Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public void ClearBuffers(WaveOverlayData data)
     RTUtility.ClearColor(data.height, m_clearColor);
     RTUtility.ClearColor(data.normal, m_clearColor);
     RTUtility.ClearColor(data.foam, m_clearColor);
     RTUtility.ClearColor(data.clip, m_clearColor);
Beispiel #2
        public void ClearAll()

Beispiel #3
    private void Awake()

        HeightTexture = RTExtensions.CreateRTexture(QuadSettings.VerticesPerSideFull, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
        NormalTexture = RTExtensions.CreateRTexture(QuadSettings.VerticesPerSideFull, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);

        RTUtility.ClearColor(new RenderTexture[] { HeightTexture, NormalTexture });
Beispiel #4
    protected override void InitNode()

        HeightTexture = RTExtensions.CreateRTexture(QuadSettings.VerticesPerSideFull, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);
        NormalTexture = RTExtensions.CreateRTexture(QuadSettings.VerticesPerSideFull, 0, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32);

        RTUtility.ClearColor(new RenderTexture[] { HeightTexture, NormalTexture });


Beispiel #5
    void Start()
        // Here we can get away with a lower resolution for the render texture as it doesn't need the full float
        flowMap  = RTUtility.CreateRenderTextures(TEX_SIZE, RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf);
        waterMap = RTUtility.CreateRenderTextures(TEX_SIZE, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat);

        terrainMap = new RenderTexture(TEX_SIZE, TEX_SIZE, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat)
            wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp,
            filterMode = FilterMode.Point


        // Clear all the render textures and generate the heightmap

        terrainMap = HeightmapGenerator.GenerateHeightMap(terrainMap, TERRAIN_HEIGHT, 8, 0.3f, 3f);
Beispiel #6
        private IEnumerator CalculateViewsRoutine(Action <List <string>, Dictionary <int, Texture2D> > callback)
            yield return(Yielders.EndOfFrame); // Finish previous frame...

            List <string> viewsLines = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <int, Texture2D> viewsBilboards = new Dictionary <int, Texture2D>();

            int total   = 2 * (N_VIEWS * N_VIEWS + N_VIEWS) + 1;
            int current = 0;

            double zmax = Math.Abs(Z);
            double zmin = -Math.Abs(Z);

            for (int i = -N_VIEWS; i <= N_VIEWS; i++)
                for (int j = -N_VIEWS + Math.Abs(i); j <= N_VIEWS - Math.Abs(i); ++j)
                    double x     = (i + j) / (double)N_VIEWS;
                    double y     = (j - i) / (double)N_VIEWS;
                    double angle = 90.0 - Math.Max(Math.Abs(x), Math.Abs(y)) * 90.0;
                    double alpha = x.EpsilonEquals(0.0, 0.00000001) && y.EpsilonEquals(0.0, 0.00000001) ? 0.0f : Math.Atan2(y, x) / Math.PI * 180.0;

                    Matrix4x4d cameraToWorld = Matrix4x4d.RotateX(90) * Matrix4x4d.RotateX(angle);
                    Matrix4x4d worldToCamera = cameraToWorld.Inverse();

                    Box3d b = new Box3d();
                    b = b.Enlarge((worldToCamera * new Vector4d(-1.0, -1.0, zmin, 1.0)).xyz);
                    b = b.Enlarge((worldToCamera * new Vector4d(+1.0, -1.0, zmin, 1.0)).xyz);
                    b = b.Enlarge((worldToCamera * new Vector4d(-1.0, +1.0, zmin, 1.0)).xyz);
                    b = b.Enlarge((worldToCamera * new Vector4d(+1.0, +1.0, zmin, 1.0)).xyz);
                    b = b.Enlarge((worldToCamera * new Vector4d(-1.0, -1.0, zmax, 1.0)).xyz);
                    b = b.Enlarge((worldToCamera * new Vector4d(+1.0, -1.0, zmax, 1.0)).xyz);
                    b = b.Enlarge((worldToCamera * new Vector4d(-1.0, +1.0, zmax, 1.0)).xyz);
                    b = b.Enlarge((worldToCamera * new Vector4d(+1.0, +1.0, zmax, 1.0)).xyz);

                    Matrix4x4d c2s = Matrix4x4d.Ortho(b.Max.x, b.Min.x, b.Max.y, b.Min.y, -2.0 * b.Max.z, -2.0 * b.Min.z + S);
                    Matrix4x4d w2s = c2s * worldToCamera * Matrix4x4d.RotateZ(-90 - alpha);

