Beispiel #1
        // Creates a variety of QR Codes that exercise different features of the library, and writes each one to file.
        private static void DoVarietyDemo()
            QrCode qr;

            // Numeric mode encoding (3.33 bits per digit)
            qr = QrCode.EncodeText("314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510", Ecc.Medium);
            WritePng(qr.ToImage(13, 1), "pi-digits-QR.png");

            // Alphanumeric mode encoding (5.5 bits per character)
            qr = QrCode.EncodeText("DOLLAR-AMOUNT:$39.87 PERCENTAGE:100.00% OPERATIONS:+-*/", Ecc.High);
            WritePng(qr.ToImage(10, 2), "alphanumeric-QR.png");

            // Unicode text as UTF-8
            qr = QrCode.EncodeText("こんにちwa、世界! αβγδ", Ecc.Quartitle);
            WritePng(qr.ToImage(10, 3), "unicode-QR.png");

            // Moderately large QR Code using longer text (from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland)
            qr = QrCode.EncodeText(
                "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, "
                + "and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, "
                + "but it had no pictures or conversations in it, 'and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice "
                + "'without pictures or conversations?' So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, "
                + "for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a "
                + "daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly "
                + "a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.", Ecc.High);
            WritePng(qr.ToImage(6, 10), "alice-wonderland-QR.png");
        public void BitmapColorImageTest()
            var qrCode = QrCode.EncodeText("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", QrCode.Ecc.High);
            var fg     = Color.Red;
            var bg     = Color.Black;

            using (var bitmap = qrCode.ToBitmap(3, 0, fg, bg))
                var containsFg = false;
                var containsBg = false;
                //Start from bottom right
                for (int i = bitmap.Height - 1; i >= 0 && !(containsFg && containsBg); i--)
                    for (int j = bitmap.Width - 1; j >= 0 && !(containsFg && containsBg); j--)
                        var pixel = bitmap.GetPixel(j, i).ToArgb();

                        if (pixel == fg.ToArgb())
                            containsFg = true;
                        else if (pixel == bg.ToArgb())
                            containsBg = true;
        public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Data) || Border < 0)

            var qrCode = QrCode.EncodeText(Data, _configuration.ErrorCorrectionLevel);

            if (_configuration.Format == QrCodeFormat.Svg)
                var svg = qrCode.ToSvgString(Border);
                if (Scale <= 0)

                var bitmap = qrCode.ToImage(Scale, Border);
                using var ms = new MemoryStream();
                bitmap.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
                var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
                output.Content.AppendHtml($"<img src=\"data:image/png;base64,{base64}\"/>");

            output.TagName = null;
Beispiel #4
        public static string createQRCode(string sceneName, string host)
            NameBasedGenerator uuidCreator = new NameBasedGenerator(HashType.SHA1);
            ImageFormat        imageFormat = ImageFormat.Png;

            string markerUUID = uuidCreator.GenerateGuid(sceneName + DateTime.Now).ToString();
            string url        = host + "/QRCode/Open?uuid=";
            string content    = url + markerUUID;
            QrCode qr         = QrCode.EncodeText(content, QrCode.Ecc.Medium);

            string dir      = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string filename = markerUUID + "." + imageFormat.ToString();

            var path = Path.Combine(
                dir, "static", "content", "marker",

            using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
                using (var bitmap = qr.ToBitmap(40, 1))
                    bitmap.Save(stream, imageFormat);

Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the QR code to the specified graphics context (canvas). The QR code will
        /// always be 46 mm by 46 mm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphics">The graphics context.</param>
        /// <param name="offsetX">The x offset.</param>
        /// <param name="offsetY">The y offset.</param>
        internal void Draw(ICanvas graphics, double offsetX, double offsetY)
            QrCode qrCode = QrCode.EncodeText(_embeddedText, QrCode.Ecc.Medium);

            bool[,] modules = CopyModules(qrCode);

            int modulesPerSide = modules.GetLength(0);

            graphics.SetTransformation(offsetX, offsetY, 0, Size / modulesPerSide / 25.4 * 72, Size / modulesPerSide / 25.4 * 72);
            DrawModulesPath(graphics, modules);
            graphics.SetTransformation(offsetX, offsetY, 0, 1, 1);

