Beispiel #1
 public Scene(RGBColor iamb, NameableCollection<Light> lights, Camera defaultCamera, float refractIndice)
     this.IAmb = iamb;
     this.RefractIndex = refractIndice;
     if (lights != null) {
         this.Lights = new NameableCollection<Light>(lights);
     } else {
         this.Lights = new NameableCollection<Light>();
     this.primitives = new NameableCollection<Primitive>();
     this.AccelerationStructure = new KDTreePrimitiveManager(this.primitives as IList<Primitive>);
     this.materials = new NameableCollection<Material>();
     this.DefaultCamera = defaultCamera;
     this.Cameras = new NameableCollection<Camera>();
     if (defaultCamera != null) {
     this.sampler = new JitteredSampler();
     this.shader = new PhongShader(this);
     this.renderStrategy = new ScanlineRenderStrategy();
     this.isShadowActive = false;
     this.softShadowSamples = 8;
     this.glossySamples = 8;
     //this.cameras.CollectionChanged += new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler<Camera>(cameras_CollectionChanged);
Beispiel #2
 public Photon(Vector3D dir, Point3D pos, RGBColor power)
     this.Direction = dir;
     this.Power = power;
     this.Position = pos;
Beispiel #3
 public Photon(Photon p)
     this.Position = p.Position;
     this.Plane = p.Plane;
     this.Theta = p.Theta;
     this.Phi = p.Phi;
     this.Power = p.Power;
		public static LightCommand SetColor(this LightCommand lightCommand, RGBColor color, string model = "LCT001")
			if (lightCommand == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lightCommand));

			var point = HueColorConverter.CalculateXY(color, model);
			return lightCommand.SetColor(point.x, point.y);
Beispiel #5
 public HSBColor(RGBColor color)
     HSBColor temp = FromColor(color);
     this.A = temp.A;
     this.H = temp.H;
     this.S = temp.S;
     this.B = temp.B;
Beispiel #6
 public ViewModel()
     // Set default colour to white, full brightness
     rgbColor = new RGBColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
     hsvColor = new HSVColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
     temperature = ColorTemperature.Neutral;
     brightness = 1.0f;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adapts RGB color from the source working space to working space set in <see cref="TargetRGBWorkingSpace"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public RGBColor Adapt(RGBColor color)
            if (color == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("color");

            var linearInput = ToLinearRGB(color);
            var linearOutput = Adapt(linearInput);
            var compandedOutput = ToRGB(linearOutput);

            return compandedOutput;
 public Definition()
     _isVisible = true;
     Alignment = ToolbarAlignmentEnum.Top;
     AnimationDuration = 0.25f;
     BackgroundColor = new RGBColor(0xf45f00);
     ItemSpacing = 12.0f;
     Breadth = 44.0f + ItemSpacing*2;
     PrimaryItemAlignment = ToolbarAlignmentEnum.Left;
 public override RGBColor F(ShadeRec shadeRec, Vector3d wi, Vector3d wo)
     RGBColor L = new RGBColor();
     double NdotWi = Vector3d.Dot(shadeRec.Normal, wi);
     Vector3d r = (-wi + (Vector3d)shadeRec.Normal * NdotWi * 2);
     double RdotWo = Vector3d.Dot(r, wo);
     if (RdotWo > 0)
         L = CS*KS*Math.Pow(RdotWo, Exp);
     return L;
		public static LightCommand SetColor(this LightCommand lightCommand, RGBColor color)
			if (lightCommand == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lightCommand));

			var hsb = color.GetHSB();
			lightCommand.Brightness = (byte)hsb.Brightness;
			lightCommand.Hue = hsb.Hue;
			lightCommand.Saturation = hsb.Saturation;

			return lightCommand;
Beispiel #11
        public override void RenderScene(World world)
            //Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //while (true)
            //    sw.Restart();
            RGBColor L = new RGBColor();

            ViewPlane viewPlane = (ViewPlane) world.ViewPlane.Clone();

            Ray ray = new Ray();
            int depth = 0;
            Point2d samplePoint = new Point2d();
            Point2d pixelPoint = new Point2d();

            viewPlane.PixelSize /= zoom;
            ray.Origin = Eye;

