Beispiel #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            _gameOver   = false;
            _statusText = "";
            Player      = new Player();

            InfoLog   = new InformationLog <int, string>();
            SectorMap = new Dictionary <int, Sector>();
            SectorMap.Add(0, new Sector(CurrentSector));
            SectorMap.TryGetValue(0, out _currentSectorMap);

            _cancel = new Cancel();
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";
            string consoleTitle = "RobSpaceRoguelike";

            _rootConsole         = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, 8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);
            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;

            // TESTING - Only uncomment this if you want to pre-generate (and travel through) a number of systems.


Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a console and display the game
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="game"></param>
 public Console(Game game)
 {           = game;
     rootConsole         = new RLRootConsole("ascii_8x8.png", screenWidth, screenHeight, 8, 8, 1);
     rootConsole.Update += Update;
     rootConsole.Render += Render;
Beispiel #3
        public static void Main()
            TurnQueue = new TurnQueue();
            int seed = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

            Random = new DotNetRandom(seed);
            string bitmap = "terminal8x8.png";
            string Title  = $"RPG - Poziom {Facade._mapLevel}";

            _mainConsole         = new RLRootConsole(bitmap, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, 8, 8, 1f, Title);
            _mapConsole          = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _logConsole          = new RLConsole(_logWidth, _logHeight);
            _statConsole         = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _lootConsole         = new RLConsole(_lootWidth, _lootHeight);
            _mainConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            _mainConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;
            _mapConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _mapWidth, _mapHeight, Colors.FloorBG);
            _mapConsole.Print(1, 1, "Mapa", Colors.TextH);
            _statConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _statWidth, _statHeight, Palette.Red2);
            _statConsole.Print(1, 1, "Statystyki", Colors.TextH);
            _lootConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _lootWidth, _lootHeight, Palette.Wood);
            _lootConsole.Print(1, 1, "Ekwipunek", Colors.TextH);
            soundplayer.SoundLocation = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\muzyka.wav";
Beispiel #4
        public static void Main()
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";
            string consoleTitle = "RougeSharp RLNet Tutorial - Level 1";
            int    seed         = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

            Random = new DotNetRandom(seed);

            MessageLog = new MessageLog();
            MessageLog.Add("The rogue arrives on level 1");
            MessageLog.Add($"Level created with seed '{seed}'");

            Player           = new Player();
            SchedulingSystem = new SchedulingSystem();

            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(_mapWidth, _mapHeight, 20, 13, 7, _mapLevel);

            DungeonMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();

            _rootConsole      = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, 8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);
            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);

            CommandSystem   = new CommandSystem();
            TargetingSystem = new TargetingSystem();

            Player.Item1 = new RevealMapScroll();
            Player.Item2 = new RevealMapScroll();

            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;
Beispiel #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";
            string consoleTitle = "p.707";

            _rootConsole    = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, 8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);
            _mapConsole     = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _mapHeight);
            _statsConsole   = new RLConsole(_statsWidth, _mapHeight);
            _invConsole     = new RLConsole(_invWidth, _invHeight);
            Player          = new Player();
            CommandSystem   = new CommandSystem();
            GeneratorForMaps generatorForMaps = new GeneratorForMaps(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);

            DungeonMap = generatorForMaps.CreateMap();
            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;

            _mapConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _mapWidth, _mapHeight, Colors.FloorBackground);
            _mapConsole.Print(1, 1, "Map", Colors.TextHeading);
            _messageConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _messageWidth, _messageHeight, Swatch.PrimaryDarkest);
            _messageConsole.Print(1, 1, "Messages", Colors.TextHeading);
            _statsConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _statsWidth, _statsHeight, Swatch.PrimarySandy);
            _statsConsole.Print(1, 1, "Stats", Colors.TextHeading);
            _invConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _invWidth, _invHeight, Swatch.PrimaryDarker);
            _invConsole.Print(1, 1, "Inv", Colors.TextHeading);

Beispiel #6
        public static void Main()
            for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < HEIGHT; j++)
                    if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == WIDTH - 1 || j == HEIGHT - 1)
                        grid[i, j] = 1;
                        grid[i, j] = 0;

