public async Task GetSectionAndPage(Guid applicationId, Guid sectionId, string pageId)
            Application = await _dataContext.Applications.SingleOrDefaultAsync(app => app.Id == applicationId);

            Section = await _dataContext.ApplicationSections.SingleOrDefaultAsync(sec => sec.Id == sectionId && sec.ApplicationId == applicationId);

            if (Section != null)
                QnaData = new QnAData(Section.QnAData);
                Page    = QnaData.Pages.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PageId == pageId);
        private void OnQnABundlesTab()
            GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("Generate QnA Bundle"));

            category       = (QuestionCategory)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(new GUIContent("Select Category"), category);
            questionsCount = EditorGUILayout.IntField(new GUIContent("Question Fields To Add"), questionsCount);

            if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Generate")))
                string dirPath = string.Concat(Paths.RESOURCES_PATH, "/", Paths.DEFAULT_QnABUNDLES_PATH);

                if (!Directory.Exists(string.Concat(Application.dataPath, "/", dirPath)))

                var filePath = string.Concat(Application.dataPath, "/", dirPath, "/", category.ToString(), "_Bundle.json");

                if (File.Exists(filePath))
                    Debug.Log("Bundle with this category already exists, please edit it directly to add more questions!");

                using (var sr = File.CreateText(filePath))
                    if (jsonAdapter == null)
                        jsonAdapter = new UnityJsonAdapter();

                    var bundle = new QnADataBundle()
                        category = category, QnADatas = new QnAData[questionsCount]
                    for (int i = 0; i < questionsCount; i++)
                        bundle.QnADatas[i] = QnAData.GetEmpty();

                    var json = jsonAdapter.Serialize(bundle);


                    Debug.LogFormat("Bundle successfuly created at {0}", filePath);
Beispiel #3
        public static QnAData GetEmpty()
            var data = new QnAData();

            data.question    = "";
            data.rightAnswer = "";
            data.wrongAnswer = new string[Settings.ANSWERS_COUNT - 1];

            for (int i = 0; i < data.wrongAnswer.Length; i++)
                data.wrongAnswer[i] = "";

        public async Task <HandlerResponse <Page> > Handle(UpsertFeedbackRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var section = await _dataContext.ApplicationSections.SingleOrDefaultAsync(sec => sec.ApplicationId == request.ApplicationId && sec.Id == request.SectionId, cancellationToken);

            if (section is null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <Page>(success: false, message: $"SectionId {request.SectionId} does not exist in ApplicationId {request.ApplicationId}"));

            var qnaData = new QnAData(section.QnAData);

            var page = qnaData.Pages.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PageId == request.PageId);

            if (page is null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <Page>(success: false, message: $"PageId {request.PageId} does not exist"));

            if (page.Feedback is null)
                page.Feedback = new List <Feedback>();

            if (page.Feedback.All(f => f.Id != request.Feedback.Id))
                request.Feedback.Date  = SystemTime.UtcNow();
                request.Feedback.IsNew = true;
                var existingFeedback = page.Feedback.Single(f => f.Id == request.Feedback.Id);
                existingFeedback.Date        = request.Feedback.Date;
                existingFeedback.From        = request.Feedback.From;
                existingFeedback.Message     = request.Feedback.Message;
                existingFeedback.IsCompleted = request.Feedback.IsCompleted;
                existingFeedback.IsNew       = request.Feedback.IsNew;

            section.QnAData = qnaData;
            await _dataContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            return(new HandlerResponse <Page>(page));
Beispiel #5
        public void ClearDeactivatedTags(Guid applicationId, Guid sectionId)
            var section = _dataContext.ApplicationSections.AsNoTracking().SingleOrDefault(sec =>
                                                                                          sec.Id == sectionId && sec.ApplicationId == applicationId);

            if (section == null)
            var pages         = new QnAData(section.QnAData).Pages;
            var pagesActive   = pages.Where(p => p.Active);
            var pagesInactive = pages.Where(p => !p.Active);

            var deactivatedTags = (from page in pagesInactive from question in page.Questions.Where(p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.QuestionTag)) select question.QuestionTag).Distinct().ToList();
            var activeTags      = (from page in pagesActive from question in page.Questions.Where(p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.QuestionTag)) select question.QuestionTag).Distinct().ToList();