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(viewPlane.HRes, viewPlane.VRes);

            for (int r = 0; r < viewPlane.VRes; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < viewPlane.HRes; c++)
                    L = new RGBColor(0, 0, 0);
                    for (int i = 0; i < viewPlane.Sampler.NumSamples; i++)
                        samplePoint = viewPlane.Sampler.SampleUnitSquare();

                        pixelPoint.X = viewPlane.PixelSize*(c - 0.5*viewPlane.HRes + samplePoint.X);
                        pixelPoint.Y = viewPlane.PixelSize*(r - 0.5*viewPlane.VRes + samplePoint.Y);

                        ray.Direction = GetRayDirection(pixelPoint);
                        L += world.Tracer.TraceRay(ray, depth);

                    L /= viewPlane.Sampler.NumSamples;
                    L *= eposureTime;

                    bitmap.SetPixel(c, viewPlane.VRes - r - 1,
                                    Color.FromArgb((int) (L.R*255),
                                                   (int) (L.G*255),
                                                   (int) (L.B*255)));

                Console.Out.WriteLine("r = {0}", r);

            bitmap.Save("TracedImage.bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp);
            //Console.Out.WriteLine("sw = {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Beispiel #12
        public RGBColor Radiance(HitInfo info, int depth)
            Vector3 toCameraDirection = -info.Ray.direction;

            RGBColor radiance            = direct.Radiance(info, depth);
            Vector3  reflectionDirection = Vector3.Reflect(toCameraDirection, info.Normal);

            Ray reflectedRay = new Ray(info.HitPoint, reflectionDirection);

            radiance += info.World.tracer.ShadeRay(info.World, reflectedRay, ref depth) * reflectionColor * reflectivity;

Beispiel #13
    public static float GetSaturation(Color color)
        RGBColor maxColor = GetMax(color);
        RGBColor minColor = GetMin(color);
        float    delta    = maxColor.value - minColor.value;

        if (delta == 0)

        return(delta / (1 - Mathf.Abs(2 * GetLightness(color) - 1)));
Beispiel #14
    public PixelAnimator(RGBColor currentColor, RGBColor targetColor, int steps)
        _steps       = steps;
        _targetColor = targetColor;

        _red   = (uint16_t)( << 8);
        _green = (uint16_t)( << 8);
        _blue  = (uint16_t)( << 8);

        _redDelta   = (uint16_t)((( - << 8) / steps);
        _greenDelta = (uint16_t)((( - << 8) / steps);
        _blueDelta  = (uint16_t)((( - << 8) / steps);
Beispiel #15
        public void renderAndShow(Chunk chunk)
            var numPixels = _strip.numPixels();

            for (uint16_t i = 0; i < numPixels; i++)
                RGBColor color = chunk.getNextPixel();


Beispiel #16
        public override RGBColor F(ShadeRec shadeRec, Vector3d wi, Vector3d wo)
            RGBColor L      = new RGBColor();
            double   NdotWi = Vector3d.Dot(shadeRec.Normal, wi);
            Vector3d r      = (-wi + (Vector3d)shadeRec.Normal * NdotWi * 2);
            double   RdotWo = Vector3d.Dot(r, wo);

            if (RdotWo > 0)
                L = CS * KS * Math.Pow(RdotWo, Exp);
Beispiel #17
 public async Task TurnOnLight(RGBColor RgbColor, byte Brightness, List <string> lights)
         var command = new LightCommand();
         command.Brightness = Brightness;
         await client.SendCommandAsync(command, lights);
Beispiel #18
        public Task Start(EntertainmentLayer layer, Func <TimeSpan> waitTime, RGBColor?color, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (!color.HasValue)
                color = RGBColor.Random();

            var fronToBack = layer.GroupBy(x => (int)(((x.LightLocation.Y + 1) / 2) * 50)).ToList();

            Func <TimeSpan> customWaitMS = () => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((waitTime().TotalMilliseconds * 2) / fronToBack.Count);

            return(fronToBack.FlashQuick(cancellationToken, color, IteratorEffectMode.Bounce, IteratorEffectMode.All, waitTime: customWaitMS));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adapts RGB color from the source working space to working space set in <see cref="TargetRGBWorkingSpace"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public RGBColor Adapt(RGBColor color)
            if (color == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("color");

            var linearInput     = ToLinearRGB(color);
            var linearOutput    = Adapt(linearInput);
            var compandedOutput = ToRGB(linearOutput);

