public async Task Ack_ValidInformation_StampsAcknowledgmentReturnsPositiveResult()
            var exampleQueueName = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");

            var readyJobId = JobId.Generate();

            var existingJobs = new[]
                new Job
                    Id      = readyJobId,
                    QueueId = exampleQueueName

            var exampleAck = new JobAcknowledgment
                { "RunnerId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") }

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var jobs = database.GetJobCollection();
                await jobs.InsertManyAsync(existingJobs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var sut    = new MongoJobAcknowledgmentService(database);
                var result = await sut.Ack(exampleQueueName, readyJobId, exampleAck).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var jobWeExpectToHaveBeenAcknowledged = await jobs.Find(Builders <Job> .Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, readyJobId)).FirstAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.That(result?.Success, Is.True);
                Assert.That(jobWeExpectToHaveBeenAcknowledged.Acknowledgment, Is.EqualTo(exampleAck));
                Assert.That(jobWeExpectToHaveBeenAcknowledged.Acknowledgment["RunnerId"], Is.EqualTo(exampleAck["RunnerId"]));
        public async Task QueryCount_QueryByMultiAttributes_YieldMatchingResults()
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var exampleQuery   = new JobQuery
                QueueId       = exampleQueueId,
                HasAttributes = new JobAttributes
                    { "DataCenter", "CAL01" },
                    { "Geo", "USA" }

            var matchingJob1  = JobId.Generate();
            var unmatchedJob1 = JobId.Generate();
            var unmatchedJob2 = JobId.Generate();

            var existingJobs = new[] { new Job
                                           Id         = unmatchedJob1,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "DataCenter", "CAL01" },
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id         = matchingJob1,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "DataCenter", "CAL01" },
                                               { "Geo", "USA" }
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id         = unmatchedJob2,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "Geo", "USA" },
                                       } };

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var jobs = database.GetJobCollection();

                await jobs.InsertManyAsync(existingJobs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var sut = new MongoJobQueryCountService(database);

                var results = (await sut.QueryCount(exampleQuery).ConfigureAwait(false));

                long expected = 1;

                Assert.That(results, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.AreEqual(results, expected);
Beispiel #3
        public async Task Complete_ValidResult_Persists()
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
            var exampleJobId   = JobId.Generate();
            var exampleResult  = new JobResult {
                { "Datacenter", "PEN" }

            Assert.That(exampleResult, Is.Not.Null);

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var collection = database.GetJobCollection();
                collection.InsertOne(new Job {
                    QueueId = exampleQueueId, Id = exampleJobId
                var sut = new MongoJobCompletionService(database);
                await sut.Complete(exampleQueueId, exampleJobId, exampleResult).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var result = await collection.Find(Builders <Job> .Filter.Empty).SingleAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.That(result.Result, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(result.Result["Datacenter"], Is.EqualTo("PEN"));
        public async Task Subscribe_WillNotCallWorkFuncIfNothingMetTheCriteria()
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var cancel         = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            var exampleOptions = new PeekNextSubscriptionOptions
                Token           = cancel.Token,
                PollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1),
                PeekNextOptions = new PeekNextOptions()
            var mockPeekNextService = new Mock <IJobPeekNextService>();

            .Setup(x => x.PeekFor(exampleOptions.PeekNextOptions))
            .ReturnsAsync(Enumerable.Empty <Job>());

            var sut = new TaskBasedPeekNextSubscriber(mockPeekNextService.Object);

            var numberOfTimesOurDelegateIsInvoked = 0;
            await sut.Subscribe(job => Task.FromResult(numberOfTimesOurDelegateIsInvoked += 1), exampleOptions).ConfigureAwait(false);



