Beispiel #1
 public SideQuestItem(QuestDraft questDraft, QuestDifficulty difficulty, Reward reward) : base(questDraft)
     Difficulty = difficulty;
     Reward     = reward;
     Hold       = false;
     Completed  = false;
Beispiel #2
 public SideQuestItem(int requiredRed, int requiredGreen, int requiredBlue, QuestDifficulty difficulty, Reward reward) : base(requiredRed, requiredGreen, requiredBlue)
     Difficulty = difficulty;
     Reward     = reward;
     Hold       = false;
     Completed  = false;
Beispiel #3
 public Quest(int ID, string Question, List <Answer> Answers, int correctAnswer, QuestDifficulty questDifficulty)
     this.ID              = ID;
     this.Question        = Question;
     this.Answers         = Answers;
     this.correctAnswer   = correctAnswer;
     this.questDifficulty = questDifficulty;
 public QuestModel(uint id, string name, string bannerPath, QuestDifficulty difficulty, int clearScore, uint openClearQuestID)
     this.ID               = id;
     this.Name             = name;
     this.bannerFilename   = bannerPath;
     this.Difficulty       = difficulty;
     this.ClearScore       = clearScore;
     this.openClearQuestID = openClearQuestID;
Beispiel #5
    public void Init(LevelQuestController controller)
        this.Controller = controller;
        difficulty = Formuls.RandomQuestDifficulty();
        Status =;

Beispiel #6
        public static string Generate(QuestType type, QuestDifficulty difficulty, Rarity rarity)
            string name = "";

            if (type == QuestType.Battle)
                name = BattleEventNames[Random.Range(0, BattleEventNames.Length)] + AddLand(Addition.either);
            else if (type == QuestType.Conquest)
                name = "Conquest" + AddLand(Addition.either);
            else if (type == QuestType.Siege)
                name = "Siege" + AddLand(Addition.either);
            else if (type == QuestType.Conquest)
                name = "Conquest" + AddLand(Addition.either);
            else if (type == QuestType.Defense)
                name = "Defense" + AddLand(Addition._for);
            else if (type == QuestType.Lore)
                name = "Lore Quest";
            else if (type == QuestType.Merchant)
                name = "Merchant Quest";
            else if (type == QuestType.Puzzle)
                name = "Puzzle Quest";
            else if (type == QuestType.Rescue)
                name = "Rescue Quest";
            else if (type == QuestType.Rumor)
                name = "Rumor Quest";
            else if (type == QuestType.Story)
                name = "Story Quest";
            else if (type == QuestType.Tutorial)
                name = "Tutorial Quest";

Beispiel #7
 public Quest(Quest quest)
     name             =;
     description      = quest.description;
     type             = quest.type;
     difficulty       = quest.difficulty;
     rarity           = quest.rarity;
     goldReward       = quest.goldReward;
     experienceReward = quest.experienceReward;
     mapData          = new MapData(quest.mapData);
Beispiel #8
 public Quest(string name, string description, QuestType type, QuestDifficulty difficulty, Rarity rarity, int goldReward, int experienceReward, MapData mapData)
 {             = name;
     this.description      = description;
     this.type             = type;
     this.difficulty       = difficulty;
     this.rarity           = rarity;
     this.goldReward       = goldReward;
     this.experienceReward = experienceReward;
     this.mapData          = new MapData(mapData);
Beispiel #9
 public Quest()
     name             = "";
     description      = "";
     type             = QuestType.Blank;
     difficulty       = QuestDifficulty.None;
     rarity           = Rarity.None;
     goldReward       = 0;
     experienceReward = 0;
     mapData          = null;
Beispiel #10
        public static string Generate(QuestType type, QuestDifficulty difficulty, Rarity rarity)
            string description = "";

