Beispiel #1
        public void DisplayAllCourseViews()
            UndoMgr  undomgr  = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB  eventDB  = new EventDB(undomgr);
            SymbolDB symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));


            foreach (Id <Course> courseId in QueryEvent.SortedCourseIds(eventDB))
                CourseDesignator designator;
                if (QueryEvent.HasVariations(eventDB, courseId))
                    var variationInfo = QueryEvent.GetAllVariations(eventDB, courseId).First();
                    designator = new CourseDesignator(courseId, variationInfo);
                    designator = new CourseDesignator(courseId);

                CourseView courseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, designator);
                DumpCourseView(courseView, Console.Out);
Beispiel #2
        // Update the names of all course views, and get the active course view, based on the active course id.
        void UpdateCourseViews()
            List<KeyValuePair<Id<Course>,string>> courseViewPairs = new List<KeyValuePair<Id<Course>,string>>(); // Holds the list of course views and names, for sorting. Does NOT include all controls.

            // Get all the pairs of course ids in sorted order.
            Id<Course>[] courseIds = QueryEvent.SortedCourseIds(eventDB);

            // Copy to the names and ids arrays, adding in All Controls as the first element.
            courseViewNames = new string[courseIds.Length + 1];
            courseViewIds = new Id<Course>[courseIds.Length + 1];
            courseViewNames[0] = MiscText.AllControls;
            courseViewIds[0] = Id<Course>.None;
            for (int i = 1; i < courseViewIds.Length; ++i) {
                courseViewNames[i] = eventDB.GetCourse(courseIds[i - 1]).name;
                courseViewIds[i] = courseIds[i-1];

            // Figure out which course view is the active one. We have already validate that the active course id
            // is present.
            if (activeCourseDesignator.IsAllControls) {
                activeCourseViewIndex = 0;
                activeCourseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, CourseDesignator.AllControls);
            else {
                for (int i = 1; i < courseViewIds.Length; ++i) {
                    if (courseViewIds[i] == activeCourseDesignator.CourseId) {
                        activeCourseViewIndex = i;
                        activeCourseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, activeCourseDesignator);

            // Get/create the topology course view. Not supported (null) for score and all controls. Always shows
            // all variations for a course with variations.
            if (activeCourseView.Kind == CourseView.CourseViewKind.Normal) {
                if (QueryEvent.HasVariations(activeCourseView.EventDB, activeCourseView.BaseCourseId) || !activeCourseView.CourseDesignator.AllParts) {
                    topologyCourseView = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(activeCourseView.BaseCourseId));
                else {
                    topologyCourseView = activeCourseView;
            else if (activeCourseView.Kind == CourseView.CourseViewKind.AllVariations) {
                topologyCourseView = activeCourseView;
            else {
                topologyCourseView = null;
Beispiel #3
 void WriteTeamAssignments()
     foreach (Id <Course> courseId in QueryEvent.SortedCourseIds(eventDB))
         if (QueryEvent.HasVariations(eventDB, courseId))
             Course course = eventDB.GetCourse(courseId);
             if (course.relaySettings.relayTeams > 0)
                 RelayVariations relayVariations = new RelayVariations(eventDB, courseId, course.relaySettings);
                 WriteRelayVariations(courseId, relayVariations);
Beispiel #4
        public void Initialize(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB)

            this.eventDB  = eventDB;
            this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
            descriptionControl1.SymbolDB = symbolDB;

            listBoxCourses.Items.Add(new CourseItem(eventDB, Id <Course> .None));
            foreach (Id <Course> courseId in QueryEvent.SortedCourseIds(eventDB))
                listBoxCourses.Items.Add(new CourseItem(eventDB, courseId));

            listBoxCourses.SelectedIndex = 0;
Beispiel #5
        void WriteCourses()

            // Sport Software requires that the courses be numbers started at 0.
            int courseNumber = 0;

            foreach (Id <Course> courseId in QueryEvent.SortedCourseIds(eventDB))
                if (WriteCourse(courseId, courseNumber))

