/// <summary>
        /// Create a surface to cache Pdu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sid">This is used to indicate surface id.</param>
        /// <param name="key">This is used to indicate a key to associate with the bitmap cache entry.</param>
        /// <param name="slot">This is used to indicate the index of the bitmap cache entry in which
        /// the source bitmap data is stored.</param>
        /// <param name="rect">This is used to indicate rectangle that bounds the source bitmap.</param>
        public RDPGFX_SURFACE_TO_CACHE CreateSurfaceToCachePdu(ushort sid, ulong key, ushort slot, RDPGFX_RECT16 rect)
            RDPGFX_SURFACE_TO_CACHE surfaceToCache = new RDPGFX_SURFACE_TO_CACHE(sid, key, slot, rect);

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify SUT Display
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="usingRemoteFX">Whether the output image is using RemoteFX codec</param>
        /// <param name="rect">The Rectangle on the image to be compared</param>
        /// <param name="callStackIndex">Call stack index from the test method, which help to get test method name in the function</param>
        private void VerifySUTDisplay(bool usingRemoteFX, RDPGFX_RECT16 rect, int callStackIndex = 1)
            Rectangle compareRect = new Rectangle(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top);

            base.VerifySUTDisplay(usingRemoteFX, compareRect, callStackIndex + 1);
Beispiel #3
        public void RDPEGFX_SurfaceToSurface_PositiveTest_DestRectsOverlapped()
            uint fid;

            // Init for capability exchange

            // Create & output source surface, then fill it with green color
            RDPGFX_RECT16 surfRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight);
            Surface       surf     = this.rdpegfxAdapter.CreateAndOutputSurface(surfRect, PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB_8888);

            this.TestSite.Assert.IsNotNull(surf, "Surface {0} is created", surf.Id);

            RDPGFX_RECT16 fillSurfRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(RdpegfxTestUtility.imgPos, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight);

            RDPGFX_RECT16[] fillRects = { fillSurfRect };  // Relative to surface
            fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SolidFillSurface(surf, RdpegfxTestUtility.fillColorGreen, fillRects);
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface is filled with solid color in frame: {0}", fid);


            // Create & output destination surface, then fill it with blue color
            RDPGFX_RECT16 surfRect2 = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos2, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth2, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight2);
            Surface       surf2     = this.rdpegfxAdapter.CreateAndOutputSurface(surfRect2, PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB_8888);

            this.TestSite.Assert.IsNotNull(surf, "Surface {0} is created", surf2.Id);

            RDPGFX_RECT16 fillSurfRect2 = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(RdpegfxTestUtility.imgPos, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth2, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight2);

            RDPGFX_RECT16[] fillRects2 = { fillSurfRect2 };
            fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SolidFillSurface(surf2, RdpegfxTestUtility.fillColorBlue, fillRects2);
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface is filled with solid color in frame {0}, dest rects are overlapped each other", fid);

            // Generate destPts array
            List <RDPGFX_POINT16> destPtsList = new List <RDPGFX_POINT16>();
            // First point
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;

            destPtsList.Add(new RDPGFX_POINT16((ushort)x, (ushort)y));

            // Second Point, the rect ovelap partial of the first one
            x = RdpegfxTestUtility.copySrcRect.Width / 2;
            y = RdpegfxTestUtility.copySrcRect.Height / 2;
            destPtsList.Add(new RDPGFX_POINT16((ushort)x, (ushort)y));

            fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.InterSurfaceCopy(surf, RdpegfxTestUtility.copySrcRect, RdpegfxTestUtility.fillColorRed, surf2, destPtsList.ToArray());
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Send RDPGFX_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_PDU message in frame: {0}", fid);


            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Verify output on SUT Display if the verifySUTDisplay entry in PTF config is true.");
            this.VerifySUTDisplay(false, new RDPGFX_RECT16[] { surfRect, surfRect2 });