            if (type == QuestType.Battle)
                description = "You must battle a " + GroupSizes[Random.Range(0, GroupSizes.Length)] + " group of " + EnemyTypes[Random.Range(0, EnemyTypes.Length)] + "s.";
            else if (type == QuestType.Conquest)
                description = "You must conquer " + AddLand(Addition.none) + " from the " + EnemyDescriptor[Random.Range(0, EnemyDescriptor.Length)] + " " + EnemyTypes[Random.Range(0, EnemyTypes.Length)] + "s.";
            else if (type == QuestType.Siege)
                description = "You must siege the city " + AddLand(Addition.of);
            else if (type == QuestType.Defense)
                description = "You must defend the land " + AddLand(Addition.of) + " from a " + GroupSizes[Random.Range(0, GroupSizes.Length)] + " group of " + EnemyTypes[Random.Range(0, EnemyTypes.Length)] + "s.";
            else if (type == QuestType.Lore)
                description = "Lore Quest";
            else if (type == QuestType.Merchant)
                FantasyName name = NameGenerator.Get(Gender.Male, "Northern Human", "Citizen");
                description = name.FirstName + " " + name.LastName + ", the famous merchant wants to sell you some " + Items[Random.Range(0, Items.Length)] + ".";
            else if (type == QuestType.Puzzle)
                description = "Puzzle Quest";
            else if (type == QuestType.Rescue)
                FantasyName name = NameGenerator.Get(Gender.Male, "Northern Human", "Citizen");
                description = "You must rescue " + name.FirstName + " " + name.LastName + " from a " + GroupSizes[Random.Range(0, GroupSizes.Length)] + " group of " +
                              EnemyDescriptor[Random.Range(0, EnemyDescriptor.Length)] + " " + EnemyTypes[Random.Range(0, EnemyTypes.Length)] + "s.";
            else if (type == QuestType.Rumor)
                description = "It is rumored that a" + Age[Random.Range(0, Age.Length)] + " " + RumorType[Random.Range(0, Age.Length)] + " was found in this area";
            else if (type == QuestType.Story)
                description = "Story Quest";
            else if (type == QuestType.Tutorial)
                description = "Tutorial Quest";

Beispiel #11
        public static Quest Generate()
            QuestType       type        = (QuestType)Random.Range(0, (int)QuestType.Number);
            QuestDifficulty difficulty  = (QuestDifficulty)Random.Range(0, (int)QuestDifficulty.Number);
            Rarity          rarity      = (Rarity)Random.Range(0, (int)Rarity.Number);
            string          name        = QuestName.Generate(type, difficulty, rarity);
            string          description = QuestDescription.Generate(type, difficulty, rarity);
            int             gold        = Random.Range(10, 100);
            int             exp         = Random.Range(10, 100);

            MapData mapData = new MapData(MapGenerator.Generate());
            Quest   quest   = new Quest(name, description, type, difficulty, rarity, gold, exp, mapData);

Beispiel #12
    public int returnQuest(QuestDifficulty difficulty)
        List <Quest> questsSelectedByDifficulty = questManager.quests.FindAll(x => x.questDifficulty.Equals(difficulty));
        int          questSelected = Random.Range(0, questsSelectedByDifficulty.Count);

        for (int i = 0; i < questPlayed.Count; i++)
            if (questSelected != questPlayed[i])
        Debug.Log($"Quests selected for {difficulty} difficulty {questsSelectedByDifficulty.Count}");
        public QuestDifficultyPacket(QuestDifficulty[] questdiffs)
            // Setup dummy difficulty entries
            for (int i = 0; i < questdiffs.Length; i++)
                QuestDifficultyEntry difficulty = new QuestDifficultyEntry();
                difficulty.unknown1 = 0x0101;
                difficulty.monster1 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                difficulty.monster2 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                difficulty.monster3 = 0xFFFFFFFF;

                questdiffs[i].difficulty1 = difficulty;
                questdiffs[i].difficulty2 = difficulty;
                questdiffs[i].difficulty3 = difficulty;
                questdiffs[i].difficulty4 = difficulty;
                questdiffs[i].difficulty5 = difficulty;
                questdiffs[i].difficulty6 = difficulty;
                questdiffs[i].difficulty7 = difficulty;
                questdiffs[i].difficulty8 = difficulty;

            this.questdiffs = questdiffs;
Beispiel #14
        public Quest GenerateQuest()
            var newQuest = new Quest();