                    Vector3d dir = ((Matrix4x4d.RotateZ(90 + alpha) * cameraToWorld) * new Vector4d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)).xyz;

                    ViewMaterial.SetTexture("colorSampler", TreeSampler);
                    ViewMaterial.SetVector("dir", dir.ToVector3());
                    ViewMaterial.SetMatrix("worldToScreen", w2s.ToMatrix4x4());

                    Camera.main.projectionMatrix = w2s.ToMatrix4x4();

                    Graphics.DrawMeshNow(PreProcessMesh, Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.identity,;

                    Graphics.DrawMeshNow(PreProcessMesh, Matrix4x4.TRS(, Quaternion.identity,;

                    yield return(Yielders.EndOfFrame); // Finish this frame...

                    var texture = new Texture2D(GRIDRES_VIEWS, GRIDRES_VIEWS, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false, true);

                    texture.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, GRIDRES_VIEWS, GRIDRES_VIEWS), 0, 0, false);

                    viewsBilboards.Add(current, texture);

                    var view = i * (1 - Math.Abs(i)) + j + 2 * N_VIEWS * i + N_VIEWS * (N_VIEWS + 1);



                    Debug.Log(string.Format("Precomputing Views Step {0} of {1} : View {2}", current, total, view));

                    viewsLines.Add(string.Format("{0}f,{1}f,{2}f,{3}f,{4}f,{5}f,{6}f,{7}f,{8}f,", (float)w2s.m[0, 0], (float)w2s.m[0, 1], (float)w2s.m[0, 2],
                                                 (float)w2s.m[1, 0], (float)w2s.m[1, 1], (float)w2s.m[1, 2],
                                                 (float)w2s.m[2, 0], (float)w2s.m[2, 1], (float)w2s.m[2, 2]));

            if (callback != null)
                callback(viewsLines, viewsBilboards);
Beispiel #7
 public override void Clear()
        /// <summary>
        /// This function creates the elevations data and is called by the CreateTileTask when the task is run by the schedular
        /// The functions needs the tiles parent data to have already been created. If it has not the program will abort.
        /// </summary>
        public override void DoCreateTile(int level, int tx, int ty, List <Slot> slot)
            GPUSlot gpuSlot = slot[0] as GPUSlot;

            int tileWidth = gpuSlot.Owner.TileSize;
            int b         = Border * 2 + 1;
            int tileSize  = tileWidth - b;

            GPUSlot parentGpuSlot = null;
            Tile    parentTile    = null;

            if (level > 0)
                parentTile = FindTile(level - 1, tx / 2, ty / 2, false, true);

                if (parentTile != null)
                    parentGpuSlot = parentTile.GetSlot(0) as GPUSlot;
                    throw new MissingTileException("Find parent tile failed");

            float rootQuadSize = (float)TerrainNode.Root.Length;

            Vector4 tileWSD = new Vector4();

            tileWSD.x = tileWidth;
            tileWSD.y = rootQuadSize / (1 << level) / tileSize;
            tileWSD.z = (tileWidth - b) / (World.GridResolution - 1.0f);
            tileWSD.w = 0.0f;

            m_upsampleMat.SetVector(m_uniforms.tileWSD, tileWSD);

            if (level > 0)
                RenderTexture tex = parentGpuSlot.Texture;

                m_upsampleMat.SetTexture(m_uniforms.coarseLevelSampler, tex);

                float dx = (tx % 2) * (tileSize / 2);
                float dy = (ty % 2) * (tileSize / 2);

                Vector4 coarseLevelOSL = new Vector4(dx / tex.width, dy / tex.height, 1.0f / tex.width, 0.0f);

                m_upsampleMat.SetVector(m_uniforms.coarseLevelOSL, coarseLevelOSL);
                m_upsampleMat.SetVector(m_uniforms.coarseLevelOSL, new Vector4(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f));

            if (m_residualProducer != null && m_residualProducer.HasTile(level, tx, ty))
                Tile            residualTile = m_residualProducer.FindTile(level, tx, ty, false, true);
                CPUSlot <float> residualSlot = null;

                if (residualTile != null)
                    residualSlot = residualTile.GetSlot(0) as CPUSlot <float>;
                    throw new MissingTileException("Find residual tile failed");

                //Must clear residual tex before use or terrain will have artifacts at the seams. Not sure why.
                RTUtility.ClearColor(m_residualTex, Color.clear);

