/// <summary>
                /// Draws a billboard in world space facing the +Z direction of the matrix given. Units in meters,
                /// matrix transform notwithstanding. Dont forget to compensate for perspective scaling!
                /// </summary
                public void Draw(ref CroppedBox box, ref MatrixD matrix)
                    ContainmentType containment = ContainmentType.Contains;

                    if (box.mask != null)
                        box.mask.Value.Contains(ref box.bounds, out containment);

                    if (containment != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
                        if (updateMatFit && matFrame.Material != Material.Default)
                            Vector2 boxSize = box.bounds.Size;
                            minBoard.texCoords = matFrame.GetMaterialAlignment(boxSize.X / boxSize.Y);
                            updateMatFit       = false;

                        if (containment == ContainmentType.Contains)
                            minBoard.Draw(ref box, ref matrix);
                        else if (containment == ContainmentType.Intersects && matFrame.Material == Material.Default)
                            minBoard.DrawCropped(ref box, ref matrix);
                            minBoard.DrawCroppedTex(ref box, ref matrix);