            Assert.That(numberOfTimesOurDelegateIsInvoked, Is.EqualTo(0));
            mockPeekNextService.Verify(x => x.PeekFor(exampleOptions.PeekNextOptions), Times.AtLeastOnce);
        public async Task Subscribe_WillFindMessages(int numberOfJobs)
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var cancel         = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            var exampleOptions = new PeekNextSubscriptionOptions
                Token           = cancel.Token,
                PollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1),
                PeekNextOptions = new PeekNextOptions()
            var mockPeekNextService = new Mock <IJobPeekNextService>();
            var numberOfJobsTaken   = 0;

            mockPeekNextService.Setup(x => x.PeekFor(exampleOptions.PeekNextOptions)).Returns(() =>
                numberOfJobsTaken += 1;
                return(numberOfJobsTaken <= numberOfJobs ? Task.FromResult(new[] { new Job() }.AsEnumerable()) : Task.FromResult(Enumerable.Empty <Job>()));

            var sut = new TaskBasedPeekNextSubscriber(mockPeekNextService.Object);

            var numberOfTimesOurDelegateIsInvoked = 0;
            await sut.Subscribe(job => Task.FromResult(numberOfTimesOurDelegateIsInvoked += 1), exampleOptions).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // wait for us to have processed the jobs, or for the max time to be over.
            } while (numberOfTimesOurDelegateIsInvoked < numberOfJobs && !cancel.IsCancellationRequested);


            Assert.That(numberOfTimesOurDelegateIsInvoked, Is.EqualTo(numberOfJobs));
            mockPeekNextService.Verify(x => x.PeekFor(exampleOptions.PeekNextOptions), Times.AtLeast(numberOfJobsTaken));
        public async Task ProcessJobsForMyDataCenter_TwoInQueue_QueryThenAcknowledgeApproach()
            var exampleQueueName = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                // Create two jobs that are relevant for my datacenter
                var creationService = new MongoJobCreationService(database);
                var spinWidgetJobId = await creationService.Create(exampleQueueName, new JobAttributes
                    { "Name", "SpinWidget" },
                    { "DataCenter", "CAL01" }
                var fooBarJobId = await creationService.Create(exampleQueueName, new JobAttributes
                    { "Name", "FooBar" },
                    { "DataCenter", "CAL01" }

                var finished1 = await TryProcessOneJobUsingPeekThanAck(database, exampleQueueName, new JobAttributes {
                    { "DataCenter", "CAL01" }
                var finished2 = await TryProcessOneJobUsingPeekThanAck(database, exampleQueueName, new JobAttributes {
                    { "DataCenter", "CAL01" }
                var finished3 = await TryProcessOneJobUsingPeekThanAck(database, exampleQueueName, new JobAttributes {
                    { "DataCenter", "CAL01" }

                Assert.That(finished1, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(finished2, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(finished3, Is.Null);
Beispiel #7
        public async Task QueryFor_AJArrayOfStringsAndWithInvalidAdhocQuery_ThrowsException()
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var exampleQuery   = new JobQuery
                QueueId       = exampleQueueId,
                HasAttributes = new JobAttributes
                    { "name", new JArray {
                          "DeployApi", "DeployWebsite"
                      } }
                AdhocQuery = "SampeInvalidMongoQuery"

            await RunInMongoLand(database =>
                var sut = new MongoJobQueryService(database);

                var ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(async() =>
                    await sut.QueryFor(exampleQuery).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.That(ex.Message, Does.Contain("Invalid adhocQuery"));
Beispiel #8
        protected override async Task EstablishContext()
            await base.EstablishContext().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var queueIds = new List <QueueId>();

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfQueues; i++)

            var rando        = new Random(DateTime.UtcNow.Millisecond);
            var jobsToInsert = new List <Job>();

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfExistingNewlyCreatedJobs; i++)
                var queueIdToUse = queueIds[rando.Next(0, queueIds.Count)];
                var newJob       = new Job
                    Id         = JobId.Generate(),
                    QueueId    = queueIdToUse,
                    Attributes = AttributeGenerator()

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfExistingAcknowledgedJobs; i++)
                var queueIdToUse = queueIds[rando.Next(0, queueIds.Count)];
                var newJob       = new Job
                    Id             = JobId.Generate(),
                    QueueId        = queueIdToUse,
                    Attributes     = AttributeGenerator(),
                    Acknowledgment = AckGenerator(),

            for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfExistingCompletedJobs; i++)
                var queueIdToUse = queueIds[rando.Next(0, queueIds.Count)];
                var newJob       = new Job
                    Id             = JobId.Generate(),
                    QueueId        = queueIdToUse,
                    Attributes     = AttributeGenerator(),
                    Acknowledgment = AckGenerator(),
                    Result         = ResultGenerator()

            await Database.GetJobCollection().InsertManyAsync(jobsToInsert).ConfigureAwait(false);

