Beispiel #1
        public void GetSurveyByTenantAndSlugNameReturnsWithQuestionPossibleAnswers()
            string expectedKey = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", "tenant", "slug-name");
            var    surveyRow   = new SurveyRow {
                RowKey = expectedKey
            var surveyRowsForTheQuery = new[] { surveyRow };
            var mockSurveyTable       = new Mock <IAzureTable <SurveyRow> >();

            mockSurveyTable.SetupGet(t => t.Query).Returns(surveyRowsForTheQuery.AsQueryable());
            mockSurveyTable.Setup(t => t.GetRetryPolicyFactoryInstance()).Returns(new DefaultRetryPolicyFactory());
            var questionRow = new QuestionRow {
                PartitionKey = expectedKey, PossibleAnswers = "possible answers", Type = Enum.GetName(typeof(QuestionType), QuestionType.SimpleText)
            var questionsForTheQuery = new[] { questionRow };
            var mockQuestionTable    = new Mock <IAzureTable <QuestionRow> >();

            mockQuestionTable.SetupGet(t => t.Query).Returns(questionsForTheQuery.AsQueryable());
            mockQuestionTable.Setup(t => t.GetRetryPolicyFactoryInstance()).Returns(new DefaultRetryPolicyFactory());
            var store = new SurveyStore(mockSurveyTable.Object, mockQuestionTable.Object, null);

            var survey = store.GetSurveyByTenantAndSlugName("tenant", "slug-name", true);

            Assert.AreEqual("possible answers", survey.Questions.First().PossibleAnswers);
        public async Task DeleteSurveyByTenantAndSlugNameDeleteQuestionsByTenantAndSlugNameInPartitionKeyFromQuestionTable()
            string expectedKey = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", "tenant", "slug-name");
            var    surveyRow   = new SurveyRow {
                RowKey = expectedKey
            var mockSurveyTable = new Mock <IAzureTable <SurveyRow> >();

            mockSurveyTable.Setup(t => t.GetByRowKeyAsync(expectedKey)).ReturnsAsync(new[] { surveyRow });
            var questionRow = new QuestionRow {
                PartitionKey = expectedKey, PossibleAnswers = "possible answers", Type = Enum.GetName(typeof(QuestionType), QuestionType.SimpleText)
            var questions         = new[] { questionRow };
            var mockQuestionTable = new Mock <IAzureTable <QuestionRow> >();

            mockQuestionTable.Setup(t => t.GetByPartitionKeyAsync(expectedKey)).ReturnsAsync(questions);
            IEnumerable <QuestionRow> actualQuestionsToDelete = null;

            mockQuestionTable.Setup(t => t.DeleteAsync(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <QuestionRow> >()))
            .Callback <IEnumerable <QuestionRow> >(q => actualQuestionsToDelete = q);

            var store = new SurveyStore(mockSurveyTable.Object, mockQuestionTable.Object, new Mock <IInitializationStatusService>().Object);

            await store.DeleteSurveyByTenantAndSlugNameAsync("tenant", "slug-name");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, actualQuestionsToDelete.Count());
            Assert.AreSame(questionRow, actualQuestionsToDelete.First());
Beispiel #3
        public void DeleteSurveyByTenantAndSlugNameDeleteQuestionsByTenantAndSlugNameInPartitionKeyFromQuestionTable()
            string expectedKey = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", "tenant", "slug-name");
            var    surveyRow   = new SurveyRow {
                RowKey = expectedKey
            var otherSurveyRow = new SurveyRow {
                RowKey = "other_row_key"
            var surveyRowsForTheQuery = new[] { surveyRow, otherSurveyRow };
            var mockSurveyTable       = new Mock <IAzureTable <SurveyRow> >();

            mockSurveyTable.SetupGet(t => t.Query).Returns(surveyRowsForTheQuery.AsQueryable());
            mockSurveyTable.Setup(t => t.GetRetryPolicyFactoryInstance()).Returns(new DefaultRetryPolicyFactory());
            var questionRow = new QuestionRow {
                PartitionKey = expectedKey, PossibleAnswers = "possible answers", Type = Enum.GetName(typeof(QuestionType), QuestionType.SimpleText)
            var questionsForTheQuery = new[] { questionRow };
            var mockQuestionTable    = new Mock <IAzureTable <QuestionRow> >();