            // remove any activetags within deactivatedTags as some branches use tagnames twice for distinct branches
            foreach (var tag in activeTags.Where(tag => deactivatedTags.Contains(tag)))

            if (deactivatedTags.Count < 1)

            var application = _dataContext.Applications.SingleOrDefault(app => app.Id == applicationId);

            if (application == null)
            var applicationData = JObject.Parse(application.ApplicationData ?? "{}");

            foreach (var tag in deactivatedTags)

            application.ApplicationData = applicationData.ToString(Formatting.None);
        public async Task <HandlerResponse <SkipPageResponse> > Handle(SkipPageRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var application = await _dataContext.Applications.SingleOrDefaultAsync(app => app.Id == request.ApplicationId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

            if (application is null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <SkipPageResponse>(false, "Application does not exist"));

            var section = await _dataContext.ApplicationSections.SingleOrDefaultAsync(sec => sec.Id == request.SectionId && sec.ApplicationId == request.ApplicationId, cancellationToken);

            if (section is null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <SkipPageResponse>(false, "Section does not exist"));

            var qnaData = new QnAData(section.QnAData);
            var page    = qnaData.Pages.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PageId == request.PageId);

            if (page is null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <SkipPageResponse>(false, "Page does not exist"));

                var nextAction           = GetNextActionForPage(section, application, page.PageId);
                var checkboxListAllNexts = GetCheckboxListMatchingNextActionsForPage(section, application, page.PageId);

                SetStatusOfNextPagesBasedOnDeemedNextActions(section, page.PageId, nextAction, checkboxListAllNexts);

                await _dataContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

                return(new HandlerResponse <SkipPageResponse>(new SkipPageResponse(nextAction.Action, nextAction.ReturnId)));
            catch (ApplicationException)
                if (page.Next is null || !page.Next.Any())
                    return(new HandlerResponse <SkipPageResponse>(new SkipPageResponse()));
        public async Task <HandlerResponse <bool> > Handle(CompleteFeedbackWithinSequenceRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var application = await _dataContext.Applications.FirstOrDefaultAsync(app => app.Id == request.ApplicationId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

            if (application is null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <bool>(false, "Application does not exist"));

            var sequence = await _dataContext.ApplicationSequences.FirstOrDefaultAsync(seq => seq.Id == request.SequenceId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

            if (sequence is null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <bool>(false, "Sequence does not exist"));

            var sections = await _dataContext.ApplicationSections.Where(section => section.SequenceId == request.SequenceId).ToListAsync(cancellationToken);

            foreach (var section in sections)
                var qnaData = new QnAData(section.QnAData);

                foreach (var page in qnaData.Pages)
                    if (page.HasNewFeedback)
                        page.Feedback.ForEach(f => f.IsNew       = false);
                        page.Feedback.ForEach(f => f.IsCompleted = true);

                section.QnAData = qnaData;

            await _dataContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            return(new HandlerResponse <bool>(true));
        private static void GatherListOfPages(Page page, QnAData selectedSectionQnAData, ICollection <Page> pages)

            if (page.Next.All(x => x.Action != NextAction.NextPage))

            foreach (var nxt in page.Next.Where(x => x.Action == NextAction.NextPage))
                var pageId = nxt.ReturnId;

                var pageNext = selectedSectionQnAData.Pages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PageId == pageId && x.Active);

                if (pageNext == null)

                GatherListOfPages(pageNext, selectedSectionQnAData, pages);
        public async Task <HandlerResponse <Page> > Handle(DeleteFeedbackRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var section = await _dataContext.ApplicationSections.SingleOrDefaultAsync(sec => sec.ApplicationId == request.ApplicationId && sec.Id == request.SectionId, cancellationToken);

            if (section is null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <Page>(success: false, message: $"SectionId {request.SectionId} does not exist in ApplicationId {request.ApplicationId}"));

            var qnaData = new QnAData(section.QnAData);

            var page = qnaData.Pages.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PageId == request.PageId);

            if (page is null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <Page>(success: false, message: $"PageId {request.PageId} does not exist"));

            if (page.Feedback is null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <Page>(success: false, message: $"Feedback {request.FeedbackId} does not exist"));

            var existingFeedback = page.Feedback.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Id == request.FeedbackId);

            if (existingFeedback is null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <Page>(success: false, message: $"Feedback {request.FeedbackId} does not exist"));