            // Delete the surfaces
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface {0} is deleted", surf.Id);
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface {0} is deleted", surf2.Id);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a wire to surface Pdu1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sId">This is used to indicate the target surface id.</param>
        /// <param name="cId">This is used to indicate the codecId.</param>
        /// <param name="pixFormat">This is used to indicate the pixel format to fill target surface.</param>
        /// <param name="bmRect">This is used to indicate border of bitmap on target surface.</param>
        /// <param name="bmLen">This is used to indicate the length of bitmap data.</param>
        /// <param name="bmData">This is used to indicate the bitmap data encoded by cId codec.</param>
        public RDPGFX_WIRE_TO_SURFACE_PDU_1 CreateWireToSurfacePdu1(ushort sId, CodecType cId, PixelFormat pixFormat, RDPGFX_RECT16 bmRect, byte[] bmData)
            RDPGFX_WIRE_TO_SURFACE_PDU_1 wireToSurf1 = new RDPGFX_WIRE_TO_SURFACE_PDU_1(sId, cId, pixFormat, bmRect, bmData);

        public void RDPEGFX_WireToSurface_PositiveTest_ImageBorderOverlapSurface()
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Do capability exchange.");
            // Init for capability exchange

            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Create a surface and fill it with green color.");
            // Create & output a surface
            RDPGFX_RECT16 surfRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight);
            Surface       surf     = this.rdpegfxAdapter.CreateAndOutputSurface(surfRect, PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB_8888);

            this.TestSite.Assert.IsNotNull(surf, "Surface {0} is created", surf.Id);

            // Send solid fill request to client to fill surface with green color
            RDPGFX_RECT16 fillSurfRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(RdpegfxTestUtility.imgPos, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight);

            RDPGFX_RECT16[] fillRects = { fillSurfRect };  // Relative to surface
            uint            fid       = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SolidFillSurface(surf, RdpegfxTestUtility.fillColorGreen, fillRects);

            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface is filled with solid color in frame: {0}.", fid);

            Image bgImage;
            Image compImage = RdpegfxTestUtility.captureFromImage(image_64X64, RdpegfxTestUtility.imgPos,
                                                                  RdpegfxTestUtility.smallWidth, RdpegfxTestUtility.smallHeight, out bgImage);
            byte compFlag = (byte)PACKET_COMPR_FLAG.PACKET_COMPR_TYPE_RDP8;

            // Top-right corner
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "The bitmap is sent to the client by frame {0}. whose top and right borders are overlapped with surface.", fid);
            int y = 0;
            int x = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth - RdpegfxTestUtility.smallWidth;

            fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SendUncompressedImage(compImage, (ushort)x, (ushort)y, surf.Id, PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB_8888, compFlag, RdpegfxTestUtility.segmentPartSize);

            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Verify output on SUT Display if the verifySUTDisplay entry in PTF config is true.");
            this.VerifySUTDisplay(false, surfRect);

            // Bottom-right corner
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "The bitmap is sent to the client by frame {0}. whose bottom and right borders are overlapped with surface", fid);
            y   = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight - RdpegfxTestUtility.smallHeight;
            x   = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth - RdpegfxTestUtility.smallWidth;
            fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SendUncompressedImage(compImage, (ushort)x, (ushort)y, surf.Id, PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB_8888, compFlag, RdpegfxTestUtility.segmentPartSize);

            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Verify output on SUT Display if the verifySUTDisplay entry in PTF config is true.");
            this.VerifySUTDisplay(false, surfRect);

            // Bottom-left corner
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "The bitmap is sent to the client by frame {0}. whose bottom and left borders are overlapped with surface", fid);
            y   = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight - RdpegfxTestUtility.smallHeight;
            x   = 0;
            fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SendUncompressedImage(compImage, (ushort)x, (ushort)y, surf.Id, PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB_8888, compFlag, RdpegfxTestUtility.segmentPartSize);

            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Verify output on SUT Display if the verifySUTDisplay entry in PTF config is true.");
            this.VerifySUTDisplay(false, surfRect);

