Beispiel #1
        public IAsyncResult BeginSendPageAdd(Page page, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            if (disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("RTDocumentHelper has been disposed");

            RTPageAdd pa = new RTPageAdd(page);


            return(capability.BeginSendObjectBackground(pa, callback, state));
Beispiel #2
        public void SendPageAdd(Page page)
            if (disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("RTDocumentHelper has been disposed");

            RTPageAdd pa = new RTPageAdd(page);


Beispiel #3
        public void ReceiveRTPageAdd(RTPageAdd rtpa, Guid docId)
            if (!decksStored.ContainsKey(docId))
                ArrayList titles = new ArrayList();
                decksStored.Add(docId, titles);

            if (!deckTitles.ContainsKey(docId))
                deckTitles.Add(docId, "RTDocument Deck");
Beispiel #4
        //Pri2: This does not follow pattern because it doesn't return IAsyncResult -- needed to get the TOCNode out ASAP due to UI logic
        public TOCNode BeginSendPageInsert(Page page, string title, int index, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            if (disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("RTDocumentHelper has been disposed");

            RTPageAdd pa = new RTPageAdd(page);

            pa.TOCNode.Title             = title;
            pa.PreviousSiblingIdentifier = rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents[index].Identifier;

            AddTOCNodeToRTDocument(index, pa.TOCNode);

            capability.BeginSendObjectBackground(pa, callback, state);

Beispiel #5
        public TOCNode SendPageInsert(Page page, string title, int index)
            if (disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("RTDocumentHelper has been disposed");

            //Pri2: There is a lot of code duplication with BeginSendPageInsert, we might want
            //to add a commun method for SendPageInsert and BeginSendPageInsert
            RTPageAdd pa = new RTPageAdd(page);

            pa.TOCNode.Title             = title;
            pa.PreviousSiblingIdentifier = rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents[index].Identifier;

            AddTOCNodeToRTDocument(index, pa.TOCNode);


Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the reception of a RTPageAdd object. The
        /// RTPageAdd allows to dynamically add pages on a document
        /// on client(s).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pa">Page to add</param>
        private void RTPageAddReceived(RTPageAdd pa)
            // Add to stroke hash
            strokesPerPage.Add(pa.Page.Identifier, new ArrayList());

            Guid prevPageID = Guid.Empty;

            // Add TOCNode to rtDoc
            if (pa.PreviousSiblingIdentifier != Guid.Empty)
                TOCNode prevSib      = rtDoc.Organization.TableOfContents[pa.PreviousSiblingIdentifier];
                int     prevSibIndex = rtDoc.Organization.TableOfContents.IndexOf(prevSib);

                if (prevSib == null)
                    // If we can't find the page, just use the last one
                    prevSibIndex = rtDoc.Organization.TableOfContents.Count - 1;
                    if (prevSibIndex != -1)
                        prevSib = rtDoc.Organization.TableOfContents[prevSibIndex];

                rtDoc.Organization.TableOfContents.Insert(prevSibIndex + 1, pa.TOCNode);
                prevPageID = (prevSib == null) ? Guid.Empty : prevSib.ResourceIdentifier;

            // Add page to rtDoc
            pa.TOCNode.Resource           = pa.Page;
            pa.TOCNode.ResourceIdentifier = pa.Page.Identifier;
            rtDoc.Resources.Pages.Add(pa.Page.Identifier, pa.Page);

            // Insert Page in ON
            this.InsertPageInON(pa.Page, pa.TOCNode.Title, prevPageID);
        public TOCNode SendPageInsert ( Page page, string title, int index ) 
            if (disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(Strings.RTDocumentHelperHasBeenDisposed);

            //Pri2: There is a lot of code duplication with BeginSendPageInsert, we might want
            //to add a commun method for SendPageInsert and BeginSendPageInsert
            RTPageAdd pa = new RTPageAdd( page );
            pa.TOCNode.Title = title;
            pa.PreviousSiblingIdentifier = rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents[index].Identifier;

            AddTOCNodeToRTDocument( index, pa.TOCNode );
            AddPageToRTDocument( pa.Page );


            return pa.TOCNode;
        //Pri2: This does not follow pattern because it doesn't return IAsyncResult -- needed to get the TOCNode out ASAP due to UI logic
        public TOCNode BeginSendPageInsert ( Page page, string title, int index, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) 
            if (disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(Strings.RTDocumentHelperHasBeenDisposed);

            RTPageAdd pa = new RTPageAdd( page );
            pa.TOCNode.Title = title;
            pa.PreviousSiblingIdentifier = rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents[index].Identifier;

            AddTOCNodeToRTDocument( index, pa.TOCNode );
            AddPageToRTDocument( pa.Page );

            capability.BeginSendObjectBackground(pa, callback, state);

            return pa.TOCNode;
        public IAsyncResult BeginSendPageAdd ( Page page, AsyncCallback callback, object state )
            if (disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(Strings.RTDocumentHelperHasBeenDisposed);

            RTPageAdd pa = new RTPageAdd( page );