Beispiel #20
 public ScrapOptionData()
     this.InactiveAlphaValue   = 90;
     this.InactiveLineChange   = false;
     this.InactiveLineValue    = 1;
     this.InactiveLineColor    = new RGBColor(0, 0, 0);
     this.MouseOverAlphaChange = true;
     this.MouseOverAlphaValue  = 10;
     this.MouseOverLineChange  = false;
     this.MouseOverLineValue   = 1;
     this.MouseOverLineColor   = new RGBColor(0, 0, 0);
     this.SubMenuStyles        = new List <int>();
Beispiel #21
        public Task Start(EntertainmentLayer layer, Func <TimeSpan> waitTime, RGBColor?color, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (!color.HasValue)
                color = RGBColor.Random();

            var groupCount = layer.Count / 3;

            Func <TimeSpan> customWaitMS = () => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((waitTime().TotalMilliseconds * 2) / groupCount);

            return(layer.OrderBy(x => Guid.NewGuid()).ChunkByGroupNumber(groupCount).FlashQuick(cancellationToken, color, IteratorEffectMode.Random, waitTime: customWaitMS));
Beispiel #22
        public static Task Flash(this IEnumerable <IEnumerable <EntertainmentLight> > group, CancellationToken cancellationToken, RGBColor?color, IteratorEffectMode mode = IteratorEffectMode.Cycle, IteratorEffectMode secondaryIteratorMode = IteratorEffectMode.All, Ref <TimeSpan?> waitTime = null, Ref <TimeSpan?> onTime = null, Ref <TimeSpan?> transitionTimeOn = null, Ref <TimeSpan?> transitionTimeOff = null, bool waitTillFinished = true, TimeSpan?duration = null)
            if (!color.HasValue)
                var r = new Random();
                color = new RGBColor(r.NextDouble(), r.NextDouble(), r.NextDouble());

            if (waitTime == null)
                waitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50);
            if (onTime == null)
                onTime = waitTime;
            if (transitionTimeOn == null)
                transitionTimeOn = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0);
            if (transitionTimeOff == null)
                transitionTimeOff = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0);

            Ref <TimeSpan?> actualWaitTime = waitTime.Value + onTime.Value + transitionTimeOn.Value + transitionTimeOff.Value;

            if (!waitTillFinished)
                actualWaitTime = waitTime.Value;

            return(group.IteratorEffect(cancellationToken, async(current, ct, t) =>
                if (!waitTillFinished)
                    actualWaitTime.Value = waitTime.Value;
                    actualWaitTime.Value = waitTime.Value.Value + onTime.Value.Value + transitionTimeOn.Value.Value + transitionTimeOff.Value.Value;

                current.SetState(ct, color, 1, transitionTimeOn.Value.Value);
                Task.Run(async() =>
                    await Task.Delay(onTime.Value.Value + transitionTimeOn.Value.Value, ct).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    current.SetBrightness(ct, 0, transitionTimeOff.Value.Value);
                }, ct);
            }, mode, secondaryIteratorMode, actualWaitTime, duration));
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the outputs of the RGBAToy.
        /// </summary>
        public override void UpdateOutputs()
            if (OutputController != null && Layers.Count > 0)
                RGBColor RGB = GetResultingData();

                int OutputNumber = 0;
                switch (ColorOrder)
                case RGBOrderEnum.RBG:
                    OutputData[OutputNumber]     = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Red);
                    OutputData[OutputNumber + 2] = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Green);
                    OutputData[OutputNumber + 1] = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Blue);

                case RGBOrderEnum.GRB:
                    OutputData[OutputNumber]     = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Green);
                    OutputData[OutputNumber + 1] = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Red);
                    OutputData[OutputNumber + 2] = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Blue);

                case RGBOrderEnum.GBR:
                    OutputData[OutputNumber]     = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Green);
                    OutputData[OutputNumber + 1] = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Blue);
                    OutputData[OutputNumber + 2] = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Red);

                case RGBOrderEnum.BRG:
                    OutputData[OutputNumber]     = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Blue);
                    OutputData[OutputNumber + 1] = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Red);
                    OutputData[OutputNumber + 2] = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Green);

                case RGBOrderEnum.BGR:
                    OutputData[OutputNumber]     = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Blue);
                    OutputData[OutputNumber + 1] = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Green);
                    OutputData[OutputNumber + 2] = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Red);

                case RGBOrderEnum.RGB:
                    OutputData[OutputNumber]     = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Red);
                    OutputData[OutputNumber + 1] = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Green);
                    OutputData[OutputNumber + 2] = FadingCurve.MapValue(RGB.Blue);