Beispiel #6
        public void Initialize(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB)
            this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
            this.eventDB  = eventDB;

            popup               = new SymbolPopup(symbolDB, 26);
            popup.Selected     += PopupSelected;
            popup.Canceled     += PopupCanceled;
            descriptionRenderer = new DescriptionRenderer(symbolDB);

            listBoxCourses.Items.Add(new CourseItem(eventDB, Id <Course> .None));
            foreach (Id <Course> courseId in QueryEvent.SortedCourseIds(eventDB))
                listBoxCourses.Items.Add(new CourseItem(eventDB, courseId));

            comboBoxKind.SelectedIndex   = 0;
            listBoxCourses.SelectedIndex = 0;
        // Get the text for a list of courses. Returns "None" for no courses. Returns "All courses" for all courses.
        // The list of course names in the canonical order of courses (same as the tab order).
        private static string CourseListText(EventDB eventDB, Id <Course>[] courseIds)
            if (courseIds.Length == 0)

            if (courseIds.Length == QueryEvent.CountCourses(eventDB))

            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            Id <Course>[] sortedCourseIds = QueryEvent.SortedCourseIds(eventDB);
            List <string> courseNames     = new List <string>();

            if (courseIds.Contains(new Id <Course>(0)))

            for (int i = 0; i < sortedCourseIds.Length; ++i)
                if (courseIds.Contains(sortedCourseIds[i]))

            for (int i = 0; i < courseNames.Count; ++i)
                if (i != 0)
                    builder.Append(", ");

        public void DisplayAllCourses()
            UndoMgr              undomgr  = new UndoMgr(5);
            EventDB              eventDB  = new EventDB(undomgr);
            SymbolDB             symbolDB = new SymbolDB(Util.GetFileInAppDirectory("symbols.xml"));
            CourseView           courseView;
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter;

            DescriptionLine[] description;


            foreach (Id <Course> courseId in QueryEvent.SortedCourseIds(eventDB))
                CourseDesignator designator;
                if (QueryEvent.HasVariations(eventDB, courseId))
                    var variationInfo = QueryEvent.GetAllVariations(eventDB, courseId).First();
                    designator = new CourseDesignator(courseId, variationInfo);
                    designator = new CourseDesignator(courseId);
                courseView    = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, designator);
                descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);
                description   = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
                DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(symbolDB, description, Console.Out);

            courseView    = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, CourseDesignator.AllControls);
            descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseView, symbolDB, DescriptionFormatter.Purpose.ForPrinting);
            description   = descFormatter.CreateDescription(false);
            DescriptionFormatter.DumpDescription(symbolDB, description, Console.Out);
Beispiel #9
        private void LoadList()
            if (eventDB != null && !loaded)
                if (showAllControls)
                    courseTreeView.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode(MiscText.AllControls)
                        Tag = CourseDesignator.AllControls

                foreach (Id <Course> courseId in QueryEvent.SortedCourseIds(eventDB))
                    TreeNode[] parts = null;

                    // If the course has parts, get all the parts.
                    int numberParts = QueryEvent.CountCourseParts(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(courseId), true);
                    if (showCourseParts && numberParts > 1)
                        parts = new TreeNode[numberParts];
                        for (int part = 0; part < numberParts; ++part)
                            CourseDesignator partDesignator = new CourseDesignator(courseId, part);
                            if (CheckFilter(partDesignator))
                                parts[part] = new TreeNode(string.Format(MiscText.PartN, part + 1))
                                    Tag     = partDesignator,
                                    Checked = true

                    // Add node for the course to the tree.
                    CourseDesignator designator = new CourseDesignator(courseId);
                    if (CheckFilter(designator))
                        TreeNode node;
                        if (parts != null)
                            node = new TreeNode(eventDB.GetCourse(courseId).name, parts);
                            node = new TreeNode(eventDB.GetCourse(courseId).name);

                        node.Tag     = designator;
                        node.Checked = true;


                buttonChooseVariations.Visible = (ShowVariationChooser && eventHasVariations);

                loaded = true;