                CBUtility.WriteIntoRenderTexture(m_residualTex, 1, m_residualBuffer, World.WriteData);

                m_upsampleMat.SetTexture(m_uniforms.residualSampler, m_residualTex);
                m_upsampleMat.SetVector(m_uniforms.residualOSH, new Vector4(0.25f / tileWidth, 0.25f / tileWidth, 2.0f / tileWidth, 1.0f));
                m_upsampleMat.SetTexture(m_uniforms.residualSampler, null);
                m_upsampleMat.SetVector(m_uniforms.residualOSH, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

            float rs = level < m_noiseAmp.Length ? m_noiseAmp[level] : 0.0f;

            int noiseL = 0;
            int face   = TerrainNode.Face;

            if (rs != 0.0f)
                if (face == 1)
                    int offset  = 1 << level;
                    int bottomB = m_noise.Noise2D(tx + 0.5f, ty + offset) > 0.0f ? 1 : 0;
                    int rightB  = (tx == offset - 1 ? m_noise.Noise2D(ty + offset + 0.5f, offset) : m_noise.Noise2D(tx + 1.0f, ty + offset + 0.5f)) > 0.0f ? 2 : 0;
                    int topB    = (ty == offset - 1 ? m_noise.Noise2D((3.0f * offset - 1.0f - tx) + 0.5f, offset) : m_noise.Noise2D(tx + 0.5f, ty + offset + 1.0f)) > 0.0f ? 4 : 0;
                    int leftB   = (tx == 0 ? m_noise.Noise2D((4.0f * offset - 1.0f - ty) + 0.5f, offset) : m_noise.Noise2D(tx, ty + offset + 0.5f)) > 0.0f ? 8 : 0;
                    noiseL = bottomB + rightB + topB + leftB;
                else if (face == 6)
                    int offset  = 1 << level;
                    int bottomB = (ty == 0 ? m_noise.Noise2D((3.0f * offset - 1.0f - tx) + 0.5f, 0) : m_noise.Noise2D(tx + 0.5f, ty - offset)) > 0.0f ? 1 : 0;
                    int rightB  = (tx == offset - 1.0f ? m_noise.Noise2D((2.0f * offset - 1.0f - ty) + 0.5f, 0) : m_noise.Noise2D(tx + 1.0f, ty - offset + 0.5f)) > 0.0f ? 2 : 0;
                    int topB    = m_noise.Noise2D(tx + 0.5f, ty - offset + 1.0f) > 0.0f ? 4 : 0;
                    int leftB   = (tx == 0 ? m_noise.Noise2D(3.0f * offset + ty + 0.5f, 0) : m_noise.Noise2D(tx, ty - offset + 0.5f)) > 0.0f ? 8 : 0;
                    noiseL = bottomB + rightB + topB + leftB;
                    int offset  = (1 << level) * (face - 2);
                    int bottomB = m_noise.Noise2D(tx + offset + 0.5f, ty) > 0.0f ? 1 : 0;
                    int rightB  = m_noise.Noise2D((tx + offset + 1) % (4 << level), ty + 0.5f) > 0.0f ? 2 : 0;
                    int topB    = m_noise.Noise2D(tx + offset + 0.5f, ty + 1.0f) > 0.0f ? 4 : 0;
                    int leftB   = m_noise.Noise2D(tx + offset, ty + 0.5f) > 0.0f ? 8 : 0;
                    noiseL = bottomB + rightB + topB + leftB;

            int[] noiseRs = new int[] { 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 0 };
            int   noiseR  = noiseRs[noiseL];

            int[] noiseLs = new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 4, 4, 5 };
            noiseL = noiseLs[noiseL];

            m_upsampleMat.SetTexture(m_uniforms.noiseSampler, m_noiseTextures[noiseL]);
            m_upsampleMat.SetVector(m_uniforms.noiseUVLH, new Vector4(noiseR, (noiseR + 1) % 4, 0, rs));

            Graphics.Blit(null, gpuSlot.Texture, m_upsampleMat);

            base.DoCreateTile(level, tx, ty, slot);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// This function creates the elevations data and is called by the <see cref="Tile.Tasks.CreateTileTask"/> when the task is run by the <see cref="Utilities.Schedular"/>.
        /// The functions needs the tiles parent data to have already been created. If it has not the program will abort.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="level"></param>
        /// <param name="tx"></param>
        /// <param name="ty"></param>
        /// <param name="slot"></param>
        public override void DoCreateTile(int level, int tx, int ty, List <TileStorage.Slot> slot)
            var gpuSlot = slot[0] as GPUTileStorage.GPUSlot;

            if (gpuSlot == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("gpuSlot");

            var tileWidth = gpuSlot.Owner.TileSize;
            var tileSize  = tileWidth - (1 + GetBorder() * 2);