            section.QnAData = qnaData;
            await _dataContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            return(new HandlerResponse <Page>(page));
Beispiel #10
        protected void SaveAnswersIntoPage(ApplicationSection section, string pageId, List <Answer> submittedAnswers)
            if (section != null)
                // Have to force QnAData a new object and reassign for Entity Framework to pick up changes
                var qnaData = new QnAData(section.QnAData);
                var page    = qnaData?.Pages.SingleOrDefault(p => p.PageId == pageId);

                if (page != null)
                    var answers = GetAnswersFromRequest(submittedAnswers);
                    page.PageOfAnswers = new List <PageOfAnswers>(new[] { new PageOfAnswers()
                                                                              Answers = answers
                                                                          } });


                    // Assign QnAData back so Entity Framework will pick up changes
                    section.QnAData = qnaData;
Beispiel #11
        private string AssociatedPagesWithSectionStatus(Page page, QnAData selectedSectionQnAData, bool isFirstPage)
            if (isFirstPage && !page.Complete)
            if (page.Next.All(x => x.Action != NextAction.NextPage))

            foreach (var nxt in page.Next.Where(x => x.Action == NextAction.NextPage))
                var pageId = nxt.ReturnId;

                var pageNext = selectedSectionQnAData.Pages.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PageId == pageId && x.Active);
                if (pageNext != null)
                    return(!pageNext.Complete ? TaskListSectionStatus.InProgress : AssociatedPagesWithSectionStatus(pageNext, selectedSectionQnAData, false));

        public virtual void Arrange()
            ApplicationId = Guid.NewGuid();
            UserId        = new Guid();

            QnAData = new QnAData()
                Pages = new List <Page>
                    new Page
                        PageId    = "1",
                        Questions = new List <Question>
                            new Question()
                                QuestionId = "Q1",
                                Input      = new Input
                                    Type    = "ComplexRadio",
                                    Options = new List <Option>
                                        new Option
                                            Label            = "Yes",
                                            Value            = "Yes",
                                            FurtherQuestions = new List <Question>
                                                new Question
                                                    QuestionId = "Q1.1",
                                                    Input      = new Input
                                                        Type        = "Text",
                                                        Validations = new List <ValidationDefinition>
                                                            new ValidationDefinition
                                                                Name         = "Required",
                                                                ErrorMessage = "Enter Q1.1"
                                        new Option
                                            Label = "No",
                                            Value = "No"
                        PageOfAnswers = new List <PageOfAnswers>
                            new PageOfAnswers {
                                Answers = new List <Answer>
                                    new Answer {
                                        QuestionId = "Q1", Value = "Yes"
                                    new Answer {
                                        QuestionId = "Q1.1", Value = "SomeAnswer"
                        Next = new List <Next>()
                            new Next
                                Action    = "NextPage",
                                ReturnId  = "2",
                                Condition = new Condition()
                                    QuestionId = "Q1",
                                    MustEqual  = "Yes"
                                ConditionMet = false
                            new Next
                                Action    = "NextPage",
                                ReturnId  = "3",
                                Condition = new Condition()
                                    QuestionId = "Q1",
                                    MustEqual  = "No"
                                ConditionMet = false
                    new Page
                        PageId    = "2",
                        Questions = new List <Question>
                            new Question
                                QuestionId = "Q2",
                                Input      = new Input
                                    Type = "Text"
                            new Question
                                QuestionId = "Q3",
                                Input      = new Input
                                    Type = "Text"
                        PageOfAnswers = new List <PageOfAnswers>(),
                        Next          = new List <Next>
                            new Next
                                Action   = "NextPage",
                                ReturnId = "3"
                    new Page
                        PageId = "3",
                        AllowMultipleAnswers = true,
                        Questions            = new List <Question>
                            new Question
                                QuestionId = "Q4",
                                Input      = new Input
                                    Type = "Text"
                            new Question
                                QuestionId = "Q5",
                                Input      = new Input
                                    Type = "Text"
                        PageOfAnswers = new List <PageOfAnswers>(),
                        Next          = new List <Next>
                            new Next
                                Action   = "NextPage",
                                ReturnId = "4"
                    new Page
                        PageId    = "4",
                        Questions = new List <Question>
                            new Question
                                QuestionId = "Q6",
                                Input      = new Input
                                    Type = "Text"
                        PageOfAnswers = new List <PageOfAnswers>(),
                        Next          = new List <Next>
                            new Next
                                Action   = "NextPage",
                                ReturnId = "5"
                    new Page
                        PageId    = "5",
                        Questions = new List <Question>
                            new Question()
                                QuestionId = "Q7",
                                Input      = new Input
                                    Type    = "ComplexRadio",
                                    Options = new List <Option>
                                        new Option
                                            Label = "Yes",
                                            Value = "Yes",
                                        new Option
                                            Label = "No",
                                            Value = "No"
                        PageOfAnswers = new List <PageOfAnswers>(),
                        Next          = new List <Next>
                            new Next
                                Action   = "ReturnToSection",
                                ReturnId = "1"
                FinancialApplicationGrade = null