            _renderRequired = true;
            // This must be the exact name of the bitmap font file we are using or it will error.
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";
            // The title will appear at the top of the console window
            string consoleTitle = "roguelike";

            // Tell RLNet to use the bitmap font that we specified and that each tile is 8 x 8 pixels
            rlRoot = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, WIDTH, HEIGHT, 8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);
            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Update event
            rlRoot.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Render event
            rlRoot.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;
            // Begin RLNET's game loop
Beispiel #7
        public DefaultRLView(AbstractRoguelike _game)
   = _game;

            // This must be the exact name of the bitmap font file we are using or it will error.
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";
            // The title will appear at the top of the console window
            string consoleTitle = "RougeSharp V3 Tutorial - Level 1";

            // Tell RLNet to use the bitmap font that we specified and that each tile is 8 x 8 pixels
            this.rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, 8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);

            // Initialize the sub consoles that we will Blit to the root console
            this.mapConsole      = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            this.logConsole      = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            this.statConsole     = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            this.crewListConsole = new RLConsole(crewListWidth, crewListHeight);

            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Update event
            this.rootConsole.Update += this.OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Render event
            this.rootConsole.Render += this.OnRootConsoleRender;
            // Begin RLNET's game loop
Beispiel #8
        public static void Main()
            Random = new Random();

            string consoleTitle = $"RogueLike game VCS Level1";

            CommandSystem = new CommandSystem();
            Player        = new Player();
            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(_mapWidth, _mapHeight, 25, 15, 7);

            DungeonMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();

            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";

            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight,
                                             8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);

            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);

            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;
Beispiel #9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Random = new RogueSharp.Random.DotNetRandom(seed);

            // create output system
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";
            string consoleTitle = $"ECS Test Level = {_mapLevel}";

            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight,
                                             8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);
            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);

            // create systems, entityManager first
            EntityManager = new Systems.EntityManager(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);

            CommandSystem = new Systems.CommandSystem();
            MessageLog    = new Systems.MessageLog();

            SystemsManager  = new Systems.SystemManager(EntityManager);
            RenderSystem    = new Systems.RenderSystem(EntityManager);
            ShedSystem      = new Systems.SchedulingSystem();
            UseSystem       = new Systems.UseSystem(EntityManager);
            InventorySystem = new Systems.InventorySystem(EntityManager);

            //listen for critical events
            Core.EventBus.Subscribe(Core.EventTypes.GameCritical, (sender, e) => OnMessage(e));

            //MessageLog.Add("Rogue At level 1");

            //create map stuff
            Systems.MapGenerator mapGenerator = new Systems.MapGenerator(_mapWidth,
                                                                         _mapHeight, 25, 20, 7, _mapLevel, EntityManager);
            DungeonMap      = mapGenerator.CreateMap();
            MovementSystem  = new Systems.MovementSystem(DungeonMap, EntityManager);
            CollisionSystem = new Systems.CollisionSystem(EntityManager, DungeonMap);

            // place monsters

            //run initial FOV for monsters

            //creat garbage system
            GarbageSystem = new Systems.GarbageSystem(ShedSystem, EntityManager, DungeonMap);

            //create AI system
            AISystem = new Systems.AISystem(EntityManager, DungeonMap, GarbageSystem);

            _inventoryConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight, Core.Swatch.DbWood);
            _inventoryConsole.Print(1, 1, "Inventory", Core.Colours.TextHeading);

            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;
Beispiel #10
 public static void mainRender(RLRootConsole _rootConsole)
     _rootConsole.Print(36, 1, "Press e to exit", RLColor.White);
     _rootConsole.Print(4, 3, "Game", RLColor.Cyan);
     _rootConsole.Print(4, 4, "1) Play Game", RLColor.White);
     _rootConsole.Print(4, 5, "2) Multiplayer", RLColor.White);
Beispiel #11
        public static void Main()
            // Uncomment to clear settings if testing or something has broken things.