            // Delete the surface
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface {0} is deleted", surf.Id);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a surface to surface Pdu.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="srcSID">This is used to indicate source surface id.</param>
        /// <param name="destSID">This is used to indicate destination surface id.</param>
        /// <param name="srcRect">This is used to indicate source rectangle bitmap area to be copied.</param>
        /// <param name="destPoints">This is used to specify destination points of source rectangle bitmap to be copied. </param>
        public RDPGFX_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE CreateSurfaceToSurfacePdu(ushort srcSID, ushort destSID, RDPGFX_RECT16 srcRect, RDPGFX_POINT16[] destPoints)
            RDPGFX_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE surfToSurf = new RDPGFX_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE(srcSID, destSID, srcRect);

            if (destPoints != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < destPoints.Length; i++)
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Common function to send H264 data to the client
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="h264DataFile">XML file of H264 data</param>
        /// <param name="isAVC444">Whether need RDP client support AVC444/AVC444v2</param>
        private void SendH264CodecStream(string h264DataFile, bool isAVC444)
            //Load H264 data
            RdpegfxH264TestDatas h264TestData = GetH264TestData(h264DataFile);

            // Init for capability exchange
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Do capability exchange.");
            if (isAVC444)
                this.TestSite.Assume.IsTrue(this.isH264AVC444Supported, "This test case requires RDP client to support AVC444/AVC444v2.");
                this.TestSite.Assume.IsTrue(this.isH264AVC420Supported, "To test H264 codec, client must indicate support for H264 codec in RDPGFX_CAPS_ADVERTISE_PDU");

            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Create a surface and fill it with green color.");
            // Create & output a surface
            RDPGFX_POINT16 surfPos     = new RDPGFX_POINT16((ushort)h264TestData.SurfaceInfo.outputOriginX, (ushort)h264TestData.SurfaceInfo.outputOriginY);
            RDPGFX_RECT16  surfRect    = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(surfPos, h264TestData.SurfaceInfo.width, h264TestData.SurfaceInfo.height);
            RDPGFX_RECT16  compareRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(surfPos, h264TestData.SurfaceInfo.width, h264TestData.SurfaceInfo.height);

            if (isWindowsImplementation && compareRect.top < 32 && compareRect.bottom > 32)
                // Ignore the field of RDP client connection bar
                compareRect.top = 32;
            Surface surf = this.rdpegfxAdapter.CreateAndOutputSurface(surfRect, (PixelFormat)h264TestData.SurfaceInfo.pixelFormat);

            this.TestSite.Assert.IsNotNull(surf, "Surface {0} is created", surf.Id);

            // Send solid fill request to client to fill surface with green color
            RDPGFX_RECT16[] fillRects = { new RDPGFX_RECT16(h264TestData.TestDataList[0].DestRect.left,
                                                            h264TestData.TestDataList[0].DestRect.bottom) }; // Relative to surface
            uint            fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SolidFillSurface(surf, RdpegfxTestUtility.fillColorGreen, fillRects);

            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface is filled with solid color in frame: {0}", fid);

            // Send H264 codec data
            foreach (TestData data in h264TestData.TestDataList)
                ushort        codecId   = data.codecId;
                PixelFormat   pixFormat = (PixelFormat)data.pixelFormat;
                RDPGFX_RECT16 bmRect    = new RDPGFX_RECT16();
                bmRect.left   = data.DestRect.left;
                bmRect.top    = data.DestRect.top;
                bmRect.right  = data.DestRect.right;
                bmRect.bottom = data.DestRect.bottom;

