Beispiel #1
    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        ImageMsg image = (ImageMsg)msg;

        byte[]    color_data = image.GetImage();
        int       height     = (int)image.GetHeight();
        int       width      = (int)image.GetWidth();
        int       step       = (int)image.GetRowStep();
        Texture2D tex        = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);

        Color[] colors = new Color[width * height];
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                byte  B = color_data[j * step + i * 3];
                byte  G = color_data[j * step + i * 3 + 1];
                byte  R = color_data[j * step + i * 3 + 2];
                Color c = new Color((float)R / 255.0f, (float)G / 255.0f, (float)B / 255.0f);
                colors[j * width + i] = c;
                //tex.SetPixel(i, height - j, c);
        GameObject cam_image = GameObject.Find("CameraImage");

        cam_image.GetComponent <RawImage>().texture = tex;
    public static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)


        Vector3 tablePos = GameObject.FindWithTag("Table").transform.position;

        ObstacleMsg pose = (ObstacleMsg)msg;

        Debug.Log("obstacle callback");
        if (!ids.Contains( && != 0)


            GameObject world = GameObject.FindWithTag("World");

            GameObject torus = (GameObject)world.GetComponent <WorldScript>().torus;

            GameObject newTorus = Object.Instantiate(torus);

            // = + "";

            newTorus.transform.parent = world.transform;

            newTorus.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-pose._x, pose._z + tablePos.z + 0.148f, -pose._y);

            newTorus.transform.localScale = new Vector3(pose.scale_x, pose.scale_x, pose.scale_x) * 5;

    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        CompressedImageMsg imgMsg = msg as CompressedImageMsg;

Beispiel #4
    public static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        EnvironmentMsg poseMsg = (EnvironmentMsg)msg;

        if (poseMsg.id_.Contains("hoop"))
            char numID = poseMsg.id_[poseMsg.id_.Length - 1];
            //Debug.Log("Got a tf message: " + poseMsg.id_[poseMsg.id_.Length - 1]);

            GameObject currentHoop = null;

            if (!WorldProperties.hoopsDict.ContainsKey(numID))
                GameObject world = GameObject.FindWithTag("World");
                currentHoop = Object.Instantiate(world.GetComponent <WorldProperties>().torus);
                currentHoop.transform.parent     = world.transform;
                WorldProperties.hoopsDict[numID] = currentHoop;
                Debug.Log("Made hoop with id: " + numID);
                currentHoop = WorldProperties.hoopsDict[numID];

            currentHoop.transform.localPosition = WorldProperties.RosSpaceToWorldSpace(poseMsg.x_, poseMsg.y_, poseMsg.z_) +
            currentHoop.transform.localRotation = new Quaternion(poseMsg.x_rot_ + 1, poseMsg.y_rot_, poseMsg.z_rot_, poseMsg.w_rot_);
Beispiel #5
    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)

        modelController modelControllerScript;
        GameObject      mc = GameObject.Find("Motorcycle");          // get mc gameobject

        modelControllerScript = mc.GetComponent <modelController>(); // mc script

        modelControllerScript.timeSinceCB = 0f;                      // reset counter for timeout limit

        Simulink2Unity arraymsg = (Simulink2Unity)msg;

        //Debug.Log (arraymsg.ToYAMLString ());
        //Debug.Log(arraymsg.ToString ());

        //parse message and send to model script
        modelControllerScript.roll          = arraymsg._roll;
        modelControllerScript.pitch         = arraymsg._pitch;
        modelControllerScript.yaw           = arraymsg._yaw;
        modelControllerScript.steeringAngle = arraymsg._steering_angle;
        modelControllerScript.rpm           = arraymsg._rpm;
        modelControllerScript.speed         = arraymsg._speed;
        modelControllerScript.brake_front   = arraymsg._brake_front;
        modelControllerScript.throttle      = arraymsg._throttle;
        modelControllerScript.clutch_switch = arraymsg._clutch_switch;
        modelControllerScript.gear          = arraymsg._gear;
        modelControllerScript.emergencyStop = arraymsg._emergencyStop;
        modelControllerScript.rigPositionX  = arraymsg._rigPositionX;
        //Debug.Log (arraymsg);
             * Add a subscriber callback to this connection. There can be many subscribers.
            public void AddSubscriber(Type subscriber, int throttle_rate = 0)