            UserInputHandler.ExtraKeys  = UserData.ApplicationSettings.ExtraKeys;
            UserDataManager.FullLogging = UserData.ApplicationSettings.FullLogging;
            // TODO: Set the gm option here too.

            rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(_fontName, _consoleWidth, _consoleHeight, _fontSize, _fontSize, _scale,

            rootConsole.Update += RootConsoleUpdate;
            rootConsole.Render += RootConsoleRender;

            var mainLoopThread = new Thread(RunStartMenu);

Beispiel #12
        public static void Main()
            Player = new Player();
            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);

            DungeonMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();

            // This must be the exact name of the bitmap font file we are using or it will error.
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";
            // The title will appear at the top of the console window
            string consoleTitle = "RougeSharp V3 Tutorial - Level 1";

            // Tell RLNet to use the bitmap font that we specified and that each tile is 8 x 8 pixels
            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight,
                                             8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);
            // Initialize the sub consoles that we will Blit to the root console
            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);
            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Update event
            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Render event
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;
            // Begin RLNET's game loop
Beispiel #13
		public Engine (RLRootConsole console)
			Util.Console = console;
			Util.Messages = new MessageSystem ();
			manager = new GameManager ();
			Util.Console.Update += gameUpdate;
			Util.Console.Render += gameRender;
Beispiel #14
 public Engine(RLRootConsole console)
     Util.Console         = console;
     Util.Messages        = new MessageSystem();
     manager              = new GameManager();
     Util.Console.Update += gameUpdate;
     Util.Console.Render += gameRender;
Beispiel #15
 public static void multiRender(RLRootConsole _rootConsole)
     _rootConsole.Print(36, 1, "Press e to exit", RLColor.White);
     _rootConsole.Print(4, 3, "Multiplayer", RLColor.Cyan);
     _rootConsole.Print(4, 4, "1) Host Game", RLColor.White);
     _rootConsole.Print(4, 5, "2) Join Game", RLColor.White);
     multiRendered = true;
Beispiel #16
		public MessageSystem ()
			game = Util.Console;
			messages = new List<Message> ();

			AddMessage ("coffeeRL v0.5 - \"Backfist\"");
			AddMessage ("Entering floor 1...");
			AddMessage ("Prepare yourself!");
Beispiel #17
 static void RootConsoleRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (MainGraphicDisplay.IsDirty)
         rootConsole = MainGraphicDisplay.CopyDisplayToRootConsole(rootConsole);
Beispiel #18
        public Engine(RLRootConsole console, IMap map)
            _map    = map;
            _player = new Player();

            _rootConsole         = console;
            _rootConsole.Render += Render;
            _rootConsole.Update += Update;
Beispiel #19
        public MessageSystem()
            game     = Util.Console;
            messages = new List <Message> ();

            AddMessage("coffeeRL v0.5 - \"Backfist\"");
            AddMessage("Entering floor 1...");
            AddMessage("Prepare yourself!");
 public static RLRootConsole CopyDisplayToRootConsole(RLRootConsole destination)
     lock (_backConsole)
         RLConsole.Blit(_backConsole, 0, 0, WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT, destination, 0, 0);
Beispiel #21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";
            string consoleTitle = "DougDimmaDungeon - Level 1";

            _rootConsole         = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, 8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);
            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;
Beispiel #22
        public static void Main()
            int width = 200, height = 120;

            rootConsole         = new RLRootConsole("ascii_8x8.png", width, height, 8, 8);
            root                = new Root();
            rootConsole.Render += (s, e) => root.RenderManager.RenderDirtyCells(rootConsole);
            rootConsole.Update += RootConsole_Update;
Beispiel #23
        public SPEngine(RLRootConsole rootConsole)
            this.rootConsole = rootConsole;
            mapConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, 70, 50, RLColor.Blue);
            invConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, 20, 70, RLColor.Cyan);
            var pos = map.findPPos();

