public AzioneSelezioneDestra(Quantum quantum, Casella casellaPartenza) { this.casellaPartenza = casellaPartenza; this.quantum = quantum; naveUsata = casellaPartenza.Occupante; GuiManager gui = quantum.getGUI(); gui.Tabellone.ResetSelezioneMouse(); gui.Tabellone.MostraSelezione = false; // HACK: gestire in maniera sensata e più agile il posizionamento dei Widget // (magari con un costruttore nuovo a cui si passa invece di solo un punto qualche informazione in più per posizionarsi?) // P.S: se ne è occupato Mirco! Ci metterà mano lui Vector2 pos1 = gui.Tabellone.Tile2Pixel(this.casellaPartenza); Vector2 pos2 = pos1; var lato = gui.Tabellone.LatoCasella; pos1 -= new Vector2(20 - lato / 2, 15); pos2 += new Vector2(20 + lato / 2, -15); bool puòRiconfig = !naveUsata.Riconfigurata; bool puòUsareSpecial = !naveUsata.SpecialUsata && checkSpecial(naveUsata); Riconfig = new Widget(pos1, doveDisegnoWidget.sinistra, widget.Riconfigura, puòRiconfig); Special = new Widget(pos2, doveDisegnoWidget.destra, widget.UsaSpecial, puòUsareSpecial); Riconfig.Click += riconfigura; Special.Click += usaSpecial; gui.Iscrivi(Riconfig); gui.Iscrivi(Special); }
public AzioneMovimento(Quantum quantum, Casella casellaPartenza, bool puòAttaccare = true) { this.casellaPartenza = casellaPartenza; naveMossa = casellaPartenza.Occupante; this.quantum = quantum; this.puòAttaccare = puòAttaccare; // Faccio partire il pathfinder pathFinder = new PathFinder(); pathFinder.Start(this.casellaPartenza, naveMossa.MuoveInDiagonale); // Illumino le caselle raggiungibili int[] caselleRaggiungibili = Tile.Tiles(t => { Casella casella = t as Casella; int d = pathFinder.DistanzaCasella(t); return (d <= naveMossa.Pwr && d > 0 && (puòAttaccare || (casella != null && casella.Occupante == null) )); } ).Select(t => t.ID).ToArray(); quantum.getGUI().Tabellone.ResetSelezioneMouse(); quantum.getGUI().Tabellone.IlluminaCaselle(caselleRaggiungibili); }
public HistoricPriceEngine(FXSession session) { _mktData = new Quantum(); _completeCounter = 0; complete = false; mHandler = HistoricDataReceived; this.session = session; }
public SwarmSize(int maxDimensions) { max = new double[maxDimensions]; maxInit = new double[maxDimensions]; min = new double[maxDimensions]; minInit = new double[maxDimensions]; q=new Quantum(maxDimensions); }
// Costruttore PRIVATO semplificato (le caselle disponibili sono quelle intorno ad un pianeta colonizzato) private AzionePiazzaNave(Quantum quantum, Nave nave) : this(quantum, nave, Tile.Tiles(tile => { Casella casella = tile as Casella; return casella?.PianetaPiùVicino(compreseDiagonali: true)?.PresenzaAlleata(nave) == true && casella.Occupante == null; }).Select(t => (Casella)t).ToArray()) { }
public Surface2D(Quantum width, Quantum height, Color bgColor) { _bgColor = bgColor; Width = width.Value; Height = height.Value; hBitMap = (Width > 0 && Height > 0) ? new Bitmap(Width, Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb) : null; }
public static void TestMA(string filename, int length, params AbstractIndicator[] ind) { Quantum q = Quantum.ExcelToQuantum(filename, "symbol", 0); var dz = new DenseMatrix(4 + ind.Count(), q.Data.Count); List <string> names = new List <string>(); names.Add("symbol"); foreach (var indicator in ind) { names.Add(indicator.toString()); } //chartoptions ChartOption[] chartOptions = new ChartOption[names.Count]; chartOptions[0] = new ChartOption() { Height = 500, YPosition = 0 }; for (int i = 1; i < chartOptions.Length; i++) { chartOptions[i] = new ChartOption() { Height = 0, YPosition = 0, Layover = true } } ; int counter = 0; foreach (Tick tick in q) { dz[0, counter] = tick.BidOpen; dz[1, counter] = tick.BidHigh; dz[2, counter] = tick.BidLow; dz[3, counter] = tick.BidClose; int icounter = 4; foreach (var subind in ind) { subind.HandleNextTick(tick); dz[icounter, counter] = subind[0]; icounter++; } counter++; } Visualize.GenerateMultiPaneGraph(names.ToArray(), q.Data.Keys.ToArray(), dz, QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + @"results.html", chartOptions); Console.WriteLine("Done Generating Graph for " + ind.ToString()); }
void GenerateQuantums(int Quantity, ChemEObject StartPosition) { for (int i = 1; i <= Quantity; i++) { Quantum newQuantum = new Quantum { Position = StartPosition }; AllQuantums.Add(newQuantum); StartPosition.Quantums.Add(newQuantum); } }
public void ShouldInitializeTheProperties() { var color = new MagickColor(Quantum.Max, (QuantumType)(Quantum.Max * 0.75), (QuantumType)(Quantum.Max * 0.5), (QuantumType)(Quantum.Max * 0.25)); var cmykColor = ColorCMYK.FromMagickColor(color); Assert.InRange(Quantum.ScaleToDouble(cmykColor.C), 0.99, 1.0); Assert.InRange(Quantum.ScaleToDouble(cmykColor.M), 0.74, 0.75); Assert.InRange(Quantum.ScaleToDouble(cmykColor.Y), 0.49, 0.5); Assert.InRange(Quantum.ScaleToDouble(cmykColor.K), 0.0, 0.01); Assert.InRange(Quantum.ScaleToDouble(cmykColor.A), 0.24, 0.25); }
/// <summary> /// Azione per piazzare una nave dova clicca il giocatore /// </summary> public AzionePiazzaNave(Quantum quantum, Nave naveDaPiazzare, Casella[] caselleDisponibili) { // Piazzo una Nave in una casella arbitraria fra quelle dell'argomento this.quantum = quantum; this.caselleDisponibili = caselleDisponibili; this.naveDaPiazzare = naveDaPiazzare; quantum.getGUI().Tabellone.ResetSelezioneMouse(); if (!caselleDisponibili.Any()) { Interfaccia.ConsoleMessaggi.NuovoMessaggio("Impossibile piazzare la nave!", Color.Salmon); Cleanup(); } }