            // Swiss cross
            graphics.AddRectangle(20, 20, 6, 6);
            const double barWidth  = 7 / 6.0;
            const double barLength = 35 / 9.0;

            graphics.AddRectangle(23 - barWidth / 2, 23 - barLength / 2, barWidth, barLength);
            graphics.AddRectangle(23 - barLength / 2, 23 - barWidth / 2, barLength, barWidth);
Beispiel #6
        internal static void QrCodeWithImage()
            var         text         = "";
            var         filename     = "qr-code-with-image.png";
            var         logoFilename = "heart.png";
            const float logoWidth    = 0.15f; // logo will have 15% the width of the QR code

            var qr = QrCode.EncodeText(text, QrCode.Ecc.Medium);

            using (var bitmap = qr.ToBitmap(scale: 10, border: 4))
                using (var logo = Image.Load(logoFilename))
                    // resize logo
                    var w = (int)Math.Round(bitmap.Width * logoWidth);
                    logo.Mutate(logo => logo.Resize(w, 0));

                    // draw logo in center
                    var topLeft = new Point((bitmap.Width - logo.Width) / 2, (bitmap.Height - logo.Height) / 2);
                    bitmap.Mutate(img => img.DrawImage(logo, topLeft, 1));

                    // save as PNG

            Console.WriteLine($"The QR code has been saved as {Path.GetFullPath(filename)}");
Beispiel #7
        private void RegenerateQr()
            var qr     = QrCode.EncodeText(SourceText.Text, QrCode.Ecc.Medium);
            var bitmap = qr.ToBitmap(scale: 10, border: 1);

            //bitmap.Save("qr-code.png", ImageFormat.Png);
            QrPicture.Image = bitmap;
        private byte[] GetBase64QrCodeData(string url)
            var          qrCode = QrCode.EncodeText(url, Options.GetQrCodeErrorCorrectionLevel());
            var          img    = qrCode.ToBitmap(Options.QrCodeScale, Options.QrCodeBorderSize);
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

            img.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Bmp);
Beispiel #9
        // Creates a single QR code, then writes it to an SVG file.
        private static void DoBasicDemo()
            const string text      = "Hello, world!";       // User-supplied Unicode text
            var          errCorLvl = QrCode.Ecc.Low;        // Error correction level

            var qr = QrCode.EncodeText(text, errCorLvl);    // Make the QR code symbol

            SaveAsSvg(qr, "hello-world-QR.svg", border: 4); // Save as SVG
Beispiel #10
        private void CopyButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // put the QR code on the clipboard as a bitmap
            var qrCode     = QrCode.EncodeText(_text, ErrorCorrection);
            var bitmap     = QrCodeDrawing.CreateBitmapImage(qrCode, 20, BorderWidth);
            var dataObject = new DataObject();

            dataObject.SetData(DataFormats.Bitmap, bitmap);
Beispiel #11
        public ActionResult <byte[]> GenerateSvg([FromQuery(Name = "text")] string text,
                                                 [FromQuery(Name = "ecc")] int?ecc, [FromQuery(Name = "border")] int?borderWidth)
            ecc         = Math.Clamp(ecc ?? 1, 0, 3);
            borderWidth = Math.Clamp(borderWidth ?? 3, 0, 999999);

            var qrCode = QrCode.EncodeText(text, errorCorrectionLevels[(int)ecc]);

            byte[] svg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(qrCode.ToSvgString((int)borderWidth));
            return(new FileContentResult(svg, "image/svg+xml; charset=utf-8"));
Beispiel #12
        // Create a QR code and save it as a PNG.
        internal static void Main()
            var text     = "Hello, world!";
            var filename = "hello-world-QR.png";

            var qr = QrCode.EncodeText(text, QrCode.Ecc.Medium); // Create the QR code symbol

            qr.SaveAsPng(filename, scale: 10, border: 4);

            Console.WriteLine($"The QR code has been saved as {Path.GetFullPath(filename)}");
Beispiel #13
        public ActionResult <byte[]> GeneratePng([FromQuery(Name = "text")] string text,
                                                 [FromQuery(Name = "ecc")] int?ecc, [FromQuery(Name = "border")] int?borderWidth)
            ecc         = Math.Clamp(ecc ?? 1, 0, 3);
            borderWidth = Math.Clamp(borderWidth ?? 3, 0, 999999);

            var qrCode = QrCode.EncodeText(text, errorCorrectionLevels[(int)ecc]);

            byte[] png = qrCode.ToPng(20, (int)borderWidth);
            return(new FileContentResult(png, "image/png"));
Beispiel #14
        // Creates QR Codes with manually specified segments for better compactness.
        private static void DoSegmentDemo()
            QrCode           qr;
            List <QrSegment> segs;