            GPUTileStorage.GPUSlot parentGpuSlot = null;

            var upsample   = level > 0;
            var parentTile = FindTile(level - 1, tx / 2, ty / 2, false, true);

            // TODO : Make it classwide...
            var residualTileSize = GetTileSize(0);
            var residualTexture  = RTExtensions.CreateRTexture(residualTileSize, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat, FilterMode.Point, TextureWrapMode.Clamp);
            var residualBuffer   = new ComputeBuffer(residualTileSize * residualTileSize, sizeof(float));

            if (ResidualProducer != null)
                if (ResidualProducer.HasTile(level, tx, ty))
                    if (ResidualProducer.IsGPUProducer)
                        GPUTileStorage.GPUSlot residualGpuSlot = null;

                        var residualTile = ResidualProducer.FindTile(level, tx, ty, false, true);

                        if (residualTile != null)
                            residualGpuSlot = residualTile.GetSlot(0) as GPUTileStorage.GPUSlot;
                            throw new MissingTileException("Find residual tile failed");

                        if (residualGpuSlot == null)
                            throw new MissingTileException("Find parent tile failed");

                        UpSampleMaterial.SetTexture("_ResidualSampler", residualGpuSlot.Texture);
                        UpSampleMaterial.SetVector("_ResidualOSH", new Vector4(0.25f / (float)tileWidth, 0.25f / (float)tileWidth, 2.0f / (float)tileWidth, 1.0f));
                        CPUTileStorage.CPUSlot <float> residualCPUSlot = null;

                        var residualTile = ResidualProducer.FindTile(level, tx, ty, false, true);

                        if (residualTile != null)
                            residualCPUSlot = residualTile.GetSlot(0) as CPUTileStorage.CPUSlot <float>;
                            throw new MissingTileException("Find residual tile failed");

                        if (residualCPUSlot == null)
                            throw new MissingTileException("Find parent tile failed");


                        CBUtility.WriteIntoRenderTexture(residualTexture, CBUtility.Channels.R, residualBuffer, GodManager.Instance.WriteData);
                        //RTUtility.SaveAs8bit(residualTileSize, residualTileSize, CBUtility.Channels.R, string.Format("Residual_{0}_{1}-{2}-{3}",, level, tx, ty), "/Resources/Preprocess/Textures/Debug/", residualCPUSlot.Data);

                        UpSampleMaterial.SetTexture("_ResidualSampler", residualTexture);
                        UpSampleMaterial.SetVector("_ResidualOSH", new Vector4(0.25f / (float)tileWidth, 0.25f / (float)tileWidth, 2.0f / (float)tileWidth, 1.0f));
                    UpSampleMaterial.SetTexture("_ResidualSampler", null);
                    UpSampleMaterial.SetVector("_ResidualOSH", new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
                UpSampleMaterial.SetTexture("_ResidualSampler", null);
                UpSampleMaterial.SetVector("_ResidualOSH", new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));

            if (upsample)
                if (parentTile != null)
                    parentGpuSlot = parentTile.GetSlot(0) as GPUTileStorage.GPUSlot;
                    throw new MissingTileException(string.Format("Find parent tile failed! {0}:{1}-{2}", level - 1, tx / 2, ty / 2));

            if (parentGpuSlot == null && upsample)
                throw new NullReferenceException("parentGpuSlot");

            var rootQuadSize = TerrainNode.TerrainQuadRoot.Length;

            var tileWSD =;

            tileWSD.x = (float)tileWidth;
            tileWSD.y = (float)rootQuadSize / (float)(1 << level) / (float)tileSize;
            tileWSD.z = (float)tileSize / (float)(TerrainNode.ParentBody.GridResolution - 1);
            tileWSD.w = 0.0f;

            var tileScreenSize = (0.5 + (float)GetBorder()) / (tileWSD.x - 1 - (float)GetBorder() * 2);
            var tileSD         = new Vector2d(tileScreenSize, 1.0 + tileScreenSize * 2.0);