public AzioneSpecialDestroyer(Quantum quantum, Casella casellaPartenza) { _partenza = casellaPartenza; this.quantum = quantum; _naveMossa = casellaPartenza.Occupante; int[] disponibili = Tile.Tiles(t => t.PresenzaAlleata(quantum.getGestoreDiGiocatori().getGiocatoreDiTurno())).Select(t => t.ID).ToArray(); quantum.getGUI().Tabellone.IlluminaCaselle(disponibili); quantum.getGUI().Tabellone.ResetSelezioneMouse(); Interfaccia.ConsoleMessaggi.NuovoMessaggio("Scegli l'alleato con cui fare il warp:"); }
public AzioneSpecialFlagship(Quantum quantum, Casella casellaPartenza) { this.quantum = quantum; this.casellaFlagship = casellaPartenza; flagship = casellaPartenza.Occupante; // Selezione caselle da illuminare Func<Tile, bool> filtraAlleati = (t => t.EunaCasella && t.PresenzaAlleata(flagship)); int[] tiles = Tile.IdTiles(filtraAlleati); int[] caselle = tiles.Where(t => { return casellaFlagship.Adiacente(t, true); }).ToArray(); quantum.getGUI().Tabellone.IlluminaCaselle(caselle); fase = sceltaAlleato; Interfaccia.ConsoleMessaggi.NuovoMessaggio("Clicca su un alleato adiacente"); }
public AzioneSpecialBattlestation(Quantum quantum, Casella posizioneIniziale) { this.quantum = quantum; this.posizione = posizioneIniziale; this.nave = posizione.Occupante; var bersagli = Tile.Tiles( (Tile t) => { var c = t as Casella; return c?.Adiacente(posizione, false) == true && c?.Occupante?.Alleato(quantum.getGestoreDiGiocatori().getGiocatoreDiTurno()) == false; }).Select(c => c.ID).ToArray(); quantum.getGUI().Tabellone.IlluminaCaselle(bersagli); quantum.getGUI().Tabellone.ResetSelezioneMouse(); ConsoleMessaggi.NuovoMessaggio("Scegli l'avversario da attaccare"); }
public AzioneSelezionePianeta(Quantum quantum, Pianeta pianeta) { this.quantum = quantum; this.pianeta = pianeta; GuiManager gui = quantum.getGUI(); Vector2 pos = gui.Tabellone.Tile2Pixel(pianeta); pos += new Vector2(gui.Tabellone.LatoCasella / 2, - gui.Tabellone.LatoCasella / 3); colonizza = new Widget(pos, doveDisegnoWidget.destra, widget.Colonizza, pianeta.Colonizzabile(quantum.getGestoreDiGiocatori().getGiocatoreDiTurno())); colonizza.Click += Colonizza; gui.Iscrivi(colonizza); gui.Tabellone.ResetSelezioneMouse(); gui.Tabellone.MostraSelezione = false; }
public void GetLongHistoricPrices(string symbol, string timeframe, int ticks) { _mktData = new Quantum(); Symbol = new Symbol(symbol); session.AttachHandler(mHandler); DateTime dateNow = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan time = Timeframe.StringToTimeSpan(timeframe); DateTime startDate = dateNow.AddMinutes(-ticks * Timeframe.TimeframeToMinutes(timeframe)); O2GRequestFactory factory = session.Session.getRequestFactory(); O2GTimeframeCollection timeframes = factory.Timeframes; O2GTimeframe tfo = timeframes[timeframe]; int counter = ticks; lock (locker) { while (counter > 0) { _completeCounter++; int subticks = (counter >= QSConstants.MAX_FXCM_API_TICKS) ? QSConstants.MAX_FXCM_API_TICKS : counter; O2GRequest request = factory.createMarketDataSnapshotRequestInstrument(symbol, tfo, subticks); factory.fillMarketDataSnapshotRequestTime(request, startDate, startDate.AddMinutes(2*subticks*Timeframe.TimeframeToMinutes(timeframe))); session.Session.sendRequest(request); startDate = startDate.AddMinutes(subticks*Timeframe.TimeframeToMinutes(timeframe)); counter -= (counter >= QSConstants.MAX_FXCM_API_TICKS) ? QSConstants.MAX_FXCM_API_TICKS : counter; } } int timeCounter = 0; while (!Complete || timeCounter++ < 3000) //max timeout 30 seconds { Thread.Sleep(100); } }
public void GetLongHistoricPrices(string symbol, string timeframe, int ticks) { _mktData = new Quantum(); Symbol = new Symbol(symbol); session.AttachHandler(mHandler); DateTime dateNow = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan time = Timeframe.StringToTimeSpan(timeframe); DateTime startDate = dateNow.AddMinutes(-ticks * Timeframe.TimeframeToMinutes(timeframe)); O2GRequestFactory factory = session.Session.getRequestFactory(); O2GTimeframeCollection timeframes = factory.Timeframes; O2GTimeframe tfo = timeframes[timeframe]; int counter = ticks; lock (locker) { while (counter > 0) { _completeCounter++; int subticks = (counter >= QSConstants.MAX_FXCM_API_TICKS) ? QSConstants.MAX_FXCM_API_TICKS : counter; O2GRequest request = factory.createMarketDataSnapshotRequestInstrument(symbol, tfo, subticks); factory.fillMarketDataSnapshotRequestTime(request, startDate, startDate.AddMinutes(2 * subticks * Timeframe.TimeframeToMinutes(timeframe))); session.Session.sendRequest(request); startDate = startDate.AddMinutes(subticks * Timeframe.TimeframeToMinutes(timeframe)); counter -= (counter >= QSConstants.MAX_FXCM_API_TICKS) ? QSConstants.MAX_FXCM_API_TICKS : counter; } } int timeCounter = 0; while (!Complete || timeCounter++ < 3000) //max timeout 30 seconds { Thread.Sleep(100); } }
public AzioneInizioPartitaOffLine(Quantum quantum) { //EDIT: faccio tutto nel costruttore, tanto è una botta e via questa //REPLY: OK! Se il problema è che ti sta scomodo passare quantum, questa azione necessita // solo di GestoreDiAzioni e GestoreDiGiocatori per funzionare (in termini di memoria sono solo due liste, molto ragionevole). //Quindi si puo' costruirla come public AzioneInizioPartitaOffLine(GestoreDiAzioni a, GestoreDiGiocatori b). //Probabilmente vale anche per le altre azioni, avevo messo quantum in via provvisoria //EDIT2: serve anche la GUI a meno di non attivare i bottoni in qualche altro modo quantum.getGestoreDiAzioni().IncodaAzione(new AzioneStampaAConsole("Partita iniziata!")); foreach (Bottone b in quantum.getGUI().Bottoni) { b.Click += b.associatedEvent; } //probabilmente ha senso creare un'azione di inizio turno (che verrà usata anche dal bottone passa turno) quantum.getGestoreDiGiocatori().getGiocatoreDiTurno().Init(); quantum.getGestoreDiAzioni().IncodaAzione(new AzioneSelezione(quantum)); Cleanup(); }
