Beispiel #1
 private void nudCutoffValue_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Cursor          = Cursors.WaitCursor;
     pbPicture.Image = RNGraphics.PreprocessScreenshot(_TestBitmap, 1, (int)(nudCutoffValue.Value));
     Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Beispiel #2
    private void setMagnifier()
        if (pb_calibratorMagnifier.Image != null)

        if (_MagnifierPosition.Width > 0 && _MagnifierPosition.Height > 0)
            pb_calibratorMagnifier.Image = RNGraphics.Crop((Bitmap)(pbPicture.Image), _MagnifierPosition);
Beispiel #3
    private void FilterTest_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Cursor            = Cursors.WaitCursor;
        this.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.None;

        nudCutoffValue.Value = CutoffLevel;

        pbPicture.Image = RNGraphics.PreprocessScreenshot(_TestBitmap, 1, (int)(nudCutoffValue.Value));

        pbPicture.Size = pbPicture.Image.Size;
        Cursor         = Cursors.Default;
Beispiel #4
        private void ProcessNewScreenshot(string screenshot)
            CurrentScreenshot         = screenshot;
            CurrentScreenshotDateTime = File.GetCreationTime(CurrentScreenshot);

            if (_bOriginal != null)
            if (_bOriginalClone != null)
            if (_bTrimmed_4_View != null)
            if (_bTrimmed_4_OCR != null)
            if (_bTrimmedHeader != null)

            // Well, we can get the bitmap without locking its file, like this... maybe it will help
            using (Stream s = File.OpenRead(CurrentScreenshot))
                _bOriginal = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(s);

            using (Stream s = File.OpenRead(CurrentScreenshot))
                _bOriginalClone = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(s);

            Bitmap _bAnotherClone = null;

            // I apologise for what comes next.
                if (_bOriginal != null)
                    _bAnotherClone = (Bitmap)(_bOriginal.Clone());
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.Log("Ignoring _bOriginal.Clone() error...\r\n" + ex);
            _calibrationPoints = _callingForm.cOcrCaptureAndCorrect.UpdateOriginalImage(_bAnotherClone);

            // get the area of the commodity data
            var trim_4_CommodityArea = new Rectangle(_calibrationPoints[2].X, _calibrationPoints[2].Y,
                                                     _calibrationPoints[10].X - _calibrationPoints[2].X,
                                                     _calibrationPoints[11].Y - _calibrationPoints[2].Y);

            // RNGraphics.Crop image to the commodity area
            _bTrimmed_4_OCR = RNGraphics.Crop(_bOriginalClone, trim_4_CommodityArea);

            // save the still colored area for viewing reasons
            _bTrimmed_4_View = (Bitmap)(_bTrimmed_4_OCR.Clone());

            // set all dark colors to black - this removes all crap
            _bTrimmed_4_OCR = RNGraphics.changeColour(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, Color.Black, Color.Black, Program.DBCon.getIniValue <Int32>(IBE.IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "GUIColorCutoffLevel"), RNGraphics.enPixelCompare.pc_RGB_all);

            // find automatically the textlines in the commodity area
            var textRowLocations = new List <Tuple <int, int> >();
            var nextLine         = 0;

            while (nextLine < _bTrimmed_4_OCR.Height - 1)
                int startLine = -1, endLine = -1;
                for (int i = nextLine; i < _bTrimmed_4_OCR.Height - 1; i++)
                    nextLine = i + 1;
                    bool hasOrangePixel;
                    using (Bitmap singlePixelRow = RNGraphics.Crop(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, new Rectangle(0, i, _bTrimmed_4_OCR.Width, 1)))
                        hasOrangePixel = RNGraphics.hasGUIColoredPixel(singlePixelRow);
                    //Debug.WriteLine(i + " of " + bTrimmed.Height + ": " + hasOrangePixel);
                    if (endLine == -1 && !hasOrangePixel)
                        startLine = i;
                    if (hasOrangePixel)
                        endLine = i + 1;
                if (startLine != -1 && endLine != -1)
                    textRowLocations.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(startLine, endLine));

            // get the area of the header
            var trim_4_Header = new Rectangle(_calibrationPoints[0].X, _calibrationPoints[0].Y,
                                              _calibrationPoints[10].X - _calibrationPoints[0].X,
                                              _calibrationPoints[1].Y - _calibrationPoints[0].Y);

            // RNGraphics.Crop image to the header area and preprocess for OCR
            _bTrimmedHeader = RNGraphics.PreprocessScreenshot(RNGraphics.Crop(_bOriginalClone, trim_4_Header), 1, Program.DBCon.getIniValue <Int32>(IBE.IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "GUIColorCutoffLevel"));