                if (throttle_rate == 0)
                    if (_connected)
                        _ws.Send(ROSBridgeMsg.Subscribe(GetMessageTopic(subscriber), GetMessageType(subscriber)));
                    if (_connected)
                        _ws.Send(ROSBridgeMsg.Subscribe(GetMessageTopic(subscriber), GetMessageType(subscriber), throttle_rate));
                        Debug.LogWarning("Throttle_rate requires to be connected.");
            private void Run()
                _ws            = new WebSocket(_host + ":" + _port);
                _ws.OnMessage += (sender, e) => this.OnMessage(e.Data);

                foreach (Type p in _subscribers)
                    _ws.Send(ROSBridgeMsg.Subscribe(GetMessageTopic(p), GetMessageType(p)));
                    if (_debug)
                        Debug.Log("Sending " + ROSBridgeMsg.Subscribe(GetMessageTopic(p), GetMessageType(p)));
                foreach (Type p in _publishers)
                    _ws.Send(ROSBridgeMsg.Advertise(GetMessageTopic(p), GetMessageType(p)));
                    if (_debug)
                        Debug.Log("Sending " + ROSBridgeMsg.Advertise(GetMessageTopic(p), GetMessageType(p)));
                while (true)
Beispiel #8
 // This function should fire on each ros message
 public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
     // Update ball position, or whatever
     //ball.x = msg.x; // Check msg definition in rosbridgelib
     //ball.y = msg.y;
     //ball.z = msg.z;
Beispiel #9
    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        GameObject model = GameObject.Find("Model");
        GameObject robot = GameObject.Find("Robot");
        Robot      r     = (Robot)model.GetComponent(typeof(Robot));

        if (model == null)
            Debug.Log("<color=red>ERROR:</color> Can't find GameObject Robot. Create it in Unity");
            NavStsMsg nav_sts = (NavStsMsg)msg;
            NEDMsg    p       = nav_sts.GetPosition();
            RPYMsg    o       = nav_sts.GetOrientation();
            robot.transform.position = new Vector3(-p.GetNorth(), 0, p.GetEast());

            Vector3    next_position    = new Vector3(-p.GetNorth(), -p.GetDepth(), p.GetEast());
            Quaternion next_orientation = Quaternion.Euler(o.GetRollDegrees() + 90f, o.GetYawDegrees(), o.GetPitchDegrees());
            r.AddWaypoint(next_position, next_orientation);

            //model.transform.position = new Vector3(-p.GetNorth(), -p.GetDepth(), p.GetEast());
            //model.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(o.GetRollDegrees() + 90f, o.GetYawDegrees(), o.GetPitchDegrees());

            GameObject ned_canvas = GameObject.Find("NED");
            Text       NED_text   = ned_canvas.GetComponent <Text>();
            int        dp         = 2;
            string     format     = string.Format("#.{0} m;-#.{0} m", new string('#', dp));
            NED_text.text = p.GetNorth().ToString(format) +
                            "\n" + p.GetEast().ToString(format) +
                            "\n" + p.GetDepth().ToString(format) +
                            "\n" + nav_sts.GetAltitude().GetData().ToString(format);
Beispiel #10
 public void Publish(String topic, ROSBridgeMsg msg)
     if (!viewfinder)
         _ros.Publish(topic, msg);
Beispiel #11
    // This function should fire on each ros message
    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        ThrusterSpeedsMsg thrustVals = (ThrusterSpeedsMsg)msg;

        ForceVals = thrustVals.GetData();
Beispiel #12
    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        JSONNode json_msg = JSON.Parse(((StringMsg)msg).GetData());

        //send data from ROS to objects manager
    public static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        Vector3     tablePos = GameObject.FindWithTag("Table").transform.position;
        ObstacleMsg pose     = (ObstacleMsg)msg;

        if (!WorldProperties.obstacleids.Contains( && != 0)
            GameObject world    = GameObject.FindWithTag("World");
            GameObject torus    = (GameObject)WorldProperties.worldObject.GetComponent <WorldProperties>().torus;
            GameObject newTorus = Object.Instantiate(torus);
            // = + "";
            newTorus.transform.parent        = world.transform;
            newTorus.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-pose._x, pose._z + tablePos.z + 0.148f, -pose._y);
            newTorus.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(pose.scale_x, pose.scale_x, pose.scale_x) * 5;