            player.pos = pos;
 public InventoryScreen(bool transparent, bool pauses, RLRootConsole rootConsole)
     _rootConsole      = rootConsole;
     _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(INVENTORYWIDTH, INVENTORYHEIGHT);
     _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(MESSAGEWIDTH, MESSAGEHEIGHT);
     inventorySystem   = GameController.InventorySystem;
     inventoryUI       = new InventoryUI(this);
     menuControls      = new MenuControls(rootConsole);
     Transparent       = transparent;
     Pauses            = pauses;
Beispiel #25
 public void RenderDirtyCells(RLRootConsole console)
     foreach (VisibleCell cell in _visibleCells)
         if (VisibleLayers.Contains(cell.Layer))
             console.Set(cell.X, cell.Y, cell.Color, cell.BackColor, cell.Character.Code);
Beispiel #26
        public MainScreen(bool transparent, bool pauses, RLRootConsole rootConsole)
            _rootConsole     = rootConsole;
            Transparent      = transparent;
            Pauses           = pauses;
            _mapConsole      = new RLConsole(MAPWIDTH, MAPHEIGHT);
            _messageConsole  = new RLConsole(MESSAGEWIDTH, MESSAGEHEIGHT);
            _statConsole     = new RLConsole(STATWIDTH, STATHEIGHT);
            _timeLineConsole = new RLConsole(TIMELINEWIDTH, TIMELINEHEIGHT);

            GameController = new GameController(MAPWIDTH, MAPHEIGHT);
 public DungeonControls(RLRootConsole rootConsole)
     _rootConsole = rootConsole;
     pressedKeys  = new List <RLKey>();
     controlState = PlayerControlState.Normal;
     controls     = new Dictionary <PlayerControlState, Func <RLKey, bool> >()
         { PlayerControlState.Debug, Debug },
         { PlayerControlState.Normal, Normal },
         { PlayerControlState.LightAttack, LightAttack },
         { PlayerControlState.MediumAttack, MediumAttack }
Beispiel #28
        static void Main()
            // Establish the seed for the random number generator from the current time
            int seed = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

            Random = new DotNetRandom(seed);

            // This must be the exact name of the bitmap font file we are using or it will error.
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";

            // The title will appear at the top of the console window
            string consoleTitle = $"RougeSharp V3 Tutorial - Level 1 - Seed {seed}";

            // Tell RLNet to use the bitmap font that we specified and that each tile is 8 x 8 pixels
            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight,
                                             8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);

            // Initialize the sub consoles that we will Blit to the root console
            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);

            CommandSystem = new CommandSystem();

            SchedulingSystem = new SchedulingSystem();

            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(_mapWidth, _mapHeight, 20, 13, 7);

            DungeonMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();

            MessageLog = new MessageLog();
            MessageLog.Add("The rogue arrives on level 1");
            MessageLog.Add($"Level created with seed '{seed}'");

            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Update event
            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;

            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Render event
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;

            // Set background color and text for each console
            // so that we can verify they are in the correct positions

            _inventoryConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight, Swatch.DbWood);
            _inventoryConsole.Print(1, 1, "Inventory", Colors.TextHeading);

            // Begin RLNET's game loop
Beispiel #29
        public static void Main()
            // This must be the exact name of the bitmap font file we are using or it will error.
            string fontFileName = "terminal8x8.png";

            // The title will appear at the top of the console window
            string consoleTitle = "Theseus";

            // Tell RLNet to use the bitmap font that we specified and that each tile is 8 x 8 pixels
            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, 8, 8, 1f, consoleTitle);

            // Initialize the sub consoles that we will Blit to the root console
            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);

            Player     = new Player();
            NPC        = new NPC();
            MessageLog = new MessageLog();

            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);

            DungeonMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();

            CommandSystem = new CommandSystem();

            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Update event
            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;

            // Set up a handler for RLNET's Render event
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;

            // _messageConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _messageWidth, _messageHeight, Swatch.DbDeepWater);
            // _messageConsole.Print(1, 1, "Messages", RLColor.White);

            _statConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _statWidth, _statHeight, Swatch.DbOldBlood);
            _statConsole.Print(1, 1, "Stats", RLColor.White);

            _inventoryConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight, Swatch.DbWood);
            _inventoryConsole.Print(1, 1, "Inventory", RLColor.White);

            MessageLog.Add("You wake up in what remains of your ship...");
            MessageLog.Add("> Bob: \"Good morning, boss!\"");