            GeneratedQueueId = queueIds;
Beispiel #9
        public async Task QueryFor_HasResult_YieldsOnlyFinishedJobs()
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var exampleQuery   = new JobQuery
                QueueId   = exampleQueueId,
                HasResult = true

            var matchingJob1  = JobId.Generate();
            var matchingJob2  = JobId.Generate();
            var unmatchedJob1 = JobId.Generate();

            var existingJobs = new[] { new Job
                                           Id      = matchingJob1,
                                           QueueId = exampleQueueId,
                                           Result  = new JobResult
                                               { "Result", "Failed" }
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id      = matchingJob2,
                                           QueueId = exampleQueueId,
                                           Result  = new JobResult
                                               { "Result", "Success" }
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id      = unmatchedJob1,
                                           QueueId = exampleQueueId,
                                       } };

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var jobs = database.GetJobCollection();

                await jobs.InsertManyAsync(existingJobs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var sut = new MongoJobQueryService(database);

                var results = (await sut.QueryFor(exampleQuery).ConfigureAwait(false))?.ToList();

                Assert.That(results, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(results, Has.Count.EqualTo(2));

                // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
                var foundIds = results.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();

                Assert.That(foundIds, Contains.Item(matchingJob1));
                Assert.That(foundIds, Contains.Item(matchingJob2));
Beispiel #10
        public async Task TakeFor_NewJobs_ReturnsAvailableJobAndAcknowledges()
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var exampleOptions = new TakeNextOptions
                QueueId        = exampleQueueId,
                Acknowledgment = new JobAcknowledgment
                    { "RunnerId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") }

            var newlyCreatedJobId = JobId.Generate();
            var existingJobs      = new[] { new Job
                                                Id      = JobId.Generate(),
                                                QueueId = exampleQueueId,
                                                Result  = new JobResult {
                                                    { "Result", "Success" }
                                                Acknowledgment = new JobAcknowledgment
                                                    { "RunnerId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") }
                                            }, new Job
                                                Id             = JobId.Generate(),
                                                QueueId        = exampleQueueId,
                                                Acknowledgment = new JobAcknowledgment
                                                    { "RunnerId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") }
                                            }, new Job
                                                Id      = newlyCreatedJobId,
                                                QueueId = exampleQueueId
                                            } };

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var jobs = database.GetJobCollection();

                await jobs.InsertManyAsync(existingJobs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var sut = new MongoJobTakeNextService(database);

                var result = await sut.TakeFor(exampleOptions).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(result?.Id, Is.EqualTo(newlyCreatedJobId));
                Assert.That(result?.Acknowledgment, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(result?.Acknowledgment["RunnerId"], Is.EqualTo(exampleOptions.Acknowledgment["RunnerId"]));
        public async Task PeekFor_NewJobs_ReturnsAvailableJobs()
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var exampleQuery   = new PeekNextOptions
                QueueId = exampleQueueId

            var newlyCreatedJobId = JobId.Generate();
            var existingJobs      = new[] { new Job
                                                Id      = JobId.Generate(),
                                                QueueId = exampleQueueId,
                                                Result  = new JobResult {
                                                    { "Result", "Success" }
                                                Acknowledgment = new JobAcknowledgment
                                                    { "RunnerId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") }
                                            }, new Job
                                                Id             = JobId.Generate(),
                                                QueueId        = exampleQueueId,
                                                Acknowledgment = new JobAcknowledgment
                                                    { "RunnerId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") }
                                            }, new Job
                                                Id      = newlyCreatedJobId,
                                                QueueId = exampleQueueId
                                            } };

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var jobs = database.GetJobCollection();

                await jobs.InsertManyAsync(existingJobs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var sut = new MongoJobPeekNextService(new MongoJobQueryService(database));

                var results = (await sut.PeekFor(exampleQuery).ConfigureAwait(false))?.ToList();

