Beispiel #1
        public QuizScreenViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, int quizID, string userType, string username)
            this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            this.quizID          = quizID;
            this.userType        = userType;
            this.username        = username;
            this.Model           = new QuizScreenModel();

            //gets the quiz JSON and then fills the model with the quiz's content
            string JSON = QuizHandling.GetQuizJSON(this.quizID);

            (Model.Questions, Model.QuestionTypes, Model.Answers, Model.TimeLeft, Model.QuizType) = QuizHandling.OpenQuiz(JSON);

            //creates a string array that the user's inputs will go into
            Model.UserInputs          = new string[Model.Questions.Length];
            this.Model.NextButtonText = "Next Question";

        public CreateQuizViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, string username, IWindowManager windowManager, int quizID)
            this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            //subscribe to the event aggregator for sending the quiz to a class at the end

            //sets everything up as it should be and assigns the default values for editing a quiz from the first question
            this.windowManager = windowManager;

            this.Model = new CreateQuizModel();

            this.Model.Username = username;

            this.Model.CurrentQuestionNumber = 0;
            this.Model.NextButtonText        = "Add question";
            this.Model.Public = true;

            // quiz ID being -1 means that it's a new quiz, if the quiz ID put into the ViewModel as a parameter isn't -1 then load the quiz contents from the server
            if (quizID != -1)
                string JSON = QuizHandling.GetQuizJSON(quizID);
                //temporary to return values into
                string[] questions;
                int[]    questionTypes;
                string[] answers;
                (questions, questionTypes, answers, Model.TimeAllocated, Model.QuizType) = QuizHandling.OpenQuiz(JSON);
                FillModel(questions, questionTypes, answers);
                //Sets the default values for quiz entry
                this.Model.QuestionNumberDisplay = "Question 1/1";
                this.Model.Instant  = true;
                this.Model.QuizType = "Instant";
                //start on settings
                this.Model.CurrentQuestionType = 3;
Beispiel #3
        public ViewQuizViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator, string username, int quizID)
            this.eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            this.Model           = new ViewQuizModel();

            bool success;

            //gets the quiz attempt information from the server
            (Model.QuizID, Model.Username, Model.QuizType, Model.Questions, Model.Answers, Model.CorrectQuestions, success) = QuizHandling.GetQuizInformation(username, quizID);

            if (success == false)
                MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong loading the quiz. Returning to the main menu");

                ChangePageEvent changePage = new ChangePageEvent();
                changePage.pageName = "TeacherMainMenu";
                this.Model.CurrentQuestionNumber = 0;