            // Begin RLNET's game loop
        /// <summary>
        ///     Main entry point for the program
        ///     This is where the program starts here the various settings are set
        ///     and the root console is created we also hook the events handlers
        ///     for each event. Then we start the console.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Main()
                            / GEFAAAABmJLR0QA / wCAAMBJdqXDAAAJvElEQVR4nO1X0ZIbSQib///puUpdbjMGSQi6xzt7MQ+pNg1CEm0nOQ4eZwonfz0ENDECXglugiQD9Ou1ZI1WjghnJcxnX6py2DsEfErMOEaDwR7JsqwrnFlNuC0EhqL

            Byte[]       bitmapData   = Convert.FromBase64String(FixBase64ForImage(fontImage));
            MemoryStream bitMapStream = new MemoryStream(bitmapData);
            FileStream   bitFile      = new FileStream(Path.GetTempPath() + "rlFontFile.png", FileMode.Create);

            var settings = new RLSettings();

            settings.BitmapFile       = Path.GetTempPath() + "rlFontFile.png";
            settings.CharWidth        = 8;
            settings.CharHeight       = 8;
            settings.Width            = 91;
            settings.Height           = 56;
            settings.Scale            = 1f;
            settings.Title            = "PythonRouge";
            settings.WindowBorder     = RLWindowBorder.Fixed;
            settings.ResizeType       = RLResizeType.ResizeCells;
            settings.StartWindowState = RLWindowState.Normal;

            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(settings);

            _rootConsole.Update += rootConsole_Update;
            _rootConsole.Render += rootConsole_Render;
Beispiel #31
        public static void Play()
            string fontFileName = "terminal16x16_gs_ro.png";

            // for testing use 1138043851
            Random = new DotNetRandom(seed);
            //TODO: Take seed out after debugging
            string consoleTitle = $"D$ DungeonZ Level {_mapLevel} - Seed {seed}";

            //setup systems
            SchedulingSystem = new SchedulingSystem();
            CommandSystem    = new CommandSystem();
            MessageLog       = new MessageLog();
            Player           = new Player();

            // Dont change map width or height
            //Attempting to make 20 rooms that are between 5 and 13 cells for room size
            MapGenerator mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(_mapWidth, _mapHeight, 50, 5, 13, _mapLevel);

            DungeonMap = mapGenerator.CreateMap();

            // first numbers effect tile size
            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole(fontFileName, _screenWidth, _screenHeight, 16, 16, 1.5f, consoleTitle);

            _mapConsole       = new RLConsole(_mapWidth, _mapHeight);
            _messageConsole   = new RLConsole(_messageWidth, _messageHeight);
            _statConsole      = new RLConsole(_statWidth, _statHeight);
            _inventoryConsole = new RLConsole(_inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight);

            //these console methods have to be run before the update and render below
            _mapConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _mapWidth, _mapHeight, Colors.FloorBackground);
            _mapConsole.Print(1, 1, "Map", Colors.TextHeading);

            // Create a new MessageLog and print the random seed used to generate the level
            MessageLog.Add($"{Player.Name} arrives on level 1");
            MessageLog.Add($"Level created with seed '{seed}'");

            // Remove these lines:
            _messageConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _messageWidth, _messageHeight, Swatch.DbDeepWater);
            _messageConsole.Print(1, 1, "Messages", Colors.TextHeading);

            _inventoryConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _inventoryWidth, _inventoryHeight, Swatch.DbWood);
            _inventoryConsole.Print(1, 1, "Inventory", Colors.TextHeading);

            // have to register events for RLNet for update and render
            _rootConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            _rootConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;
Beispiel #32
		public static void Main ()
			RLSettings setup = new RLSettings ();
			setup.Scale = 1f;
			setup.BitmapFile = "dsc8x12.png";
			setup.CharWidth = 8;
			setup.CharHeight = 12;
			setup.Width = 120;
			setup.Height = 60;
			setup.Title = "coffee";
			game = new RLRootConsole (setup);
			new Engine (game);
			game.Run ();
Beispiel #33
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MainConsole = new RLRootConsole("terminal8x8.png",
                                            mainConsoleSize.Size.X, mainConsoleSize.Size.Y, 8, 8, 1, "Roguelike");

            currentState = new MainMenu();


            MainConsole.Update += OnRootConsoleUpdate;
            MainConsole.Render += OnRootConsoleRender;