            // Illustration "silver"
            var silver0 = "THE SQUARE ROOT OF 2 IS 1.";
            var silver1 = "41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537694807317667973799";

            qr = QrCode.EncodeText(silver0 + silver1, Ecc.Low);
            WritePng(qr.ToImage(10, 3), "sqrt2-monolithic-QR.png");

            segs = new List <QrSegment>()
            qr = QrCode.EncodeSegments(segs, Ecc.Low);
            WritePng(qr.ToImage(10, 3), "sqrt2-segmented-QR.png");

            // Illustration "golden"
            var golden0 = "Golden ratio φ = 1.";
            var golden1 = "6180339887498948482045868343656381177203091798057628621354486227052604628189024497072072041893911374";
            var golden2 = "......";

            qr = QrCode.EncodeText(golden0 + golden1 + golden2, Ecc.Low);
            WritePng(qr.ToImage(8, 5), "phi-monolithic-QR.png");

            segs = new List <QrSegment>()
            qr = QrCode.EncodeSegments(segs, Ecc.Low);
            WritePng(qr.ToImage(8, 5), "phi-segmented-QR.png");

            // Illustration "Madoka": kanji, kana, Cyrillic, full-width Latin, Greek characters
            var madoka = "「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」って、 ИАИ desu κα?";

            qr = QrCode.EncodeText(madoka, Ecc.Low);
            WritePng(qr.ToImage(9, 4), "madoka-utf8-QR.png");

            segs = new List <QrSegment>()
            qr = QrCode.EncodeSegments(segs, Ecc.Low);
            WritePng(qr.ToImage(9, 4), "madoka-kanji-QR.png");
Beispiel #15
    private void ShowEditorLocalIP()
        string getLocalIP()
            var host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());

            foreach (var ip in host.AddressList)
                if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
            throw new Exception("no local ip found.");

        // ローカルIPを取得
        var localIp = getLocalIP();

        // qrコードを生成する
        var qr = QrCode.EncodeText(localIp, QrCode.Ecc.Medium);

        var(bits, w, h) = qr.ToBitPattern(); // デフォサイズが441, 21x21、これが仕様上最小

        // テクスチャにポイントを描く。
        var drawTexture = new Texture2D(w, h, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);

        drawTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;

        for (var i = 0; i < w * h; i++)
            var isOn = bits[i];
            if (isOn)
                var x = i / w;
                var y = i % h;
                drawTexture.SetPixels(x, y, 1, 1, new Color[] { }, 0);


        var canvasResourcePrefab = Resources.Load("a-npanResource/a-npanQRCanvas") as GameObject;
        var canvasObj            = GameObject.Instantiate(canvasResourcePrefab);

        var image = canvasObj.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>();

        image.sprite = Sprite.Create(drawTexture, new Rect(0, 0, drawTexture.width, drawTexture.height),;
Beispiel #16
        // Creates a single QR Code, then writes it to a PNG file and an SVG file.
        private static void DoBasicDemo()
            var text      = "Hello, world!";              // User-supplied Unicode text
            var errCorLvl = Ecc.Low;                      // Error correction level

            var qr = QrCode.EncodeText(text, errCorLvl);  // Make the QR Code symbol

            var img = qr.ToImage(10, 4);                  // Convert to bitmap image

            WritePng(img, "hello-world-QR.png");          // Write image to file

            var svg = qr.ToSvgString(4);                  // Convert to SVG XML code

            File.WriteAllText("hello-world-QR.svg", svg); // Write image to file
Beispiel #17
        public static void RegenerateQr(int resolution, string text, PictureBox QrPicture, ProgressBar progressBar1)
            progressBar1.Value = 0;
            if (text.Equals(""))
            progressBar1.Value = 80;
            var qr     = QrCode.EncodeText(text, QrCode.Ecc.Medium);
            var bitmap = qr.ToBitmap(scale: resolution, border: 1);

            progressBar1.Value = 100;
            //bitmap.Save("qr-code.png", ImageFormat.Png);
            QrPicture.Image = bitmap;
Beispiel #18
        // Creates a single QR code, then writes it to a PNG file and an SVG file.
        private static void DoBasicDemo()
            const string text      = "Hello, world!";            // User-supplied Unicode text
            var          errCorLvl = QrCode.Ecc.Low;             // Error correction level

            var qr = QrCode.EncodeText(text, errCorLvl);         // Make the QR code symbol

            using (var img = qr.ToBitmap(10, 4))                 // Convert to bitmap image
                img.Save("hello-world-QR.png", ImageFormat.Png); // Write image to file

            string svg = qr.ToSvgString(4);                              // Convert to SVG XML code

