public JsonResult GetTShopSkiItemsPaymentMode([FromRoute] Guid ApplicationID)
            SqlParameter[] parms   = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@ApplicationID", ApplicationID) };
            var            results = RDFacadeExtensions.GetModelFromQuery <TShopSkiItemsApi>(_context, "EXEC spShopGetGraph_PaymentWise @ApplicationID", parms);

            return(new JsonResult(results.ToList()));
        public static string ConverNameToDb(this IRepository repository, string name)
            IRepositoryHelper helper = repository.RepositoryContext as IRepositoryHelper;

            if (helper != null)
                return(RDFacadeExtensions.ConvertName(helper.ProviderName, name));
Beispiel #3
        public async Task UpdateStatistics()
            await RunWithDbContextAsync(async _context => {
                int total    = _context.Groups.Where(g => g.Collection.CollectionId == 1).Count();
                int todo     = _taskDispacher.CountToDo();
                int toreview = _taskDispacher.CountToReview();
                int done     = await _context
                               .FromSql("SELECT * FROM \"Groups\" AS \"gg\" \n" +
                                        "WHERE\n" +
                                        "(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT \"FieldTypes\".\"Name\") FROM\n" +
                                        "  \"GVSuggestions\"\n" +
                                        "   INNER JOIN \"GroupVersions\" ON \"GVSuggestions\".\"GroupVersionForeignKey\" = \"GroupVersions\".\"GroupVersionId\"\n" +
                                        "   INNER JOIN \"FieldTypes\" ON \"GVSuggestions\".\"FieldTypeForeignKey\" = \"FieldTypes\".\"FieldTypeId\"\n" +
                                        " WHERE \"GroupVersions\".\"GroupId\" = \"gg\".\"GroupId\"\n" +
                                        " AND \"FieldTypes\".\"Name\" IN('TextBUC', 'TextEnglish', 'TextChinese')\n" +
                                        " AND \"GroupVersions\".\"NextVersionGroupVersionId\" IS NULL\n" +
                                        ") >= 3\n" //罗 英 中 全
                int doneBUC = await _context
                              .FromSql("SELECT * FROM \"Groups\" AS \"gg\" \n" +
                                       "WHERE\n" +
                                       "(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT \"FieldTypes\".\"Name\") FROM\n" +
                                       "  \"GVSuggestions\"\n" +
                                       "   INNER JOIN \"GroupVersions\" ON \"GVSuggestions\".\"GroupVersionForeignKey\" = \"GroupVersions\".\"GroupVersionId\"\n" +
                                       "   INNER JOIN \"FieldTypes\" ON \"GVSuggestions\".\"FieldTypeForeignKey\" = \"FieldTypes\".\"FieldTypeId\"\n" +
                                       " WHERE \"GroupVersions\".\"GroupId\" = \"gg\".\"GroupId\"\n" +
                                       " AND \"FieldTypes\".\"Name\" IN('TextBUC')\n" +
                                       " AND \"GroupVersions\".\"NextVersionGroupVersionId\" IS NULL\n" +
                                       ") >= 1\n" //罗
                int doneChinese = await _context
                                  .FromSql("SELECT * FROM \"Groups\" AS \"gg\" \n" +
                                           "WHERE\n" +
                                           "(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT \"FieldTypes\".\"Name\") FROM\n" +
                                           "  \"GVSuggestions\"\n" +
                                           "   INNER JOIN \"GroupVersions\" ON \"GVSuggestions\".\"GroupVersionForeignKey\" = \"GroupVersions\".\"GroupVersionId\"\n" +
                                           "   INNER JOIN \"FieldTypes\" ON \"GVSuggestions\".\"FieldTypeForeignKey\" = \"FieldTypes\".\"FieldTypeId\"\n" +
                                           " WHERE \"GroupVersions\".\"GroupId\" = \"gg\".\"GroupId\"\n" +
                                           " AND \"FieldTypes\".\"Name\" IN('TextChinese')\n" +
                                           " AND \"GroupVersions\".\"NextVersionGroupVersionId\" IS NULL\n" +
                                           ") >= 1\n" //中
                int doneEnglish = await _context
                                  .FromSql("SELECT * FROM \"Groups\" AS \"gg\" \n" +
                                           "WHERE\n" +
                                           "(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT \"FieldTypes\".\"Name\") FROM\n" +
                                           "  \"GVSuggestions\"\n" +
                                           "   INNER JOIN \"GroupVersions\" ON \"GVSuggestions\".\"GroupVersionForeignKey\" = \"GroupVersions\".\"GroupVersionId\"\n" +
                                           "   INNER JOIN \"FieldTypes\" ON \"GVSuggestions\".\"FieldTypeForeignKey\" = \"FieldTypes\".\"FieldTypeId\"\n" +
                                           " WHERE \"GroupVersions\".\"GroupId\" = \"gg\".\"GroupId\"\n" +
                                           " AND \"FieldTypes\".\"Name\" IN('TextEnglish')\n" +
                                           " AND \"GroupVersions\".\"NextVersionGroupVersionId\" IS NULL\n" +
                                           ") >= 1\n" //英
                int reviewed = done - toreview;

                done        = done > 0 ? done : 0;
                reviewed    = reviewed > 0 ? reviewed : 0;
                ToDoTotal   = total;
                Done        = done;
                DoneBUC     = doneBUC;
                DoneChinese = doneChinese;
                DoneEnglish = doneEnglish;
                ReviewTotal = done;
                Reviewed    = reviewed;

                // Top Contributors
                ((List <Tuple <string, int> >)TopContributors).Clear();

                var reader = await RDFacadeExtensions.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync(_context.Database,
                                                                             "SELECT  \"AspNetUsers\".\"Email\", \"AspNetUsers\".\"NickName\",\"cc\".\"Count\" FROM\n" +
                                                                             "(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT \"SuggestionId\") AS \"Count\", \"AuthorId\" \n" +
                                                                             "FROM \"Suggestions\"\n" +
                                                                             "GROUP BY \"AuthorId\"\n" +
                                                                             ") AS \"cc\" \n" +
                                                                             "LEFT OUTER JOIN \"AspNetUsers\" ON \"cc\".\"AuthorId\" = \"AspNetUsers\".\"Id\" \n" +
                                                                             "ORDER BY \"Count\" DESC \n" +
                                                                             "LIMIT 10 \n"

                while (reader.DbDataReader.Read())
                    var email      = reader.DbDataReader[0].ToString();
                    var nickname   = reader.DbDataReader[1].ToString();
                    var contrib    = reader.DbDataReader[2].ToString();
                    int contribInt = 0;
                    Int32.TryParse(contrib, out contribInt);
                    if (email == "" && nickname == "")
                        ((List <Tuple <string, int> >)TopContributors).Add(new Tuple <string, int>("匿名者 (众人)", contribInt));
                        email = CensorEmail(email);
                        ((List <Tuple <string, int> >)TopContributors).Add(new Tuple <string, int>($"{nickname} ({email})", contribInt));
