public void InvalidInputsTest()
            // Invalid length
            var str = "foo".ToCharArray();

            TestHelpers.AssertExceptionThrown(() => { Question1_3.ReplaceSpaces(str, -1); }, typeof(ArgumentOutOfRangeException));

            // Null input string
            str = null;
            TestHelpers.AssertExceptionThrown(() => { Question1_3.ReplaceSpaces(str, 0); }, typeof(ArgumentNullException));
        private static void ValideResult(string input, string expectedResult, int?inputLength = null)
            if (input.Length != expectedResult.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("Input and expected result must be the same length");

            var str    = input.ToCharArray();
            var length = inputLength ?? input.TrimEnd(" ".ToCharArray()).Length;

            Question1_3.ReplaceSpaces(str, length);

            for (int i = 0; i < expectedResult.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult[i], str[i]);