            mockQuestionTable.SetupGet(t => t.Query).Returns(questionsForTheQuery.AsQueryable());
            mockQuestionTable.Setup(t => t.GetRetryPolicyFactoryInstance()).Returns(new DefaultRetryPolicyFactory());
            IEnumerable <QuestionRow> actualQuestionsToDelete = null;

            mockQuestionTable.Setup(t => t.Delete(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <QuestionRow> >()))
            .Callback <IEnumerable <QuestionRow> >(q => actualQuestionsToDelete = q);

            var store = new SurveyStore(mockSurveyTable.Object, mockQuestionTable.Object, null);

            store.DeleteSurveyByTenantAndSlugName("tenant", "slug-name");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, actualQuestionsToDelete.Count());
            Assert.AreSame(questionRow, actualQuestionsToDelete.First());
            public QuestionRow AddQuestionRow(string QuestionText, VoterRow parentVoterRowByVoterQuestion)
                QuestionRow rowQuestionRow = ((QuestionRow)(this.NewRow()));

                rowQuestionRow.ItemArray = new object[] {
Beispiel #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates an exam and returns the exam
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    GameObject GenerateExam()
        // empty parent object for positioning purposes (also contains a broken checkbox header, remove those and attach separately)
        GameObject exam = (GameObject)Instantiate(examPrefab, desk.transform.position + Vector3.up * /*(desk.transform.GetComponent<Collider>().bounds.extents.y + 0.01f)*/ 0.022f, Quaternion.identity);

        //new Vector3(0, desk.transform.localScale.z / 2, 0), Quaternion.identity);
        //load a bunch of random words from a text file and split on newline
        string[] questions = questionFile.text.Split('\n');

        // iterate through the number of questions wanted, layout optimized for 5
        for (int i = 0; i < questionAmount; i++)
            // row object, contains three checkboxes and a question text field
            GameObject row = (GameObject)Instantiate(rowPrefab, exam.transform.position + Vector3.forward * (questionAmount / 2) * 0.0001f + Vector3.back * i * 0.15f, Quaternion.identity);

            // make up a question
            string question = "";
            for (int j = 0; j < UnityEngine.Random.Range(4, 6); j++) // 4-5 random words, 7 was too much with current words
                question += (question.Length == 0 ? "-" : " ") + questions[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, questions.Length - 1)];
            question += "?";                                                           // append a question mark for good measure
            row.transform.FindChild("Question").GetComponent <Text>().text = question; // set the text for the object

            // randomize which checkbox is correct TODO mark the correct answers on neighbour exams
            QuestionRow questionrow = row.GetComponent <QuestionRow>();
            for (int j = 0; j < row.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <BoxCollider>().Length; j++)
                checkboxes.Add(row.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <BoxCollider>()[j].gameObject);
            questionrow.rightAnswerBox = row.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <BoxCollider>()[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 3)].gameObject;

            row.transform.parent = exam.transform;
        wrongAnswers = checkboxes.Count;
        // Generate copies of exam with correct answers marked on neighboring desks
        for (int i = 0; i < neighborDesks.Count; i++)
            GameObject neighborExam = (GameObject)Instantiate(exam, neighborDesks[i].transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.025f, Quaternion.identity);
            neighborExam.transform.parent = neighborCanvas[i].transform;
            for (int j = 0; j < correctCheckboxes.Count; j++)
                GameObject correctAnswer = (GameObject)Instantiate(crossMark, new Vector3(neighborDesks[i].transform.position.x, 0, 0) + correctCheckboxes[j].transform.position + Vector3.up * 0.001f, Quaternion.identity);
        exam.transform.parent = canvas.transform;

        public async Task GetSurveyByTenantAndSlugNameReturnsWithQuestionPossibleAnswers()
            string expectedKey = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", "tenant", "slug-name");
            var    surveyRow   = new SurveyRow {
                RowKey = expectedKey
            var mockSurveyTable = new Mock <IAzureTable <SurveyRow> >();

            mockSurveyTable.Setup(t => t.GetByRowKeyAsync(expectedKey)).ReturnsAsync(new[] { surveyRow });
            var questionRow = new QuestionRow {
                PartitionKey = expectedKey, PossibleAnswers = "possible answers", Type = Enum.GetName(typeof(QuestionType), QuestionType.SimpleText)
            var questions         = new[] { questionRow };
            var mockQuestionTable = new Mock <IAzureTable <QuestionRow> >();

            mockQuestionTable.Setup(t => t.GetByPartitionKeyAsync(expectedKey)).ReturnsAsync(questions);
            var store = new SurveyStore(mockSurveyTable.Object, mockQuestionTable.Object, new Mock <IInitializationStatusService>().Object);

            var survey = await store.GetSurveyByTenantAndSlugNameAsync("tenant", "slug-name", true);