                if (codecId == (ushort)CodecType.RDPGFX_CODECID_AVC420 && data.AVC420BitmapStream != null)
                    this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Sending H264 AVC420 Encoded Bitmap Data Messages to client.");
                    fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SendImageWithH264AVC420Codec(surf.Id, pixFormat, bmRect, data.AVC420BitmapStream.To_RFX_AVC420_BITMAP_STREAM(), data.GetBaseImage());
                    // Test case pass if frame acknowledge is received.
                else if (codecId == (ushort)CodecType.RDPGFX_CODECID_AVC444 && data.AVC444BitmapStream != null)
                    this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Sending H264 AVC444 Encoded Bitmap Data Messages to client.");
                    fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SendImageWithH264AVC444Codec(surf.Id, pixFormat, bmRect, CodecType.RDPGFX_CODECID_AVC444, data.AVC444BitmapStream.To_RFX_AVC444_BITMAP_STREAM(), data.GetBaseImage());
                    // Test case pass if frame acknowledge is received.
                else if (codecId == (ushort)CodecType.RDPGFX_CODECID_AVC444v2 && data.AVC444v2BitmapStream != null)
                    this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Sending H264 AVC444v2 Encoded Bitmap Data Messages to client.");
                    fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SendImageWithH264AVC444Codec(surf.Id, pixFormat, bmRect, CodecType.RDPGFX_CODECID_AVC444v2, data.AVC444v2BitmapStream.To_RFX_AVC444V2_BITMAP_STREAM(), data.GetBaseImage());
                    // Test case pass if frame acknowledge is received.
                    Site.Assert.Fail("Test data doesn't contain proper H264 encoded data corresponding to codec ID.");

                this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Verify output on SUT Display if the verifySUTDisplay entry in PTF config is true.");
                this.VerifySUTDisplay(true, compareRect, 2);

            // Delete the surface
            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface {0} is deleted", surf.Id);
        public void RDPEGFX_SurfaceToScreen_PositiveTest_MultiSurfaceOverlap()
            uint fid;

            this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Do capability exchange.");
            // Init for capability exchange

            RDPGFX_RECT16 verifyRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight);

            // Init Data for test
            RDPGFX_POINT16[] positions = new RDPGFX_POINT16[4];
            positions[0] = new RDPGFX_POINT16(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.x, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.y);
            positions[1] = new RDPGFX_POINT16((ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.x + RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth / 2), RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.y);
            positions[2] = new RDPGFX_POINT16(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.x, (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.y + RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight / 2));
            positions[3] = new RDPGFX_POINT16(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.x, RdpegfxTestUtility.surfPos.y);

            ushort[] widths = new ushort[4];
            widths[0] = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth;
            widths[1] = (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth / 2);
            widths[2] = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth;
            widths[3] = (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfWidth / 2);

            ushort[] heights = new ushort[4];
            heights[0] = (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight / 2);
            heights[1] = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight;
            heights[2] = (ushort)(RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight / 2);
            heights[3] = RdpegfxTestUtility.surfHeight;

            Color[] colors = new Color[4];
            colors[0] = Color.Green;
            colors[1] = Color.Blue;
            colors[2] = Color.Red;
            colors[3] = Color.Yellow;

            Surface[] surfaces = new Surface[4];
            // Test the overlap
            for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++)
                this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Create a surface and fill it with color: {0}.", colors[i]);
                // Create & output a surface
                RDPGFX_RECT16 surfRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(positions[i], widths[i], heights[i]);
                surfaces[i] = this.rdpegfxAdapter.CreateAndOutputSurface(surfRect, PixelFormat.PIXEL_FORMAT_XRGB_8888);
                this.TestSite.Assert.IsNotNull(surfaces[i], "Surface {0} is created", surfaces[i].Id);

                // Send solid fill request to client to fill surface with green color
                RDPGFX_RECT16   fillSurfRect = RdpegfxTestUtility.ConvertToRect(RdpegfxTestUtility.imgPos, widths[i], heights[i]);
                RDPGFX_RECT16[] fillRects    = { fillSurfRect }; // Relative to surface
                fid = this.rdpegfxAdapter.SolidFillSurface(surfaces[i], RdpegfxTestUtility.ToRdpgfx_Color32(colors[i]), fillRects);
                this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface is filled with solid color in frame: {0}", fid);