                OutputController.SetValues((LedNumber - 1) * 3, OutputData);
Beispiel #24
        public override void RenderScene(World world)
            //Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //while (true)
            //    sw.Restart();
            RGBColor L = new RGBColor();

            ViewPlane viewPlane = (ViewPlane)world.ViewPlane.Clone();

            Ray     ray         = new Ray();
            int     depth       = 0;
            Point2d samplePoint = new Point2d();
            Point2d pixelPoint  = new Point2d();

            viewPlane.PixelSize /= zoom;
            ray.Origin           = Eye;

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(viewPlane.HRes, viewPlane.VRes);

            for (int r = 0; r < viewPlane.VRes; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < viewPlane.HRes; c++)
                    L = new RGBColor(0, 0, 0);
                    for (int i = 0; i < viewPlane.Sampler.NumSamples; i++)
                        samplePoint = viewPlane.Sampler.SampleUnitSquare();

                        pixelPoint.X = viewPlane.PixelSize * (c - 0.5 * viewPlane.HRes + samplePoint.X);
                        pixelPoint.Y = viewPlane.PixelSize * (r - 0.5 * viewPlane.VRes + samplePoint.Y);

                        ray.Direction = GetRayDirection(pixelPoint);
                        L            += world.Tracer.TraceRay(ray, depth);

                    L /= viewPlane.Sampler.NumSamples;
                    L *= eposureTime;

                    bitmap.SetPixel(c, viewPlane.VRes - r - 1,
                                    Color.FromArgb((int)(L.R * 255),
                                                   (int)(L.G * 255),
                                                   (int)(L.B * 255)));
                Console.Out.WriteLine("r = {0}", r);

            bitmap.Save("TracedImage.bmp", ImageFormat.Bmp);
            //Console.Out.WriteLine("sw = {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
        public HelloWorldScene() : base(ambient: RGBColor.FromRGB(0.15))
            AddShape(new Circle(new Vector2(0), 0.15, Materials.WhiteLight));

            int   n = 6;
            float r = 0.5f;

            for (float i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                var theta = 2.0 * Math.PI * i / n;
                (var x, var y) = (r * Math.Cos(theta), r *Math.Sin(theta));
                AddShape(new Circle(new Vector2(x, y), radius: 0.08, Materials.Default));
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// (Private) Adds a new <see cref="UIControl"/> on the page.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of <see cref="UIControl"/> to create</typeparam>
        /// <returns>The new <see cref="UIControl"/></returns>
        private T AddControl <T>(int x, int y, RGBColor color, int tilemap) where T : UIControl, new()
            T control = new T();


            control.Position = new Position(x, y);
            control.Color    = color;
            control.Tilemap  = tilemap;

Beispiel #27
        override public RGBColor GetColor(double value)
            var c = new RGBColor();

            foreach (ColorScaleValue csval in _colorScale)
                if (value < csval.UpperLimit && value >= csval.LowerLimit)
                    c = csval.GetColor(value);
Beispiel #28
        override public RGBColor GetColor(bool value)
            var c = new RGBColor();

            if (value)
                c = _colorValue.ColorTrue;
                c = _colorValue.ColorFalse;
        public void Convert_sRGB_to_XYZ_D65(double r, double g, double b, double x, double y, double z)
            // arrange
            var input = new RGBColor(r, g, b);
            var converter = new ColourfulConverter { WhitePoint = Illuminants.D65 };

            // act
            XYZColor output = converter.ToXYZ(input);

            // assert
            Assert.That(output.X, Is.EqualTo(x).Using(DoubleComparer));
            Assert.That(output.Y, Is.EqualTo(y).Using(DoubleComparer));
            Assert.That(output.Z, Is.EqualTo(z).Using(DoubleComparer));
        private void TcpClientOnDelimiterDataReceived(object sender, Message message)
            List <(LedId, Color)> leds = message.MessageString.Split(';').Select(x =>
                string[] led = x.Split('|');
                return((LedId)Enum.Parse(typeof(LedId), led[0]), RGBColor.FromHexString(led[1]));

            lock (_syncbackCache)
                foreach ((LedId ledId, Color color) in leds)
                    _syncbackCache[ledId] = color;
Beispiel #31
        public async Task Start(EntertainmentLayer layer, Func <TimeSpan> waitTime, RGBColor?color, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (!color.HasValue)
                color = RGBColor.Random();

            layer.SetState(cancellationToken, color, 1, waitTime(), false);