            Assert.AreEqual("possible answers", survey.Questions.First().PossibleAnswers);
Beispiel #7
        public async Task GetSurveyByTenantAndSlugNameReturnsWithQuestionsFilteredByTenantAndSlugNameInPartitionKey()
            string expectedKey = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", "tenant", "slug-name");
            var    surveyRow   = new SurveyRow {
                RowKey = expectedKey
            var mockSurveyTable = new Mock <IAzureTable <SurveyRow> >();

            mockSurveyTable.Setup(t => t.GetByRowKeyAsync(expectedKey)).ReturnsAsync(new[] { surveyRow });
            var questionRow = new QuestionRow {
                PartitionKey = expectedKey, Type = Enum.GetName(typeof(QuestionType), QuestionType.SimpleText)
            var questions         = new[] { questionRow };
            var mockQuestionTable = new Mock <IAzureTable <QuestionRow> >();

            mockQuestionTable.Setup(t => t.GetByPartitionKeyAsync(expectedKey)).ReturnsAsync(questions);
            var store = new SurveyStore(mockSurveyTable.Object, mockQuestionTable.Object, null);

            var survey = await store.GetSurveyByTenantAndSlugNameAsync("tenant", "slug-name", true);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, survey.Questions.Count);
 public void RemoveQuestionRow(QuestionRow row)
 public void AddQuestionRow(QuestionRow row)
 public QuestionRowChangeEvent(QuestionRow row, DataRowAction action)
     this.eventRow    = row;
     this.eventAction = action;
        public async Task SaveSurveyAsync(Survey survey)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(survey.SlugName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(survey.Title))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("survey", "The survey for saving has to have the slug or the title.");

            var slugName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(survey.SlugName) ? GenerateSlug(survey.Title, 100) : survey.SlugName;

            var surveyRow = new SurveyRow
                SlugName     = slugName,
                Title        = survey.Title,
                CreatedOn    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                PartitionKey = survey.TenantId

            surveyRow.RowKey = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", survey.TenantId, surveyRow.SlugName);

            var questionRows = new List <QuestionRow>(survey.Questions.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < survey.Questions.Count; i++)
                var question    = survey.Questions[i];
                var questionRow = new QuestionRow
                    Text            = question.Text,
                    Type            = Enum.GetName(typeof(QuestionType), question.Type),
                    PossibleAnswers = question.PossibleAnswers

                questionRow.PartitionKey = surveyRow.RowKey;
                questionRow.RowKey       = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", DateTime.UtcNow.GetFormatedTicks(), i.ToString("D3"));


            //// First add the questions
            await this.questionTable.AddAsync(questionRows);

                //// Then add the survey
                //// If this fails, the questions may end up orphan but data will be consistent for the user
                await this.surveyTable.AddAsync(surveyRow);

                if (this.CacheEnabled)
                    await TenantCacheHelper.AddToCacheAsync(survey.TenantId, slugName, survey).ConfigureAwait(false);

            //TODO: update this catch for Azure Table client SDK
            catch (DataServiceRequestException ex)

                var dataServiceClientException = ex.InnerException as DataServiceClientException;
                if (dataServiceClientException != null)
                    if (dataServiceClientException.StatusCode == 409)
                        await this.questionTable.DeleteAsync(questionRows);


 public void AddQuestionRow(QuestionRow row) {
Beispiel #13
        public void SaveSurvey(Survey survey)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(survey.SlugName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(survey.Title))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("survey", "The survey for saving has to have the slug or the title.");

            var slugName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(survey.SlugName) ? GenerateSlug(survey.Title, 100) : survey.SlugName;