public static MarketDataEventArg ProcessMarketData(FXSession connection, O2GResponse response) { try { O2GResponseReaderFactory rrfactory = connection.Session.getResponseReaderFactory(); O2GMarketDataSnapshotResponseReader mReader = rrfactory.createMarketDataSnapshotReader(response); var d = new SortedList <DateTime, Tick>(mReader.Count); for (int i = 0; i < mReader.Count; i++) { // information like reader.getDate(i), reader.getBidOpen(i), reader.getBidHigh(i), reader.getBidLow(i), reader.getBidClose(i), reader.getVolume(i) is now available //Console.WriteLine(i + ":" + mReader.getDate(i).ToString() + ":" + mReader.getBidOpen(i)); //create a quantum of ticks for the market data var tick = new Tick( mReader.getBid(i), mReader.getBidOpen(i), mReader.getBidHigh(i), mReader.getBidLow(i), mReader.getBidClose(i), mReader.getAsk(i), mReader.getAskOpen(i), mReader.getAskHigh(i), mReader.getAskLow(i), mReader.getAskClose(i), mReader.getVolume(i), mReader.getDate(i)); d.Add(mReader.getDate(i), tick); } var q = new Quantum(d); return(new MarketDataEventArg(q)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return(new MarketDataEventArg(new Quantum(new SortedList <DateTime, Tick>(300)))); } }
public static MarketDataEventArg ProcessMarketData(FXSession connection, O2GResponse response) { try { O2GResponseReaderFactory rrfactory = connection.Session.getResponseReaderFactory(); O2GMarketDataSnapshotResponseReader mReader = rrfactory.createMarketDataSnapshotReader(response); var d = new SortedList<DateTime, Tick>(mReader.Count); for (int i = 0; i < mReader.Count; i++) { // information like reader.getDate(i), reader.getBidOpen(i), reader.getBidHigh(i), reader.getBidLow(i), reader.getBidClose(i), reader.getVolume(i) is now available //Console.WriteLine(i + ":" + mReader.getDate(i).ToString() + ":" + mReader.getBidOpen(i)); //create a quantum of ticks for the market data var tick = new Tick( mReader.getBid(i), mReader.getBidOpen(i), mReader.getBidHigh(i), mReader.getBidLow(i), mReader.getBidClose(i), mReader.getAsk(i), mReader.getAskOpen(i), mReader.getAskHigh(i), mReader.getAskLow(i), mReader.getAskClose(i), mReader.getVolume(i), mReader.getDate(i)); d.Add(mReader.getDate(i), tick); } var q = new Quantum(d); return new MarketDataEventArg(q); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return new MarketDataEventArg(new Quantum(new SortedList<DateTime, Tick>(300))); } }
//float pos = 0f; //Curve percorsoX; //Curve percorsoY; public Movimento(Quantum quantum, Nave naveMossa, Casella[] percorso) { // Avevo provato ad usare le curve, ma è un po' difficile (bisogna settare tutte le tangenti una per una) // e forse, con il tabellone quadrato, non viene nemmeno bene // però, con i percorsi dritti, viene un po' troppo squadrato // qualche idea? //percorsoX = new Curve(); //percorsoY = new Curve(); //float i = 0; //float n = percorso.Length; //foreach (var p in percorso) //{ // percorsoX.Keys.Add(new CurveKey(i / n, p.X)); // percorsoY.Keys.Add(new CurveKey(i / n, p.X)); // i++; //} this.quantum = quantum; this.naveMossa = naveMossa; _percorso = percorso.Select(casella => quantum.getGUI().Tabellone.Tile2Pixel(casella)).ToArray(); lungh = percorso.Length; }
private void setData(clsProceso P) { if (P != null) { txtOp.Text = P.Operacion; txtNumero.Text = P.Numero.ToString(); txtTME.Text = P.TME.ToString(); txtTT.Text = (P.TME - P.TR).ToString(); txtTR.Text = (P.TR).ToString(); lblQuantum.Text = Quantum.ToString(); } else { txtOp.Text = ""; txtNumero.Text = ""; txtTME.Text = ""; txtTT.Text = ""; txtTR.Text = ""; lblQuantum.Text = ""; } dgActual.DataSource = SetListos(ProcesosListos); dgConcluidos.DataSource = SetConcluidos(Concluidos); DrawPages(); }
public AzioneSelezione(Quantum quantum) { this.quantum = quantum; }
/// <summary> /// Costruttore statico per piazzare navi dal cimitero /// </summary> public static Azione DaRiserva(Quantum quantum, Nave nave) { return new AzionePiazzaNave(quantum, nave) { obbligatoria = false, consumaAzione = true }; }
public static void TestGraphLive(this AbstractIndicator ind, string timeframe, string symbol, int length) { //------------grab data FXSession session = new FXSession(); session.InitializeSession(); HistoricPriceEngine h = new HistoricPriceEngine(session); h.GetLongHistoricPrices(symbol, timeframe, length); while (!h.Complete) { Thread.Sleep(100); } //----------------------- Quantum q = h.Data; var dz = new DenseMatrix(4 + 1 + ind.SubIndicatorSize, q.Data.Count); List <string> names = new List <string>(); names.Add("symbol"); names.Add(ind.ToString()); foreach (var indicator in ind.SubIndicators) { names.Add(indicator.Key); } //chartoptions ChartOption[] chartOptions = new ChartOption[names.Count]; chartOptions[0] = new ChartOption() { Height = 400, YPosition = 0 }; chartOptions[1] = new ChartOption() { Height = 200, YPosition = 1 }; for (int i = 2; i < chartOptions.Length; i++) { chartOptions[i] = new ChartOption() { Height = 0, YPosition = 1, Layover = true } } ; int counter = 0; foreach (Tick tick in q) { dz[0, counter] = tick.BidOpen; dz[1, counter] = tick.BidHigh; dz[2, counter] = tick.BidLow; dz[3, counter] = tick.BidClose; dz[4, counter] = ind.HandleNextTick(tick); int icounter = 5; foreach (var subind in ind.SubIndicators.Values) { dz[icounter, counter] = subind[0]; icounter++; } counter++; } Visualize.GenerateMultiPaneGraph(names.ToArray(), q.Data.Keys.ToArray(), dz, QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + @"results.html", chartOptions); Console.WriteLine("Done Generating Graph for " + ind.ToString()); }