            // now process screenshot for OCR and Elitebrainerous
            _bTrimmed_4_OCR = RNGraphics.PreprocessScreenshot(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, 1, Program.DBCon.getIniValue <Int32>(IBE.IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "GUIColorCutoffLevel"));

            // show preprocessed parts on the GUI
            _callingForm.cOcrCaptureAndCorrect.UpdateTrimmedImage(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, _bTrimmedHeader);

            int min = 100, max = 0;

            if (textRowLocations.Count > 0)
                // check if the last line is complete or RNGraphics.Cropped -> if it's RNGraphics.Cropped we delete it
                var finalRowLocation = textRowLocations[textRowLocations.Count - 1];

                foreach (var x in textRowLocations)
                    if (x.Item1 != finalRowLocation.Item1)
                        if (min > x.Item2 - x.Item1)
                            min = x.Item2 - x.Item1;

                        if (max < x.Item2 - x.Item1)
                            max = x.Item2 - x.Item1;

                if (finalRowLocation.Item2 - finalRowLocation.Item1 < (min - 2))
                    textRowLocations.RemoveAt(textRowLocations.Count - 1);

            Debug.Print("process screenshot " + screenshot);
Beispiel #5
        public void PerformOcr(List <Tuple <int, int> > textRowLocations)
            int DarkPixels;
            var engine = new TesseractEngine(Program.GetDataPath(@"tessdata"), Program.DBCon.getIniValue <String>(IBE.IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "TraineddataFile"), EngineMode.Default);

            engine.DefaultPageSegMode = PageSegMode.SingleLine;

            string Stationname_OCR;
            string StationameAnalysisBase;

            // delete the old brainerous images - otherwise Brainerous will process older but not relevant images too
            if (Directory.Exists(Program.GetDataPath(@"Brainerous\images")))
                foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Program.GetDataPath(@"Brainerous\\images"), "*.*"))

            float level;
            var   text = AnalyseFrameUsingTesseract(_bTrimmedHeader, engine, out level);

            Stationname_OCR = StripPunctuationFromScannedText(text);// (text + " {" + page.GetMeanConfidence() + "}\r\n");

            string[] StationsInSystem = Program.Data.getStations(SystemAtTimeOfScreenshot);

            if (Program.actualCondition.Station.Equals("", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                StationameAnalysisBase = Stationname_OCR;
                StationameAnalysisBase = Program.actualCondition.Station;

            string headerResult_temp = StationsInSystem.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Equals(StationameAnalysisBase, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            if (headerResult_temp == null)
                // station not found in database
                var matchesInStationReferenceList = StationsInSystem.OrderBy(x => _levenshtein.LD2(Stationname_OCR, x)).ToList();

                if (matchesInStationReferenceList.Count > 0)
                    var ld = _levenshtein.LD2(Stationname_OCR, matchesInStationReferenceList[0].ToUpper());

                    // this depends on the length of the word - this factor works really good
                    double LevenshteinLimit = Math.Round((matchesInStationReferenceList[0].Length * 1.0), 0);

                    if (ld <= LevenshteinLimit)
                        Stationname_OCR = matchesInStationReferenceList[0];
                Stationname_OCR = headerResult_temp;

            // show station on GUI


            var commodityColumnText       = new string[textRowLocations.Count(), 8];
            var originalBitmaps           = new Bitmap[textRowLocations.Count(), 8];
            var originalBitmapConfidences = new float[textRowLocations.Count(), 8];
            var rowIds = new string[textRowLocations.Count()];
            var rowCtr = 0;

            var bitmapCtr = 0;

            foreach (var row in textRowLocations)
                int startRow  = row.Item1 - 3;
                int heightRow = row.Item2 - row.Item1 + 6;

                if (startRow < 0)
                    startRow = 0;

                if (heightRow + startRow > _bTrimmed_4_OCR.Height)
                    heightRow = _bTrimmed_4_OCR.Height - startRow;

                // We'll use this later to identify the right correction image
                rowIds[rowCtr] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                using (Bitmap b = RNGraphics.Crop(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, new Rectangle(0, startRow, _bTrimmed_4_OCR.Width, heightRow)))
                    b.Save(Program.GetDataPath(@"OCR Correction Images\" + rowIds[rowCtr] + ".png"));

                int columnCounter = 0;
                while (columnCounter < 8)
                    int left, width;
                    switch (columnCounter)
                    case 0:
                        // commodity
                        left = 0; width = _calibrationPoints[3].X - _calibrationPoints[2].X;

                    case 1:
                        // sell
                        left = _calibrationPoints[3].X - _calibrationPoints[2].X; width = _calibrationPoints[4].X - _calibrationPoints[3].X;

                    case 2:
                        left = _calibrationPoints[4].X - _calibrationPoints[2].X; width = _calibrationPoints[5].X - _calibrationPoints[4].X;