            //Wait for other events to finish and set state again
            await Task.Delay(waitTime(), cancellationToken);

            layer.SetState(cancellationToken, color, 1, waitTime(), false);
Beispiel #32
        protected override MutableObject Mutate(MutableObject mutable)
            foreach (var entry in RGBColor.GetEntries(mutable))
                float outH, outS, outV;
                ColorUtility.RGBToHSV(RGBColor.GetValue(entry), out outH, out outS, out outV);

                HTarget.SetValue(outH, entry);
                STarget.SetValue(outS, entry);
                VTarget.SetValue(outV, entry);

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the color of the common command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rgbColor">New color in the color type of the API</param>
        public static void SetRGBColorInCommonCommand(RGBColor rgbColor)
            if (!canControl)

            if (BridgeInformation.demoMode)
                DemoLightController.commonRGBColor = rgbColor;

Beispiel #34
        public static Color Lab2Color(LabColor color)
            Color output    = new Color();
            var   converter = new ColourfulConverter {
                WhitePoint = Illuminants.D50, TargetRGBWorkingSpace = RGBWorkingSpaces.sRGB
            RGBColor rgbColor = converter.ToRGB(color);

            output.r = (float)rgbColor.R;
            output.g = (float)rgbColor.G;
            output.b = (float)rgbColor.B;
            output.a = 1.0f;
        public ShapesScene() : base(ambient: RGBColor.FromRGB(0.15))
            var circle = new Circle(new Vector2(-0.5, 0.5), 0.25, Materials.WhiteLight);


            var rectangle = new Rectangle(new Vector2(0.5, 0.5), new Vector2(0.25), Materials.WhiteLight);


            var triangle = new Triangle(new Vector2(-0.5, -0.5), 0.25, Materials.WhiteLight);

Beispiel #36
        public static Color ConvertRGBColorToColor(RGBColor inputRGBColor)
            string hexCode = inputRGBColor.ToHex();

            Color color = new Color
                A = 255,
                R = byte.Parse(hexCode.Substring(0, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber),
                G = byte.Parse(hexCode.Substring(2, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber),
                B = byte.Parse(hexCode.Substring(4, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber),

Beispiel #37
        public override RGBColor Trace(Ray ray, int depth)
            Intersection intersection;

            if (this.scene.FindIntersection(ray, out intersection))
                Material material = intersection.HitPrimitive.Material;
                Shader   shader   = material.CreateShader(this.scene);
                RGBColor color    = shader.Shade(ray, intersection);
                Ray      rRay     = new Ray();
                if (depth < 5)
                    if (material.IsReflective)
                        rRay.Origin    = intersection.HitPoint;
                        rRay.Direction = Vector3D.Reflected(intersection.Normal, ray.Direction);
                        color         += this.indirectEnlightenment.IrradianceEstimate(intersection.HitPoint,
                                                                                       intersection.Normal, this.IrradianceArea,
                        //color += this.Trace(rRay, depth + 1) * material.KSpec;
                        this.Trace(rRay, depth + 1);
                    if (material.IsTransparent)
                        Vector3D T;
                        //float eta = intersection.HitFromInSide
                        //                ? material.RefractIndex * 1 / this.scene.RefractIndex
                        //                : this.scene.RefractIndex * 1 / material.RefractIndex;
                        //float eta = this.scene.RefractIndex * 1 / material.RefractIndex;
                        float eta = (ray.PrevRefractIndex.IsEqual(material.RefractIndex))
                                        ? material.RefractIndex * 1 / this.scene.RefractIndex
                                        : this.scene.RefractIndex * 1 / material.RefractIndex;
                        if (Vector3D.Refracted(intersection.Normal, ray.Direction, out T, eta))
                            rRay.Origin           = intersection.HitPoint;
                            rRay.Direction        = T;
                            rRay.PrevRefractIndex = material.RefractIndex;
                            color += this.indirectEnlightenment.IrradianceEstimate(intersection.HitPoint,
                            this.Trace(rRay, depth + 1); //* material.KTrans
            return(this.scene.IsEnvironmentMapped ? this.scene.EnvironmentMap.GetColor(ray) : this.scene.BackgroundColor);
Beispiel #38
        public static LightCommand SetColor(this LightCommand lightCommand, RGBColor color)
            if (lightCommand == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(lightCommand));

            var hsb = color.GetHSB();

            lightCommand.Brightness = (byte)hsb.Brightness;
            lightCommand.Hue        = hsb.Hue;
            lightCommand.Saturation = hsb.Saturation;