 *          var radius = newTorus.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh.bounds.extents.x;
 *          Vector3 start = new Vector3(newTorus.transform.localPosition.x, newTorus.transform.localPosition.y - radius, newTorus.transform.localPosition.z);
 *          Vector3 end = new Vector3(newTorus.transform.localPosition.x, tablePos.z, newTorus.transform.localPosition.z);
 *          Vector3 offset = start - end;
 *          var scale = new Vector3(1, offset.magnitude / 2, 1);
 *          var position = start + (offset / 2);
 *          GameObject pole = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder);
 *          pole.transform.localPosition = position;
 *          pole.transform.up = offset;
 *          pole.transform.localScale = scale;*/

            //Debug.Log("making torus id: " +;
    // This function should fire on each received ros message
    public static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg1)
        Float64Msg msg = (Float64Msg)msg1;

        Debug.Log("Recieved Message : " + msg.GetData());
        // Update ball position, or whatever
        player = GameObject.Find("Player");
        rb     = player.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        if (msg.GetData() == 8)
            rb.AddForce(new Vector3(0, 0, 500));
        if (msg.GetData() == 6)
            rb.AddForce(new Vector3(500, 0, 0));
        if (msg.GetData() == 4)
            rb.AddForce(new Vector3(-500, 0, 0));
        if (msg.GetData() == 2)
            rb.AddForce(new Vector3(0, 0, -500));
        if (msg.GetData() == 5)
            rb.AddForce(new Vector3(0, 500, 0));
    //TODO: Not yet implemented
    public void ReceivedLocomotionStateUpdata(ROSBridgeMsg data)
        //TODO: Not implemented yet

        StringMsg s = (StringMsg)data;
        //_currentRobotLocomotionState = (RobotLocomotionState) Enum.Parse(typeof(RobotLocomotionState),;
    public void ReceivedOdometryUpdate(ROSBridgeMsg data)
        //In WGS84
        OdometryMsg nav = (OdometryMsg)data;

        GeoPointWGS84 geoPoint = new GeoPointWGS84
            latitude  = nav._pose._pose._position.GetY(),
            longitude = nav._pose._pose._position.GetX(),
            altitude  = nav._pose._pose._position.GetZ(),
        Quaternion orientation = new Quaternion(
            x: nav._pose._pose._orientation.GetX(),
            z: nav._pose._pose._orientation.GetY(),
            y: nav._pose._pose._orientation.GetZ(),
            w: nav._pose._pose._orientation.GetW()

        _odometryDataToConsume = new OdometryData
            Position    = geoPoint,
            Orientation = orientation
        _hasOdometryDataToConsume = true;
    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        OccupancyGridMsg   occupancy = (OccupancyGridMsg)msg;
        MapMetaDataInfoMsg meta      = occupancy.GetInfo();

        int           width = meta.GetWidth(), height = meta.GetHeight();
        float         resolution = meta.GetResolution();
        PointMsg      origin     = meta.GetOrigin().GetPosition();
        QuaternionMsg pose       = meta.GetOrigin().GetOrientation();

        Debug.Log("Width: " + width + "\nHeight: " + height + "\nResolution: " + resolution);

        RawImage  texObj = GameObject.Find(objectName).GetComponent <RawImage>();
        Texture2D tex    = texObj.texture as Texture2D;

        if (tex == null || tex.width != width || tex.height != height)
            tex            = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
            texObj.texture = tex;

        NativeArray <Color32> pixels = tex.GetRawTextureData <Color32>();

        byte[] raw = occupancy.GetData();
        for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length; i++)
            pixels[i] = new Color32((byte)(255 - raw[i]), (byte)(255 - raw[i]), (byte)(255 - raw[i]), (byte)Mathf.Min(255, 350 - raw[i]));

Beispiel #18
    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        Float32Msg speedMessage = (Float32Msg)msg;

        playerSpeed = speedMessage.GetData();

        Debug.Log("speedMessage: " + playerSpeed);
Beispiel #19
    private void ReceivedNavigationParameters(ROSBridgeMsg parameters)
        StringMsg data = (StringMsg)parameters;

        string[] split = data._data.Split(',');
        k_rho   = float.Parse(split[0]);
        k_alpha = float.Parse(split[1]);
Beispiel #20
 private void PoseMsgSubscriber_OnCallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
     pose = (PoseStampedMsg)msg;
     drone.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(pose._pose._orientation.GetX(), pose._pose._orientation.GetZ(), pose._pose._orientation.GetY(), pose._pose._orientation.GetW());
     drone.transform.position = new Vector3(pose._pose._position.GetX(), pose._pose._position.GetZ(), pose._pose._position.GetY());
     sec  = pose._header.GetTimeMsg().GetSecs();
     nsec = pose._header.GetTimeMsg().GetNsecs();
Beispiel #21
 // This function should fire on each ros message
 public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
     //Debug.Log("---recvd something");
     // Update ball position, or whatever
     action = ((Action1)msg).data;         // Check msg definition in rosbridgelib
     //Debug.Log("received - "+action);
    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        Int8Msg idMsg = (Int8Msg)msg;

