Beispiel #1
        // ..................................................................................Get Product Filters.....................................................................
        public async Task <Filters> GetProductFilters(IEnumerable <QueryResult> products, QueryParams queryParams)
            Filters    filters    = new Filters();
            List <int> productIds = products.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
            var        avgWeight  = products.Select(x => x.Weight).Sum() / products.Count();

            // Grab niche info from the products
            var niches = products
                         .GroupBy(x => x.NicheId, (key, x) => new
                nicheId      = key,
                weight       = x.Sum(z => z.Weight) / x.Count(),
                productCount = x.Count()

            // Get categories based on niche ids
            var categories = await context.Niches
                             .Where(x => niches.Select(x => x.nicheId).ToList()
                             .Select(x => new
                nicheId         = x.Id,
                nicheName       = x.Name,
                nicheUrlid      = x.UrlId,
                nicheUrlName    = x.UrlName,
                categoryId      = x.CategoryId,
                categoryName    = x.Category.Name,
                categoryUrlId   = x.Category.UrlId,
                categoryUrlName = x.Category.UrlName

            // Join the categories and niches together
            var categoryData = categories.Join(niches, x => x.nicheId, x => x.nicheId, (categories, niches) => new

                               // Group the categories together by category id
                               .GroupBy(x => x.categoryId, (key, x) => new
                categoryId      = key,
                categoryName    = x.Select(z => z.categoryName).FirstOrDefault(),
                categoryUrlId   = x.Select(z => z.categoryUrlId).FirstOrDefault(),
                categoryUrlName = x.Select(z => z.categoryUrlName).FirstOrDefault(),

                niches = x.Select(z => new

                               // This will add a weight to each category and order the niches by weight
                               .Select(x => new
                weight = x.niches.Select(z => z.productCount * z.weight).Sum() / x.niches.Select(z => z.productCount).Sum(),
                niches = x.niches
                         .OrderByDescending(z => z.weight)

                         // group the niches by weight greater or equal to the average weight
                         .GroupBy(z => z.weight >= avgWeight, (key, niches) => new
                    niches = niches.Select(n => new
                        UrlId   = n.nicheUrlid,
                        UrlName = n.nicheUrlName,
                        Name    = n.nicheName,

                               // Order the categories by weight and group by weight greater or equal to the average weight
                               .OrderByDescending(x => x.weight)
                               .GroupBy(x => x.weight >= avgWeight, (key, categories) => new
                categories = categories.Select(z => new
                    UrlId   = z.categoryUrlId,
                    UrlName = z.categoryUrlName,
                    Name    = z.categoryName,
                    Niches  = z.niches,

            // Assign the category filters
            if (categoryData.Count == 2)
                filters.CategoriesFilter = new CategoriesFilter
                    Visible = categoryData.Where(x => x.key).Select(x => x.categories
                                                                    .Select(z => new CategoryFilter
                        UrlId   = z.UrlId,
                        UrlName = z.UrlName,
                        Name    = z.Name,
                        Niches  = new NichesFilter
                            ShowHidden = false,
                            Visible    = z.Niches.Where(w => w.key).Select(n => n.niches.Select(a => new NicheFilter
                                UrlId   = a.UrlId,
                                UrlName = a.UrlName,
                                Name    = a.Name
                            Hidden = z.Niches.Where(w => !w.key).Select(n => n.niches.Select(a => new NicheFilter
                                UrlId   = a.UrlId,
                                UrlName = a.UrlName,
                                Name    = a.Name
                    Hidden = categoryData.Where(x => !x.key).Select(x => x.categories
                                                                    .Select(z => new CategoryFilter
                        UrlId   = z.UrlId,
                        UrlName = z.UrlName,
                        Name    = z.Name
                filters.CategoriesFilter = new CategoriesFilter
                    Visible = categoryData.Select(x => x.categories
                                                  .Select(z => new CategoryFilter
                        UrlId   = z.UrlId,
                        UrlName = z.UrlName,
                        Name    = z.Name,
                        Niches  = new NichesFilter
                            ShowHidden = false,
                            Visible    = z.Niches.Where(w => w.key).Select(n => n.niches.Select(a => new NicheFilter
                                UrlId   = a.UrlId,
                                UrlName = a.UrlName,
                                Name    = a.Name
                            Hidden = z.Niches.Where(w => !w.key).Select(n => n.niches.Select(a => new NicheFilter
                                UrlId   = a.UrlId,
                                UrlName = a.UrlName,
                                Name    = a.Name

            // ******Price Filter********
            List <PriceFilterOption> priceFilterOptions = new List <PriceFilterOption>();
            var priceRanges = await context.PriceRanges.AsNoTracking().ToListAsync();

            if (queryParams.PriceFilter != null)
                // Clear the price filter
                var priceFilter = queryParams.PriceFilter;
                queryParams.PriceFilter = null;