            ApplyRepository = new Mock <IApplyRepository>();
            ApplyRepository.Setup(r => r.GetSection(ApplicationId, 1, 1, UserId)).ReturnsAsync(new ApplicationSection()
                Status  = ApplicationSectionStatus.Draft,
                QnAData = QnAData

            ValidatorFactory = new Mock <IValidatorFactory>();
            ValidatorFactory.Setup(vf => vf.Build(It.IsAny <Question>())).Returns(new List <IValidator>());

            Validator = new Mock <IValidator>();
            ValidatorFactory.Setup(vf => vf.Build(It.IsAny <Question>()))
            .Returns(new List <IValidator> {

            Handler = new UpdatePageAnswersHandler(ApplyRepository.Object, ValidatorFactory.Object);
Beispiel #13
        public async Task <HandlerResponse <bool> > Handle(DeleteFileRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var section = await _dataContext.ApplicationSections.FirstOrDefaultAsync(sec => sec.Id == request.SectionId && sec.ApplicationId == request.ApplicationId, cancellationToken);

            if (section == null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <bool>(success: false, message: $"Section {request.SectionId} in Application {request.ApplicationId} does not exist."));

            var qnaData = new QnAData(section.QnAData);
            var page    = qnaData.Pages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PageId == request.PageId);

            if (page == null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <bool>(success: false, message: $"Page {request.PageId} in Application {request.ApplicationId} does not exist."));

            if (page.Questions.All(q => q.Input.Type != "FileUpload"))
                return(new HandlerResponse <bool>(success: false, message: $"Page {request.PageId} in Application {request.ApplicationId} does not contain any File Upload questions."));

            if (page.PageOfAnswers == null || !page.PageOfAnswers.Any())
                return(new HandlerResponse <bool>(success: false, message: $"Page {request.PageId} in Application {request.ApplicationId} does not contain any uploads."));

            var container = await ContainerHelpers.GetContainer(_fileStorageConfig.Value.StorageConnectionString, _fileStorageConfig.Value.ContainerName);

            var directory = ContainerHelpers.GetDirectory(request.ApplicationId, section.SequenceId, request.SectionId, request.PageId, request.QuestionId, container);

            var answer = page.PageOfAnswers.SingleOrDefault(poa => poa.Answers.Any(a => a.QuestionId == request.QuestionId && a.Value == request.FileName));

            if (answer is null)
                return(new HandlerResponse <bool>(success: false, message: $"Question {request.QuestionId} on Page {request.PageId} in Application {request.ApplicationId} does not contain an upload named {request.FileName}."));


            if (page.PageOfAnswers.Count == 0)
                page.Complete = false;
                if (page.HasFeedback)
                    foreach (var feedback in page.Feedback.Where(feedback => feedback.IsNew).Select(feedback => feedback))
                        feedback.IsCompleted = false;
                var answers = page.PageOfAnswers?.SelectMany(p => p.Answers);
                if (answers != null)
                    var validationErrors = _answerValidator.Validate(answers.ToList(), page);
                    if (validationErrors != null && validationErrors.Any())
                        page.Complete = false;

            section.QnAData = qnaData;
            await _dataContext.SaveChangesAsync(cancellationToken);

            var blobRef = directory.GetBlobReference(request.FileName);
            await blobRef.DeleteAsync(cancellationToken);

            await RemoveApplicationDataForThisQuestion(request.ApplicationId, request.QuestionId, page);

            return(new HandlerResponse <bool>(true));