            File.WriteAllText("hello-world-QR.svg", svg, Encoding.UTF8); // Write image to file
Beispiel #19
        static void Main()
            var vcard = new VCard
                Version      = VCardVersion.V3,
                FirstName    = "Robin",
                LastName     = "Hood",
                Organization = "Sherwood Inc.",
                Addresses    = new List <Address>
                    new Address {
                        Type       = AddressType.Work,
                        Street     = "The Major Oak",
                        Locality   = "Sherwood Forest",
                        PostalCode = "NG21 9RN",
                        Country    = "United Kingdom",
                Telephones = new List <Telephone>
                    new Telephone {
                        Type   = TelephoneType.Work,
                        Number = "+441623677321"
                Emails = new List <Email>
                    new Email
                        Type         = EmailType.Smtp,
                        EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**"

            var qrCode = QrCode.EncodeText(vcard.Serialize(), QrCode.Ecc.Medium);

            File.WriteAllText("vcard-qrcode.svg", qrCode.ToSvgString(3));
Beispiel #20
        private void UpdateQrCode()
            var qrCode = QrCode.EncodeText(_text, ErrorCorrection);

            QrCodeImage.Source = QrCodeDrawing.CreateDrawing(qrCode, 192, BorderWidth);
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the QR code to the specified graphics context (canvas). The QR code will
        /// always be 46 mm by 46 mm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphics">The graphics context.</param>
        /// <param name="offsetX">The x offset.</param>
        /// <param name="offsetY">The y offset.</param>
        internal void Draw(ICanvas graphics, double offsetX, double offsetY)
            var qrCode = QrCode.EncodeText(_embeddedText, QrCode.Ecc.Medium);

            var modules = CopyModules(qrCode);


            var modulesPerSide = modules.GetLength(0);

            graphics.SetTransformation(offsetX, offsetY, 0, Size / modulesPerSide / 25.4 * 72, Size / modulesPerSide / 25.4 * 72);
            DrawModulesPath(graphics, modules);
            graphics.FillPath(0, false);
            graphics.SetTransformation(offsetX, offsetY, 0, 1, 1);

            // Swiss cross
            graphics.AddRectangle(20, 20, 6, 6);
            graphics.FillPath(0, false);
            const double barWidth  = 7 / 6.0;
            const double barLength = 35 / 9.0;

            //       A----B
            //       |    |
            //       |    |
            // K-----L    C-----D
            // |                |
            // |                |
            // J-----I    F-----E
            //       |    |
            //       |    |
            //       H----G

            // Center is (23;23)
            // Start in A
            graphics.MoveTo(23 - barWidth / 2, 23 - barLength / 2);

            // Line to B
            graphics.LineTo(23 + barWidth / 2, 23 - barLength / 2);

            // Line to C
            graphics.LineTo(23 + barWidth / 2, 23 - barWidth / 2);

            // Line to D
            graphics.LineTo(23 + barLength / 2, 23 - barWidth / 2);

            // Line to E
            graphics.LineTo(23 + barLength / 2, 23 + barWidth / 2);

            // Line to F
            graphics.LineTo(23 + barWidth / 2, 23 + barWidth / 2);

            // Line to G
            graphics.LineTo(23 + barWidth / 2, 23 + barLength / 2);

            // Line to H
            graphics.LineTo(23 - barWidth / 2, 23 + barLength / 2);

            // Line to I
            graphics.LineTo(23 - barWidth / 2, 23 + barWidth / 2);

            // Line to J
            graphics.LineTo(23 - barLength / 2, 23 + barWidth / 2);

            // Line to K
            graphics.LineTo(23 - barLength / 2, 23 - barWidth / 2);

            // Line to K
            graphics.LineTo(23 - barWidth / 2, 23 - barWidth / 2);

            graphics.FillPath(0xffffff, false);