                // Query products without the price filter
                var prods = await GetProducts(queryParams, x => new

                // Get the selected price filter options
                var selectedPriceFilterOptions = priceFilter.Options
                                                 .Select(x => x.Label.Split('-')
                                                         .Select(z => int.Parse(z))
                                                 .Select(z => new
                    min = z[0],
                    max = z[1]

                // Get the price filter options based on the queried products
                priceFilterOptions =
                    (from pr in priceRanges
                     from p in prods
                     orderby pr.Id
                     where ((p.MinPrice >= pr.Min && p.MinPrice < pr.Max) || selectedPriceFilterOptions.Contains(new
                    min = pr.Min,
                    max = pr.Max
                     select new PriceFilterOption
                    Label = pr.Label,
                    Min = pr.Min,
                    Max = pr.Max

                queryParams.PriceFilter = priceFilter;
                priceFilterOptions =
                    (from pr in priceRanges
                     from p in products
                     orderby pr.Id
                     where (p.MinPrice >= pr.Min && p.MinPrice < pr.Max)
                     select new PriceFilterOption
                    Label = pr.Label,
                    Min = pr.Min,
                    Max = pr.Max

            List <PriceFilterOption> options = priceFilterOptions.Distinct().ToList();

            filters.PriceFilter = new PriceFilter
                Caption = "Price",
                Options = options

            // ******Rating Filter********
            IEnumerable <double>     productRatings;
            List <QueryFilterOption> ratingOptions = new List <QueryFilterOption>();

            // Check to see if we have a customer rating filter selected
            if (queryParams.RatingFilter != null)
                // Remove the customer rating filter and query without it
                // This is so we can get other rating filters that belong in the results
                var ratingFilter = queryParams.RatingFilter;
                queryParams.RatingFilter = null;
                productRatings           = await GetProducts(queryParams, x => x.Rating);

                queryParams.RatingFilter = ratingFilter;

                List <double> selectedRatingOptions = ratingFilter.Options.Select(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.Id)).ToList();
                productRatings = productRatings.Concat(selectedRatingOptions).ToList();
                productRatings = products.Select(x => x.Rating).ToList();

            // Rating 4 and up
            if (productRatings.Count(x => x >= 4) > 0)
                ratingOptions.Add(new QueryFilterOption
                    Id = 4

            // Rating 3 and up
            if (productRatings.Count(x => x >= 3 && x < 4) > 0)
                ratingOptions.Add(new QueryFilterOption
                    Id = 3

            // Rating 2 and up
            if (productRatings.Count(x => x >= 2 && x < 3) > 0)
                ratingOptions.Add(new QueryFilterOption
                    Id = 2

            // Rating 1 and up
            if (productRatings.Count(x => x >= 1 && x < 2) > 0)
                ratingOptions.Add(new QueryFilterOption
                    Id = 1

            filters.RatingFilter = new QueryFilter
                Caption = "Customer Rating",
                Options = ratingOptions

            // ******Custom Filters********
            // Get all the filter option Ids that are related to the product Ids
            List <int> filterOptionIds = await context.ProductFilters
                                         .Where(x => productIds
                                         .Select(x => x.FilterOptionId)

            var customFilters = queryParams.CustomFilters;

            foreach (var customFilter in customFilters)
                queryParams.CustomFilters = customFilters.Where(x => x.Caption != customFilter.Caption).ToList();

                await queryParams.SetFilteredProducts(context);

                var pIds = await GetProducts(queryParams, x => x.Id);

                List <int> optionsIds;

                List <int> filterOptIds = await context.FilterOptions
                                          .Where(x => x.Filter.Name == customFilter.Caption)
                                          .Select(x => x.Id)

                optionsIds = await context.ProductFilters
                             .Where(x => pIds
                                    .Contains(x.ProductId) && filterOptIds.Contains(x.FilterOptionId))
                             .Select(x => x.FilterOptionId).Distinct()

                // Add the new option ids to the list
                filterOptionIds = filterOptionIds
                                  .Concat(customFilter.Options.Select(x => x.Id).ToList())

            // Get the raw filter data consisting of filter name and filter option name
            var rawFilterData = await context.FilterOptions
                                .OrderBy(x => x.FilterId)
                                .Where(x => filterOptionIds
                                .Select(x => new
                filterName = x.Filter.Name,
                optionName = x.Name,
                optionId   = x.Id

            // Format the raw data into a list of filter data
            filters.CustomFilters = rawFilterData
                                    .GroupBy(x => x.filterName)
                                    .Select(x => new QueryFilter
                Caption = x.Select(y => y.filterName).FirstOrDefault(),
                Options = x.Select(y => new QueryFilterOption
                    Id    = y.optionId,
                    Label = y.optionName