                Assert.That(results, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(results, Has.Count.EqualTo(1));

                Assert.That(results?.First()?.Id, Is.EqualTo(newlyCreatedJobId));
        public async Task AddReport_AcknowledgedJobWithReports_AddsReport()
            var exampleQueue = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");

            var myJobId      = JobId.Generate();
            var existingJobs = new[] { new Job
                                           Id             = myJobId,
                                           QueueId        = exampleQueue,
                                           Acknowledgment = new JobAcknowledgment
                                               { "RunnerId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") }
                                           Reports = new [] { new JobReport {
                                                                  { "Start Time", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("O") }
                                                              } }
                                       } };

            var exampleReport = new JobReport {
                { "Timestamp", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("O") }, { "Message", "FooBar" }

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var jobs = database.GetJobCollection();
                await jobs.InsertManyAsync(existingJobs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var sut = new MongoJobReportService(database);
                await sut.AddReport(exampleQueue, myJobId, exampleReport).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var myJob = await jobs.Find(Builders <Job> .Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, myJobId)).FirstAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.That(myJob.Reports, Has.Length.EqualTo(2));
                Assert.That(myJob.Reports.Last().Keys, Contains.Item("Timestamp"));
                Assert.That(myJob.Reports.Last()["Timestamp"], Is.EqualTo(exampleReport["Timestamp"]));
                Assert.That(myJob.Reports.Last().Keys, Contains.Item("Message"));
                Assert.That(myJob.Reports.Last()["Message"], Is.EqualTo(exampleReport["Message"]));
        public async Task QueryCount_Skip_YieldSkipped()
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var exampleQuery   = new JobQuery
                QueueId = exampleQueueId,
                Skip    = 2,

            var existingJobs = new[] { new Job
                                           Id      = JobId.Generate(),
                                           QueueId = exampleQueueId
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id      = JobId.Generate(),
                                           QueueId = exampleQueueId
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id      = JobId.Generate(),
                                           QueueId = exampleQueueId
                                       } };

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var jobs = database.GetJobCollection();

                await jobs.InsertManyAsync(existingJobs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var sut = new MongoJobQueryCountService(database);

                var results = (await sut.QueryCount(exampleQuery).ConfigureAwait(false));

                long expected = 3;

                Assert.That(results, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.AreEqual(results, expected);
Beispiel #14
        public async Task QueryFor_Limit_YieldsOnlyToTheLimit()
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var exampleQuery   = new JobQuery
                QueueId = exampleQueueId,
                Limit   = 2,

            var existingJobs = new[] { new Job
                                           Id      = JobId.Generate(),
                                           QueueId = exampleQueueId
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id      = JobId.Generate(),
                                           QueueId = exampleQueueId
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id      = JobId.Generate(),
                                           QueueId = exampleQueueId
                                       } };

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var jobs = database.GetJobCollection();

                await jobs.InsertManyAsync(existingJobs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var sut = new MongoJobQueryService(database);

                var results = (await sut.QueryFor(exampleQuery).ConfigureAwait(false))?.ToList();

                Assert.That(results, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(results, Has.Count.EqualTo(2));
Beispiel #15
        public async Task Create_ValidInitialData_Persists()
            var exampleQueueId    = QueueId.Parse(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
            var exampleAttributes = new JobAttributes {
                { "name", "Thing ToDo" }

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var sut = new MongoJobCreationService(database);

                var newId = await sut.Create(exampleQueueId, exampleAttributes).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.That(newId, Is.Not.Null);
                var collection      = database.GetCollection <Job>(CollectionNames.Job);
                var newlyCreatedJob = await collection.Find(Builders <Job> .Filter.Empty).SingleAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.That(newlyCreatedJob.Id, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(newlyCreatedJob.Id, Is.Not.EqualTo(JobId.Empty()));
                Assert.That(newlyCreatedJob.QueueId, Is.EqualTo(exampleQueueId));
                Assert.That(newlyCreatedJob.Attributes, Is.EqualTo(exampleAttributes));
                Assert.That(newlyCreatedJob.Attributes["name"], Is.EqualTo("Thing ToDo"));
        public async Task Subscribe_WillCheckMoreThanMoreThanOnce()
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var cancel         = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
            var exampleOptions = new PeekNextSubscriptionOptions
                Token           = cancel.Token,
                PollingInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1),
                PeekNextOptions = new PeekNextOptions()
            var mockPeekNextService = new Mock <IJobPeekNextService>();