Beispiel #39
        public Palette(IStreamReader reader, RecordType id, UInt16 length)
            : base(reader, id, length)
            // assert that the correct record type is instantiated
            Debug.Assert(this.Id == ID);

            this.rgbColorList = new List <RGBColor>();
            this.ccv          = reader.ReadUInt16();

            for (int i = 0; i < this.ccv; i++)
                RGBColor color = new RGBColor(reader.ReadInt32(), RGBColor.ByteOrder.RedFirst);
Beispiel #40
        public static double GetSaturation(this RGBColor rgb)
            var R = rgb.R;
            var G = rgb.G;
            var B = rgb.B;

            var min = Numbers.Min(R, G, B);
            var max = Numbers.Max(R, G, B);

            if (max.AlmostEquals(min))
            return(((max.AlmostEquals(0f)) ? 0f : 1f - (1f * min / max)) * 255);
Beispiel #41
        public Task Start(EntertainmentLayer layer, Func <TimeSpan> waitTime, RGBColor?color, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            //Non repeating effects should not run on baselayer
            if (layer.IsBaseLayer)

            if (!color.HasValue)
                color = RGBColor.Random();

            return(layer.To2DGroup().FlashQuick(cancellationToken, color, IteratorEffectMode.All, IteratorEffectMode.All, waitTime: () => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), transitionTimeOn: () => TimeSpan.Zero, transitionTimeOff: waitTime, duration: waitTime()));
        public void ColorConversionDarkSeaGreenPoint()
            string color = "8FBC8B";

            RGBColor rgbColor = new RGBColor(color);
            var      hsb      = rgbColor.GetHSB();
            State    state    = new State()
                Hue        = hsb.Hue,
                Brightness = (byte)hsb.Brightness,
                Saturation = hsb.Saturation