public MarketDataEventArg() { data = new Quantum(); }
public AzioneSetupPartitaOffLine(Quantum quantum, int numeroGiocatori) { this.quantum = quantum; this.numeroGiocatori = numeroGiocatori; }
public void Reset() { _mktData = new Quantum(); _completeCounter = 0; complete = false; }
public Cimitero(Quantum quantum, Riquadro contenitore) : base(contenitore) { this.quantum = quantum; }
public AzioneFineTurno(Quantum quantum) { this.quantum = quantum; }
public static void TestChannelLive(this AbstractChannel ind, string symbol, string timeframe, int length) { //------------grab data FXSession session = new FXSession(); session.InitializeSession(); while (!session.LoggedIn) { Thread.Sleep(100); } HistoricPriceEngine h = new HistoricPriceEngine(session); h.GetLongHistoricPrices(symbol, timeframe, length); while (!h.Complete) { Thread.Sleep(100); } //----------------------- var highList = new List <double>(); var medList = new List <double>(); var lowList = new List <double>(); var dataList = new List <double>(); var dateTimeList = new SortedList <DateTime, int>(); Quantum q = h.Data; int count = 0; foreach (Tick t in q) { try{ ind.HandleNextTick(t); highList.Add(ind.HI(0)); medList.Add(ind.MID(0)); lowList.Add(ind.LOW(0)); dataList.Add(t.BidClose); dateTimeList.Add(t.Time, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (count++ > length) { break; } } var dz = new DenseMatrix(4, medList.Count); dz.SetRow(0, new DenseVector(dataList.ToArray())); dz.SetRow(1, new DenseVector(highList.ToArray())); dz.SetRow(2, new DenseVector(medList.ToArray())); dz.SetRow(3, new DenseVector(lowList.ToArray())); Visualize.GenerateMultiPaneGraph(new[] { "data", "high", ind.ToString(), "low" }, dateTimeList.Keys.ToArray(), dz, QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + @"results.html" , new ChartOption[] { new ChartOption() { Height = 500 }, new ChartOption() { Height = 0, Layover = true, YPosition = 0 }, new ChartOption() { Height = 0, Layover = true, YPosition = 0 }, new ChartOption() { Height = 0, Layover = true, YPosition = 0 } }); Console.WriteLine("Done Generating Graph for " + ind.ToString()); }
public static void TestChannel(this AbstractChannel ind, string filename, int length) { Quantum q = Quantum.ExcelToQuantum(filename, "symbol", 0); var dz = new DenseMatrix(4 + 3, q.Data.Count); List <string> names = new List <string>(); names.Add("symbol"); names.Add("HIGH"); names.Add(ind.ToString()); names.Add("LOW"); //chartoptions ChartOption[] chartOptions = new ChartOption[names.Count]; chartOptions[0] = new ChartOption() { Height = 500, YPosition = 0 }; chartOptions[1] = new ChartOption() { Height = 0, YPosition = 0, Layover = true }; chartOptions[2] = new ChartOption() { Height = 0, YPosition = 0, Layover = true }; chartOptions[3] = new ChartOption() { Height = 0, YPosition = 0, Layover = true }; int counter = 0; foreach (Tick tick in q) { ind.HandleNextTick(tick); dz[0, counter] = tick.BidOpen; dz[1, counter] = tick.BidHigh; dz[2, counter] = tick.BidLow; dz[3, counter] = tick.BidClose; dz[4, counter] = ind.HI(0); dz[5, counter] = ind.MID(0); dz[6, counter] = ind.LOW(0); counter++; } Visualize.GenerateMultiPaneGraph(new[] { "data", "high", ind.ToString(), "low" }, q.Data.Keys.ToArray(), dz, QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + @"results.html" , new ChartOption[] { new ChartOption() { Height = 500 }, new ChartOption() { Height = 0, Layover = true, YPosition = 0 }, new ChartOption() { Height = 0, Layover = true, YPosition = 0 }, new ChartOption() { Height = 0, Layover = true, YPosition = 0 } }); Console.WriteLine("Done Generating Graph for " + ind.ToString()); }
public async Task Handle(ReduceMetrics e, IMessageHandlerContext ctx) { var updated = _updatedNames.ToList(); _updatedNames = new ConcurrentBag <string>(); foreach (var update in updated) { var timeDbId = new RiakObjectId("default", "Timeseries", update); var options = new RiakGetOptions { BasicQuorum = true, NotFoundOk = false }; options.SetRw(Quorum.WellKnown.Quorum); _logger.Debug("Getting timeseries db of id {0}", timeDbId.Key); var result = await _client.Async.Get(timeDbId, options).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!result.IsSuccess) { continue; } var timedb = result.Value.GetObject <IEnumerable <Quantum> >(); var directs = timedb.Where(x => x.Duration == "x"); var timeDiff = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(directs.Select(x => x.Timestamp).Aggregate((cur, next) => Math.Abs(cur - next)) / directs.Count()); var levelOneBucket = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeDiff.Seconds); { var tooOld = DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnix() - (levelOneBucket.Seconds * 500); var levelOne = timedb.Where(x => x.Duration == "x" && x.Timestamp < tooOld); var toAddOrUpdate = new List <Quantum>(); _logger.Debug("Reducing {0} metrics into buckets {1}m", levelOne.Count(), levelOneBucket.TotalMinutes); foreach (var group in levelOne.GroupBy(x => new { Bucket = x.Timestamp % levelOneBucket.Seconds, Tags = x.Tags })) { var quantum = new Quantum { Timestamp = group.First().Timestamp, Duration = $"{levelOneBucket.TotalMinutes}m", Name = update, Value = group.Average(x => x.Value), Count = group.Count(), Tags = group.Key.Tags }; toAddOrUpdate.Add(quantum); } var success = await UpdateTimeDb(update, (db) => { levelOne.ForEach(x => db = db.TryRemove(x, y => y.Id)); foreach (var toadd in toAddOrUpdate) { var existing = db.