                    case 3:
                        // freight
                        left = _calibrationPoints[5].X - _calibrationPoints[2].X; width = _calibrationPoints[6].X - _calibrationPoints[5].X;

                    case 4:
                        // demand
                        left = _calibrationPoints[6].X - _calibrationPoints[2].X; width = _calibrationPoints[7].X - _calibrationPoints[6].X;

                    case 5:
                        // demand level
                        left = _calibrationPoints[7].X - _calibrationPoints[2].X; width = _calibrationPoints[8].X - _calibrationPoints[7].X;

                    case 6:
                        // supply
                        left = _calibrationPoints[8].X - _calibrationPoints[2].X; width = _calibrationPoints[9].X - _calibrationPoints[8].X;

                    case 7:
                        // supply level
                        left = _calibrationPoints[9].X - _calibrationPoints[2].X; width = _calibrationPoints[10].X - _calibrationPoints[9].X;

                        left = 0; width = _calibrationPoints[3].X - _calibrationPoints[2].X;
                    var fudgeFactor = 0;// _bOriginal.Height * 6 / 1440;
                    left  = left + fudgeFactor;
                    width = width - fudgeFactor;

                    DarkPixels = 0;

                    if (Program.DBCon.getIniValue <Boolean>(IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "CheckNextScreenshotForOne", false.ToString(), false, true))
                        if (PixelTest == null)
                            PixelTest = new EBPixeltest();

                        if (columnCounter == 3)
                            var brainerousOut = RNGraphics.Crop(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, new Rectangle(left, startRow, width, heightRow));

                            // check how much dark pixels are on the bitmap
                            for (int i = 0; i < brainerousOut.Height; i++)
                                for (int j = 0; j < brainerousOut.Width; j++)
                                    if (brainerousOut.GetPixel(j, i).GetBrightness() < Program.DBCon.getIniValue <Int32>(IBE.IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "EBPixelThreshold"))

                            PixelTest.addPicture(brainerousOut, DarkPixels);
                        //  RNGraphics.Crop a little bit more form the left border because sometimes if theres
                        // the line of the table it was recognized as "1" or "7"
                        left  += 10;
                        width -= 10;

                        if (columnCounter != 0 && columnCounter != 5 && columnCounter != 7)
                        {   //If it's a numeric column write it out for Brainerous to process later
                            var brainerousOut = RNGraphics.Crop(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, new Rectangle(left, startRow, width, heightRow));

                            if (Program.DBCon.getIniValue <Int32>(IBE.IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "EBPixelAmount") > 0)
                                // check how much dark pixels are on the bitmap -> we process only bitmaps
                                // with something on it (minimum one digit supposed, a "1" hat about 25 pixels in default 1920x1200)
                                for (int i = 0; i < brainerousOut.Height; i++)
                                    for (int j = 0; j < brainerousOut.Width; j++)
                                        if (brainerousOut.GetPixel(j, i).GetBrightness() < Program.DBCon.getIniValue <Int32>(IBE.IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "EBPixelThreshold"))

                            if (DarkPixels >= Program.DBCon.getIniValue <Int32>(IBE.IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "EBPixelAmount"))
                                brainerousOut.Save(Program.GetDataPath(@"Brainerous\images\" + bitmapCtr + ".png"));

                        {   // It's a text column, we'll use Tesseract
                            // Prepare some different versions of the bitmap, we will take the best result
                            var c = new Bitmap[7];
                            c[0] = (RNGraphics.Crop(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, new Rectangle(left, startRow, width, heightRow)));
                            c[1] = (RNGraphics.Crop(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, new Rectangle(left + 1, startRow, width, heightRow)));
                            c[2] = (RNGraphics.Crop(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, new Rectangle(left - 1, startRow, width, heightRow)));
                            c[3] = (RNGraphics.Crop(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, new Rectangle(left, startRow - 1, width, heightRow)));
                            c[4] = (RNGraphics.Crop(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, new Rectangle(left + 1, startRow - 1, width, heightRow)));
                            c[5] = (RNGraphics.Crop(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, new Rectangle(left - 1, startRow - 1, width, heightRow)));
                            c[6] = (RNGraphics.Crop(_bTrimmed_4_OCR, new Rectangle(left, startRow + 2, width, heightRow - 2)));

                            var t  = new string[c.Length];
                            var cf = new float[c.Length];

                            for (int i = 0; i < c.Length; i++)
                                t[i] = AnalyseFrameUsingTesseract((Bitmap)(c[i].Clone()), engine, out cf[i]);

                            int   result     = 0;
                            float confidence = cf[0];

                            for (int i = 1; i < c.Length; i++)
                                if (confidence < cf[i])
                                    result = i; confidence = cf[i];