                // Expect the client to send a frame acknowledge pdu
                // If the server receives the message, it indicates that the client has been successfully decoded the logical frame of graphics commands

                this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Comment, "Verify output on SUT Display if the verifySUTDisplay entry in PTF config is true.");
                this.VerifySUTDisplay(false, verifyRect);
            // Delete the surface
            for (int i = 0; i < surfaces.Length; i++)
                if (surfaces[i] != null)
                    this.TestSite.Log.Add(LogEntryKind.Debug, "Surface {0} is deleted", surfaces[i].Id);
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy bitmap data from a source surface to the bitmap cache
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="surfaceId"></param>
 /// <param name="cacheKey"></param>
 /// <param name="cacheSlot"></param>
 /// <param name="rectSrc"></param>
 public void SurfaceToCache(ushort surfaceId, ulong cacheKey, ushort cacheSlot, RDPGFX_RECT16 rectSrc)
     if (surfaceDic.ContainsKey(surfaceId))
         Surface   sur       = surfaceDic[surfaceId];
         CacheItem cacheItem = new CacheItem(cacheKey, cacheSlot, sur.Image, rectSrc);
         bitmapCache[cacheSlot] = cacheItem;
        /// <summary>
        /// Render Clear codec image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="surfaceId"></param>
        /// <param name="pixFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="ccFlag"></param>
        /// <param name="graphIdx"></param>
        /// <param name="bmRect"></param>
        /// <param name="residualBmp"></param>
        /// <param name="bands"></param>
        /// <param name="subcodecs"></param>
        public void RenderClearCodecImage(ushort surfaceId, PixelFormat pixFormat, byte ccFlag, ushort graphIdx, RDPGFX_RECT16 bmRect, Image residualBmp,
                                          Dictionary <RDPGFX_POINT16, Bitmap> bands, Dictionary <RDPGFX_POINT16, BMP_INFO> subcodecs)
            Image    paint  = new Bitmap(bmRect.right - bmRect.left, bmRect.bottom - bmRect.top);
            Graphics paintG = Graphics.FromImage(paint);

            if (ccFlag != 0 && ((ccFlag & ClearCodec_BitmapStream.CLEARCODEC_FLAG_GLYPH_INDEX) != 0) &&
                ((ccFlag & ClearCodec_BitmapStream.CLEARCODEC_FLAG_GLYPH_HIT) != 0) &&
                Image     srcImage = this.clearCodecGlyphStorage[graphIdx];
                Rectangle srcRect  = new Rectangle(0, 0, srcImage.Width, srcImage.Height);
                Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, bmRect.right - bmRect.left, bmRect.bottom - bmRect.top);
                paintG.DrawImage(srcImage, destRect, srcRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                // Draw the first layer: residualData
                if (residualBmp != null && residualBmp.Width <= paint.Width && residualBmp.Height <= residualBmp.Height)
                    paintG.DrawImage(residualBmp, 0, 0);

                // Draw the second layer: bandsData
                if (bands != null)
                    foreach (RDPGFX_POINT16 pos in bands.Keys)
                        Bitmap image = bands[pos];
                        if (pos.x + image.Width <= paint.Width && pos.y + image.Height <= paint.Height)
                            paintG.DrawImage(image, pos.x, pos.y);

                // Draw the third layer: subcodecData
                if (subcodecs != null)
                    foreach (RDPGFX_POINT16 pos in subcodecs.Keys)
                        Bitmap image = subcodecs[pos].bmp;
                        if (pos.x + image.Width <= paint.Width && pos.y + image.Height <= paint.Height)
                            paintG.DrawImage(image, pos.x, pos.y);


            // Draw the image to the surface
            if (this.surfaceDic.ContainsKey(surfaceId))
                Surface sur = surfaceDic[surfaceId];
                sur.DrawImage(paint, bmRect.left, bmRect.top);

            // Save the image to Glyph Storage
            if (ccFlag != 0 && ((ccFlag & ClearCodec_BitmapStream.CLEARCODEC_FLAG_GLYPH_INDEX) != 0) &&
                ((ccFlag & ClearCodec_BitmapStream.CLEARCODEC_FLAG_GLYPH_HIT) == 0))
                if (this.clearCodecGlyphStorage.ContainsKey(graphIdx))
                this.clearCodecGlyphStorage.Add(graphIdx, paint);