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == toadd.Id); if (existing == null) { db = db.Add(toadd); } else { existing.Value = ((existing.Value * existing.Count) + (toadd.Value * toadd.Count)) / (existing.Count + toadd.Count); existing.Count += toadd.Count; } } return(db); }); if (!success) { _logger.Warn("Failed to reduce {0} metrics into buckets {1}m", levelOne.Count(), levelOneBucket.TotalMinutes); } } var levelTwoBucket = TimeSpan.FromHours(timeDiff.Seconds); { var tooOld = DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnix() - (levelTwoBucket.Seconds * 500); var levelTwo = timedb.Where(x => x.Duration != $"{levelTwoBucket.TotalHours}h" && x.Timestamp < tooOld); var toAddOrUpdate = new List <Quantum>(); _logger.Debug("Reducing {0} metrics into buckets {1}h", levelTwo.Count(), levelTwoBucket.TotalHours); foreach (var group in levelTwo.GroupBy(x => new { Bucket = x.Timestamp % levelTwoBucket.Seconds, Tags = x.Tags })) { var quantum = new Quantum { Timestamp = group.First().Timestamp, Duration = $"{levelTwoBucket.TotalHours}h", Name = update, Value = group.Average(x => x.Value), Count = group.Count(), Tags = group.Key.Tags }; toAddOrUpdate.Add(quantum); } var success = await UpdateTimeDb(update, (db) => { levelTwo.ForEach(x => db = db.TryRemove(x, y => y.Id)); foreach (var toadd in toAddOrUpdate) { var existing = db.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == toadd.Id); if (existing == null) { db = db.Add(toadd); } else { existing.Value = ((existing.Value * existing.Count) + (toadd.Value * toadd.Count)) / (existing.Count + toadd.Count); existing.Count += toadd.Count; } } return(db); }); if (!success) { _logger.Warn("Failed to reduce {0} metrics into buckets {1}h", levelTwo.Count(), levelTwoBucket.TotalHours); } } } }
public void LoadData(string filename, string symbol) { Quantum q = Quantum.ExcelToQuantum(filename, symbol, _dataStart); _dataSet.Add(q); }
public void AddQuantum(Quantum pQuantum) { _Data.Add(pQuantum); }
public override string ToString() { string quantumStr = Quantum.ToString(); return(String.Format("{0} {1}{2}", Length, quantumStr.Remove(quantumStr.Length - 1).ToLower(), Length > 1 ? "s" : String.Empty)); }
private static void Main() { //TestLiveCointegration.Run(); /* * IndicatorMatrix im = new IndicatorMatrix("EUR/USD"); * im.LoadData(); * im.Execute(); */ //TestIndicator.TestMA(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "GBPUSD15M.xml", 14000, new QSPolyMA(40), new ZLEMA(40)); //TestIndicator.TestChannelLive(new QSPolyChannel(), "EUR/USD", "m5", 5000 ); //TestIndicator.TestChannel(new KirshenbaumBands(20), QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "EURUSD15M.xml", 10000); //TestIndicator.TestMA(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "EURUSD1H.xml", 15000, new SMA(25), new DWT(25, 5)); //TestIndicator.TestGraph(new ReversalGenesis(50), QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "AUDUSD1H.xml", 15000); //TestIndicator.TestGraph(new HurstIndicator(256), QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "AUDUSD1H.xml", 15000); //TestIndicator.TestGraphLive(new Genesis(30), "m30", "EUR/USD", 10000); //TestIndicator.TestGraphLive(new PercentileRank(250, new SMA(200)), "H1", "EUR/USD", 1000); //TestIndicator.TestGraphLive(new PercentileRank(250, new SMA(200,new HistoricalVol(50))), "H1", "EUR/USD", 100000); //TestIndicator.TestGraphLive(new WilliamsR(), "H1", "EUR/USD", 100000); //TestIndicator.TestGraph(new PercentileRank(252, new SMA(251)), QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "EURUSD1H.xml", 10000); Quantum q1 = Quantum.ExcelToQuantum(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "EURUSD1H.xml", "EUR/USD"); Quantum q2 = Quantum.ExcelToQuantum(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "GBPUSD1H.xml", "GBP/USD"); Quantum q3 = Quantum.ExcelToQuantum(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "AUDUSD1H.xml", "AUD/USD"); List <Quantum> lq = new List <Quantum>(); lq.Add(q1); lq.Add(q2); lq.Add(q3); MultiQuantum mq = MultiQuantum.OrganizeMultiQuantum(lq); List <List <Tick> > list = mq.RevertToList(); double[] dat1 = list[0].ToArray().Select(x => x.BidClose).ToArray().NormalizeZScore(); double[] dat2 = list[1].ToArray().Select(x => x.BidClose).ToArray().NormalizeZScore(); double[] dat3 = list[2].ToArray().Select(x => x.BidClose).ToArray().NormalizeZScore(); DenseVector d11 = new DenseVector(dat1); DenseVector d12 = new DenseVector(dat2); DenseVector d13 = new DenseVector(dat3); DenseVector fe = ((.48 * d11) + (-0.22 * d12) + (-.46 * d13)); Visualize.GenerateSimpleGraph(fe, "result.html"); Console.Read(); Func <Chromosome, double> fitnessFunc = new Func <Chromosome, double>( chromosome => { double weight1 = ((RealCodedGene)chromosome[0]).GeneValue; double weight2 = ((RealCodedGene)chromosome[1]).GeneValue; double weight3 = ((RealCodedGene)chromosome[2]).GeneValue; double w1mod = weight1 / (weight1 + weight2 + weight3); double w2mod = weight2 / (weight1 + weight2 + weight3); double w3mod = weight3 / (weight1 + weight2 + weight3); DenseVector d1 = new DenseVector(dat1); DenseVector d2 = new DenseVector(dat2); DenseVector d3 = new DenseVector(dat3); double stdev = ((w1mod * d1) + (w2mod * d2) + (w3mod * d3)).StandardDeviation(); return((stdev > 0) ? (1 / stdev) : 0.000001); } ); Random r = new Random(); Gene g1 = new RealCodedGene(0, r, new GeneConstraint((x => (double)x <1.0 && (double)x> -1.0)) { HI = 1.0, LOW = -1.0 }); Gene g2 = new RealCodedGene(0, r, new GeneConstraint((x => (double)x <1.0 && (double)x> -1.0)) { HI = 1.0, LOW = -1.0 }); Gene g3 = new RealCodedGene(0, r, new GeneConstraint((x => (double)x <1.0 && (double)x> -1.0)) { HI = 1.0, LOW = -1.0 }); List <Gene> cfootprint = new List <Gene>(); cfootprint.Add(g1); cfootprint.Add(g2); cfootprint.Add(g3); GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm( fitnessFunc, cfootprint, 30, 200, 10 ); ga.Run(); Console.Read(); var ba1 = new BacktestEngine(0, 3010, true); ba1.LoadData(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "EURUSD1H.xml", "EUR/USD"); ba1.LoadData(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "GBPUSD1H.xml", "GBP/USD"); //ba.LoadDataLive("EUR/USD", "m5", 200000); //ba.LoadDataLive("GBP/USD", "m5", 20000); ba1.OrganizeData(); ba1.LoadStrategy(new Cointegration()); ba1.Execute(); Console.Read(); object[,] denseMatrix; ExcelUtil.Open(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + @"GBPUSD1H.xml", out denseMatrix); var mData = new List <double>(); var predictor = new AC(60); for (int i = denseMatrix.GetLength(0); i > 1; i--) { DateTime dateTime = (DateTime)denseMatrix[i, 1]; var t = new Tick( 0, (double)denseMatrix[i, 6], (double)denseMatrix[i, 7], (double)denseMatrix[i, 8], (double)denseMatrix[i, 9], 0, (double)denseMatrix[i, 2], (double)denseMatrix[i, 3], (double)denseMatrix[i, 4], (double)denseMatrix[i, 5], (double)denseMatrix[i, 10], dateTime ); double d = predictor.HandleNextTick(t); if (!d.Equals(double.NaN)) { mData.Add(d); } } int windowSize = 5; int iterations = 10000; int trainLength = 5000; int validateLength = 1000; double[] trainData = mData.ToArray().Take(trainLength).ToArray(); double[] validateData = mData.ToArray().Skip(trainLength).ToArray().Take(validateLength).ToArray(); Stage1NeuralNetwork nn = new Stage1NeuralNetwork(windowSize, iterations, trainData, validateData); nn.Execute(1); NeuralNetworkStrategy nns = new NeuralNetworkStrategy(windowSize) { NeuralNetwork = nn }; var ba = new BacktestEngine(5000, 9200, true); //ba.LoadData(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "GBPUSD15M.xml", "EUR/USD"); ba.LoadData(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + "NZDUSD1H.xml", "GBP/USD"); //ba.LoadDataLive("EUR/USD", "m5", 200000); //ba.LoadDataLive("GBP/USD", "m5", 20000); ba.OrganizeData(); ba.LoadStrategy(nns); ba.Execute(); Console.Read(); /* * Func<Chromosome, double> function = (chromosome => * { * double fitness = 0.001; * * ba.ResetAccount(); * ba.ResetStrategies(); * ba.LoadStrategy(new CustomStrategy( * (int)(double)chromosome[0].GeneValue, * (int)(double)chromosome[1].GeneValue, * (int)(double)chromosome[2].GeneValue, * (int)(double)chromosome[3].GeneValue, * (int)(double)chromosome[4].GeneValue, * (int)(double)chromosome[5].GeneValue, * (int)(double)chromosome[6].GeneValue, * (int)(double)chromosome[7].GeneValue, * (int)(double)chromosome[8].GeneValue * )); * ba.Execute(); * * * fitness += ba.ret; * * return (fitness > 0) ? fitness : 0.001; * } * ); * * var GA = new GeneticAlgorithm(function, * new List<Gene> * { * new Gene(50, new Gene.Constraint(5,200)), * new Gene(50, new Gene.Constraint(5,200)), * new Gene(50, new Gene.Constraint(5,200)), * new Gene(50, new Gene.Constraint(5,500)), * new Gene(50, new Gene.Constraint(1,100)), * new Gene(50, new Gene.Constraint(1,100)), * new Gene(50, new Gene.Constraint(5,500)), * new Gene(50, new Gene.Constraint(5,500)), * new Gene(50, new Gene.Constraint(1,100)) * }) { Generations = 1000, Trials = 10 } * ; * * GA.InitializePopulation(); * GA.Run(); * * Console.Read(); */ /* * object[,] denseMatrix; * ExcelUtil.Open(Constants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + @"EURUSD1H.xml", out denseMatrix); * * var mData = new List<double>(); * * var predictor = new RSI(40); * * for (int i = denseMatrix.GetLength(0); i > 1; i--) * { * DateTime dateTime = (DateTime) denseMatrix[i, 1]; * var t = new Tick( * 0, * (double) denseMatrix[i, 6], * (double) denseMatrix[i, 7], * (double) denseMatrix[i, 8], * (double) denseMatrix[i, 9], * 0, * (double) denseMatrix[i, 2], * (double) denseMatrix[i, 3], * (double) denseMatrix[i, 4], * (double) denseMatrix[i, 5], * (double) denseMatrix[i, 10], * dateTime * ); * * double d = predictor.HandleNextTick(t); * if (!d.Equals(double.NaN)) * mData.Add(d); * } * * int windowSize = 5; * int iterations = 5000; * int trainLength = 5000; * int validateLength = 1000; * double[] trainData = mData.ToArray().Take(trainLength).ToArray(); * double[] validateData = mData.ToArray().Skip(trainLength).ToArray().Take(validateLength).ToArray(); * * Stage1NeuralNetwork nn = new Stage1NeuralNetwork(windowSize, iterations, trainData, validateData); * nn.Execute(1); * * NeuralNetworkStrategy nns = new NeuralNetworkStrategy(windowSize){NeuralNetwork = nn}; */ /* * bool seao = true; * if (seao) * { * * var ba = new BacktestEngine(0, 50000, true); * ba.LoadDataLive("EUR/USD", "m30", 80000); * * //ba.LoadStrategy(nns); * ba.LoadStrategy(new