                            originalBitmaps[rowCtr, columnCounter] = (Bitmap)(c[result].Clone());

                            switch (columnCounter)
                            //bodges for number columns
                            case 1:
                            case 2:
                            case 3:
                                t[result] = t[result].Replace(" ", "").Replace("O", "0").Replace("I", "1").Replace("'", "");
                                t[result] = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(t[result], @"[a-zA-Z\s]+", string.Empty);     // remove any alphas that remain

                            case 5:
                            case 7:
                                t[result] = t[result].Replace(" ", "").Replace("-", "");
                                if (t[result] == "HIGH" || t[result] == "MED" || t[result] == "LOW")
                                    cf[result] = 1;
                            if ((columnCounter == 5 && t[result].Contains("ENTER")) ||
                                (columnCounter == 6 && (t[result].Contains("NGAR") || t[result].Contains("SURFACE"))))
                                t[result]  = "";
                                cf[result] = 1;
                            commodityColumnText[rowCtr, columnCounter]      += t[result];
                            originalBitmapConfidences[rowCtr, columnCounter] = cf[result];


            if (Program.DBCon.getIniValue <Boolean>(IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "CheckNextScreenshotForOne", false.ToString(), false, true))
                if (textRowLocations.Count > 0)
                    // Call out to Brainerous to process the numeric bitmaps we saved earlier
                    var outputFromBrainerous = "";
                    var pr = new Process();
                    pr.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                    pr.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
                    pr.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                    pr.StartInfo.FileName         = Program.GetDataPath(@"Brainerous\nn_training.exe");
                    pr.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Program.GetDataPath("Brainerous");
                    outputFromBrainerous = pr.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();

                    while (outputFromBrainerous.Contains("Failed to pad successfully"))
                        var o2 = outputFromBrainerous.IndexOf("Failed to ");
                        var o3 = outputFromBrainerous.Substring(0, o2);
                        var o4 = outputFromBrainerous.Substring(o2).IndexOf(Program.GetDataPath("images"), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

                        // I had a string with "Failed to pad successfully" and only some trash behind but no "./images"
                        // so "o4" was "-1" and this results in strange behaviour
                        if (o4 > 0)
                            var o5 = outputFromBrainerous.Substring(o2 + o4);
                            outputFromBrainerous = o3 + "\r\n" + o5;
                            outputFromBrainerous = o3;


                    List <string> splitOutput = ((string[])outputFromBrainerous.Replace("\r", "").Split('\n')).ToList();

                    for (var i = 0; i < (textRowLocations.Count * 10); i += 2)
                        string Filename = (i / 2).ToString() + ".png";
                        if ((splitOutput.Count <= i) || (splitOutput[i].Length < 14) || (splitOutput[i].Substring(9) != Filename))
                            splitOutput.Insert(i, Program.GetDataPath(@"images\" + Filename));
                            splitOutput.Insert(i + 1, "");

                    // Load the result from Brainerous into the OCR output
                    for (var i = 0; i < textRowLocations.Count; i++)
                        commodityColumnText[i, 1]       = splitOutput[i * 10 + 1];
                        originalBitmaps[i, 1]           = null;
                        originalBitmapConfidences[i, 1] = 1;
                        commodityColumnText[i, 2]       = splitOutput[i * 10 + 3];
                        originalBitmaps[i, 2]           = null;
                        originalBitmapConfidences[i, 2] = 1;
                        commodityColumnText[i, 3]       = splitOutput[i * 10 + 5];
                        originalBitmaps[i, 3]           = null;
                        originalBitmapConfidences[i, 3] = 1;
                        commodityColumnText[i, 4]       = splitOutput[i * 10 + 7];
                        originalBitmaps[i, 4]           = null;
                        originalBitmapConfidences[i, 4] = 1;
                        commodityColumnText[i, 6]       = splitOutput[i * 10 + 9];
                        originalBitmaps[i, 6]           = null;
                        originalBitmapConfidences[i, 6] = 1;


            if (Program.DBCon.getIniValue <Boolean>(IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "CheckNextScreenshotForOne", false.ToString(), false, true))
                Program.DBCon.setIniValue(IBESettingsView.DB_GROUPNAME, "CheckNextScreenshotForOne", false.ToString());
                // Send the results for this screenshot back to the Form
                _callingForm.cOcrCaptureAndCorrect.DisplayCommodityResults(commodityColumnText, originalBitmaps, originalBitmapConfidences, rowIds, CurrentScreenshot);

            // ...and if we've got any buffered screenshots waiting to be processed, process the next one
            if (ScreenshotBuffer.Count > 0)
                var screenshot = ScreenshotBuffer[0];

            Working = false;

            Debug.WriteLine("set to " + Working);