYZ.BasisY);;
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager southCropRegionShapeManager = view3.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                                        catch (Exception e)

                                    //Use the room section's rectangular extents as the crop boundary if the second index was selected for the MainUI combobox
                                    if (uiForm.viewsCEPRCropMethodComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1)
                                            //Create some CurveLoop lists to use later
                                            IList <CurveLoop> westCurveLoopsRectangular  = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> northCurveLoopsRectangular = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> southCurveLoopsRectangular = null;
                                            IList <CurveLoop> eastCurveLoopsRectangular  = null;

                                            //To get a rectangular cross section of a non-rectangular room cross section, we need to generate a bounding box for the room, then make a solid from the bounding box
                                            //Get the bounding box of the room
                                            BoundingBoxXYZ roomBBox = roomSolid.GetBoundingBox();
                                            //Use the minimum and maximum points of the bounding box to get the 4 points along the bottom of the bounding box
                                            XYZ pt0 = new XYZ(roomBBox.Min.X, roomBBox.Min.Y, roomBBox.Min.Z);
                                            XYZ pt1 = new XYZ(roomBBox.Max.X, roomBBox.Min.Y, roomBBox.Min.Z);
                                            XYZ pt2 = new XYZ(roomBBox.Max.X, roomBBox.Max.Y, roomBBox.Min.Z);
                                            XYZ pt3 = new XYZ(roomBBox.Min.X, roomBBox.Max.Y, roomBBox.Min.Z);
                                            //Generate perimeter lines for the bottom of the bounding box points
                                            Line edge0 = Line.CreateBound(pt0, pt1);
                                            Line edge1 = Line.CreateBound(pt1, pt2);
                                            Line edge2 = Line.CreateBound(pt2, pt3);
                                            Line edge3 = Line.CreateBound(pt3, pt0);
                                            //Make a list of curves out of the edges
                                            List <Curve> edges = new List <Curve>();
                                            //Use the curves to make a CurveLoop list
                                            List <CurveLoop> loops = new List <CurveLoop>();
                                            //Generate a solid from an extrusion that uses the CurveLoops extruded upward a height equal to the the height of the bounding box
                                            Solid initialSolidBBox = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry(loops, XYZ.BasisZ, (roomBBox.Max.Z - roomBBox.Min.Z));
                                            //Create a transformed solid box from the previously created box moved to where the room bounding box is located
                                            Solid roomSolidBBox = SolidUtils.CreateTransformed(initialSolidBBox, roomBBox.Transform);

                                            //Cut the solid box with the west plane created earlier and get the faces
                                            Solid     westBooleanSolidBBox   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolidBBox, westPlane);
                                            FaceArray westBoolSolidFacesBBox = westBooleanSolidBBox.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace westFace in westBoolSolidFacesBBox)
                                                //As with the earlier code for a fitted crop, get the face with a positive X normal
                                                XYZ westFaceNormal = westFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (westFaceNormal.X == 1)
                                                    //Obtain the edges of the face
                                                    westCurveLoopsRectangular = westFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the north face
                                            Solid     northBooleanSolidBBox   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolidBBox, northPlane);
                                            FaceArray northBoolSolidFacesBBox = northBooleanSolidBBox.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace northFace in northBoolSolidFacesBBox)
                                                XYZ northFaceNormal = northFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (northFaceNormal.Y == -1)
                                                    northCurveLoopsRectangular = northFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the east face
                                            Solid     eastBooleanSolidBBox   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolidBBox, eastPlane);
                                            FaceArray eastBoolSolidFacesBBox = eastBooleanSolidBBox.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace eastFace in eastBoolSolidFacesBBox)
                                                XYZ eastFaceNormal = eastFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (eastFaceNormal.X == -1)
                                                    eastCurveLoopsRectangular = eastFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //Repeat for the south face
                                            Solid     southBooleanSolidBBox   = BooleanOperationsUtils.CutWithHalfSpace(roomSolidBBox, southPlane);
                                            FaceArray southBoolSolidFacesBBox = southBooleanSolidBBox.Faces;
                                            foreach (PlanarFace southFace in southBoolSolidFacesBBox)
                                                XYZ southFaceNormal = southFace.FaceNormal;
                                                if (southFaceNormal.Y == 1)
                                                    southCurveLoopsRectangular = southFace.GetEdgesAsCurveLoops();

                                            //As before, get the offset curve from the original curve, but offset by 1'
                                            CurveLoop offsetWestCurveLoopRectangular = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(westCurveLoopsRectangular[0], 1, XYZ.BasisX);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager westCropRegionShapeManager = view0.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            //As with the fitted offset curve, the offset for a curve in a plane with a negative vector must also be negative
                                            CurveLoop offsetNorthCurveLoopRectangular = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(northCurveLoopsRectangular[0], -1, XYZ.BasisY);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager northCropRegionShapeManager = view1.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            CurveLoop offsetEastCurveLoopRectangular = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(eastCurveLoopsRectangular[0], -1, XYZ.BasisX);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager eastCropRegionShapeManager = view2.GetCropRegionShapeManager();

                                            CurveLoop offsetSouthCurveLoopRectangular = CurveLoop.CreateViaOffset(southCurveLoopsRectangular[0], 1, XYZ.BasisY);
                                            ViewCropRegionShapeManager southCropRegionShapeManager = view3.GetCropRegionShapeManager();
                                        catch (Exception e)

                                    //If the user opted to override the crop boundary of the elevations, continue as follows
                                    if (uiForm.viewsCEPROverrideCheckBox.Checked == true)
                                        //Make a new OverrideGraphicsSetting to use in the boundary override
                                        OverrideGraphicSettings orgs = new OverrideGraphicSettings();
                                        //Use the solid line pattern
                                        //Set the line weight to the properties value

                                        //Grab all of the viewers, which are the viewport windows, and cycle through them
                                        var viewers = new FilteredElementCollector(uidoc.Document).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Viewers);
                                        foreach (Element viewer in viewers)
                                            //Get the parameters for the viewer
                                            ParameterSet parameters = viewer.Parameters;
                                            foreach (Parameter parameter in parameters)
                                                //Get the View Name parameter
                                                if (parameter.Definition.Name.ToString() == "View Name")
                                                    string viewName = parameter.AsString();
                                                    //If the view's view name is the same as the west elvation, continue
                                                    if (viewName == view0.Name)
                                                        //Set the view's override setting using the viewer and the OverrideGraphicsSettings
                                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.View viewtouse = view0 as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                                        viewtouse.SetElementOverrides(viewer.Id, orgs);
                                                    //Continue to evaluate for the other view names
                                                    else if (viewName == view1.Name)
                                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.View viewtouse = view1 as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                                        viewtouse.SetElementOverrides(viewer.Id, orgs);
                                                    else if (viewName == view2.Name)
                                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.View viewtouse = view2 as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                                        viewtouse.SetElementOverrides(viewer.Id, orgs);
                                                    else if (viewName == view3.Name)
                                                        Autodesk.Revit.DB.View viewtouse = view3 as Autodesk.Revit.DB.View;
                                                        viewtouse.SetElementOverrides(viewer.Id, orgs);
                                                        //If the view's name is not one of the create elevation views, skip it
                            catch (Exception e)
                        //If the user did not select any room tags or room elements, then report that
                        MessageBox.Show("No rooms were selected");
            else if (uidoc.ActiveView.GetType().ToString() != "Autodesk.Revit.DB.ViewPlan")
                //If the user tried to run this outside a plan view, report it
                MessageBox.Show("Please run from a plan view");
                //If the user did not select an elevation type, report it
                MessageBox.Show("No elevation type selected");