            UpSampleMaterial.SetVector("_TileWSD", tileWSD);
            UpSampleMaterial.SetVector("_TileSD", tileSD.ToVector2());

            if (upsample)
                var parentTexture = parentGpuSlot.Texture;

                var dx = (float)(tx % 2) * (float)(tileSize / 2.0f);
                var dy = (float)(ty % 2) * (float)(tileSize / 2.0f);

                var coarseLevelOSL = new Vector4(dx / (float)parentTexture.width, dy / (float)parentTexture.height, 1.0f / (float)parentTexture.width, 0.0f);

                UpSampleMaterial.SetTexture("_CoarseLevelSampler", parentTexture);
                UpSampleMaterial.SetVector("_CoarseLevelOSL", coarseLevelOSL);
                UpSampleMaterial.SetTexture("_CoarseLevelSampler", null);
                UpSampleMaterial.SetVector("_CoarseLevelOSL", new Vector4(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f));

            var rs = level < NoiseAmplitudes.Length ? NoiseAmplitudes[level] : 0.0f;

            var offset = new Vector4d(((double)tx / (1 << level) - 0.5) * rootQuadSize,
                                      ((double)ty / (1 << level) - 0.5) * rootQuadSize,
                                      rootQuadSize / (1 << level),

            UpSampleMaterial.SetFloat("_Amplitude", rs / (TerrainNode.ParentBody.Amplitude / 10.0f));
            UpSampleMaterial.SetFloat("_Frequency", TerrainNode.ParentBody.Frequency * (1 << level));
            UpSampleMaterial.SetVector("_Offset", offset.ToVector4());
            UpSampleMaterial.SetMatrix("_LocalToWorld", TerrainNode.FaceToLocal.ToMatrix4x4());

            if (TerrainNode.ParentBody.TCCPS != null)

            Graphics.Blit(null, gpuSlot.Texture, UpSampleMaterial);


            base.DoCreateTile(level, tx, ty, slot);
Beispiel #10
    void InitMaps()

        RenderTexture[] noiseTex = new RenderTexture[2];

        noiseTex[0]            = new RenderTexture(TEX_SIZE, TEX_SIZE, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat);
        noiseTex[0].wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
        noiseTex[0].filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;

        noiseTex[1]            = new RenderTexture(TEX_SIZE, TEX_SIZE, 0, RenderTextureFormat.RFloat);
        noiseTex[1].wrapMode   = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
        noiseTex[1].filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;

        m_noiseMat.SetTexture("_PermTable1D", m_perlin.GetPermutationTable1D());
        m_noiseMat.SetTexture("_Gradient2D", m_perlin.GetGradient2D());

        for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++)
            m_noiseMat.SetFloat("_Offset", m_offset[j]);

            float amp  = 0.5f;
            float freq = m_frequency[j];

            //Must clear noise from last pass

            //write noise into texture with the settings for this layer
            for (int i = 0; i < m_octaves[j]; i++)
                m_noiseMat.SetFloat("_Frequency", freq);
                m_noiseMat.SetFloat("_Amp", amp);
                m_noiseMat.SetFloat("_Pass", (float)i);

                Graphics.Blit(noiseTex[READ], noiseTex[WRITE], m_noiseMat, (int)m_layerStyle[j]);

                freq *= m_lacunarity[j];
                amp  *= m_gain[j];

            float useAbs = 0.0f;
            if (m_finalNosieIsAbs[j])
                useAbs = 1.0f;

            //Mask the layers that we dont want to write into
            Vector4 mask = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            mask[j] = 1.0f;

            m_initTerrainMat.SetFloat("_Amp", m_amp[j]);
            m_initTerrainMat.SetFloat("_UseAbs", useAbs);
            m_initTerrainMat.SetVector("_Mask", mask);
            m_initTerrainMat.SetTexture("_NoiseTex", noiseTex[READ]);
            m_initTerrainMat.SetFloat("_Height", TERRAIN_HEIGHT);

            //Apply the noise for this layer to the terrain field
            Graphics.Blit(m_terrainField[READ], m_terrainField[WRITE], m_initTerrainMat);

        //dont need this tex anymore
        noiseTex[0] = null;
        noiseTex[1] = null;

        /*Texture2D myTexture2D = new Texture2D(1024,1024,TextureFormat.RGBAFloat,false);
         * string path = "Assets\\Textures\\terrain.raw";
         * myTexture2D.LoadRawTextureData(File.ReadAllBytes(path));
         * myTexture2D.Apply();
         * m_gridLand[0].AddComponent<GUITexture>();
         * m_gridLand[0].GetComponent<GUITexture>().texture = myTexture2D;
         * Graphics.Blit(myTexture2D, m_terrainField[READ]);*/