            // Step 1 - Generate a GUID to distinguish the quest from all others.
            Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();

            newQuest.GUID = guid.ToString();

            // Step 2 - Determine what level of difficulty of Quest will be generated.
            //          There are three grades of difficulty:
            //          0 - Easy
            //          1 - Moderate
            //          2 - Hard
            // TODO: In later iterations, determine what difficulty the player is
            //       best-suited to based on their history of completing quests.
            var             rng        = new Random();
            QuestDifficulty difficulty = (QuestDifficulty)rng.Next(0, 3);

            newQuest.Difficulty = difficulty;

            // Step 3 - Determine what type of quset will be generated.
            //          There are the following types of quests:
            //          0 - Patrol (go to these sectors)
            //          1 - Combat (Destroy the named ship)
            // TODO: In later iterations, determine what quest types are available
            //       based on the entity that gives them out.
            QuestObjectiveType questType = (QuestObjectiveType)rng.Next(0, 2);

            // Step 4 - Generate a name for the quest.
            string questName = string.Empty;

            switch (questType)
            case QuestObjectiveType.Patrol:
                questName = "Patrol Duty";

            case QuestObjectiveType.Combat:
                questName = "Intercept Enemies";
            newQuest.Name = questName;

            // Step 5 - Generate quest steps based on difficulty.
            //          The difficulty of the quest has a number
            //          of effects on what the player has to do.
            // - Higher difficulty quests have more steps.
            // - Higher difficulty quests gives more rewards.
            // - Higher difficulty quests spawn more dangerous
            //   types of ships.
            // - Higher difficulty quests can be further from
            //   their point of origin, and thus take longer
            //   to get to.

            // Step _ - Generate a description for the quest.
            string questDescription = string.Empty;

            switch (questType)
            case QuestObjectiveType.Patrol:

            case QuestObjectiveType.Combat:
            newQuest.Description = questDescription;

            // TODO: Call QuestService to save the quest and all child objects.

Beispiel #15
 public static QuestRewardType RandomQuestReward(QuestDifficulty d)
     WDictionary<QuestRewardType> w = null;
     switch (d)
         case QuestDifficulty.easy:
             w = new WDictionary<QuestRewardType>(new Dictionary<QuestRewardType, float>()
                 {, 70},{ QuestRewardType.materials, 40},{ QuestRewardType.crystal, 15},{ QuestRewardType.item, 5}
         case QuestDifficulty.normal:
             w = new WDictionary<QuestRewardType>(new Dictionary<QuestRewardType, float>()
                 {, 70},{ QuestRewardType.materials, 50},{ QuestRewardType.crystal, 25},{ QuestRewardType.item, 10}
         case QuestDifficulty.hard:
             w = new WDictionary<QuestRewardType>(new Dictionary<QuestRewardType, float>()
                 {, 50},{ QuestRewardType.materials, 30},{ QuestRewardType.crystal, 25},{ QuestRewardType.item, 15}
     return w.Random();
Beispiel #16
 public static GiftType CalcGiftType(QuestDifficulty difficulty)
     Dictionary<GiftType, float> d;
     switch (difficulty)
         case QuestDifficulty.easy:
             d = new Dictionary<GiftType, float>()
                 {GiftType.catalys, 9},
                 {GiftType.recepi, 8},
                 {GiftType.item, 2},
                 {GiftType.enchant, 8},
                 {GiftType.bonus, 4},
         case QuestDifficulty.hard:
             d = new Dictionary<GiftType, float>()
                 {GiftType.catalys, 7},
                 {GiftType.recepi, 6},
                 {GiftType.item, 2},
                 {GiftType.enchant, 9},
                 {GiftType.bonus, 5},
             d = new Dictionary<GiftType, float>()
                 {GiftType.catalys, 3},
                 {GiftType.recepi, 2},
                 {GiftType.item, 2},
                 {GiftType.enchant, 4},
                 {GiftType.bonus, 3},
     WDictionary<GiftType> gifts = new WDictionary<GiftType>(d);
     return gifts.Random();