            var rgb = state.ToRgb();
Beispiel #43
 protected Material()
     this.absorptivity = 0.3f;
     this.glossy = 0.1f;
     this.kDiff = 0.5f;
     this.kSpec = 0.5f;
     this.kTrans = 0.0f;
     this.kAmb = 0.1f;
     this.diffuseColor = RGBColor.White;
     this.specularColor = RGBColor.White;
     this.refractIndex = 1.51f;
     this.shiness = 64;
     this.isTexturized = false;
     this.texture = new Texture();
Beispiel #44
 //Copy constructor
 public ShadeRec(ShadeRec shadeRec)
     HitAnObject = shadeRec.HitAnObject;
     ObjectMaterial = shadeRec.ObjectMaterial;
     HitPoint = shadeRec.HitPoint;
     HitPointLocal = shadeRec.HitPointLocal;
     Normal = shadeRec.Normal;
     Color = shadeRec.Color;
     WorldPointer = shadeRec.WorldPointer;
     Ray = shadeRec.Ray;
     RecursionDepth = shadeRec.RecursionDepth;
     Direction = shadeRec.Direction;
     TMinimum = shadeRec.TMinimum;
     U = shadeRec.U;
     V = shadeRec.V;
Beispiel #45
 public ShadeRec(World worldRef)
     HitAnObject = false;
     ObjectMaterial = null;
     RecursionDepth = 0;
     WorldPointer = worldRef;
     HitPoint = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
     HitPointLocal = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
     Normal = new Normal(0, 0, 0);
     Color = new RGBColor(0, 0, 0);
     TMinimum = GlobalVars.K_HUGE_VALUE;
     Ray = new Ray(new Point3D(0, 0, 0), new Vect3D(0, 0, 0));
     Direction = new Vect3D(0, 0, 0);
     U = 0;
     V = 0;
Beispiel #46
 protected Material(float kdiff, float kspec, float kamb, float refractIndex, float ktrans, float glossy,
     float shiness, Texture texture)
     this.KDiff = kdiff;
     this.KSpec = kspec;
     this.KTrans = ktrans;
     this.KAmb = kamb;
     this.diffuseColor = RGBColor.White;
     this.specularColor = RGBColor.White;
     this.RefractIndex = refractIndex;
     this.Glossy = glossy;
     this.Absorptivity = 0.3f;
     this.Shiness = shiness;
     if (!texture.IsLoaded) {
         this.isTexturized = false;
     } else {
         this.texture = texture;
         this.isTexturized = true;
 public MaterialData3DS()
     this.ambient = RGBColor.Black;
     this.diffuse = RGBColor.Black; = "";
     this.textureName = "";
     this.textureWeight = (float) 0.0;
 public static void Extract1Channel(RGB161616Image image, RGBColor plane, DoubleImage chan) {
   VisionLabPINVOKE.Extract1Channel__SWIG_74(RGB161616Image.getCPtr(image), (int)plane, DoubleImage.getCPtr(chan));
   if (VisionLabPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw VisionLabPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
 public ScenarioObjectPermutationStruct(BinaryReader binaryReader)
     this.variantName = binaryReader.ReadStringID();
     this.activeChangeColors = (ActiveChangeColors)binaryReader.ReadInt32();
     this.primaryColor = binaryReader.ReadRGBColor();
     this.secondaryColor = binaryReader.ReadRGBColor();
     this.tertiaryColor = binaryReader.ReadRGBColor();
     this.quaternaryColor = binaryReader.ReadRGBColor();
Beispiel #50
 public void RGBColor()
     var color = new RGBColor(0, 0.5, 0.445);
     Assert.AreEqual("RGB [R=0, G=0.5, B=0.45]", color.ToString());
 public static string RGBColorToStr(RGBColor col) {
   string ret = VisionLabPINVOKE.RGBColorToStr((int)col);
   if (VisionLabPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw VisionLabPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
   return ret;
 public DecoratorPlacementBlock(BinaryReader binaryReader)
     this.internalData1 = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
     this.compressedPosition = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
     this.tintColor = binaryReader.ReadRGBColor();
     this.lightmapColor = binaryReader.ReadRGBColor();
     this.compressedLightDirection = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
     this.compressedLight2Direction = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
 public ScenarioCutsceneTitleBlock(BinaryReader binaryReader)
 { = binaryReader.ReadStringID();
     this.textBoundsOnScreen = binaryReader.ReadVector2();
     this.justification = (Justification)binaryReader.ReadInt16();
     this.font = (Font)binaryReader.ReadInt16();
     this.textColor = binaryReader.ReadRGBColor();
     this.shadowColor = binaryReader.ReadRGBColor();
     this.fadeInTimeSeconds = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
     this.upTimeSeconds = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
     this.fadeOutTimeSeconds = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
     this.paddingpadding = binaryReader.ReadBytes(2);
 public SpriteVerticesBlock(BinaryReader binaryReader)
     this.position = binaryReader.ReadVector3();
     this.offset = binaryReader.ReadVector3();
     this.axis = binaryReader.ReadVector3();
     this.texcoord = binaryReader.ReadVector2();
     this.color = binaryReader.ReadRGBColor();
 public DecalVerticesBlock(BinaryReader binaryReader)
     this.position = binaryReader.ReadVector3();
     this.texcoord0 = binaryReader.ReadVector2();
     this.texcoord1 = binaryReader.ReadVector2();
     this.color = binaryReader.ReadRGBColor();
Beispiel #56
		The code below is based on
		Converted to C# by Niels Laute

		public static CGPoint CalculateXY(RGBColor color, string model)
			//CGColorRef cgColor = [color CGColor];

			//const CGFloat* components = CGColorGetComponents(cgColor);
			//long numberOfComponents = CGColorGetNumberOfComponents(cgColor);

			// Default to white
			double red = 1.0f;
			double green = 1.0f;
			double blue = 1.0f;

			//if (numberOfComponents == 4)
			// Full color
			red = color.R;
			green = color.G;
			blue = color.B;
			//else if (numberOfComponents == 2)
			//    // Greyscale color
			//    red = green = blue = color.A;

			// Apply gamma correction
			double r;
			double g;
			double b;

			if (red > 0.04045f)
				r = (float)Math.Pow((red + 0.055f) / (1.0f + 0.055f), 2.4f);
				r = red / 12.92f;

			if (green > 0.04045f)
				g = (float)Math.Pow((green + 0.055f) / (1.0f + 0.055f), 2.4f);
				g = green / 12.92f;

			if (blue > 0.04045f)
				b = (float)Math.Pow((blue + 0.055f) / (1.0f + 0.055f), 2.4f);
				b = blue / 12.92f;