            var sut = new TaskBasedPeekNextSubscriber(mockPeekNextService.Object);

            var hasBeenCalled = false;
            await sut.Subscribe(job => Task.FromResult(hasBeenCalled = true), exampleOptions).ConfigureAwait(false);



            Assert.That(hasBeenCalled, Is.False);
            mockPeekNextService.Verify(x => x.PeekFor(exampleOptions.PeekNextOptions), Times.AtLeast(2));
        public async Task RollingDeploy_ModelSubJobsOrchestratedByParent()
            var exampleQueueName = QueueId.Parse("Wind");

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                var cancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token;

                var finishedJobs = new ConcurrentBag <Job>();

                await SetupTakeNextWorkerWithSubscription(database, exampleQueueName, finishedJobs, new JobAttributes {
                    { "Name", "DeployServer" },
                }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Create a rolling deploy relevant for my datacenter
                var creationService = new MongoJobCreationService(database);
                await creationService.Create(exampleQueueName, new JobAttributes
                    { "Name", "RollingDeploy" },
                    { "Environment", "Prod" }

                // Take Next available job
                var takeNextSubscriber = new TaskBasedTakeNextSubscriber(new MongoJobTakeNextService(database));
                var standardAck        = new JobAcknowledgment
                    { "RunnerId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") }
                var peekQuery = new TakeNextOptions
                    QueueId       = exampleQueueName,
                    HasAttributes = new JobAttributes {
                        { "Environment", "Prod" }
                    Acknowledgment = standardAck
                await takeNextSubscriber.Subscribe(async rollingDeployJob =>
                    // Send Reports
                    var reportService = new MongoJobReportService(database);
                    reportService.AddReport(exampleQueueName, rollingDeployJob.Id,
                                            new JobReport {
                        { "Timestamp", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("O") }, { "Message", "Starting Rolling Deploy" }

                    var queryService = new MongoJobQueryService(database);

                    IEnumerable servers = new[] { "PROD2", "PROD1" };
                    foreach (var server in servers)
                        var deployServer = new JobAttributes
                            { "Name", "DeployServer" },
                            { "Server", server }

                        await reportService.AddReport(exampleQueueName, rollingDeployJob.Id,
                                                      new JobReport {
                            { "Timestamp", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("O") }, { "Message", $"Requesting Deploy on server {server}" }
                        var deployServerJobId = await creationService.Create(exampleQueueName, deployServer).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        Job hasResult;
                            // replace with detail service
                            hasResult = (await queryService.QueryFor(new JobQuery {
                                QueueId = exampleQueueName, JobIds = new[] { deployServerJobId }, HasResult = true
                        } while (hasResult == null);

                        await reportService.AddReport(exampleQueueName, rollingDeployJob.Id,
                                                      new JobReport {
                            { "Timestamp", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("O") }, { "Message", $"Deploy on server {server} Completed, {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(hasResult.Result)}" }
                        // inspect result

                    // Send Result
                    var completionService = new MongoJobCompletionService(database);
                    await completionService.Complete(exampleQueueName, rollingDeployJob.Id, new JobResult {
                        { "Result", "Success" }

                    var finalizedRollingDeployJob = await queryService.QueryFor(new JobQuery {
                        QueueId = exampleQueueName, JobIds = new[] { rollingDeployJob.Id }


                    Console.WriteLine($"Finalized Rolling Deploy Job: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(finalizedRollingDeployJob)}");