        id        = idMsg.GetData();
        thrusters = GameObject.Find("Thrusters");
        thrusters.GetComponent <DataPublisher>().SendPos(id);
Beispiel #23
    // This function should fire on each ros message
    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        //Debug.Log (msg.ToYAMLString());
        ThrusterSpeedsMsg thrustVals = (ThrusterSpeedsMsg)msg;

        ForceVals = thrustVals.GetData();
        thrusters = GameObject.Find("Thrusters");
        thrusters.GetComponent <ThrusterController>().AddForces(ForceVals);
  * Add a publisher to this connection. There can be many publishers.
 public void AddPublisher(Type publisher)
     if (_connected)
         _ws.Send(ROSBridgeMsg.Advertise(GetMessageTopic(publisher), GetMessageType(publisher)));
Beispiel #25
    public void UsbCamImageRawSubscriber_OnCallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        if (frames.Count > size)

Beispiel #26
        public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
//	CamRos.CallBackFromRos(cmdvel.GetLinear().GetX(), cmdvel.GetAngular().GetZ());
            msg_flag = true;
            in_msg   = msg;
//	Application.Quit();
            Debug.Log("Message Recieved");
            // s.UpdateCmdVel(cmdvel.linear.x, cmdvel.angular.z);
Beispiel #27
    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        GeoPointMsg LocationGPS = msg as GeoPointMsg;

    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        GameObject      capsule     = GameObject.Find("Capsule");
        ThrusterMsg     t           = (ThrusterMsg)msg;
        CapsuleCollider capsuleColl = capsule.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();
        Rigidbody       rb          = capsule.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        float   radius = capsuleColl.radius;
        float   height = capsuleColl.height;
        Vector3 pos    = capsule.transform.position;

        // thruster position calculation
        p1 = new Vector3(pos.x + radius, pos.y, pos.z - height / 2);
        p2 = new Vector3(pos.x - radius, pos.y, pos.z - height / 2);
        p3 = new Vector3(pos.x + radius, pos.y, pos.z + height / 2);
        p4 = new Vector3(pos.x - radius, pos.y, pos.z + height / 2);

        if (capsule == null)
            Debug.Log("Cant Find AUV");
            float td1 = t.Gettd1() - 290;
            float td2 = t.Gettd2() - 290;
            float td3 = t.Gettd3() - 290;
            float td4 = t.Gettd4() - 290;
            float tfl = t.Gettfl() - 290;
            float tfr = t.Gettfr() - 290;
            float trl = t.Gettrl() - 290;
            float trr = t.Gettrr() - 290;

            rb = capsule.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

            // depth thruster forces
            rb.AddForceAtPosition(new Vector3(0, td1, 0), p1);
            rb.AddForceAtPosition(new Vector3(0, td2, 0), p2);
            rb.AddForceAtPosition(new Vector3(0, td3, 0), p3);
            rb.AddForceAtPosition(new Vector3(0, td4, 0), p4);

            // vector thruster forces
            rb.AddForceAtPosition(new Vector3(-tfl / 2, 0, -tfl / 2), p1);
            rb.AddForceAtPosition(new Vector3(tfr / 2, 0, -tfr / 2), p2);
            rb.AddForceAtPosition(new Vector3(trl / 2, 0, -trl / 2), p3);
            rb.AddForceAtPosition(new Vector3(-trr / 2, 0, -trr / 2), p4);

            // v1 = new Vector3();

            //   capsule.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(0,zforce,0);
Beispiel #29
 public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
     if (_i % 5 == 0)
         PointCloud2Msg cloud_msg = (PointCloud2Msg)msg;
         GameObject     robot     = GameObject.Find("Robot"); // "Robot" -->
         ArseaViewer    viewer    = (ArseaViewer)robot.GetComponent(typeof(ArseaViewer));
     _i = _i + 1;
 public void CallService(string service, string args)
     if (_ws != null)
         string s = ROSBridgeMsg.CallService(service, args);
         if (_debug)
             Debug.Log("Sending " + s);