            var surveyRow = new SurveyRow
                SlugName          = slugName,
                Title             = survey.Title,
                CreatedOn         = DateTime.UtcNow,
                PartitionKey      = survey.Tenant,
                UserDefinedFields = survey.UserDefinedFields

            surveyRow.RowKey = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", survey.Tenant, surveyRow.SlugName);

            var questionRows = new List <QuestionRow>(survey.Questions.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < survey.Questions.Count; i++)
                var question    = survey.Questions[i];
                var questionRow = new QuestionRow
                    Text            = question.Text,
                    Type            = Enum.GetName(typeof(QuestionType), question.Type),
                    PossibleAnswers = question.PossibleAnswers

                questionRow.PartitionKey = surveyRow.RowKey;
                questionRow.RowKey       = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", DateTime.UtcNow.GetFormatedTicks(), i.ToString("D3"));


            //// First add the questions

                //// Then create the container for the answers
                this.surveyAnswerContainerFactory.Create(surveyRow.PartitionKey, surveyRow.SlugName).EnsureExist();

                //// And finally, add the survey
                //// If this fails, the questions may end up orphan but data will be consistent for the user

                if (this.CacheEnabled)
                    TenantCacheHelper.AddToCache(survey.Tenant, slugName, survey);
            catch (DataServiceRequestException ex)

                var dataServiceClientException = ex.InnerException as DataServiceClientException;
                if (dataServiceClientException != null)
                    if (dataServiceClientException.StatusCode == 409)

Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// กำหนดคำถาม
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="question">คำถาม</param>
        /// <param name="cupStyleName">ชนิดรูปทรงของแก้ว</param>
        /// <param name="cupLevel">ชนิดระดับความยากของแก้ว</param>
        public void SetQuestionRow(QuestionRow question, string cupStyleName, string cupLevel)
            if (_lastClickedCup != null) _lastClickedCup.StopCupIncorrect();

            _lastClickedCup = null;
            _cupStyleName = cupStyleName;
            _cupLevel = cupLevel;
            _question = question;

            Storyboard1.SpeedRatio = question.SwapSpeed;
            Storyboard2.SpeedRatio = question.SwapSpeed;

            // กำหนด state เริ่มต้นจากจำนวนแก้ว
            const int VeryEasy = 2;
            const int Easy = 3;
            const int Normal = 4;
            const int Hard = 5;
            switch (question.CupCount)
                case VeryEasy: _cupRowState = "twoCup"; break;
                case Easy: _cupRowState = "threeCup"; break;
                case Normal: _cupRowState = "fourCup"; break;
                case Hard: _cupRowState = "fiveCup"; break;
                default: break;

            // กำหนดการใช้งานของ state manager เพื่อกำหนดการแสดงผลของแก้วที่จะนำไปใช้งาน
            VisualStateManager.GoToState(this, _cupRowState, false);

            // เคลียแก้ว
            foreach (var canvas in _cupCanvases) (canvas.Children[ElementCupIndex] as CupUI).ResetState();

            // กำหนดลายแก้ว และวัตถุภายในแก้ว
            for (int canvasIndex = 0; canvasIndex < _cupCanvases.Count(); canvasIndex++)
                if (canvasIndex < question.BeforeCup.Count)
                    // กำหนดข้อมูลของแก้วที่นำไปแสดงผล
                    (_cupCanvases[canvasIndex].Children[ElementCupIndex] as CupUI)
                        .Initialize(_question.BeforeCup[canvasIndex], getCupStyleName());
                    // กำหนดวัตถุที่ไม่ได้ถูกนำมาแสดงผลให้ไม่สามารถเปิดแก้วได้
                    (_cupCanvases[canvasIndex].Children[ElementCupIndex] as CupUI).HasOpened = true;

            // ทำการเปิดแสดงวัตถุที่อยู่ภายในแก้ว
            foreach (var canvas in _cupCanvases) (canvas.Children[ElementCupIndex] as CupUI).Sb_ShowItem.Begin();
Beispiel #15
 public QuestionRowChangeEvent(QuestionRow row, global::System.Data.DataRowAction action)
     this.eventRow    = row;
     this.eventAction = action;
 public QuestionRowChangeEvent(QuestionRow row, DataRowAction action) {
     this.eventRow = row;
     this.eventAction = action;
 public void RemoveQuestionRow(QuestionRow row) {