			// Wide gamut conversion D65
			double X = r * 0.664511f + g * 0.154324f + b * 0.162028f;
			double Y = r * 0.283881f + g * 0.668433f + b * 0.047685f;
			double Z = r * 0.000088f + g * 0.072310f + b * 0.986039f;

			double cx = 0.0f;

			if((X + Y + Z) != 0)
				cx = X / (X + Y + Z);

			double cy = 0.0f;
			if((X + Y + Z) != 0)
				cy = Y / (X + Y + Z);

			//Check if the given XY value is within the colourreach of our lamps.

			CGPoint xyPoint = new CGPoint(cx, cy);
			List<CGPoint> colorPoints = ColorPointsForModel(model);
			bool inReachOfLamps = CheckPointInLampsReach(xyPoint, colorPoints);

			if (!inReachOfLamps)
				//It seems the colour is out of reach
				//let's find the closest colour we can produce with our lamp and send this XY value out.

				//Find the closest point on each line in the triangle.
				CGPoint pAB = GetClosestPointToPoints(colorPoints[0], colorPoints[1], xyPoint);
				CGPoint pAC = GetClosestPointToPoints(colorPoints[2], colorPoints[0], xyPoint);
				CGPoint pBC = GetClosestPointToPoints(colorPoints[1], colorPoints[2], xyPoint);

				//Get the distances per point and see which point is closer to our Point.
				float dAB = GetDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(xyPoint, pAB);
				float dAC = GetDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(xyPoint, pAC);
				float dBC = GetDistanceBetweenTwoPoints(xyPoint, pBC);

				float lowest = dAB;
				CGPoint closestPoint = pAB;

				if (dAC < lowest)
					lowest = dAC;
					closestPoint = pAC;
				if (dBC < lowest)
					lowest = dBC;
					closestPoint = pBC;

				//Change the xy value to a value which is within the reach of the lamp.
				cx = (float)closestPoint.x;
				cy = (float)closestPoint.y;

			return new CGPoint(cx, cy);
Beispiel #57
 private static unsafe void BitmapToRGBColorMatrix(Bitmap img, ref RGBColor[,] textureMatrix)
     using (img) {
         BitmapData imgData = img.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly,
         byte bitsPerPixel = GetBitsPerPixel(imgData.PixelFormat);
         byte* scan0 = (byte*) imgData.Scan0.ToPointer();
         for (int x = 0; x < imgData.Height; ++x) {
             for (int y = 0; y < imgData.Width; ++y) {
                 byte* data = scan0 + x * imgData.Stride + y * bitsPerPixel / 8;
                 textureMatrix[y, x] = new RGBColor(data[2], data[1], data[0]);
                 textureMatrix[y, x].Normalize();
Beispiel #58
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        selectedColor = new Texture2D(32,32);
        selectedColorStyle = new GUIStyle();

        sheetData = new SpriteSheetData();
        canvas.material.mainTexture = sheetData.buffered;

        //GUI Elements
        Console.Bind("spriteEdit", 0, 0, 250, 120);
        Window newWindow = new Window();
        newWindow.Initialize("spriteEdit", 0, 0, 120, 25, Toolbar, Window.Align.TopLeft);;
        newWindow = new Window();
        newWindow.Initialize("spriteEdit", 0, 0, 290, 90, Palette, Window.Align.BottomLeft);;
        newWindow = new Window();
        newWindow.Initialize("spriteEdit", 0, 0, 138, 74, Swatches, Window.Align.Bottom);;
        mainColor = new RGBColor();

        selectedColorStyle.normal.background = selectedColor;
 public StrongConnectedComponentInfo(KosarajuAlgorithm strongConnectedComponent, RGBColor[] vertexColors)
     StrongConnectedComponent = strongConnectedComponent;
     VertexColors = vertexColors;
        private void GenStrongConnectedComponentColors()
            StrongConnectedComponentColors = new RGBColor[StrongConnectedComponentGraph.StrongConnectedComponentCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < StrongConnectedComponentGraph.StrongConnectedComponentCount; ++i)
                StrongConnectedComponentColors[i] = new RGBColor((byte)rnd.Next(25, 255),
                                                                 (byte)rnd.Next(25, 255),
                                                                 (byte)rnd.Next(25, 255));