                    Assert.That(finalizedRollingDeployJob.First().Result["Result"], Is.EqualTo("Success"));
                }, new TakeNextSubscriptionOptions
                    TakeNextOptions = peekQuery,
                    Token           = cancellationToken,
Beispiel #18
        public async Task TakeFor_NewJobs_OnlyModifiesOneJob()
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var exampleOptions = new TakeNextOptions
                QueueId        = exampleQueueId,
                Acknowledgment = new JobAcknowledgment
                    { "RunnerId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") }

            var newlyCreatedJobId1 = JobId.Generate();
            var newlyCreatedJobId2 = JobId.Generate();

            var existingJobs = new[] { new Job
                                           Id      = JobId.Generate(),
                                           QueueId = exampleQueueId,
                                           Result  = new JobResult {
                                               { "Result", "Success" }
                                           Acknowledgment = new JobAcknowledgment
                                               { "RunnerId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") }
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id             = JobId.Generate(),
                                           QueueId        = exampleQueueId,
                                           Acknowledgment = new JobAcknowledgment
                                               { "RunnerId", Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") }
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id      = newlyCreatedJobId1,
                                           QueueId = exampleQueueId
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id      = newlyCreatedJobId2,
                                           QueueId = exampleQueueId
                                       } };

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var jobs = database.GetJobCollection();

                await jobs.InsertManyAsync(existingJobs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var sut = new MongoJobTakeNextService(database);

                var result = await sut.TakeFor(exampleOptions).ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(result?.Id, Is.EqualTo(newlyCreatedJobId1));

                var jobInDb1 = await jobs.Find(Builders <Job> .Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, newlyCreatedJobId1)).SingleAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                Assert.That(jobInDb1.Acknowledgment, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(jobInDb1.Acknowledgment["RunnerId"], Is.EqualTo(exampleOptions.Acknowledgment["RunnerId"]));

                var jobInDb2 = await jobs.Find(Builders <Job> .Filter.Eq(x => x.Id, newlyCreatedJobId2)).SingleAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                Assert.That(jobInDb2.Acknowledgment, Is.Null);
Beispiel #19
        public async Task QueryFor_QueryByMultiAttributes_YieldMatchingResults()
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var exampleQuery   = new JobQuery
                QueueId       = exampleQueueId,
                HasAttributes = new JobAttributes
                    { "DataCenter", "CAL01" },
                    { "Geo", "USA" }

            var matchingJob1  = JobId.Generate();
            var unmatchedJob1 = JobId.Generate();
            var unmatchedJob2 = JobId.Generate();

            var existingJobs = new[] { new Job
                                           Id         = unmatchedJob1,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "DataCenter", "CAL01" },
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id         = matchingJob1,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "DataCenter", "CAL01" },
                                               { "Geo", "USA" }
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id         = unmatchedJob2,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "Geo", "USA" },
                                       } };

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var jobs = database.GetJobCollection();

                await jobs.InsertManyAsync(existingJobs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var sut = new MongoJobQueryService(database);

                var results = (await sut.QueryFor(exampleQuery).ConfigureAwait(false))?.ToList();

                Assert.That(results, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(results, Has.Count.EqualTo(1));

                // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
                var foundIds = results.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();

                Assert.That(foundIds, Contains.Item(matchingJob1));
Beispiel #20
        public async Task QueryFor_AJArrayOfStringsAndWithOrStyleAdhocQuery_ReturnsAllJobsMatching()
            var matchingJob1  = JobId.Generate();
            var matchingJob2  = JobId.Generate();
            var matchingJob3  = JobId.Generate();
            var unmatchedJob1 = JobId.Generate();

            var exampleAcknowledgedDateTime1 = new DateTime(2010, 1, 22, 22, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var exampleAcknowledgedDateTime2 = new DateTime(2010, 1, 22, 23, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var exampleQuery   = new JobQuery
                QueueId       = exampleQueueId,
                HasAttributes = new JobAttributes
                    { "name", new JArray {
                          "DeployApi", "DeployWebsite"
                      } }
                AdhocQuery = "{\"$or\" : [{ \"Acknowledgment.acknowledgedDateTime\": ISODate(\"2010-01-22T22:00:00.000Z\")},{ \"Acknowledgment.acknowledgedDateTime\": ISODate(\"2010-01-22T23:00:00.000Z\")}]}"