RSIEntry(50){LongEntry = 60, ShortEntry = 40}); * ba.LoadStrategy(new RSIExit(50){ LongExit = 70, ShortExit = 30 }); * * //ba.LoadStrategy(new Pyramid(.1, .05, .001)); * ba.Execute(); * * Console.Read(); * } * * BacktestEngine[] barray = new BacktestEngine[2]; * * Func<Chromosome, double> function = (chromosome => * { * double fitness = 0.001; * foreach (BacktestEngine bx in barray) * { * bx.ResetAccount(); * bx.ResetStrategies(); * bx.LoadStrategy(new CustomStrategy()); * bx.LoadStrategy(new Pyramid((double) chromosome[0].GeneValue, * (double) chromosome[1].GeneValue, * (double) chromosome[2].GeneValue)); * bx.Execute(); * * if (bx.ret > 100) * fitness += 100; * else * fitness += bx.ret; * } * * return (fitness > 0) ? fitness/5 : 0.001; * } * ); * * var GA = new GeneticAlgorithm(function, * new List<Gene> * { * new Gene(5, new Gene.Constraint(0,1.0)), * new Gene(5, new Gene.Constraint(0,1.0)), * new Gene(5, new Gene.Constraint(0,1.0/100.0)) * }) {Generations = 1000, Trials = 1} * ; * * GA.InitializePopulation(); * GA.Run(); * * Console.Read(); * * /* * b.Output = true; * b.ResetAccount(); * b.ResetStrategies(); * b.LoadStrategy(new RSIEntry() * { * EntryTarget1 = (double)GA.maxC[0].GeneValue, * EntryTarget2 = (double)GA.maxC[1].GeneValue * }); * b.LoadStrategy(new RSIExit() * { * ExitTarget1 = (double)GA.maxC[2].GeneValue, * ExitTarget2 = (double)GA.maxC[3].GeneValue * }); * * * b.Execute(); */ //Console.Read(); //object[,] data; /* * ExcelUtil.Open("C:\\Users\\EL65628\\Work\\QuantSys\\data\\UCUM.xls", out data); * DenseMatrix d = ExcelUtil.ToMatrix(data, 2, 1283, 1, 2, true); * * DenseVector normchf = Statistics.NormalizeZScore(d.Column(0).ToArray()); * DenseVector normmxn = Statistics.NormalizeZScore(d.Column(1).ToArray()); * * DenseVector kurtmxn = new DenseVector(Statistics.AggregateWindow(d.Column(1).ToArray(), * Statistics.Kurtosis, 50, false, false)); * * DenseVector corre = new DenseVector((Statistics.AggregateWindow( * Statistics.RawRateOfReturn(d.Column(0).ToArray()), * Statistics.RawRateOfReturn(d.Column(1).ToArray()), * Statistics.Correlation, * 80, false, true))); * * //DenseMatrix dNew = new DenseMatrix(3, 1282); * //dNew.SetRow(0, (DenseVector)d.Column(0).Normalize(100)); * //dNew.SetRow(1, (DenseVector)d.Column(1).Normalize(100)); * //dNew.SetRow(2, corre); * * Visualize.GenerateGraph(corre, "C:\\Users\\EL65628\\Work\\QuantSys\\data\\correlation.html"); * Visualize.GenerateGraph(kurtmxn, "C:\\Users\\EL65628\\Work\\QuantSys\\data\\kurtosis.html"); * //Visualize.GenerateGraph(normmxn, "C:\\Users\\EL65628\\Work\\QuantSys\\data\\diff2.html"); * Visualize.GenerateGraph((DenseVector)(Statistics.NormalizeZScore((-1.5 * normmxn + .9 * normchf).ToArray())), "C:\\Users\\EL65628\\Work\\QuantSys\\data\\diff3.html"); * * string[] symbols = { "usd/chf", "usd/mxn" ,"correlation"}; * //Visualize.GenerateMultiSymbolGraph(symbols, dNew, new DateTime(), new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0), "C:\\Users\\EL65628\\Work\\QuantSys\\data\\diff.html"); * * * int[] vectors = { 5, 3, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 }; * * string vecstring = "1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0"; * * * string[] vectemp = vecstring.Split(' '); * List<int> vec = new List<int>(); * * for (int i = 0; i < vectors.Length; i++) * { * if (vectemp[i]=="1") vec.Add(vectors[i]); * } * * //int[] vect = {13, 19, 25, 27 }; * int[] vect = { 17, 18, 22, 27, 40, 49}; * * ExcelUtil.Open("C:\\Users\\EL65628\\Work\\QuantSys\\data\\EURUSD1D.xml", out data); * TwoStageNN twoStageNn = new TwoStageNN(50, 200, data, vect); * twoStageNn.Execute(); * * * //GeneticAlgorithm g = new GeneticAlgorithm(); * //g.Run(); * * Console.ReadLine(); * * PortfolioOptimizer.Run(); */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string[] currencies = { "EUR/USD", "GBP/USD", "USD/CAD", "USD/CHF", "AUD/USD", "NZD/USD", "USD/JPY", "USD/MXN", "USD/ZAR", "USD/PLN", "USD/TRY", "USD/DKK", "USD/SEK", "USD/NOK" }; var currencypairs = new List <string[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < currencies.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (currencies[i] != currencies[j]) { string[] temp = { currencies[i], currencies[j] }; currencypairs.Add(temp); Console.WriteLine(currencies[i] + " " + currencies[j]); } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* * FXSession fxsession1 = new FXSession(); * * string[] tempgroup = { "AUD/USD", "NZD/USD" }; * * Thread oThread1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(fxsession1.InitializeSession)); * oThread1.Start(); * * while (fxsession1.LoginStatus.Equals(FXSession.LOGIN_STATUS.NOT_LOGGED_IN)) * { * Thread.Sleep(1000); * Console.Write("."); * } * * if (fxsession1.LoginStatus.Equals(FXSession.LOGIN_STATUS.LOGGED_IN)) * { * //Job_SymbolSet job = new Job_SymbolSet(ex, "H1", 150, new EMA(14)); * //Job_CorrelationMatrix job = new Job_CorrelationMatrix(currencies, "D1", 300, Job_CorrelationMatrix.CovarianceType.RawReturn); * * Job_Cointegration job = new Job_Cointegration(tempgroup, "m30", 300); * fxsession1.PlaceJob(job); * job.RunJob(fxsession1); * Thread.Sleep(1000); * } * * Console.ReadLine(); * */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// while (true) { try { var fxsession = new FXSession(); var oThread = new Thread(fxsession.InitializeSession); oThread.Start(); while (!fxsession.LoggedIn) { Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.Write("."); } if (fxsession.LoggedIn) { //Job_SymbolSet job = new Job_SymbolSet(ex, "H1", 150, new EMA(14)); //Job_CorrelationMatrix job = new Job_CorrelationMatrix(currencies, "D1", 300, Job_CorrelationMatrix.CovarianceType.RawReturn); //Job_Cointegration.Process(fxsession, "USD/DKK", "USD/CHF", "m30", 3000); //Console.Read(); foreach (var group in currencypairs) { if ((!group[0].Substring(0, 3).Equals("USD") && !group[1].Substring(0, 3).Equals("USD")) || (group[0].Substring(0, 3).Equals("USD") && group[1].Substring(0, 3).Equals("USD"))) { try { Job_Cointegration.Process(fxsession, group[0], group[1], "m30", 3000); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } } } fxsession.EndSession(); oThread.Abort(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString()); Thread.Sleep(1000 * 60 * 30); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public SchermateDiGioco(Quantum quantum) { this.quantum = quantum; }
void ITimestamp.Quantum(Quantum quantum) => _quantum = quantum;
public MarketDataEventArg(Quantum data) { = data; }
/// <summary> /// Costruttore statico per il setup iniziale /// </summary> public static Azione SetupPartita(Quantum quantum, Nave nave) { return new AzionePiazzaNave(quantum, nave) { obbligatoria = true, consumaAzione = false }; }
public static void TestMultiSymbolGraph(this AbstractMultiSymbolIndicator ind, string[] filename, int length) { List <Quantum> lq = new List <Quantum>(); foreach (string s in filename) { lq.Add(Quantum.ExcelToQuantum(s, s, 0)); } MultiQuantum multiQuantum = MultiQuantum.OrganizeMultiQuantum(lq); var dz = new DenseMatrix(4 + 1 + ind.SubIndicatorSize, multiQuantum.Length); List <string> names = new List <string>(); names.Add("symbol"); names.Add(ind.ToString()); foreach (var indicator in ind.SubIndicators) { names.Add(indicator.Key); } //chartoptions ChartOption[] chartOptions = new ChartOption[names.Count]; chartOptions[0] = new ChartOption() { Height = 400, YPosition = 0 }; chartOptions[1] = new ChartOption() { Height = 200, YPosition = 1 }; for (int i = 2; i < chartOptions.Length; i++) { chartOptions[i] = new ChartOption() { Height = 0, YPosition = 1, Layover = true } } ; int counter = 0; foreach (List <Tick> t in multiQuantum) { dz[0, counter] = t[0].BidOpen; dz[1, counter] = t[0].BidHigh; dz[2, counter] = t[0].BidLow; dz[3, counter] = t[0].BidClose; dz[4, counter] = ind.HandleNextTicks(t.ToArray()); int icounter = 5; foreach (var subind in ind.SubIndicators.Values) { dz[icounter, counter] = subind[0]; icounter++; } counter++; } Visualize.GenerateMultiPaneGraph(names.ToArray(), multiQuantum.Keys.ToArray(), dz, QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + @"results.html", chartOptions); Console.WriteLine("Done Generating Graph for " + ind.ToString()); }
public static void Process(FXSession session, string symbol1, string symbol2, string timeframe, int length) { HistoricPriceEngine h1 = new HistoricPriceEngine(session); h1.GetLongHistoricPrices(symbol1, timeframe, length); while (!h1.Complete) { Thread.Sleep(100); } HistoricPriceEngine h2 = new HistoricPriceEngine(session); h2.GetLongHistoricPrices(symbol2, timeframe, length); while (!h2.Complete) { Thread.Sleep(100); } //----------------------- var dateTimeList = new SortedList <DateTime, int>(); Quantum q1 = h1.Data; Quantum q2 = h2.Data; var priceData = new DenseMatrix(2, q1.Data.Count); for (int j = 0; j < ((q1.Data.Count <= q2.Data.Count)?q1.Data.Count:q2.Data.Count); j++) { dateTimeList.Add(q1.Data.Values[j].Time, 1); priceData[0, j] = q1.Data.Values[j].BidClose; priceData[1, j] = q2.Data.Values[j].BidClose; } Vector <double> price1 = priceData.Row(0); Vector <double> price2 = priceData.Row(1); //Statistics.ApplyFunction((DenseVector)price1, Math.Log); //Statistics.ApplyFunction((DenseVector)price2, Math.Log); DenseVector norm1 = price1.ToArray().NormalizeZScore(); DenseVector norm2 = price2.ToArray().NormalizeZScore(); var newsym = new string[] { symbol1, symbol2, "spread" }; var m = new DenseMatrix(6, norm1.Count); m.SetRow(0, norm1); m.SetRow(1, norm2); m.SetRow(2, (norm1 - norm2).ToArray().NormalizeZScore()); string filename = symbol1.Replace('/', '_') + "-" + symbol2.Replace('/', '_') + ".html"; Visualize.GenerateMultiPaneGraph(newsym, dateTimeList.Keys.ToArray(), m, QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + filename, new ChartOption[] { new ChartOption(), new ChartOption() { Layover = true, YPosition = 0 }, new ChartOption() { YPosition = 1 } }, null, filename + ".json"); FileUpload.UploadFileToFTP(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + filename, filename); FileUpload.UploadFileToFTP(QSConstants.DEFAULT_DATA_FILEPATH + filename + ".json", filename + ".json"); double Spread = m[2, m.ColumnCount - 1]; if (Spread > 2.0 && m[2, m.ColumnCount - 2] <= 2.0) { Emailer.SendEmail(symbol1 + "-" + symbol2 + " Spread Above 2.0", "Test"); } if (Spread < -2.0 && m[2, m.ColumnCount - 2] >= -2.0) { Emailer.SendEmail(symbol1 + "-" + symbol2 + " Spread Below -2.0", "Test"); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the color value in an inherited class. /// </summary> protected override void UpdateColor() { Color.R = Quantum.ScaleToQuantum(Y - (3.945707070708279e-05 * (U - 0.5)) + (1.1398279671717170825 * (V - 0.5))); Color.G = Quantum.ScaleToQuantum(Y - (0.3946101641414141437 * (U - 0.5)) - (0.5805003156565656797 * (V - 0.5))); Color.B = Quantum.ScaleToQuantum(Y + (2.0319996843434342537 * (U - 0.5)) - (4.813762626262513e-04 * (V - 0.5))); }