            AddTOCNodeToRTDocument( pa.TOCNode );
            AddPageToRTDocument( pa.Page );

            return capability.BeginSendObjectBackground(pa, callback, state);
        public void SendPageAdd ( Page page )
            if (disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException(Strings.RTDocumentHelperHasBeenDisposed);

            RTPageAdd pa = new RTPageAdd( page );

            AddTOCNodeToRTDocument( pa.TOCNode );
            AddPageToRTDocument( pa.Page );

Beispiel #11
 public static bool AddRTPageAddToRTDocument(RTDocument rtDocument, RTPageAdd rtpa)
     return(AddPageToRTDocument(rtDocument, rtpa.Page));
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle frames from a native RTDocument generator such as the CXP presentation tool
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rtobj"></param>
        private void acceptRTDocFrame(object rtobj)
            ///Notes about RTDocuments:
            /// RTDocuments have Resources and Organizations.  Resources contain Pages/Images etc while Organizations
            /// contain the TOC/titles, etc. The TOC Nodes contain references to the resources and resource IDs.
            /// The navigation message RTNodeChanged just tells us the organization node ID, while
            /// Page and ink messages only contain the Resource ID.  RTDocument messages contain the TOC which maps pages and org nodes.
            /// PageAdds will not have an existing TocNode in the RTDocument map, but they carry their own TocNode property.
            /// For this application, we only care about having one unique page identifier.  We take the strategy of storing
            /// SlideImages under the resource Identifier, and maintaining a lookup table of Organization identifier to
            /// resource identifier.  We use this table to resolve Organization identifiers when navigation messages are received.

            if (rtobj is RTDocument)
                RTDocument rtd = (RTDocument)rtobj;
                //Keep the mapping of TocNode.Identifier to TocNode.ResourceIdentifier
                foreach (TOCNode tn in rtd.Organization.TableOfContents)
                    if (!orgToResource.ContainsKey(tn.Identifier))
                        orgToResource.Add(tn.Identifier, tn.ResourceIdentifier);
                        orgToResource[tn.Identifier] = tn.ResourceIdentifier;

                //There is an implicit navigation to the first slide here.
            else if (rtobj is Page)
                //These are slide deck pages
                //p.Identifier is a Resource Identifier.  Store the image under that Identifier.
                Page p = (Page)rtobj;
                if (!slideImages.ContainsKey(p.Identifier.ToString()))
                    slideImages.Add(p.Identifier.ToString(), new SlideImage());
                ((SlideImage)slideImages[p.Identifier.ToString()]).SetImage(p.Image, false);
            else if (rtobj is RTPageAdd)
                //These are dynamically added pages such as WB and screenshots
                RTPageAdd rtpa = (RTPageAdd)rtobj;
                //RTPageAdd comes with a TocNode.  Store the mapping of resource ID to TocNode.Identifier
                if (!orgToResource.ContainsKey(rtpa.TOCNode.Identifier))
                    orgToResource.Add(rtpa.TOCNode.Identifier, rtpa.Page.Identifier);
                    orgToResource[rtpa.TOCNode.Identifier] = rtpa.Page.Identifier;

                //Store the page Image under the resource ID.
                if (!slideImages.ContainsKey(rtpa.Page.Identifier.ToString()))
                    slideImages.Add(rtpa.Page.Identifier.ToString(), new SlideImage());
                ((SlideImage)slideImages[rtpa.Page.Identifier.ToString()]).SetImage(rtpa.Page.Image, false);
            else if (rtobj is RTNodeChanged)
                RTNodeChanged rtnc = (RTNodeChanged)rtobj;
                //Look up the resource ID and update curent page.
                if (orgToResource.ContainsKey(rtnc.OrganizationNodeIdentifier))
                    //Indicate slide missing by setting currentSlide reference to Guid.Empty
            else if (rtobj is RTStroke)
                RTStroke rts = (RTStroke)rtobj;
                //apply the ink to the given Page Identifier.  Create a new SlideImage if necessary.
                if (!slideImages.ContainsKey(rts.PageIdentifier.ToString()))
                    slideImages.Add(rts.PageIdentifier.ToString(), new SlideImage());
                Microsoft.Ink.Ink ink = rts.Stroke.Ink.Clone();
                for (int i = 0; i < ink.Strokes.Count; i++)
                    ink.Strokes[i].Scale(500f / 960f, 500f / 720f);

                ((SlideImage)slideImages[rts.PageIdentifier.ToString()]).AddInk(ink, rts.StrokeIdentifier);

                //There appears to be an implicit navigation here.
            else if (rtobj is RTStrokeRemove)
                RTStrokeRemove rtsr = (RTStrokeRemove)rtobj;
                //Use the PageIdentifer to identify the page from which to remove the stroke.
                if (slideImages.ContainsKey(rtsr.PageIdentifier.ToString()))
            else if (rtobj is RTFrame)
                RTFrame rtf = (RTFrame)rtobj;
                if (rtf.ObjectTypeIdentifier == Constants.RTDocEraseAllGuid)
                    //Erase all ink on the current slide.
                    if ((currentSlide.IsSet) && (slideImages.ContainsKey(currentSlide.GetStringHashCode())))
                    Debug.WriteLine("Unhandled RTFrame type.");
                Debug.WriteLine("Unhandled RT obj:" + rtobj.ToString());