            var existingJobs = new[] { new Job
                                           Id         = matchingJob1,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "name", "DeployApi" }
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id         = matchingJob2,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "name", "DeployWebsite" }
                                           Acknowledgment = new JobAcknowledgment
                                               { "acknowledgedDateTime", exampleAcknowledgedDateTime1 }
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id         = unmatchedJob1,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "name", "DeploySchema" }
                                       }, new Job()
                                           Id         = matchingJob3,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "name", "DeployApi" }
                                           Acknowledgment = new JobAcknowledgment
                                               { "acknowledgedDateTime", exampleAcknowledgedDateTime2 }
                                       } };

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var jobs = database.GetJobCollection();

                await jobs.InsertManyAsync(existingJobs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var sut = new MongoJobQueryService(database);

                var results = (await sut.QueryFor(exampleQuery).ConfigureAwait(false))?.ToList();

                Assert.That(results, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(results, Has.Count.EqualTo(2));

                // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
                var foundIds = results.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();

                Assert.That(foundIds, Contains.Item(matchingJob2));
                Assert.That(foundIds, Contains.Item(matchingJob3));
Beispiel #21
        public async Task QueryFor_AJArrayOfIntegers_ReturnsAllJobsMatching()
            var matchingJob1  = JobId.Generate();
            var matchingJob2  = JobId.Generate();
            var unmatchedJob1 = JobId.Generate();

            var exampleQueueId = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");
            var exampleQuery   = new JobQuery
                QueueId       = exampleQueueId,
                HasAttributes = new JobAttributes
                    { "cpu", new JArray {
                          1, 7
                      } }

            var existingJobs = new[] { new Job
                                           Id         = matchingJob1,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "cpu", 1 }
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id         = matchingJob2,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "cpu", 7 }
                                       }, new Job
                                           Id         = unmatchedJob1,
                                           QueueId    = exampleQueueId,
                                           Attributes = new JobAttributes
                                               { "cpu", 8 }
                                       } };

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                var jobs = database.GetJobCollection();

                await jobs.InsertManyAsync(existingJobs).ConfigureAwait(false);

                var sut = new MongoJobQueryService(database);

                var results = (await sut.QueryFor(exampleQuery).ConfigureAwait(false))?.ToList();

                Assert.That(results, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(results, Has.Count.EqualTo(2));

                // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
                var foundIds = results.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();

                Assert.That(foundIds, Contains.Item(matchingJob1));
                Assert.That(foundIds, Contains.Item(matchingJob2));
        public async Task ProcessJobsForMyDataCenter_XInQueueWithYConsumers_TakeNextApproach(int numberOfJobsToQueue, int numberOfConsumers)
            var testStartTime    = DateTime.Now;
            var exampleQueueName = QueueId.Parse("ExampleQueue");

            await RunInMongoLand(async database =>
                // Create two jobs that are relevant for my datacenter
                var creationService = new MongoJobCreationService(database);
                var jobsInQueue     = new List <JobId>();

                var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfJobsToQueue; i++)
                    var newJobId = await creationService.Create(exampleQueueName, new JobAttributes
                        { "Name", "SpinWidget" },
                        { "DataCenter", "CAL01" },


                Console.WriteLine($"Creating {numberOfJobsToQueue} jobs took: {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

                var finishedJobs = new ConcurrentBag <Job>();

                var cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                var cancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token;


                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfConsumers; i++)
                    var myDataCenter = new JobAttributes {
                        { "DataCenter", "CAL01" }

                    await SetupTakeNextWorkerWithSubscription(database, exampleQueueName, finishedJobs, myDataCenter, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                } while (finishedJobs.Count < jobsInQueue.Count && DateTime.Now < testStartTime.Add(MaxTestTime));

                Console.WriteLine($"{numberOfConsumers} consumers processed {numberOfJobsToQueue} jobs in: {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");


                var finishedJobIds = finishedJobs.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                foreach (var jobId in jobsInQueue)
                    Assert.That(finishedJobIds, Contains.Item(jobId));